Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 900:  See off (2)

As the Federal Minister of Finance, Alstai holds the economic lifeline of the Federation. Although its importance cannot be compared with veterans like Caprow and Rusen, it is not an idle role. The fat man speaks humorously, works smoothly, and casts his eyes on him. During his tenure, the federal finances only rose but not fell. If it were not for Alstai's careful planning and long-term vision, the federal financial resources would not be enough to support the rapid development of the army.

So to Mobit, this fat man is even more important than those generals from other levels. Unless it is the likes of Kaprow or Rusen, the role of other generals is mostly a pattern of gains and losses. But Alstai controlled the whole game, even though the battlefield he flew on was different from the generals, but his importance was equal. In addition, this fat man had been in the party for private purposes, but he was close to Horn in private, and Mobit didn't care.

The president has been in office for ten years, and his relationship with Alstai is not close, but it is not an ordinary subordinate relationship. Ten years later, this relationship can be considered an "old friend" by Alstai.

Mobit looked at the fat man up and down, Alstai had a brilliant investment and political skills, but he had never heard of his strong combat power. The fact is also true. In the eyes of the president, Alstai’s source force reaction is weak and difficult to detect. It is only the fat man who used his power and spent a lot of money to ignite the fire. Naturally, Alstai did not want to be with the general. We also go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but only for their own health.

But it was such a person, a person Mobit thought he was very familiar with. But at this moment tonight, I stopped myself accurately. If it weren't for Mobit who was very familiar with this fat man, he almost had Alstai in disguise from other people, after all he was so strange.

"See you off?" Mobit said calmly: "Where do you want to send me to hell?"

Alstai laughed, pointed at the president and pointed to himself: "Are people like you and me qualified to go to heaven? I just want you to go first. I believe we will meet there soon. "

Mobitt’s pupils shrank slightly: "It seems that I really missed it. Then tell my old friend, where are you in the light and dark society?"


"K of the six?" Moby nodded, pointing to the wound on his body and said: "The black and white clown among you can't keep me, do you think you can do it?"

"I can, old friend." Alstai said bitterly: "The power of the six-man council is not ranked by code names, although I have two clowns on it. In fact, I am indeed the strongest one. Father fights. The death will only hit you hard. If I am willing to fight this life, I can even leave you at your peak. But you also know that I can’t die yet, so the priest chose to stand up and leave the final job Gave it to me."

It wasn't that the time was right or the place was wrong, Mobit almost laughed. But now he didn't smile at all.

Alstai sighed: "If the priest hadn't taken the initiative to take this mortal task, I wouldn't have taken this trip. The old guy was very clever, he knew he was dead, and I didn't want to do anything. Come, I am really contradictory, but for the sake of the overall situation, I can only do this. Let me see you off, at least, you can go better."

Mobit couldn't help asking: "What do you guys want to do?"

The fat man said with a solemn expression: "All of this is for us

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Race is on the right track of history, and now, whether it is you or the nobles, it is clear that mankind is on a path of self-destruction. "

"Fart!" Mobit shouted: "Isn't everything I did for this race?"

"That's just what you think is the right way." Alstai sighed: "From the moment you pushed Bethkod to the table, or even shot Horn yourself, I faintly guessed the ending of today. It cannot be avoided."

"Okay, old friend, time is running out, please go on the road."

Alstai's eyes narrowed into a gap, but there was a strong burst of light in those thin eyes.

The Qi machine skyrocketed, constantly rushing through the levels one after another, like endless.

Mobit was surprised and surprised, but knew that the fat man could not be allowed to accumulate strength, otherwise how he could carry it with his broken body. Decisively yelled, punched into a landslide, and slammed the fat man in the chest.

Fatty doesn't evade.

Mobit easily hit him in the chest, and Alstai trembled with fat. There was a wave of waves under the clothes, and the circles were scattered. The president was shocked that instead of smashing the fat man with a punch, he sank like a fist into a mass of mud. Alstai opened his mouth to breathe in, and his ball-like body kept shrinking, and then he drank fiercely. The fat body bounced back, producing a strong counter-shock force, which caused ripples in the atmosphere. The surrounding trees fell and rocks flew, and the two fat people fell and splashed.

There was a sound of fracture and flesh cracking, and Mobit's arm was broken and deformed. The whole person flew upside down and fell to the woodland ten meters away, vomiting blood.

Alstai sighed and walked over.

Allifant's manor was put to fire.

Under the flame of a, the entire manor turned into a sea of ​​flames. The buildings of the manor, the dead were engulfed by flames. When the flame goes out, they will merge into one. The woman stared at the manor in the flames and said, "I won't choose another cemetery for you, old man, just bury some here."

She took out a cigarette, lit it, and threw it into the fire: "If you don't have any alcohol, just take this cigarette for you. See you in hell."

Then turned away.

Leaving the small town shattered by the battle between two strong men, a slightly sensed the aura, and plunged towards the mountain forest where Mobit flees. She walked in full swing, leaving traces of unquenchable flames on the road passing by.

A few minutes later, a saw Alster. The fat man turned his back to her, and he couldn't see the expression, but on the ball-like figure, a saw a heavy weight. She couldn't tell what it felt like, which made her a little irritable. She didn't say hello, and went directly to Alstai, and then she sat down on the ground, Mobit with a broken tree with her back.

Mobit dropped his hands, closed his eyes, bleeding from his eyes, nose, chest, and no breath.

"Dead?" a looked at Alstai.

The latter said without expression: "Why don't you go and check to see if he has a broken heart?"

The core of the heart is broken, even if it is the ruler, it can't die anymore. a said calmly: "No, I have a more direct method."

She burst into flames with a blast of orange in her hand, and the color of the flame quickly turned from orange to blue. The blue fire is faint, seemingly cold, but the actual temperature is higher than that of Huang Yan. Being hit by it can melt gold and iron instantly.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) But one palm easily grasped the flame, and the blue flame kept twisting, as if trying to break away from the fat hand, but it was finally extinguished in Alstai's hand.

a asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Should I ask you this sentence? Don't you question me?" Alster looked at the woman, his eyes narrowed, his eyes sharp: "No matter what, Mobit's contribution to our race is beyond reproach. Sending him on the road is the limit I can tolerate. If you want to blaspheme the dead, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Oh, what's your kind?" a tit-for-tat.

Alstai smiled and said, "Don't think that if you sell **** and butts to that person, I will be jealous of you. a, you are still tender. Now obediently disappear from my eyes, before I get angry."

The woman clenched fists with both hands, loosened, and clenched again. Finally snorted, turned and left.

Only then did Alstai calm down, glanced at Mobit, then picked a place that was still open and punched it. Suddenly a pit several meters long and wide appeared on the ground, and the rock and mud blew out endlessly. When the dust settled, Alstai picked up Mobit and put it in the pit. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood off the president's face. After doing all this, Alstai jumped outside the pit and said: "The scenery here is not bad, you, just rest here. See how we took this race to heaven, then you will find In fact, what you have paid now is not wrong at all."

He laughed and pushed with both hands. The mud at the edge of the pit poured in immediately, gradually filling the pit and flattening it. Alstai picked up a broken wood with a thick thigh and threw it into the ground as a tombstone. Knocked the wooden stake with his hand, and Alstai left with his hand.

After about a minute, a reappeared. She looked at the wooden stake in silence and stared for half an hour before turning and leaving.

This time is really leaving.

There was a bump in the speeding car and almost didn't shake Leon off his seat. The young master William who was waking up suddenly stretched his waist when he was sleeping comfortably. He leaned on the chair in front of the driver's seat and asked, "Is the airport not here yet? I'm almost bored."

Lucy covered her mouth and chuckles.

Allen rolled his eyes: "Master, besides picking up girls, drinking and sleeping, tell me what fun you have?"

Leon grinned and said: "Brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now Freedom Gate and the Federation are still in a buffer period. There is no war on the surface. You tell me that in addition to the above, there is still a place where birds do not shit. What can you do? You have your majesty to accompany you. When you are okay, you can take care of me and me. What about me? I am a bachelor who does not pick up girls and drink and sleep. Do you want me to be your light bulb?"

"You can take Juliet on the crutches." Lucy blinked.

"You don't understand this, my beautiful majesty." Leon said in a voice that came over: "A fresh girl like Juliet can only maintain that kind of temperament in a place like a small town. If you take her Bringing to Babylon and seeing the prosperous world, she will lose her taste. So, leave a thought, it's better than the fate."

Allen shook his head and said: "Don't listen to him, he has a whole lot of ideas. To put it bluntly, it's not that this kid can still be in trouble in Babylon, and there is no time to miss a Juliet."

Leon said with a very wounded look: "Brother, you hurt me so deeply with this cut."

(End of this chapter)



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