Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 883:   fart

Stark and his "Red Skull" pirate group have long been famous.

The man's hands were stained with blood. In the interstellar pirates, the one who killed eight hundred and one thousand was already considered a murderer. But countless people died under Stark or indirectly because of him. In his "great deeds", the pirate emperor once personally caused a planet to explode, but the motive was only to artificially create a heart of stars, and of course it ultimately failed. But for his ambition, tens of thousands of creatures on that planet were buried.

Killing to this level can be considered a realm.

But his madness does not stop there, even the man who is keen to maintain the order of the universe, this man dared to provoke him. One of the most horrific times was when he blatantly attacked an Idahua star's material transportation team, and dismantled a marquis who was in charge of the safety of the fleet, and nailed the first stage of the ship to the bow of the ship. Extremely arrogant.

It's just that the extremes of things must be reversed, and Stark's arrogance and arrogance finally provoke Idahuaxing's interference. Hearing of the tragic death of the Marquis, the King of Justice in the City of Gold was furious and dispatched a fleet across countless star regions to hit Stark's lair. Stark almost died in that encirclement and suppression. In the end, although he desperately escaped, he disappeared for fifty years. It didn't reappear until twenty years ago. However, even though Yuan △ ≤ Qi was severely injured, he still ranked first among interstellar pirates.

Dolby used Stark as an idol when he first became a pirate. And now his strength is good, but he can't learn the ability of Stark to gather people and whistle, and now he is a lonely man, doing those lonely transactions. Reverence can be revered, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to meet Stark. Especially now, when he looked at the man in the leading beam of light, the whole world was instantly drawn away in his eyes.

Without the scorching sun of Ang Rixing, there is no rain sunflower cluster that spreads a carpet on the red ground. Some are just the darkness that can't see the end, and the figure that is clearly visible in the air. Then between Dolby and the figure, a **** road silently snaked away, connecting him and Stark together.

Road to Burning Blood!

So the moment he saw Stark, he knew why he attracted the murderous intention of the pirate emperor. Because he and Stark are voters on the road to burning blood, this is destined to be only one person to the end and sit in the war to destroy the throne. Dolby absolutely never thought it would happen in this way. Even more unexpectedly, among the seven voters on the Burning Blood Road, there is still one Stark!

All of Dolby's cells groaned.

In the beam of light, three people landed.

The female slaves in purple clothes on both sides of the front were separated from left to right, and the stalwart figure came forward leisurely. The pirate emperor, who has been famous for a long time, looks younger than Dolby. He is also a humanoid alien, and looks almost like a human being. It's not handsome, but the silhouette cut like a sword is absolutely domineering. His skin was as pitch black as the Dark Titan, but he had long pale hair. The pirate emperor had no armor or weapons. Only wearing a floor-length robe, the robe is open on both sides, the robe is white in color, and the double-breasted belt is bright red like blood. The blood streaks on both sides of the robe are like inflammation, from bottom to top, from dense to sparse, it looks like two feet are stepping in a rising blood flame.

The outside was covered with a long black cloak with a high-necked fringe, and the inside of the cloak was also scarlet, red as if blood was dripping continuously.

The tall, mighty emperor looked at Dolby and said softly from his mouth, "Don't you run away?"

His voice was unexpectedly sweet, and it didn't make people feel bad at all.

Dolby only felt his scalp numb, he could not see the depth of Stark at all. She didn't show any fear on the surface, and even laughed wildly: "Fight away, you must know the relationship between you and me, I will kill your Red Skull already."

Stark nodded slightly, said "good", and said: "The universe is so big, with my ability, I don't know where to find you brothers and sisters. In fact, I also added to this paragraph suddenly. Everyone’s fate is not very interesting. Nine star fields, hundreds of millions of miles of stars, to find six people besides me, it’s harder than finding a needle in a haystack. So I was still my pirate, but I accidentally bumped into it here. You. Dolby, when I saw your profile, I knew you were one of the six."

"Now there are only four people left." Dolby reminded.

"That's right, I don't know which brother is so capable. Less than two years after the start of the bloodline, two competitors have been killed. But after today, there are only four people left in the bloodline." Stark Looking at Dolby, his voice was surprisingly gentle: "If you don't resist, I promise you won't have any pain."

The corners of Dolby's mouth twitched, as he deserved to be the pirate emperor, so loud. He laughed and yelled at Stark: "Fuck your mother's shit."

Stark sighed, no matter what he said, his expression was very sincere. But the more so, the more Dolby's heart sinks. Stark paused and said: "Then you can only ask you to die."

The Red Skull opened the hatch again at the bottom, and the black dots jumped out of the hatch, quickly zoomed in, and turned into a series of tall figures that fell on the ground in front of Dolby like a meteor. The earth smashed into a circle of shocks, and countless rain sunflower clusters exploded. For a time, the sky was full of flowers and rain.

It is a pity that this pleasing picture was quickly destroyed by the hideous and tall giants. Stark's sixth-class shield slaves were all giants with a height of five meters. They are definitely not strong, but fat people. But if a fat man is five or six meters tall like a mountain of meat, then he will definitely miss the word ridiculous. In addition, when these fat people each held a huge shield that was three meters high and covered with spikes. Even if these fat guys were all smiles, it would give people a sense of hideous fear. What's more, these fat people have three-eyed heads, their mouths are as big as basins, and their lips are vertical with fangs, and they look fierce and wrinkled.

The skins of the shield slaves of Stark were all blue, and when eighteen fat blue men were crowded together, Dolby would never see Stark again.

Then the fat man started charging.

They step ten meters.

The fat man who hopped on the run made Dolby unable to laugh at all. All of these blue fat guys have a level of twentieth level. They have thick skins and don't talk about them. At first glance, those giant shields are not tools for defense, but weapons suitable for these fat guys to attack!

Dolby's ideas were quickly confirmed.

The fat man who rushed to the front sighted Dolby and jumped up, like a meat ball bounced into the air. The fat man pressed the shield down, and he shrank behind the shield, smashing it down like a mountain of meat. Dolby cursed moving laterally, and the Roshan smashed aside, smashing the ground directly into a hole. Dolby took advantage of his shock to shake his head and shook his head at the fat man. The man revolved in the air, built up his leg heels, and slammed down the fat man's head.

The fat man wailed, his head hit the ground hard, and a wave of air moved away, shaking his fat. Dolby bounced away once he succeeded. But after seeing the fat man a moment later, he shook his head and stood up again.

Dolby's face suddenly became hard to look at. His full kick was true, but the shield slave was not damaged at all, which was a bit tricky. At this time, a few more shield slaves rushed towards him. For a while, these fat figures blocked the sun, leaving Dolby in a shadow.

In the rear, Stark stood still. Watching the shield slave pounce on Dolby one after another, a mountain of people quickly piled up. The purple-clothed slave **** the right smiled and said, "That lone businessman who lives and lives seems to be turning into a ball of meat sauce."

Her sister on the left also echoed: "That is, if he wants to listen to the master, he doesn't have to die so badly."

Stark shook his head: "If you can kill him with just a shield slave, then he doesn't deserve to be my brother."

The two sword slaves seemed to be unbelieving. Suddenly Roshan trembled, and a tornado soared into the sky, sending only the shield slave away. In the violently rotating air current, Dolby stretched his arms flat and his face was solemn. The most surprising thing is that his skin turned from yellow to red. The pores all over his body were even more open, so hot smoke continued to erupt from Dolby.

"Look, I'm right." Stark smiled faintly.

Dolby snorted, locked Stark's position and ran. The two female slaves in purple clothes beside the pirate emperor drank lightly at the same time, and the long box on the back exploded on its own, ejecting a large sword nearly two meters in length. The female slave stretched out her hand, caught the big sword, and slashed towards Dolby Yao in unison.

Two screams sounded on the ground.

Two big swords were cut down, and a sharp wave of swords rushed towards Dolby from the blade.

Dolby stopped abruptly, raised his chest and closed his arms, and the whole figure was bent like a bow. When the sword wave surged, he yelled and slammed his fist, smashing his powerful fists on the sword wave, and the surging sword wave exploded and sputtered like a hard rock.

The expressions of the two female slaves changed and they coughed up blood together.

Stark chuckled: "You are too careless. If you fight in close quarters, you might still be able to play with him for a while. But it's okay to use sword energy to deal with some little guys. You can use it to greet you. My brother, then ask for trouble."

The sword slave sisters looked at each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then went up to fight. Unexpectedly, a soft force field appeared around the body, pushing them back, and Stark stepped forward and said: "It's better for me to end early. We have other important things to do."

He looked at Dolby and said casually: "If you can withstand my three attacks, I won't kill you today."

"Do you think I would believe it?" Dolby sneered. Stark's remarks were just to relax his vigilance or even weaken his fighting spirit. When the **** voters meet, if they live or die, how can Stark easily let it go. Dolby was no longer the rookie who had just boarded the pirate ship, he still knew the truth.

Stark showed a helpless smile: "I thought it would be easier for everyone. This is a destined ending, so why bother to struggle."

Dolby couldn't help but cursed again: "Fart!"

Suddenly, the flower cluster around him burst, the flowers rained, and two tornadoes burst into the sky!

Dolby's complexion changes from red to purple.


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