Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 902:  Invite

"To your mother. ■●●" Leon said swearing with a smile on his face. The children without aristocratic demeanor were talking about killing just now, but in fact, he had never wanted to kill. It just scared the common people in the tavern and let them leave this place of right and wrong early. Of course, Leon didn’t bother to explain, and said with a grin: “The beauty quickly draws down the road. She wants to fight or want to talk about Fengyue with this young master. Or if you just passed by, then we will just shoot and break up. What do you think?”

The woman laughed in surprise: "The son of William's family also played a trick, this world."

She looked at Alan: "I don't know what about the young master of Bethkode?"

Without saying a word, Allen picked up the red king who was next to him. The cloth strip on the knife suddenly ignited without fire, the long knife swung, sparks filled the sky. Allen's long knife pointed to the ground, and suddenly a row of ice thorns appeared from both sides of the blade on the originally empty floor. The woman's eyes lit up and she said, "You're really alert, little son."

King Chi raised it flatly, pointed at the woman, the gold pattern on the sword lit up, and the red light on the blade was looming. ▲The flames all around were lingering around the long knife, Allen said calmly: "What do you want?"

"Suppose, I let you accumulate energy, can you get out alive?" The woman raised her hand, and a few ice beads in her hand swirled around her fingers. While the ice beads were spinning, the needles undulated on the surface.

Allen and Leon looked at each other, both feeling tricky. This woman does not want to talk about the depth of the source force, but the delicate control of the source force is absolutely above them.

"You can give it a try." Allen took a step forward, a huge red light behind him. There was a fireplace in the bar, and there was a fire in the fireplace. At this moment, the flames suddenly became strong, and a blazing flame spewed out of the fireplace, and it stretched its teeth and claws like a dragon before retracting. At the same time, all the candlelights in the bar spurted up, reflecting the light of the bar.

As if responding to Allen's high fighting spirit, the Scarlet King buzzed and trembled, and the red light in the depths of the blade no longer appeared, but kept lighting up, finally leaving a vermilion light on the blade. .ww.▼The blade of the Scarlet King was bright as if it had just been taken out of the stove, and the bar was so hot that it dispelled the icy chill released by the woman just now.

"Interesting." The woman said with a smile: "What is your name for this engraving?"

At this moment, the flame pattern on Ellen's body was looming, and a flame wheel engraved almost covering his whole body floated behind him. Leon looked at the engraving on Alan’s back and murmured: "This kid actually took the path of Windsor Bellow, hey, huge engraving. Abandon skills, focus on strength, really domineering."

Allen said indifferently: "What's the name? You will know if you try it."

The woman nodded, her fingers stretched out, and a few ice **** swirling between her fingers shot away. The ice ball left his hand and continued to grow stronger, eventually turning into blue ball-sized frozen thorn ice **** and slamming them on Allen. Allen squinted his eyes, raised his hand to pass the knife, and made a slashing gesture. Even if this action was only half done, the Akagi never really cut it off. But when King Chi was cut at the end, the sword was pouring away like a flood. ▼■▲

The momentum is like a river, stirring thousands of miles!

All the ice **** burst, melt, and steam. The hot smoke rose from the tavern, and a faint vermilion streamer flashed away.

There was a kind of solemn color in the woman's eyes, and she pointed her finger on the streamer.

The jet splashes.

On the left and right sides of the woman, the tables and chairs were silently dislocated as if they were cut apart by an invisible sword and axe. The two-story bar shook and collapsed. Suddenly the sand poured out, causing dust and smoke. The dust was still on the ground, and another wave of fire spewed from the place where the two sword airs passed, and the smoke billowed, making the bar owner's face crying with bitterness.

A good bar collapsed on both sides, only the bar in the middle and the wine cabinet at the back escaped. The woman retracted her finger, and she was still free to take a glass of wine from the bar to drink up. ▲.ww.▼ Her finger that blocked Alan's invisible knife pressure, the fingertips flushed. The woman sucked her fingertips lightly, her expression was sultry, and Leon's teeth were itchy.

Seeing her leisurely attitude, Allen frowned: "Continue?"

"Continue what?" The woman chuckled: "Kill you? Well, I just made a joke just now, but I actually want to weigh your weight."

"For what?"

"It's good to assess whether you are eligible to accept the invitation." The woman said to the Red King Nunu in his hand: "Can you put it away? You scared me."

"Ashamed." Allen lowered the red king, but never left his hand, and did not relax his vigilance against this woman.

"Okay, now I'm formally introducing myself, I am a member of the Guangxu Society, codenamed q." The woman did not forget to wink at Leon, but said to Allen: "Mr. Allen, I don't know if you have Interested in joining our Guangyin Society?"

Allen's heart was shocked, he had never thought that he would contact the mysterious organization in this way. Leon was right. This woman came for herself at all. Otherwise, how could she run into a member of the Kokura Association who was also a headache for the Federation in such a remote place?

"How? Think about it?" The woman blinked her eyes and said, "This is a good thing that fell from the sky. If you change to someone else, you don't have to go through a few rounds of audits, so you don't want to join the meeting. Well, I can talk about it in there, yes. I sponsor to ensure that you are both a senior member."

Allen flatly refused: "I am not interested."

The woman sighed: "You don't think about it carefully. Although the Beskod family has a great cause, it can't be compared to our light and hidden society. Besides, you are not the owner of the family now. Take ten thousand steps, even if you become the owner of the family. , Family resources may not be at your disposal. I can assure you that if you join our Guangyinhui, the resource tilt you get is only a lot more than what Horne gave."

She leaned forward slightly to show the infinitely beautiful scenery on her chest, and the woman smiled and said, "Even, you can get some other things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For example, my sister can stay with you for a few nights."

Allen looked at Lucy and smiled and said, "This is no longer needed."

The woman looked hurt and pitiful.

Allen looked at her: "Anyway, I am not interested in joining any organization. If you want to do it, just come."

"If there is anything to do, if you are reluctant, I can force you to join the club. Forget it, don't make it to you. Don't let me hit you again. Next time, my sister will not be so easy to talk. "The woman waved her hand to say goodbye, and then walked out of the rubble.

Allen kept staring at her until her figure disappeared on the street before he lifted the engraving and exhaled. Leon squinted his eyes and said, "Really so easy to talk? Just left?"

"We alone don't have that weight." Allen smiled and said: "Where should Fording be staring, Grandpa is still worried about us running around on the surface."



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