Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 885:  No obstacles

Allen opened his eyes, and there was nothing left but the omnipresent darkness.

A layer of viscous liquid spread under my feet, and then a little flame rose up. The light gleamed slightly, illuminating Allen's eyes in a blink of an eye. A **** road came from the back, and then snaked towards the endless void in the darkness ahead. Curved like a snake, I don't know where it is far in a flash. The flame ignited from the **** road chased it all the way, and ignited a blood flame corridor.

The strangeness of the Burning Blood Road has been seen many times, and this time Alan has been calm. But the alien phase of the blood path never manifests lightly, every time it appears, it is a sign. I don't know what will be foreshadowed this time. Before Alan waited long, he saw a few marks on the **** road. One of the humanoid patterns entwined with **** flames slowly disappeared. Looking around, there are only four marks left on the **** road!

Allen was shocked, he himself killed two **** voters. Now, several other "brothers and sisters" seem to have encountered it somewhere, and one of them has been killed. Other voters are also acting. Although Alan was shocked, he was not surprised. He didn't know who the other three people had gained the blood inheritance.

The alienation disappeared.

Alan woke up in the palace and found that his entire back was wet. He got out of bed, shook his head, and walked to the bathroom. The fate of blood is like an invisible net, but also an insoluble game. No one can escape from this game of this net. Whether they want to or not, they must take up a butcher knife and fight for their own lives.

If it is said that other forms of enemies can be resolved through profit or other means, then there is no solution to the enemy in blood. Voters meet, a battle of fate, this endless war will only end when there is one person left. Even if Allen has illuminated three nodes, he dare not say that he can reach the end.

After Karin's death, Alan's other node in the shoulder socket was lit, and he also knew the secret of Karin's ability. Karin's ability is to control the bones, not only can easily change the nature of his own bones, but also can remotely control the opponent's bones, turning them into a weapon for destruction from the inside.

It is precisely because of this ability that Karin can escape Fording's mortal shot. Otherwise, there would be no more stories behind. Now Allen has inherited some of her abilities, allowing her bones to switch freely between the two qualities of weight. When lightening, he can make his own weight less than half, and the way of moving will change accordingly. When he is re-qualified, Allen can make his own weight reach a ton or even heavier, and then most of the gravitational field will have no effect on him.

Of course, the reduction or increase in self-respect will not only bring about the above effects. Use it in battle, if Allen can control flexibly and do whatever he wants, it will make the opponent extremely headache.

Just after breakfast, an unexpected visitor came, Xia Gelin.

The woman who had had a relationship with him in the Bloodgate Fortress had not seen her in the days when Allen came to the Golden City, and even the celebration party that night Lucy returned. But on the day of leaving here, she came.

The two sat down in the room. Xia Gelin smiled when Alan was sitting upright, and she went to him and said: "Why are you so strange, afraid that your sister will eat you?"

Allen remembered that that night, Charglyn was eating him with gusto, and she couldn't help but feel a little sway in her heart. Xia Gelin touched him, felt the subtle changes in his body, chuckled and said: "It seems that you still want to let me eat it again."

Allen snorted and reached out to catch her chili milk: "I don't know who eats whom yet."

Xia Gelin said weakly: "I was wrong."

Then smiled and took Alan's hand, put it on his abdomen and said, "Do you feel anything?"

Allen shook his head blankly, suddenly moved in his heart, and looked at Xia Gelin incredulously: "Could it be that..."

"Yes, he is here." Xia Gelin said with a happy face: "Although he is still a small one, he can only be said to be a seed, but I can already feel him."

Allen slobbered, quite speechless. He scratched his head, trying to say something. Xia Gelin stretched out her hand and placed it gently beside his mouth. She smiled and said, "Don't say anything. Today I tell you, I don't want you to do something for me. I just want to share the joy of this snack with you. , But there is one thing that needs to be explained to you. Our Idahuaxing and your earthlings are different in physique, and the incubation period is relatively longer than yours. In short, every three or five years, you can’t see him. of."

"Then you, come with me?" Allen asked.

Charlene shook her head: "No, I'll stay here. It's good here, and I also told your Majesty that he has allowed me not to serve the royal family for the next five years."

"Did you talk to the emperor?" Allen was speechless, so it was hard for Lucy to know.

Xia Gelin seemed to be the roundworm in his stomach, and smiled after hearing the words: "I told Lucy as early as in the blood gate fortress. Happy with you, it is for this seed, so your majesty knows It's not surprising at all when I was there."

Allen smiled bitterly: "It seems that I am the only one in the dark."

"Don't you know it now." Xia Gelin blinked. She stretched her hand around Alan's neck, her eyes blurred, and she exhaled like silk: "Well, last time you suffered a loss, this time I didn't specifically compensate you. I have parting, and I don't know when to meet. So this time, you can do whatever you want."

Allen's eyes showed "fierce light", and he squeezed her hip tightly: "Then I'm not welcome."

Xia Gelin chuckled and said, "Is my sister still afraid of you?"

She paused and said softly: "If General Catherine is interested, why not join this interesting game?" As soon as the voice fell, she turned around and hummed, and then footsteps sounded. With Catherine's ability, it is natural to walk around silently. Since letting them hear the footsteps, it is naturally intentional. Allen was speechless: "Do you know she is outside?"

"I don't know, but I'm a woman." Xia Gelin held Ellen's key in one hand, rubbed it slowly, with a smirk on her face.

The original three-point play has now become seven-point true. Allen snorted and reached out and patted the woman's hip. Xia Gelin pressed to his chest and blew into Alan, "I heard that Princess Carrie seduce you and gave out the rhetoric of a jade tongue rolling gun. You honestly answered me, were you tempted at that time?"

Allen looked surprised.

Xia Gelin chuckled softly: "I always know a little bit better than others in this palace. It's not surprising, not surprising. You haven't answered me yet." She deliberately said.

Allen said in a huff: "Go down." After hearing the words, Xia Gelin chuckled, and muttered: "When it comes to these things, I don't learn less than her..." Then her voice became vague. , But opened his mouth to bite Allen's key.

A big battle.

The two started in the living room seat, but ended the battle on the big bed in the bedroom. The clothes of both sides fell from the living room to the bedside, which was a mess. Xia Glyn rested weakly on Alan, letting the still energetic him play with his chest wantonly. Ellen didn't provoke her to estrus anymore, just shook hands gently, feeling the proud elasticity of that piece of skin.

This time Xia Gelin really let him do it, and the little woman seemed to have really learned a lot of knowledge in this area. Only then did she supplement her with various postures, allowing Allen to play happily.

Xia Gelin slapped away his bad hand, holding his chin with both hands and looking at Alan, "Do you know why I want to see you at this time?"

Allen shook his head honestly.

"Because they want you to remember me." Xia Gelin smiled like a crescent: "I must remember that there is a life in my stomach looking forward to seeing you."

Allen vaguely felt that there was something in her words.

Xia Gelin returned to his arms and put her arms around him. He put his long legs on his waist and said, "You men only know how to be brave and diligent, and you often put your mind to nothing. Whenever you go forward, you are really brave? But I said that it must be true. And those who march forward are true warriors."

Alan was shocked, grasping the true meaning of her trip, and reaching out to hold up her chin and said: "I want me to remember you and the life in my stomach. Is it necessary for me to not fight with people at a critical juncture?"

Xia Gelin said with a smile: "It's only half right. When it's time to work hard, but if you can't work hard, you have to run. In any case, I want you to live. Even if you climb, you have to climb back to see us! "

In the latter sentence, she gritted her teeth.

Allen blinked: "Did you foresee anything?"

"No, since you entered the Death Star. No one, including me, can see your destiny clearly anymore. There are huge faults lying in front of my eyes. If I can see clearly, I can't tell you this. , Can't it be done by reminding you when necessary?"

"So that's it." Allen nodded and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will always come back again."

"It's pretty much the same."

Allen whispered again: "Princess Carrie also said that she would pierce the post with two peaks, so she didn't know what to do."

Xia Gelin lost her voice: "Are you not enough?"

"Please advise." Allen pulled up the quilt to cover the two of them, naturally it was another faint fight.

In the side hall of the Victory Palace, Lucy was standing in front of the French windows, looking in the direction of Alan's residence~www.wuxiaspot.com~Someone coughed and said: "Xia Gelin went to look for him just now."

"Oh." Lucy sighed and said, "I was at the Bloodgate Fortress that day. Afterwards, Teacher Xaglin asked me and confessed the matter between her and Alan. She said a word at the time, I will not ask You forgive me. But in the future, you will thank me for doing this. It is deceptive to say not to be angry, and there is always a feeling of being fooled by someone. But that is Xia Gelin, hate her? I can't hate her, she There must be a profound meaning in every action. She was the one who inspired me to participate in the federal death ring. Now that I think about it, she might have foreseen something, right?"

"So you mean, she planted Ellen So, also out of some deep meaning?"

"Probably can't be wrong." Lucy finally turned around, her eyes fell on the burly and majestic figure behind her: "Then, what can you do with me, Father?"

Orfascius took a step forward, appeared in the sunlight, and gently looked at his favorite daughter and said: "I want you to be with Alan."

Lucy's face was startled and she was dumbfounded.


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