Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 918:  Watchdog

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Cheng Mu Nuo, Red Eye Fox, Feng Mu Chunjiang, Bone Fish, Smiley Party and other brothers and friends for their monthly ticket rewards! ]

The largest tavern in the mountain city, "Castle Beauty", still has a full seat tonight. This building standing on the mountain east of the city and overlooking the endless plain below the city is truly simple and unpretentious. ``The gray wall, which is the same as the guard wall, cannot be connected with the luxurious decoration in the tavern from the outside. Needless to say, there is a big steam room on the lower level of the tavern. Hundreds of people work continuously so that during the tavern’s business period, the rising heat can be transported to the inside of the tavern through hundreds of ventilating pipes buried in the tavern, making the interior warm like spring. You can see the handwriting of the tavern.

The other stone-carved fountains, like the entry-level fountain, have three entrances inside and outside, and the layout is low and four floors. There are nearly 100 private rooms of various sizes and an opera stage with new shows every day. As for the big boss behind the castle beauties, it is naturally Rekerd's family. In fact, the Rekerd family was born in the tavern business, and it has gradually developed to its current scale.

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded in a private box. The door of the box opened, and a young man rolled out, shocking the guests passing by. The young man lying on the ground was covered with blood, and there were two missing teeth in his mouth. He covered his mouth with one hand and pressed his chest, groaning on the ground.

In the box, a young man with an evil appearance came out. This man was tall and stout. A short hair stood up like a steel pin, and two big copper bell eyes made him feel vicious. The young man wore luxurious clothes and went up to the ground. The man stepped on his foot and shouted: "In this mountain city, apart from Lao Tzu and my two brothers, who would dare to call himself a nobleman in front of me? Even you are a foreigner. ,joke."

Then he yelled at the onlookers around: "What to look at, look at it and go out your eyes!"

A tavern manager reluctantly walked over and took the young man's arm and said, "Master Remington, don't care about him. Come on, I'll send you two bottles of good wine to calm you down."

The young man laughed grinningly, retracted his big feet and went into the box.

The steward looked at the young man on the ground and sighed. He is no stranger to this kind of scene, and he can't say anything to the one on the ground. I can only blame him for having eyes and no beads, who is not easy to provoke, but the mad dog who went to Zorekd's house.

On the opposite side of the accident box, three people stood in the hallway, taking in a panoramic view of what happened just now.

Allen squinted his eyes and said, "That was Reckard's second son, Remington?"

The one on the left is Belmode, and the one on the right is a middle-aged man who looks ordinary but well-dressed. The man is very much like a wealthy gentry, well-maintained skin and flesh, smiling at the corners of his eyes and mouth, looking like a good gentleman. This man, whose alias is Spurredon, is a chess piece that Edward placed in the mountain city. He has been doing a serious business in the mountain city for the past six months. There are still two pieces of chess like this, but the other two have been in the dark, and they have done a shameful life.

Spurredon nodded at this moment and said: "Yes, the second son, Remington, is the most arrogant and defiant among the count’s three sons. He is the biggest villain in the mountain city. How ridiculous it is. There is the father of Rekerd in the city. The leader just dared to be angry with him but didn't dare to speak."

"Wicked man?" Allen nodded and asked, "The other two Reckard sons

Tell me what it is like. "

"Yes, my lord. Let's go back to the box and say?"

"I heard that the castle beauties are best at brewing spirits?" Allen made a please gesture.

Spurredon said happily: "Yes, adults want to taste it?"

"No, there is still business to be done, just ask casually."

Spurredon said "Oh" and lowered his head, not daring to let the young viscount see the wry smile on his face.

He couldn't grasp the idea of ​​the master in front of him at all.

It was warm in the box, and Ante went to sleep in his clothes. Allen shook his head and asked Spreeden to sit down. The latter sits cautiously, half of it is made, and half is from the heart. He rationalized his thoughts and said: "The eldest son of the three sons of Earl Reckard, Yopny, is the heir appointed by the earl. This prince Yopney can also live up to the earl’s expectations of him. Joining the army, starting from a small soldier, working to the current captain of a hundred. Originally, with his military merits, he could be promoted to the position of deputy commander, but he has stayed in the position of captain of a hundred until now."

"That should be the earl's intention to sharpen this son."

"Yes, Yopney also has some reputation in the army, and he is also very demeanor in dealing with people. It will not be difficult to take his father's seat in the future." The earl worked hard to cultivate, and the second son Remington simply let it go. Remington is a famous mad dog in the mountain city, who catches who bites. In addition to being polite to his two brothers, he cares about you. People, as long as you step on his tail, you will bite until you die and peel off."

Allen nodded and motioned to the man opposite to continue.

"As for the third son, Parson, I heard that he has been in a lot of disasters since he was a child, and his body is not as big as his two brothers. For more than 300 days a year, he almost stayed in the city lord’s mansion without seeing the sun. He did not report anything. Notorious, but there is nothing to be praised. Even more non-existent than his second brother Remington, he only knows that he likes a singer in the city. When she performs, Parson will join her. "

"You can understand so much, you have done a good job. In the future, Mr. Spreeden will be the biggest businessman in the mountain city." Allen said suggestively.

Spreeden tried his best to conceal the ecstasy in his heart. With Alan's words, his future can be said to be bright. At this time, Alan stood up, without taking the red king, and dropped a word to Belmode: "Take Onte back to the hotel and wait for me."

Belmode didn't ask anything, just did it. Spurredon was taken aback for a moment before he boldly asked, "My lord, where is this going?"

Belmode looked at the private box far away, and smiled, "Probably to torture the wicked."

Spreyden was stunned, so he went to look for the other side's fault in an open mind?

Inside the box, feasting.

On a long table, wine bottles and sundries were swept to both sides, and three enchanting girls shook their heads on the table, playing with some squirming positions. A woman dared to jump on Remington, who is known as a mad dog, gently tore off the opening of Remington's shirt with a mouthful of her teeth, and slid across his chest with a snake-like tongue, causing the men on both sides to roar. Remington laughed and let the woman do it.

The woman's fragrant tongue slid all the way through her lower abdomen, deliberately lit the fire of Remington, but she came and wanted to catch it. No longer exploring down, the body will be retracted on the table, intending to tease

. It's a pity that Remington is not the kind of person with style. He immediately cursed and pulled through the woman's hair, pressed her head to his waist and shouted, "Bite me."

The woman gave him her eyes flushed, she wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry. Looking at the other people, they looked to both sides, not daring to say a word for her, so they had to admit their fate. So I had to open my mouth to serve this evil young man. Suddenly, the door of the box that was hard to put back was kicked and exploded from the outside. The door exploded in two sections and flew in, scaring the men and women in the box up and down.

Remington immediately pushed the woman on his waist aside, stood up and shouted: "Which one is not long-eyed, dare to come here to cause trouble?"

Allen walked in with a smile and looked at the people: "I heard that there is a mad dog here. I just happened to be missing a watchdog, so I came over to see if it fits my eyes."

Suddenly, there was a sound of inhalation in the box.

Remington smiled in anger: "Okay, you are brave to ask Lao Tzu to take care of you."

"You are timid, dare to stand here now?" Allen walked over to Remington and said, "If you obediently lick my shoes, you can cut a few bones."

"Fuck your mother's shit!" Remington turned off the table and rushed towards Allen.

He wanted to hit this kid's hateful cheek with a punch, and suddenly the sky turned somehow. Then he flew out and hit the opposite wall heavily. Just about to slide down, Allen flashed up and stepped on his chest. The wall collapsed, and several guests in the next box screamed with fright.

Then Remington stepped on his feet, Allen smiled slightly. The soles of the feet were lightly paused, and the gravel tables and chairs all around were jumping, and a circle of vigor was blown out. Remington couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of congestion, and his chest was even more painful. I didn't know how many bones were broken. Even if he rushed into the air, he trampled Alan's two feet into nothing. He is a lunatic, but not a fool. A fool will be defeated and desperate, he will not.

"Do you know who I am?"

Allen "yo" said, "I only know that I'm showing my status now? Will it be too late, Master Remington."

"You know who I am!" Remington's eyes flickered, and the other party knew his identity and dared to do it, so naturally there was no fear. At this time, the steward and the guard rushed to the tavern together, and saw Remington being stepped on by Alan. They were both angry and shocked, but they did not dare to step forward. They were tired because they were afraid that the rescue would not be possible.

Allen lowered his head and said, "The people who told you are not allowed to leave the tavern. If the city guards are alarmed, there will be no more Remington after tonight."

Remington sweats like rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and roared outside: "Have you heard it!"

Then he looked at Allen: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Allen showed a sincere smile: "I just said that I lack a watchdog. Looking at the mountain city for me, I wonder if Master Remington is interested?"

Remington was shocked when he heard this and murmured: "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy." Allen continued: "Sitting on a mountain city, it was never your turn. That's why you abandoned yourself and became a mad dog. Outsiders looked at you as a lunatic, but you are actually taking revenge on Thunder Earl Ked and your eldest brother, right? You see, as long as they live a day, you can only be a mad dog for a lifetime. If I tell you that these two people will not survive at least three days, would you dare to take the position of the city lord?"

Remington looked at Alan with his eyes wide open: "You are really crazy!"

(End of this chapter)



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