Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 901:  Town master

In the evening, the Allen trio saw a small town from a distance. It was about the size of the Gobi town where Allen had stayed in his childhood, but the buildings were taller and more popular. From a distance, you can see the gray smoke rising from the chimneys of every family, and the lighting of the lights fills the whole town like stars hanging upside down. It has an indescribable simple beauty.

Leon poked his head out of the car window and sighed against the cold wind blowing in his face: "Whether you believe it or not, I would rather have a home like this than a luxurious but deserted mansion on a floating island."

"Illness-free moaning." Allen said bluntly, "You're called standing and talking and having back pain. If you have tried to eat even a piece of brown bread on the ground, you will cry and roll back to your cold but at least food and clothing Go home without worry."

&n~~~mbsp; Leon held his chest, with the look that I was dying, seeing Lucy chuckle.

The speeding car drove into the town, and it was rare to see a speeding car in the town. Although the rented car was only a few percent new, a group of children happily followed the road. It wasn't until the speed car stopped in front of the only hotel in town that the hotel owner's son scolded him and ran away. This young man has beautiful gray eyes, ordinary-looking, but flexible. He opened the car door for Lucy in a gentle manner, and then walked to the silver-white man who was obviously the principal among the three: "How many are you staying for one night or a few days off?"

Although the other blond young man among the three looks more like a well-off everyone, but he obviously glanced at other places, not knowing whether he was admiring the night of the town or exploring something, his mind was not focused on the present. However, the silver-haired man has clear eyes, and the beautiful young girl is centered on him. Her gaze falls on him intentionally or unintentionally. At a glance, she knows that she is the one who really makes the decision.

The Gray Eyed youth has been rolling in this town for several years. The town is not big, but there are always caravans patronizing in spring and summer every year, and he knows a lot of people. He still has this ability, and Allen admired his cleverness and gave a little tip. Not much, enough for young people to go to the bar for a few drinks at night, nothing more.

"We'll stay for one night. It's dinner now. Where can I eat in town?" He asked casually.

The young man pointed to the east side of the street: "From here to there, about a hundred meters away, there is an ice flower bar. During the meal, they also run the restaurant business. Their fried small sirloin is a signature dish, everyone. I said it was introduced by Peter, and I can get a 10% discount."

Allen smiled, knowing that these taverns are related to each other. Maybe the young man’s name is on discount, but the price should be 20 to 30% higher than usual. The extra part is naturally a commission for Peter. He didn't tell the truth, and accepted it with pleasure.

Eventually the three set up two rooms, Ellen and Leon one, and Lucy occupies a separate room. When he learned that Alan was going to live with him, Leon vigorously winked at him. Although Alan was not the roundworm in his stomach, he also knew the vulgar thoughts in his heart. He was too lazy to bother, and took Lucy and walked towards the Ice Flower Bar. As for Master Leon not following, he didn't mind at all.

Leon still got stuck, the town was not much busier than Van der West, and there was only one lonely bar. If he doesn't go to a bar, how can he find any fun? The Binghua Bar is medium in size. In summer, there are open-air tables and chairs outside the bar. In winter, no one can eat and drink outside the bar. A clean passage was cleared in the snow in front of the bar, and the pagoda pine planted on both sides was pleasantly green, with fluffy light snow hanging between the branches and leaves. It's not so beautiful, at least it looks good.

Although the bar has a cold name, it still feels warm when you walk inside. It's time for the meal. There are not many customers in the bar. Now this season, there are rare tourists coming and going. Most of the people who visit the bar are acquaintances in the town. Allen and the three picked up a table by the window and sat on it. Lucy went to the window glass, childish. Allen put the red king wrapped in cloth on the table, planning to order a scabbard for the red king after returning. Before Leon's buttocks were against the chair, his eyes lit up, and he pointed towards the bar and left lightly.

Alan looked in the direction of his fingers, showing a knowing smile. There was a girl sitting at the bar, her back to them could not see clearly. But that shaggy black hair and slender figure are already a good look in this remote town. Leon was delighted to see Hunting, but he didn't care about dinner. He had already sat down next to the house and started to pick up girls.

When the bartender came over, Allen ordered two fried veal loin, a long bread, two special salads and a bottle of red wine. I don’t know if I don’t look at the dishes, but this small town has plenty of food. The quality of taste is certainly not comparable to that of Babylon, but in Allen’s impression, there is rarely so much food on the surface. In the small Gobi town back then, every winter, my mother had to buy too much stored grain early. At that time, I was able to buy one or two donuts, which was already an incredible delicacy.

Allen didn't forget to report Peter's name, and the female bartender suddenly smiled and spoke more attentively. When she brought up the half-baked calf loin that was half-baked and the surface was golden and oily, Allen sniffed and nodded, "You still have cumin powder?"

"The guest's nose is really good." The bartender smiled: "These are all made by our boss. You can't eat such good things in other places."

Allen asked some questions casually. The bartender saw that although his clothes looked ordinary, but the tailoring was excellent, he knew that the customer in front of him was in a good family situation and was willing to make friends, so he answered them all. Through the mouth of this young woman, Allen knew that life on the surface had improved greatly over the years. Especially after fighting with Freedom Gate, the Federation has increased its support for the surface towns in the area under its control. Among other things, the winter grain storage alone has more than doubled than before, and it is sold at a low price, only to recover the cost. This is undoubtedly a great improvement in the lives of people on the surface. Therefore, in this presidential election, Mobitt has remained high in the surface polls, which is what everyone expects.

Of course, improving surface life may also be some means for the president to win over public opinion. But people do get benefits, which is enough for people on the surface.

The bartender smiled when he left, because Allen had stuffed some tips in her pocket, enough for her to buy one or two winter clothes that suit her, and she was satisfied.

Allen ate the calf loin that tasted pretty good, and said: "When I was still on the surface, let alone such a fried sirloin, even a meaty bone is hard to see. It can be seen that our president has other things these years. Needless to say, a lot of energy is still invested in resolving surface conflicts, or there will be no such improvement."

"Why, didn't you disgust him some time ago? It's better to praise him now, it turns out that a calf waist is so powerful."

Allen shook his head and smiled: "This is called the right thing and wrong people. I can understand Mobit's approach. The federation started from the nobles, but in the end the nobles could not tolerate the federation. Unless it is a monarchy like your Idahua star, the federation and noble The contradiction between them will erupt one day, but it's a matter of time."

"But your federation chooses to have a bad relationship with the nobles at this time. Mobit's plan is obviously not correct. Does he want to free the Freedom Gate for nothing. Besides, there is not a light that will help the flames behind him. Mobit thinks that his opponents are not enough. More?" Lucy shook her head and said, "If it were me, I would choose to compromise with the nobles. First solve the Freedom Gate, then find out the light and recession, and finally break with the nobles. Isn't that more profitable?"

"Then I don't know, after all, I am not the president." Allen laughed.

At this moment Leon slipped back as if he had seen a ghost. Seeing his gray nose, Allen pointed at him and said to Lucy: "This is called hunting more eagles, and you will eventually have to peck them. It seems that our great love saint is unfavorable."

Leon said solemnly: "I think we'd better leave here, that woman is not easy."

"She beat you?"

Leon squinted his eyes and said, "No, but she took a look at me, the source of Laozi's body almost didn't freeze. Damn, a **** town bumped into a master who might be a master. Coincidence? Then hell, ninety-nine percent of people are here for us."

Allen put away his smile and looked at the woman at the bar. In his eyes, the brilliance of the woman's body was shining, not necessarily how bright, nor did he know how Leon's so-called master reached the conclusion. Suddenly the woman's body was brilliant, and the warm tavern suddenly seemed to have fallen into an ice cave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen clearly saw that his unopened bottle of red wine was quickly freezing .

Leon slapped a palm on the table, soaring to the sky, roaring: "I'm going to kill someone, so I don't want to die."

Seeing that some of the guests in the bar hadn't reacted yet, he immediately replaced the knife with his palm, making a false note. An alarming rainbow flickered in the bar, and several tables and the same wall were shattered by Leon's palm. Then there was an exclamation in the bar. The guest bartender and the crying boss fled out like an escape, except for the old lady at the bar. Until there were only two groups of them left in the bar, the woman sat in a chair and turned around, facing the three of them.

She is really beautiful, she is about 27 or eighty-eight. It is the age where there is amorous feelings between her eyebrows and her eyes. Even the casual posture with long hair around her ears is called dry tongue. She didn't go to see Leon or Lucy, she just stared at Alan. But the words were addressed to Leon: "The son of William's family is so murderous, they obviously didn't do anything, but they didn't pay attention to you, they shouted to kill. No wonder they all say that the nobles deserve to die, they really deserve to die."

She looked at Leon with a grin: "Are you right?"



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