Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 906:  Passenger

> The door was pushed open by the butler of Mace, who turned sideways, and then a figure entered through the door. Silver-haired red pupil, who else would it be if it wasn't Alan? He was wearing a close-fitting plain white uniform and a dark red light armor. The styles of the battle uniforms and armors are all commonly used by imperial warriors, and there is nothing special about them. This body is just to conceal people's eyes and ears. In fact, what can really play a protective role is the eternal guardian of Allen's personal wear. > The Red King was placed in a gray and unremarkable dark scabbard. It was just an ordinary sword, because the scabbard was really simple, with only a few gold threads wrapped around it for decoration. The Scarlet King was slanted behind him by Allen, as quiet as anything else. >Orlando squinted his eyes unconsciously. Just now he wanted to get a glimpse of Alan's power with family secrets. Unexpectedly, the pupil detection technique started, Orlando Allen, only a red and gold flame suddenly lit up, stabbing his eyes with pain. He hurriedly lowered his head to cover up the tears that could not help but burst from his eyes. > So he didn't try to get up, but he hesitated, but still sat back. Then after two breaths, she stood up, Lun, she originally had a lot to say to him. But when the words came to my lips, they turned into a plain greeting: "You're back?"> "Just arrived. The family has delayed more time than I expected, otherwise, I should have returned." Allen nodded. Head, son of the gun: "Mr. Orlando, I can promise you in place of Miss Ruola. Give me three days and I will evacuate everyone in Ark Harbor, you?">"That's great, isn't it? Sir Allen is so understanding." Orlando raised his head, revealing a pair of flushed eyes. > Seeing Allen and Ruola look weird, Orlando pointed to himself and said: "Probably I said I was moved by Sir Allen's mind, and you would not believe it." He said haha, and said to Ruola: "Don't bother you and Sir Allen to renew the old. I also thought of visiting some people in the city and going first.">He went away casually. >Allen pursed his lips: "The son of the Marquis of Iron Spear is interesting."> Ruola sighed: "You didn't have to agree to that condition. I can always get Hoy to change to another one.">Metz The two of them exited knowingly and closed the door for them. >Allen shook his head and said: "Promise him that condition is not a big loss for me, but if you insist, I think Hoy will change another condition, but there is a thorn between you and the iron spear collar. For a long time, both sides will be unhappy. He wants a clean Ark Harbor, and I will give it to him. Besides, I promised Count Aubin, let alone embarrass you because of this kind of thing."> If Pulling his lips together lightly, he stopped talking, and suddenly the needle fell in the study. > For a moment, Ruola started talking and said: "What did you do when you went back to the family? Why did it take such a long time? What did you say that you will come back within three months? It's almost half a year. ">"This is uncontrollable." Allen looked at the window and sighed: "Just happened to encounter something, so it was delayed. Let alone this, and Mr. Orlando has a time to get married?"> Ruola a little bit Head: "A month later, I asked him to give me a month to handle and transition the affairs in Ark Harbor."> "I see." Allen smiled and said, "A month later, I will take you there myself. Iron spear collar, this is what I promised Earl Auban.">"Go ahead, I can promise Mr. Orlando to withdraw." Allen blinked. > Ruola raised her hand subconsciously, trying to hold him. But as soon as he raised his hand and put it down again, Alan had already left with a smile. Ruo La was stunned in the deep corridor outside the door, stretched out her hand to help her face and said: "You just need to say, I don't need any Ark Harbor. Even if you are insulted, I am not afraid. But you... just want to take it. Shall I send it out..."> My vision is blurred, and a few water splashes are dripping on the desk of Guang Kejian. >Allen walked through the hall and walked out of the castle in one breath. His expression was solemn, not as relaxed as he was in the study just now. It wasn't until he left the fort and the sun was all over the floor before he exhaled and his face eased. He was about to set off, and someone said behind him: "Sir Alan is leaving in such a hurry. I know Miss Ruola has a lot to say to you."> Turning back, Orlando smiling. Alan squinted his eyes, he strode away, and settled down on the sound of killing himself. The Red King shook lightly, and the sword gas was surging. Orlando suddenly paled, and smiled bitterly: "Where did I provoke an adult? Sir Alan quickly put your murderous spirit away, or I will call for help.">Allen stopped, shook his head and laughed, but just as Orlando did. Said to put away the murderous knife. Calmly said: "Okay, Mr. Orlando, you don't have to act anymore. If this little energy can scare your courage, my Marquis will have a few brothers for you a long time ago.">Orlando wanted to speak, but gave Ai Lun interrupted: "You don't have to test me again, yes, I know that Miss Ruola treats me differently, but I promised Earl Auban that she will send Miss Ruola to the iron gun collar completely. I have not broken my promise to what I have promised. I will deliver it for you, and from now on, I will not have contact with Miss Ruola again. If you still can’t get her heart, it’s just yours. It's incompetent.">"But the ugly words are at the forefront. If Miss Ruola suffers the slightest grievance from your iron gun, I will personally visit Huo Jue to learn about his iron gun skills." Allen's mouth curled up: "That's it. Well, Mr. Orlando, I hope you have a beautiful memory in Ark Harbor."> Turn around and leave. >Orlando smiled and watched Allen get into a carriage. At this time, the old butler came out of the castle with a few people, but it was the servant who followed Allen. The first one to get out was a woman, with a wild temperament, covered in light armor, and dragging a dark epee, her action posture was full of explosive force, Lando's eyelids twitched. Then there appeared a man with black hair and black clothes with a vague breath. The clothes floated in the action room, like a surging black flame. >It is another not easy role. > When the last figure appeared in the sun, Orlando's heart beat hard. That is simply a giant! > Nearly three meters tall, the whole body including the head is covered in a set of dark armor. The heavy armor was covered with thorns, and the relief of an evil beast on the chest made this armor look hideous. The giant carried a crimson battle axe, whose sharp edge was as red as dripping blood. He seemed to sense Orlando's gaze, and turned his head so a pair of golden vertical pupils lit up in the helmet. Orlando's scalp exploded suddenly, as if being stared at by an ancient behemoth, and his blood almost condensed. > He forced his composure, smiled and waved his hand, but murmured: "Damn, level 26! Earl's strength! The first two have strengths of about 23rd level, both of which are viscounts. These are true. Is it obedience? This Sir Allen, where did he recruit such a tyrannical guy..."> Hubble from Catto suddenly exploded, causing all the horses on the square to scream, and several horsemen almost fell over. Ground. Allen opened the curtains and shook his head helplessly. The latter expelled two foul air from the helmet, and the horse was quiet again after putting away the machine. Allen and Lando smiled slightly before putting down the curtains. The carriage drove out of the White Castle, and Belmode and Laura rode each. Hubble was too large to bear the horse. He simply strode, but not much slower than the horse. > When the team left White Castle, Orlando exaggeratedly patted his chest and said: "With this kind of strength, it is not bragging to dare to challenge the old man. Ruola has such a backing, even if it is an ugly monster, I am too Can't run away. Fortunately, it looks good, no loss or loss.">The motorcade came to a manor under the name of the church. > The three followers, Ellen and Hubble, came directly to the hall, where Lucy and Vera were chatting, the two girls always smiled knowingly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Father Miró and Adé Er trumpeted the great achievements the church had made in the past six months, and the latter kept pursuing his ears, but the lady who came to Mosen's house was not interested. >When the door was closed, Hubble took off his helmet and muttered: "You kid didn't mean that you don't need to hide your eyes and ears when you come to this planet?"> "After all, this is someone else's site. Be careful. It's okay to look back to my own." Territory, you just want to go to the street naked and I won't stop you." Allen unloaded the Scarlet King, and Belmode took it for him and put it aside. > Hubble rolled his eyes and said: "What is the difference between Lao Tzu and the beast?"> Lucy smiled: "I thought Miss Ruola would hold you back to chat at night, after all, after a long time no reunion, why did you come back so soon? ">"She wanted to hold me, but I didn't give her this opportunity." Allen walked over and squeezed her face: "Besides, I really talked to her until the evening, someone shouldn't sit still." > "Will I be so uncomfortable?" Lucy asked with a smile. > Allen let go of her and Ra said: "I have already agreed with Ruola that all of us will withdraw from Ark Harbor in three days, including you and Father Miró. After all, Ark Harbor is not our own territory, the church The power of this tree is to take root and sprout on our own land, and this tree grows strong.">"We have no problem, but what about Miss Ruola?" Vera sighed softly, "Will she be sad?">" Probably so, but the matter between me and her should be settled sooner. Besides, this time we have to make a gesture for the son of the Marquis of Iron Spear to cut the mess quickly." Allen exhaled, "That's good, at least, Ruo La doesn’t take care of it. Next month, I will personally send her to the iron gun collar, then it will be considered to be clear of Oban’s love.">"For Ark Harbor, we are always just passing by. Source of this book/

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