Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 895:  Solar Eclipse Plan

In the darkness, light fell. ¢£¢£, there was only one net at first. After a while, six beams of light fell in this space, and one person appeared in each beam. Some wore ironed suits, luxurious long skirts, four men and two women, six people sitting in a circle. Everyone wears a mask, and the two men wear a clown mask. The difference is that the mask on the left is painted while the one on the right is black and white. The other four people face the sky without any facial features, only a sign painted on the left cheek. These are k, q, j, and a.

The make-up clown sitting on the left fingered the table, and a magnetic voice rang from the mask: "Yesterday there was an action application from Alifant. The application code is 318. What do you think?"

Fang Luo said, the black-and-white clown sitting opposite him loudly said: "318? This fat guy is really willing, don't you want to get us off on purpose?"

Beside the black and white clown, the woman wearing the mask q laughed. Her laughter was tingling into the bones, and her voice was soft and unspeakable: "I don't have the courage to measure him. Now he is a red heart? Maybe I want to take this opportunity to jump to the position of spades?"

"If this is successful, his credit can indeed be promoted to our senior member." Sitting across from the woman, the man sitting upright K said: "Speaking of which, Alifant has served us for five years. This There hasn’t been a single mistake in the past five years, and there should be no problem with loyalty."

The big thorn put his legs on the table, and J with his arms crossed and his head snorted and said: "But don't forget, Mobit supported the fat pig. If it weren't for the president to support him, he would dare It's such a mess on the surface. Net is afraid that someone will kill it soon, right?"

"At the end of the day, Alifant is nothing more than a wall grass." The last person who spoke was a. Her two soft **** in the neckline almost rushed out of the collar as she spoke, making people feel it for her. Working hard. She didn't seem to have this consciousness, and she just continued: "When I first saw that fat pig, I knew he was the kind of villain with interests. Whoever has the greatest interests, he is on which side. At present. From a point of view, naturally we can give him more benefits. In Mobitt’s hands, he killed a surface general. But on our side, he will be the commander-in-chief of the surface defense army. How to calculate, Fatty knows better than us. ."

The makeup clown nodded and said: "I agree with A's view that Alifant is a villain. But this time, I believe I will not deliberately give us a set. Then the next issue is whether to implement the 318 plan, which is also a day. Eclipse plan."

The first person to respond to him is still the black and white clown: "The eclipse plan is very important. Once this plan is implemented, we have to move from behind the scenes to the front stage, and Guangyin will disband. At that time, we will have a more official Identity, the federal government."

"Originally, the purpose of our Guangyinhui should be the observer, the recorder, not the intervener. I hope that everyone will not forget this original intention." The calm temperament K reminded.

The scornful j sneered: "But Mobit intends to get us out. Not long ago, the Iron Fist Legion acted wildly, and we abandoned how many chess pieces we finally stabilized the situation. But you can also see that Mobit can't figure it out, just play He took another hand. Pushing Bethkode to the stage, for nothing more than to cause the nobles to riot, and then to open the frontiers of the Qing Dynasty, to shovel down the big tree of the nobles..ww.◆The tree fell without shade. At that time, there will be fewer identities for us to cover up. As long as Mobit continues his iron-blooded political road, in the end we will only have two ends. One is exposure, the other is disbanded, no matter which one, everyone here will be happy to see ?"

"J is right." Like a noble lady, q raised a folding fan, and the room was filled with fragrance: "So the eclipse plan is not only going to be carried out, but also faster. Faster than Mobit, the best time is now. He is not only on the surface, but also injured. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

She paused, looked at K, and said slightly sarcastically: "Or, do you plan to increase the difficulty and wait for him to return to Babylon before executing?"

k sighed softly from the mask.

The makeup clown once again slammed the table with his fingers: "Old rules, vote to decide. I agree to implement the eclipse plan."

The rest responded.

The final result was five votes in favor and one abstention.

It is k who abstained.

"Then, who will go next? Mobit's combat power should be at the level of generals, and close to the level of marshals. Only the legendary powerhouse like Horn can single-handedly hurt him. So my proposal is, At least, our six-member council should dispatch more than two members to be safe." The makeup clown said solemnly: "I will definitely go, but I still need a helper."

"No, I will go instead of you. ▲▼▲.ww.▲" The black and white clown shook his head and said: "You still need to host here, so I will go, don't argue with me."

The makeup clown paused, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Have you ever thought that you might not be able to come back? It is impossible to win Mobit without any cost."

The clown on the opposite side laughed: "I didn't plan to come back."

K, who had abstained, raised his hand and said, "Count me."

j smiled and said, "Are you planning to let Mobitt a horse?"

K said indifferently: "It's a friend in any way. Although I don't want to go this far, let me send him a ride."

"It's OK to go if you have k." The makeup clown nodded.

A with a magnificent view on his chest said lightly: "Count me one more, so there should be no problem."

"Let's do it like this." The makeup clown stood up: "This is a revolution related to the strength of the race. It may not leave us a word in history, but we will stay in history like a shadow. Behind it. It’s no regrets to be able to participate in the process of history."

He waved his hand.

The beams of light disappeared one by one.

In the end, only the one opposite him, the black and white clown crossed his fingers: "Is that batch of abyss crystals shipped back?"

"Well, in this way, the most important core problem of the Doomsday Cannon is also solved. ■" The makeup clown paused slightly, and said: "I sincerely hope that the day when the Doomsday Cannon is used will never come."

"Of course, it was originally just a means to prevent end-burn."

"So, after this time, maybe there is no chance to meet?" The makeup clown suddenly laughed: "We have known each other for 20 years, but I never know what kind of person you are sitting across from you. Or Say, are they all the same person. But that doesn’t matter, anyway... goodbye, old friend."

"You are wrong." The black and white clown stood up: "I will never meet."

The lights went out, and there was only a beam of light in the dark space.

The beam of light flashed twice and then went out. In the darkness, a sigh sounded.

The earth's surface is in the severe cold season, and there are thousands of miles of silver makeup everywhere in the snow.

A 40% new speed car drove **** the snow, looking out from the speeding car, there were a lot of silver and white barriers everywhere. At first glance, he still felt that the world was vast, and Leon would scream from time to time. After watching it for a long time, I found it boring. The noble son cat of William's family lay down in the back of the car, occasionally moaning: "I said Ellen, what the **** town is there yet?"

Allen smiled and said "coming soon" every time. After two days and three nights, it still said the phrase "coming soon".

The small town of Van Der West is located on the edge of the eighth district, and the foothold of the public airship is in the center of this administrative district. Even if you use a speed car to travel, how easy it is to drive. Coupled with the heavy snow blocking the road, occasionally passing by one or two small towns is also lifeless, Leon is a boring one.

Occasionally, he stopped to take a break, and Leon caught Allen to make gestures, and Allen always refused with no weapon in his hand. So Master Leon was even more boring, and on the third day today, he simply lay down to sleep.

The speed car drove over a hillside.

In the autopilot mode, Allen freed his hands, but from time to time to compare the navigation system of the brain, so as not to go the wrong way. The small town of Van der West is too remote to be included in the navigation system of this taxi. Allen still got a map from Horn to constantly adjust the speed of the car.

After making another adjustment, Allen glanced at Leon in the back seat and watched him stare at the roof. Then he asked: "Where is Judy? I won't see you take her out this time?"

Leon said calmly, "I've been killed, how can I bring it out?"

"You killed?" Allen asked.

"Of course, that **** turned out to be Paul's plaything. On the Dragon Nest star, she joined Paul and gave me a set. But she didn't know, I had paid attention to her and followed her to meet Paul personally. Hey, watch They fought a field battle." Leon patted his chest exaggeratedly and said: "Fortunately, I don't want to be hungry and choose food. I didn't eat this rotten fruit, otherwise I would really be disgusting."

"Oh, don't blame your Highness. After spending several years on the battlefield, I have forgotten how to be a qualified nobleman."

Lucy pursed her lips and smiled.

"That time I was so bad that I squatted all night and his legs were numb. The dog and the man and woman finally finished talking seriously. I listened to the plan, and then I didn't know what I was doing. I wanted to take this opportunity to catch Paul. Come out and give him the charge of murder in his hands." Leon shook his head: "But the guy looked at the top five and three rough, but his thoughts were delicate. I don't know where to show him the clues, originally wanted to put him in the army, but he did not It will be successful. I had to kill those ambushing dead men casually~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Speaking of which Paul did not invest less in those guys, it was enough to make him heartache to take out this litter. As for that Judy, she liked it very much. Paul bit her second child, and I rewarded her with a knife. I was sick when I thought about it. Once I accidentally asked the woman to kiss me. Afterwards, he pretended to be a **** lady and made me blush.

Allen couldn't help laughing.

Leon snorted: "You are not allowed to tell Adele and Liancheng about these things. It affects the image too much. If they want to know, I will find you desperately."

"You can't fight me first." Allen said honestly.

Leon's face sank.

"Secondly, I won't stab your old bottom."

Hearing Ellen's words again, Leon laughed: "As expected of a brother."

Lucy shook her head and said, "You men..."



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