Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 894:  Victor

Allen had just arrived in the morning and had already gone to the training ground to practice knife in the afternoon. ≤≤net,

While swinging the knife, the content of the secret conversation with Horn naturally came to mind.

Horn mentioned a few things to him.

One is that Old Baker is dead and his kingdom has taken over. Although some losses are inevitable, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The second is the future crisis of the family. Under the president's intentional promotion, Beskod is too sharp. But Horn also had countermeasures. Yun Tiexing was a hot potato. Even if Horn refused, the Federation would probably not take it back. He simply distributed the small half of the profits to the family of William, his biggest ally, and then distributed the cloud iron star to other capable families by means of bidding, in order to differentiate some of the potential dangers of Beskard.

Nevertheless, this approach still treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. Horn also clearly stated that the move was only to delay the noble chaos later. After all, the source is Mobit. ▼▲●.ww.▼ Buried deeper in the Federation, even if a Mobit is killed, there will be a new president who will take the nobles. Now that the federation is strong and powerful, it is very normal for the nobles to control a lot of resources.

Depressed in Allen's heart, how can a race that is still fighting internally face a powerful enemy like Agareth?

Horn also mentioned another thing to him, which was related to Alan. Horn asked him to go to a small town called Van der Sie on the surface as soon as possible, in order to retrieve the broken knife from Bavente's hand. Then get away from this right and wrong place as soon as possible, and return to the heaven star to fight for your own world.

All these flashed in his mind one by one, Allen's knife was as fast as a knife, and the blade's blade was even more faintly red, and the temperature of the space around him was appallingly high, like a melting pot.

Allen didn't realize it.

The sky and fire in the void were burning, and the long knife in his hand was waving fiercely. ⊥Net, not knowing how many swords he swung, Allen closed with a simple straight strike, the blade pressed out a line of skyfire, charging like a dragon, leaving a straight black line on the ground, and then the green smoke rose. The practice tool of ordinary material in his hand melted directly into iron juice, and Allen shook his head helplessly. Now his source strength is no longer the ordinary weapon can withstand, even if the Void Skyfire has only a fine line of essence, after the ordinary sword is poured by it, it will not take long to melt into juice.

He has tried it on Idahua, and now only the source device of Devil Praise can carry his source power without damage, but he can't always use the source device to defend against the enemy. Crossing the 30th level at the end of the day, Allen was not prepared to expose the source artifact to the world. So now, the Broken Sword Qianjun sent to the surface by Horne had become Allen's only choice at the moment. Qianjun is taken from space meteorite, plus the material of Vulcan Heart. Even if he couldn't create a weapon that could be called a famous sword, the power to carry the void sky fire should be enough.

He sighed, he was a little bit happy in secret that he had won many benefits for the family. I don't want to be below that honor, there is such a big danger. Bethcade is definitely a behemoth now, even the three giants dare not lightly insult. ◆■■◆● But if the opponent is the entire Federation, Allen doesn't need to think about it or know that he is not an opponent in the order of magnitude.

It is a normal idea for Mobit to let the nobles go into chaos so as to take over the resources controlled by the nobles. Without such ambitions and ideas, he would not be a qualified politician. Allen can understand, but can't accept it, especially since he just helped the Federation resolve a major crisis. It didn't take long before Mobitt turned around and gave Bethkoder a set, how could Allen not be angry.

But as Horn said, in this case, before completely tearing his face, he could only make false claims with the Federation. As wise as the old man, he can only say "one step counts one go". In fact, the scale of this game of chess is beyond Horn's control. This legendary man can only re-run for the family.

In there, Allen's exhibition on the Star of Heaven will be a crucial step. Horn didn't make it clear, but he hinted that if one day things can't be done, Bethkod at least has a way out of heaven. ▼Of course, the premise is that Allen can become the overlord of one party on that planet, and he can hope to protect the entire family.

Can I do it? Allen asked himself.

A gleam of light flashed in front of my eyes, and the truncated finger in the snow was vivid again.

I can do it!

The next day, Allen took Lucy to Freeport, planning to take the public airship to the eighth district, to find the blacksmith Barwent in the small town of Van der West. There are still two months to go before the new death ring is held. The spaceship between the Port of Liberty and the ground is much more frequent than usual. However, this death ring, due to Freedom Gate, is not as grand as it used to be. In order to gather 22 contestants, the Federation broke the previous practice of only one contestant in each administrative region and allowed two or more contestants to participate.

When Allen and the two waited in the waiting room for the spacecraft to set sail, the large screens in the lobby spared no effort to promote the death arena.

"It's been so many years in the blink of an eye." Lucy leaned on Allen's shoulder and looked at the slightly naive faces on the screen and said: "Who do you think will win this year?"

"I just returned to Babylon yesterday, just like you. I don't know that." Allen flicked her forehead, and he looked at the screen: "It used to be said that the death ring is used to ease the conflict between the surface and the floating island. But now, I think it’s more like a reminder of the extravagant life on floating islands for people on the surface. This is how to ease the contradiction, and it’s almost the same as the constant intensification.

"After all, there is only one winner." Lucy interlaced ten slender fingers and blinked: "After all, this is a tradition left after your federation was established."

Allen thought of Mobitt and said calmly: "Tradition is used to break."

Only then did he think of Your Excellency the President. As soon as the screen turned around, he played a Mobike election advertisement.

Alan closes his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing is net.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and saw a figure sitting next to him abruptly. Sitting next to him was a young man with a lazy smile on his face. The golden head that was as bright as the sun barely dazzled Allen's eyes. The young man who was chewing something wrapped his hand around Alan's neck and said, "That's what's wrong with you, brother. Finally came back and didn't meet with old friends. Where are you going to play?"

Allen shook his head, pushing him away with one hand, "I'm not going to play, Master Leon."

I didn’t believe Leon’s face, and he blinked at Lucy with a smiley face and said, “This has brought your Royal Highness Lucy on. Are you going to fight on the surface? I heard that Old Baker has been taken care of by Mr. Horn, you There are no enemies on the surface for now, right?"

He himself patted his forehead again and said, "Oh, yes. The old boy Maine attacked you openly in the Garden of Eden. Is this looking for bad luck for him? Then you have to take me. I promise to make him angry. Three liters of vomiting blood."

Alan looked at this guy with a headache.



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