Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 907:   Empire 5

Allen, who admitted to being a passenger, left Ark Harbor three days later. ∥∥.┭╋.┭c╋o┮m╬

Orlando and his entourage Marne stood on a clock tower not far from the city gate and witnessed a motorcade driving far away from the city. Orlando bit a piece of grass and sighed, "When it is broken, it is broken. You should leave. It is simply admirable and scared. Marne, let me tell you, Master, I have always been fearless, but I am most afraid of it. People like Allen. Do you know why? Because if this kind of person says they want to kill you, then kill them. He won't care about whose son this guy in front of him is."

Manne jumped up: "Master, did you say that Ellen was going to kill you? I, I'm looking for him desperately."

Orlando slapped him on the forehead of his entourage, almost before slapped Marne down the stairs. He smiled and scolded: "Are you really stupid or fake? I'm just making an analogy. Besides, if someone really wants to kill me, what are you going to do to stop it. Your life is not enough for the three masters of the other people, just rant. Go. Go and get me some food, I want to watch it here."

"What's so interesting?" Maen said, touching his forehead, but he trot down the stairs.

Orlando spit out the grass in his mouth, and whispered: "There are so many good-looking things. It turns out that the Christian saint is also yours, and this one is very hot recently. And that car and car wrapped in airtight things, after all What is it? How many hole cards is this Sir Allen hiding? I don’t understand, I don’t understand. After I go back, I still tell the old man not to go against the other person. The knife is sharp. The old man... iron The gun is old."

With a light sigh, drifting in the cold wind on the top of the bell tower. ≡≧≡≥≠≥.┿┯.

White castle.

When the housekeeper opened the door and entered, he saw Ruola standing on the window sill. Metz didn't know what to say for a while, but Joola asked softly: "He's gone?"

Without waiting for Metz to answer, Ruola sighed, "He really left. I stayed in Ark Harbor for three days and never set foot in White Castle again. Why, of course, is for Orlando to see, and for me. Look. This time he is going to completely cut off his relationship with Ark Harbor. As he said, he will return me to the Marquis of Iron Spear, a clean Ark Harbor. He will send me to Iron Spear Harbor again next month. I just paid off the love I owed to my brother, am I right, butler."

Mace couldn't help sighing: "Sir Alan really has nothing to say to the master."

"I really don't have to say, in love and righteousness, he has done a full ten. Even if Hoy is a villain, he can't pick a thorn. I know he did it for the sake of my future life. These, but I..." The woman by the window stroked her chest, and sighed after a long time: "I'm fine, go down to the housekeeper. And make an appointment with Orlando for me, and I will have dinner with him in the evening."

"He has done so much for me, no matter what, I can't waste other people's kindness, can I?"

Unable to answer such a heavy question, Metz withdrew from the door, closing the door for Jola. It's just that this door is heavier than usual for some reason.

As soon as the convoy left the city, two people ran up and stopped in front. .┭┮.┯ Two young people, one is shorter, but strong. The other has bright facial features, long hands and long feet, giving a sense of flexibility. The tall young man shouted, "Sir Allen, Sir Allen!"

In front of the convoy was a crusader knight, frowning and trying to drive away. Alan poked his head out of the carriage and glanced at the two young men: "You are looking for me?"

The tall young man pulled his companion, and the two threw together on their knees and said in unison: "The two of us want to join the jazz army!"

"In the army? Why?" Allen asked curiously, looking at them.

The tall young man raised his head, his eyes flashing with fire, and said, "Make money and earn military merit. After ten years, I will make all those who look down on me look at me with admiration."

Allen said, and looked at the other one: "Where are you?"

The sturdy young man touched his head and said with a silly smile: "I'm just a friend of Witch. I don't worry about him going to the army alone, so I followed him."

Allen smiled: "He is lucky to have a friend like you."

Witch looked hopeful and said, "My lord, can we join your army?"

"No," Allen said without thinking, and then retracted into the carriage.

The two young men were suddenly lost. ∥⊥≡≦∧Net ∈?≦.┭.

Then a sentence floated from the carriage: "If you want to join the army, go to the barracks of Dawning Castle to sign up for an assessment. If you want to join the army here, no.

The convoy went away gradually.

The two young men stood up after a while, and Bit pulled the sleeves of their companions: "Does Lord Allen agree to say this, or did he not agree?"

Weiqi shook his head: "I don't know, but since the lord said so, then I have to go to Dawning Castle again."

Bit "oh" sounded.

In the carriage, Lucy looked at Ellen and said, "You intend to sharpen them? So you say that on purpose?"

"I'm serious." Allen pointed to his nose and said: "If everyone suddenly blocked the road and said that he was going to join the army, I agreed. Then my viscount would have fallen too much. Besides, since I want to join the army, then It’s so easy to get ready for the assessment. You must know that every profession in this world has its own threshold. If you can’t pass this threshold, it’s up to them and not me.”

"Then what is your threshold?"

"When I first came to Paradise Star, I was integrated into this planet. When I first arrived at Ark Harbor, I laid a territory. Now..." Allen opened the curtains and looked to the north: "I'm going to the north, it's time to touch The power of the empire is at the core. ⊥net.┮╃."

Lucy said "Oh", not surprisingly.

Allen smiled: "But before leaving, I have to clean the door so that I can travel with confidence. So I have to stay for a month, and then I will send Ruo to the iron spear leader. I will see you by the way. Hoy, the iron gun, is the time to travel."

"Who are you taking?" Lucy blinked.

"You must be indispensable, and there will be the three of Hubble. If you think about it, you should bring Edward."

"Bring Edward with you, you lord doesn't need him to manage?"

Allen smiled and said: "You seem to forget that we still have Mr. Long, this Oriental is very good at governing the territory, so let him take care of this rear foundation for me."

"You can feel relieved too."

"Is there anything I can't let go of, as long as I frequently preach good news in the imperial capital, and give the dragon a hundred courage, I will not dare to rebel. What is Yuren, is not the one who keeps his eyes on him, it is called Yuren." Allen patted Lucy's little face said, "Look, the books I read before I came here are not in vain, right?"

Lucy rolled her eyes and smiled without answering.

A few days later, the convoy arrived at Dawn Castle. Edward and the others, who had heard the news early, had arrived first, but according to Allen's letter, without a big declaration, the convoy entered the city quietly, just like ordinary business travelers. Someone checked the materials on the car and put them in the warehouse, and Allen and the others diverted to the city lord's mansion. Outside the city lord’s mansion, all the important figures in Allen’s territory, including Ed Huawei, Jodak, Long, and Roger, all arrived.

Allen got out of the car, glanced at them and smiled: "Drink first, then talk about things."

The time spent in the War of Eden was much longer than Allen had estimated before, but these things were hard to explain to the aborigines of the heavenly stars like Jordak and Roger. Long guessed a bit, and remained silent during the dinner, but his eyes on Alan were sharp. Allen knew very well that this Easterner who had always secretly studied the phenomenon of celestial beings would definitely come to entangle one or two later.

Satiated, Allen left Edward to speak, and the rest left without a trace. Anyone who can enter the seat is not a savvy person, knowing that what Ellen will talk about next is not convenient for the third person to know, so they are not smart and left one after another. The two came to the study, Edward closed the door, watched Alan start his head and asked, "What level are you now."

"Level 25, but for a moment, I stepped into level 30."

Edward glared at him.

Allen replied with a glance: "What are you looking at? I'm serious. Although it's at the twenty-fifth level, it's at the level of earls. But below the Grand Duke, as long as it is not a marquis of strength, it is basically not my opponent."

"In other words, your current comprehensive combat power can compete with characters like Iron Gun Hoy?"

Allen nodded and said honestly: "If it's just a match, the outcome between me and Hoy is about five to five points. If we fight for life and death, I will be injured afterwards, but Hoy will die."

Edward looked at him seriously, his pupils changing constantly. From blue to green, from blue to purple, then to light gold. He nodded and said: "You are indeed much better than before. Since you said that, I will treat your current comprehensive combat power to the level of a marquis of strength. Then it will be easy. Let's talk, how do you want to develop? Cannibalize the southern border, or go directly to the empire and make a noble worship?"

Allen sighed, "How do you know that I will show up soon?"

"It's unclear. You have pulled two tank lines back. You don't want to show your fists. What are you going to do? It's just that I am curious. It stands to reason that even with family funding, it is impossible to get two tank lines~www .wuxiaspot.com~ It’s pretty good to be able to get one. After all, our current returns can’t afford the price, or are you out of luck?”

Allen laughed and said, "I really said it to you. In the Battle of Eden, I finally got first-class merit, so I directly exchanged the two assembly line equipment and related talents with the Federation. But there is not much oil and water left. Apart from changing some equipment for Belmode and the others, I have nothing left."

With a distressed look on his face, Edward scolded with a smile: "Typically, you get a good deal and sell well. With two assembly lines, we can produce fifty light tanks or ten all-terrain armored tanks in one year. No matter which one it is. Kind of, in the Southern Territory, except for the iron spear collar, no other jazz are your opponents. But have you thought about it, the Bairegon Empire has not exhibited the tank technology, if our tank comes out, probably only the blind will not see it. , We are outsiders."

"It doesn't matter anymore by then." Allen resolutely said: "If I still can't achieve the situation of the five empires at that time, then nothing will be mentioned.

This time even Edward was shocked: "What happened?"



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