Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 917:  Winter will go

Seeing Ante come back with a dull face, Alan frowned, and did not flick his forehead as usual. He just said: "It's okay if you fail. I have other preparations. You don't have to be too sad. Please everyone Search (#¥) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel novice, it is excusable to occasionally fail once or twice."

Ante nodded his cheek with his finger: "She just kissed me three times."

Allen was lifting the water sac to drink, almost choking. He wiped the water stains on his mouth and smiled and cursed: "Then you should be proud, why do you feel like you have lost your soul. Fortunately, you are a male, and if you want to change to a female, you think you are taken advantage of. "

Ante glared, then flushed, and went out of the tent puffed up. Alan squinted his eyes and said, "Could this kid have not tasted a woman yet? Really rare."

Watch sighed.

I just discussed with a group of caravan bosses for a long time, but there is no result. This matter was like a deadlock. The old leader thought to himself, is it really necessary to hand over the three masters and servants as Dalang said? Wach shook his head.

Fei Lin's cry sounded outside at this time, and then she saw the baby girl get into the tent. Seeing Fei Lin's expression of excitement, the gloom in Wauch's heart became a bit more intense. She is such a daughter, so she is not reconciled that the mountain city is the end of her life.

Fei Lin laughed as if heartless, and then she pulled Wauch and said, "Father, I have a way."

Watching knew what she was referring to, she shook her head and bounced her forehead: "What can you do?"

He had asked jokingly, but Fei Lin was really anxious in his ear. Wauchi's eyes gradually lit up, and the last time he threw his thigh, he said, "This is a good idea. I didn't expect it. Fei Lin, your head is pretty good."

Fei Lin's eyes were crescent-shaped.

In the afternoon, the caravan continued to set off and arrived at the mountain city when night fell. After spending more than a day's journey in one day, almost everyone in the mountain city has their eyes dull and exhausted. In addition, Alan and Belmode are still full of energy, and they still have time to look at the city built by the mountains. The Storm City on the border is also built on the back of the mountain, but the city of Laked is not only close to the mountain, it can even be said to be built on the mountain.

The city gate is at the foot of the mountain, and a six-to-seven-meter high guard wall is built with a square stone rampart in Michele. The entire wall is gray and plain, but it has a deep condensed bottom compared to the commercial heavy pool of Ark Harbor. The gate is divided into two layers, the outer layer is an iron fence made of black iron, and the inner layer is the thick wooden gate that opens from the left to the right. Each black iron in the outer iron fence has the thickness of an adult arm, and a noose wheel is needed to raise it. It can be seen that once this fence is placed in wartime, it is difficult for ordinary siege tools to penetrate the city from the front. When it was this iron fence, I didn't know how many tons of black iron would be used, and only a city like the mountain city with rich copper and iron deposits had enough materials to cast such an iron gate.

The guard wall has a hidden barrier of three meters and a guard tower of five meters, evenly distributed on the guard wall. There are also six defensive artillery, firepower can cover the area within kilometers outside the city. In addition, there are also war tools such as large ballistas. It can be seen that Rekerd is willing to spend his money on city defense.

Alan looked in his eyes and silently wrote down these arrangements. At this time, the caravan entered the city, and the iron fence slowly rose up. The team went through the city gate, through the gloomy vaulted passage above, and entered a small square covered with gravel behind the city. From the square, you can enter Greystone Street, the main road of the mountain city. There will be thousands of lights in the mountain city, making the city built on the mountain even more magnificent.

The caravan was staying in a hotel in the city. Just after staying, the mercenaries of Chidori seemed unable to bear the loneliness of the journey, regardless of the hard work of the day. They all changed their clothes and rushed to the tavern in the mountain city to get drunk. Standing in front of a window in a room on the second floor of the hotel, Allen smiled faintly.

The next day.

There is no suspense in the city lord mansion of the mountain city, it was built in the highest part of the city. The City Lord’s Mansion was located on a natural platform on the mountainside. There was no way to reach the town below, so a certain city was forced to open a mountain road that could be paralleled by two horse-drawn carriages. I don’t know how many bones are buried under this road named "Coiled Snake". Until now, every mid-summer season, fireflies can still be seen in the middle of the night on the mountain road, which is the scale fire of countless bones under the cornerstone of the mountain road.

The people living in the mountain city are absolutely unwilling to approach this winding snake mountain road.

In the hall of the city lord's mansion, the earl's roar faintly spread. This allowed the servants to walk around the hall cautiously, so as not to be caught by the fish pond by the earl. But the servants can hide, but Jardin can't. He didn't want to stand here and endure the thunder and fury of the earl, but as an assistant, he also left nowhere to hide. He only hoped that the storm would subside soon.

Seeing the old earl spinning around the hall like a furious lion, as long as he can get the objects in his hands, no matter how high or low he is, he throws him wildly. Jia Ting also had only a wry smile, he was probably more annoyed than the old earl. There is no way, the entire fifty-man cavalry was killed for no apparent reason. There were still twenty heavy cavalry in there. There are only two hundred elite cavalry secretly trained in this mountain city, and each heavy cavalry is piled up with heavy gold coins. Suddenly losing such a mixed cavalry squad, Rekerd hadn't killed anyone and was quite sensible.

Panting heavily, Rekerd moved his **** and sat down on the only chair that was still intact. The earl had calmed down. The old man who was already in his sixties opened his blue eyes and asked, "Is it true? Who did it?"

Jia Ting smiled bitterly: "The investigation has found out, but..."

"Just what, don't hesitate, let go of the fart."

Jia Ting sighed and had to say: "We found their intercepted body based on the clues left by the cavalry. At that time, there was only one caravan passing by that location. This caravan hired a servant named Chidori. The Corps serves as a guard. If there is no accident, our people are planted in the hands of the Thousand Birds Mercenary Corps."

"It doesn't matter what he is, the people who killed me can't afford them so vainly. Jia Ting, go and inform Shiloh, let him take someone to catch this mercenary group for me!" A grinning smile on his face.

Jia Ting gave a dry cough: "That's the problem. In fact, there is something going crazy in the mountain city today."

"what's up?"

"When a drunk man was drunk in a tavern last night, he said that the army in our mountain city was posing as robbers and robbed you, and he yelled at you. When someone heard that he was dissatisfied, the drunk took out an army badge . To know that it is impossible for the thing to escape, the man also said that he picked it up when he was robbed by robbers outside the city, so people were dubious.” Justin paused, and said: “It didn’t take long. Someone shot a batch of weapons, saying they got it from a group of bandits. What's terrible is that those weapons have the signs of the army in our mall. In addition to the previous drunk said, this matter has spread more and more widely. The greater the trouble. Of course, I believe there are people behind it. But in this way, the earl can't take down the mercenary group. Otherwise, we will only fall into trouble. Things that were originally believed in doubt will change then. It’s a solid fact."

Reckard looked shocked, and then shouted: "Then why are you still here, why don't you hurry up and get me the messenger behind the scenes!"

"Yes, my lord." Jia Ting exited the hall with a wry smile. The earl made it easy, but this mountain city has a population of tens of thousands, and it is no different to find a mastermind behind the scenes.

After Jia Ting left, Reckard's old face gradually lost its brilliance, and the whole figure seemed to be ten years old instantly. He stood at the window and sighed. There is no such thing as the power of Thunder Fury just now, more like a late old man. He leaned on the edge of the window, as if asking himself, "How long can this family last in this city? Can you turn the tide in the storm that is coming?"

"It's difficult." He sighed.

In the hall, the shadow behind a stone pillar twisted insignificantly, and then a figure with hands, feet and head under the cloak slowly walked out from behind the pillar: "The wind and rain are coming, you still plan to stay out of the matter. Lei. Count Ked, this abacus is too loud, right?"

Reckard did not look back, but gave a wry smile: "When you find me, I know that the family and the mountain city are inevitable, and they will all be involved in this ups and downs."

"But this is not a bad thing for you. Think about it, if it were in the past, you could have such a strong army. If it weren't for our funding, you could afford five thousand soldiers and horses? Let alone raise two hundred heavy equipment. Knight." The figure in the cloak made a hoarse voice, gurgling like a sharp knife sharpened through an iron sheet.

"It's useless to say more ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com~ In short, if you lay down those three territories, Ark Harbor will belong to me. You have the final say on the rest." Reckard snorted again: "Daniel is a tricky man, even me. I don’t know, he actually has contact with you."

The man laughed: "Originally, our cooperation with the Viscount went smoothly, so I am not afraid to tell you. If our cooperation with him can proceed smoothly, then these soldiers and horses should belong to him now. And the first one to be attacked was not. Other territories, but your mountain city. So you should be thankful that he died, or you won't become our new partner. Since it is a cooperation, then some things have to be spread out. I want to know in Yishan city The current conditions don’t make it impossible for you to pretend to be a bandit and do that looting. Why do you still do this?"

"Earl Laked, I hope you don’t do stupid things. If you want to attract attention, so that people know that we have settled in quietly. You see, this city is not necessary for you. You have three sons, among them Either one is enough to manage this city for you, what do you think?" Throwing such a threatening statement, the figure retreated towards the pillar and disappeared.

Reckard was really alone in the hall, and he looked out the window. This winter is almost over, but can the mountain city still see spring? Rekerd didn't know.


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