Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 884:  Inverse blood

There are hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe, and there are so many races.

Among them, there are some racial talents, which makes them unable to look at the superficial level. The racial talents are varied, and the most well-known is the lock power and transformation of Ida Huaxing. The former can deliberately act to block one's own source power so that it no longer grows. In order to sharpen the quality of Yuanli, once these characters are unlocked, they will fly into the sky. The latter is even rarer. Looking at the entire history of Idahuaxing, no more than ten people can generate transformational talents. Among them, the five emperors recorded in the epic all possess this powerful talent. The so-called metamorphosis is not only reborn, but like a new birth. When the talent awakens, it will enter a state of suspended animation. Once awakened, the level of the realm skyrocketed, and it was absolutely impossible to treat it with common sense.

The more transformations, the higher the achievement. Those great emperors, the golden rose with the lowest strength, have transformed three times {{m, while the Void Skyfire expedition to the Yodon star field is a fierce who has transformed five times. As for the current King of Justice, it has also been transformed four times. Even if there is no chance to change in this life, no one will doubt his strength as a supreme.

On the contrary, the Earth Federation formed an alliance with Idahua, those humans who live on a small asteroid at the edge of the universe have no special talents. Stark also captured some people on Earth and analyzed their genetic makeup through anatomy. The result is that the genes of this race are still very young, so young that they are far from forming a talent.

This is also normal, looking at the races with talent, which is not old enough. Genes have evolved many times before they can generate talents by accident.

Dolby also comes from an ancient race, his talent in this race is blood.

Stark saw the information about this race, and also knew that the so-called blood reversal refers to activating the talent when necessary, allowing blood to flow backwards throughout the body. The birth and death of the universe has always been based on obedience as cheap and inverse as expensive. Lighting the fire and exploring the genes of the original ancestor is not a road against the sky. The talent of Dolby this race goes against the blood, and when the blood flows back through the whole body, it can increase the combat power.

It’s just that most people can only reverse it. The characteristic is that Dolby’s yellow skin turned red before. But like the current two inverses, there are very few people from red to purple. But Stark knew that there were still great powers in his race that could be three-inverse. If it is the three inverses, the purple skin will be turned into gold, which is unstoppable. Regarding their talents, there has always been a saying that one is against blood, two against one's fate, and three against the sky.

But even if Dolby can only be reversed, it is no small matter. Watching him now the vigorous aura spreads in circles, and the two tornadoes behind him are swaying, unparalleled in power. At this time, Dolby's combat power is far from the level that can be covered by a single word.

Stark caressed his palms: "Er Ni, you want to write this fate. To be honest, if you run into other brothers and sisters, your idiots may really make you rebellious. . It’s a pity that you ran into me, so if you still said that, let me ask you to die."

Then he stuck a palm out of his cloak, and Stark clapped his hands like a knife. Simply and clearly, remotely hit Dolby.

The distance between the two is at least 100 meters, and unless Stark's hand can cross the void, there is no possibility of hitting Dolby.

Dolby looked solemn.

The two tornadoes behind him suddenly condensed, and then they were pulled by an invisible hand. The soaring momentum changed, and it turned into a stream to Stark. At the same time, dust bursts behind Stark, and the dust swirls again to form five tornadoes with teeth and claws. In addition to the two original Dolby, the seven tornadoes almost swallowed the sky and obscured the sun. For a time, the surrounding rain sunflowers fluttered, flying sand and rocks.

The seven tornadoes bend and support Stark as the center, injecting unlimited momentum into his otherwise unremarkable palm. Stark smiled slightly and handed the knife forward slightly. The figure flickered and disappeared in the dust of flowers and leaves flying all over the sky.

As soon as he disappeared, flying flowers, tornadoes, and sandstones dispersed at the same time.

There was a flower in front of Dolby's eyes, Stark was already in front of him, and the palm was still handed out. Dolby had no doubt that the pirate emperor's knife could easily be inserted into his chest and dig out his heart. Dolby inhaled, and the whole person first panned back by two points, then slammed his toes, and slammed his foot towards the Stark stall silently. With the addition of the secondary blood, his kick was enough to cut Stark away!

Stark still had time to nod and said, "Yes."

Then the palm knife pressed down, patted Dolby's foot, and bounced his kick. The ground under the feet of the two of them suddenly burst, and sand spewed out from the cracks, and shot ten meters before encountering weathered smoke, which slowly dispersed.

This time, they met hand in hand and ended in a tie. Dolby roared suddenly, moving forward with his long arms, but it was the first to launch the offensive. He has no weapons on his body, but his fists twitched the purple energy, his arrogance was like a dragon and a snake, and his power was extraordinary. Dolby launched a set of intensive offensives with double fists, hitting directly and violently, slamming his shoulders against the waist when necessary, as if every inch of his body could be used as a sharp weapon for killing. Under this rush, it was also full of momentum.

Stark is well-founded in his offensive, like a swimming fish, no matter how fast the current is, it can do it well.

In the battle between the two sides, under the collision of the source force and the machine, they exploded and thundered. Around the battle circle are flying sand and rolling stones, and the rootless things like rain sunflower flakes are all pulled up by the battle circle air currents, flying all over the sky. Good-looking is good-looking, but if someone enters the circle of war dead and alive, they will give these seemingly beautiful, but in essence, two murderous tidbits to strangle on the spot!

Dolby threw a few short punches and forced Stark back again and again. He was not at all happy, his eyes fell on Stark's dark palm. From the beginning, this person has only one palm, and the other palm is still behind him. The temperament is naturally excellent, but without the strength that matches the temperament, it is no different from looking for death. There is no doubt that Stark is still calm and relaxed under Dolby's violent offensive, naturally it is both tolerance and strength.

Dolby breathed in again.

The purple skin became more purple, and the eyes, ears, nose and nose began to ooze and hemorrhage.

Stark sighed: "I think you have the means to go against the sky when you have three rebellions, it turned out to be only in the realm of rebellion. Forget it, I won't play with you again."

The other hand finally came out from the cloak.

Dolby grinned: "Play, play with your mother." He scolded an swear word, but his body was stout, but as his skin darkened, he rose again and again. Dolby plunged his foot into the ground and pulled his body back, twisting his body like a bow. The force is born by the feet, walking the waist, moving with the shoulders, walking along the arms, and injecting both fists directly! Dolby waved his arms long, with two fists left and right, aiming at Stark's temples on both sides.

Stark smiled softly.

He dipped his hands out lightly and caught Dolby's fists.

Dolby's face changed, only to feel that his whole body's energy was pouring out from a pair of punches like a flood of gate opening. The domineering arrogance when he punched, suddenly disappeared completely. Stark whispered: "This is my talent, Siphon of Origin. Up to now, everyone who knows is dead, and you are no exception."

A source of strength, suddenly disappeared. Dolby's fists seemed to be screwed to Stark, unable to withdraw. The source of energy in the body broke out, and Dolby finally aroused fierceness. His complexion was darker by three points. He grinned and said, "You want to suck. Open your mouth and I will shoot you all!"

Turning from defense to offense, Dolby's body slightly bulged, and the source of energy in his body turned into a waterfall and poured into Stark's body without any reservation. Stark changed his color slightly, and Dolby was almost black at the moment, and he was as dark as his skin. The violent source force captured by rebellious fate has rushed again and again, which has already shaken his heart. Stark grunted and let go of Dolby. Bend his finger and flick it on his forehead.

Dolby flew out and fell into the rain sunflower ball all over the floor.

Stark slowly retracted his hands and his Qi fell back. He turned around and walked to the two sword slaves: "Back."

Later, Dolby suddenly said: "On the road to burning blood, there are seven voters. Only one person can go to the end, Stark, can you go to the end?" After speaking, Dolby suddenly burst into a ball in pitch black. The meat sauce is like a mosquito that was slapped to death on the wall.

Stark paused and sighed, "I don't know either."

In an instant, his dark skin slowly faded, and finally became as white as snow. The gray hair started from the roots and gradually dyed black, eventually turning black at the tips. With white skin and black hair, Stark closed his eyes, feeling the blood inheritance from Dolby. A circuit inside his body sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, bursting out of the mud, and finally formed in the depths of his soul.

"Scourge circuit?" Stark murmured, and two nodes lit up at the same time.

One is in the lower abdomen and the other is between the foreheads.

Before long, the starship of the Red Skull Pirate Group left Ang Rixing. As for Dolby's starship, it has long since turned into a pile of wreckage.

In the car, Stark sat in the captain's seat. He held his face lightly with one hand, closed his eyes and said nothing. The two sword slaves looked at the pale skin and the darkened master, and both felt that Stark was three points more handsome than before. Reminiscent of the courage of the owner on the bed, the two women have their legs close together, and their eyes are like spring water.

Suddenly a sound of metal rubbing sounded.

Both sword slaves showed expressions of disgust.

A figure shrouded in a tattered hood walked in, and a number of iron chains extended from under the hood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The iron chains stretched out to the dark place outside the door, not knowing where they were tied. Where this person walks, a little yellow liquid will be left on the floor. These things seem to be extremely corrosive, causing the metal floor to emit wisps of smoke.

That figure came to Stark's seat and blocked the two sword slaves. A very unpleasant voice sounded from the cloak: "Master, someone has accepted your reward."

Stark finally opened his eyes: "Oh, that was a net method that is better than nothing, but some people responded. Who is it?"

A strange hand with rotten flesh stretched out from the cloak, connecting dots in the void. A light screen appeared in front of Stark's seat, and a chubby figure appeared in the light screen, with two ridiculous heads growing on his chubby body, and six small arms that looked like the flesh of some kind of insect.

"This is called Menglige. He said he has the information you need, Master."

Stark nodded: "Bring him to see me. If you dare to lie to me, you know what to do."

"Of course." There was a gloomy laugh in the cloak.


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