Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 882:  The Pirate King

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the War, Red-eyed Fox, Three to Three Years, Yi Dongtian, Dan Kan Yuqing, and other brothers for their monthly rewards. At the beginning of a new volume, please support as always and give me the motivation for codewords! ]

The universe is so big, there are no wonders.

There are dark stars like the long sky eternal night in the Yodon star field, and there is no sunlight all year round. Then this Ang Ri star, with its scorched yellow color and long shining sun, doesn't seem strange. On the sun, everything is hard to grow when exposed to the sun. In this planet, thousands of miles of red land is a normal scenery. There are few oasis under the blessing of mountains, which is like heaven.

In such an environment, there is no room for weakness. Those who can survive on Angri Star, which one is not extremely tyrannical. It is a pity that Ang Rixing's environment makes the species rare. Even if it is a life that can survive, it is destined to be lonely as a companion. On Angri Star, the red land is long, and the chance of hitting a living thing is pitiful. This is true for living things, and so are dead things. Those lanky and tall mountains, like the sword pointing to the sky, are not stronger than steel. Ang Rixing is a melting pot, and those weak substances have long been consumed.

This planet has more days and less nights. Every seven days, there will be a night. Seven days is a cycle, reciprocating. Rainy days are even rarer in Ang Rixing, but every time it rains, there will be violent storms, lightning and thunder. The showers are like nectar, nourishing this barren land. Rain water is extremely precious to the animals and plants on Angri. Among the few plants, there is a plant called rain sunflower which is the most wonderful.

On weekdays, Yukui would bury herself as a seed in the thousands of scar-like ravines on the red ground. If animals have hibernation, then the plants that have hibernation effects are no different from the rain sunflower. Yukui's name contains the word rain, which naturally has a lot to do with rainy days. When the torrential rain falls suddenly and the gullies fill up with rainwater, the seeds soaked in the rainwater will wake up from "hibernation."

The seeds of the rain sunflower can germinate and shoot branches overnight. In less than six hours, the plant will complete the whole process of germinating, branching, flowering and bearing fruit. If the energy of life is to be completely exploded in this short period of time, then on the Aung Ri star, after the rainstorm passes, you can see clusters of light purple and goose yellow rain sunflowers covering the ground.

However, after the heavy rain, under the scorching sun, this plant will quickly wither. Those sunflower petals that are as dreamlike and beautiful as the wind will drift away, and the seeds they plant will only be scattered and flowed away. I don't know which gully I fell into, quietly waiting for the next rainy day.

After a long night, it rained again. Although the rain closed at dawn and the scorching sun hung in mid-air domineeringly, the moisture on the ground did not completely dry up for a while. The rain sunflower moistened by the rain is growing wildly, laying a carpet of flowers and flowers for this thousand miles of land, and it also gives Dolby a chance to draw water.

Dolby is an alien with long arms and legs, human-like, with yellowish brown skin. But he is not a life on Ang Ri star, in fact, he has quite a few identities. Dolby had been a hunter, a robber, and even spent some time in the mercenary army of the Black Emperor Agareth. In the last three years, he has become an interstellar businessman. Do some things that sell things to the west, closing low and selling high.

This interstellar merchant is also divided into two types: alone and group. The lone businessman has high profits and high risks. There are few tricks that can’t be done, and it’s well known that people who dare to walk alone interstellar

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Guy, just after becoming a businessman here, you may have transformed into a bandit who robbed and killed the Starship Brigade. In fact, this is exactly what Dolby is good at.

Years of experience, especially in the dark and **** years of Agareth, gave this alien now a 27th-level strength. This level is not low, as long as he doesn't hit those perverted strongmen, it is enough for him to walk sideways in the nine star regions. But speaking of it, a strong man with such a strength, or build his own power, or be used by a strong man, rarely wanders like Dolby.

But Dolby just likes this way of life, and hasn't planned to change it over the years.

But at this moment, he regrets a bit. If you have your own power, or work on behalf of a strongman, you won't be stuck on Aung Ri star like now, and scurried around like a bereaved dog. Regrets regrets, but Dolby has no intention of abandoning himself. No matter how miserable it is to die, Agareth's **** battlefield can't kill him. He doesn't believe that he will die on this small sun star.

Just reached out and picked off a few sunflower seeds that contained moisture and threw them into your mouth to chew them. The water in the flower boy was squeezed out by his teeth and flowed into his mouth, turning into an astringent bitter water, just like Dolby's current mood.

Two days ago, he passed Anri Star, and his brain calculated that the night of Anri Star was approaching. There is a creature called Liworm on Angri, which is an extremely ugly worm. I usually stay deep underground, and every seven days usher in a short night. The worm will break out and spit beads at the moon. Said it is a pearl, it is actually a secretion in the body of the worm, similar to a stone. It is the crystals of liworms that are constantly gnawing on the soil and digested by the lilies, but after the crystals are "processed" by the liworms, they shine like gems. This kind of thing called Liyu can be regarded as a kind of hard currency.

Dolby pinched his fingers and counted. Anyway, he also stopped by, so he was a pearl plucker.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Ang Rixing, he was attacked. And the attack was unexplainable, Dolby only knew that the attacker was an interstellar pirate. If it's ordinary pirates, that's fine, they are the most difficult group in that world.

If there is a supreme among interstellar pirates, Stark is undoubtedly one. Of course, Stark's combat power is far incomparable with Agareth's two supreme, but it is one of the best among interstellar pirates. Stark's men had several large-scale slave hunting groups, as well as a group of war slaves distinguished by color. Dolby had just arrived at Ang Rixing, and before he could find one or two worms, he asked Stark to besiege a group of third-class yellow war slaves.

Those war slaves were graded from low to high into seven grades, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Among them, the lower fourth-class war slaves are at most, and the fourth-class is above. There were only two hundred and twenty fifth-class Tsing Yi axe slaves, eighteenth-class shield slaves, and seventh-class purple sword slaves. This batch of war slaves, the next fourth class war slaves will not talk about him. The fifth-class war slaves are all trained by special personnel. The two sword slaves in purple clothes were taught by Stark himself. Not only is the fighting strength so powerful, the important thing is that it is still a pair of sisters. In addition to serving as Stark's dead men, they also satisfy Stark's bed needs.

Dolby has heard of these sisters, and it is rumored that they have a good heart. When one person is euphemistic, the other feels the same even if he is thousands of miles away. If two people share the same bed, it is even more pleasing. Dolby also thought about seeing which planet is rich in beautiful women, and he also got a pair of sisters around to show off his power. I even thought that one day, I would see if I could touch the Red Skull Starship Stark and see how charming and charming the pair of sword slaves in purple.

Can think about it, this

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) People who want to carry a sword and chase behind their buttocks are not so happy.

At first, Dolby thought that Starck had switched to a beading business and crashed into the hunting ground. But when the fifth-class Tsing Yi axe slave threw three waves of throwing axes at him, Dolby knew that it was Stark who was determined to kill him. The seven-color war slaves, the blue-blue-violet tri-color war slaves, are like the guards of Stark, never leaving the left and right. Since the Tsing Yi Axe Slave appeared, it meant that Stark had arrived at Ang Rixing.

It's just that Dolby couldn't think of why Stark wanted to kill him anyway.

Can the emperor among the pirates be guilty of using a knife and a gun with him, a lone figure? Dolby didn't steal his woman or give him a cuckold. I really don't know where the murderous intentions came from. I don’t know, I don’t know, Dolby is not pure enough to be slaughtered. So he killed ten axe slaves and over a hundred inferior war slaves before he escaped from the encirclement.

He couldn't go back to his own spaceship. Dolby had rich experience. How could he not know that since Stark even had his specific position in his hands, he wouldn't know that he would send a war slave to ambush near the spaceship. If he was really stupid enough to throw himself into the trap, Dolby believed that the man would surely smile with joy.

Not as you wish.

Dolby simply came thousands of miles away, intending to take Stark's war slaves to hide and seek on the land. To deal with Stark, who is strong and strong, Dolby really can't think of any other way besides procrastination.

Or his luck hasn't been exhausted, and there was a heavy rain last night, which is like giving Dolby a natural barrier. Dolby took advantage of the rain to escape, and threw away the war slaves who were clinging to their buttocks. He galloped almost all night in the rain, and didn't stop to rest until the rain subsided.

Now that he had been resting for two hours, it seemed that it was time to escape again. Then he threw some flowers in his mouth, and squeezed out the bitter water without leaving a drop. Dolby stood up slowly, letting the stiff body that had been lying down for two hours gradually softened before he started running. At first the speed was not fast, but after a few breaths, Dolby had smoked his feet and stepped on a smoke dragon among the flowers.

He still has some confidence in his speed.

At this moment, there was a warning sign.

Dolby looked up, but couldn't see the dazzling sunlight, only a shadow that obscured the sky. It was a starship, and the whole body was dark black. Due to the angle, Dolby couldn't see the hideous red skeletons clinging to the hull on each side of the starship. Don't need to see the two iconic skeletons, Dolby also knows that they are Starck's ships~www.wuxiaspot.com~Red Skulls!

Seeing this starship, Dolby smiled and settled. What run? No matter how fast he runs, he can go faster than other starships?

The Red Skull came to Dolby's head and hovered motionless. A traction beam was cast on the bottom of the hull, and three figures slowly descended in the beam. On the left and right is a beautiful woman in purple clothes, with a hot body. The place that should be warped is warped, the place that should be small is small. The two are almost exactly the same as if they were carved out of a mold. But it is so stunning, but each bears a horrible long box behind. Needless to say, there must be a weapon for killing.

When the purple sword slave appeared, Dolby knew even if he was blind, that the one in the middle was Stark infallible.

Although I heard the name of the pirate emperor, it was the first time I saw him. Dolby subconsciously looked at the figure in the middle, and when he touched Stark, Dolby's whole body was shaken.

He finally knew why Stark was determined to kill him!

(End of this chapter)


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