Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 919: go Ape

"I'm not crazy or not your business, just ask if you dare." Allen took back the foot that was pressing on Remington's chest, clapped his hands and said, "Of course, you can tell Reckold after you go back. Or your eldest brother. If you just do this, then I can only find another person. Oh, by the way, I killed the cavalry that you dressed as bandits outside the city. There are fifty people, and there are more. Twenty heavy cavalry, the earl is really generous."

Remington looked blank.

Allen said with a weird face: "Don't you even know this? Tsk, it seems that the earl and your elder brother really treat you as an outsider."

He stuffed a note into Remington's pocket, looked at the man again, and shook his head and left.

Remington's complexion was complicated. Although Allen's feet were heavy on him, they were no better than the look at him before leaving. The look in his pitiful eyes was so heavy that Remington could not breathe.

Alan returned to the hotel, Unter was already asleep, and Belmode was still waiting for him. Seeing him come back, Belmode said: "Will this be too ostentatious, you are sure that Remington will listen to you?"

"That's not for sure, Remington has to bet, why don't I. It's just a bet on him to win and bet, and it won't matter to the overall situation." Allen stood at the window and tapped on the edge of the window. He looked in the direction of the barracks and said: "From the moment Rekerd introduced the alien into the city, no matter what cards he played, he was bound to lose to me. No, I lost to Edward. I am doing it now, but as he has already laid out. It’s just a cutscene for the strategy and layout of the game. The real victory or defeat was decided before the matchup started."

Belmode opened his mouth and closed it again. Allen glanced at him and smiled: "Just say what you want, you and I have to hide it?"

"I want to say whether the young master has found out about Edward. The Maritan star came to the door by himself, and this guy's brain is so good. If you don't say it, it depends on the layout of the mountain city this time, pressing on Rekerd. People who are too smart always make people worry."

Allen nodded and said: "I told him when he first arrived at the Star of Heaven. I don't care what his picture is, as long as it is not a matter of stabbing a knife secretly, I don't bother to take care of it. Even, if necessary. I can still give him a push. Of course, I didn’t say the following, some of the words are too clear, and they seem boring."

Belmode nodded: "He is a wise man and should know how to do it. For fear of being too smart, he will do something stupid."

"So far, he has done a good job. Since I want to use him, I will not doubt him. Of course, if someone really thinks I am a fool, then he must be the real fool." Allen smiled.

"So young master, when are you going to do it?" Belmode, of course, was referring to the Rekerd father and son.

"Wait one more day. If the Mountain City Guard does not come here tomorrow morning, I will talk to Master Parson tomorrow night. I will see if Remington moves, but no matter what, I will definitely do it on the third night. It's time to do it."

Belmode frowned and said: "Master's sword is domineering, it's not suitable to be an assassin. Why should I go?"

"Who said I'm going to be an assassin? I made it clear that I would come and hit the field." Allen reached out and nodded on his chest and said: "Don't think about mixing, there are other things you have to do. "

Belmode shrugged

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page): "You have the final say."

Late at night, the City Lord's Mansion.

In the study, Rekerd and a young man looked at each other.

The appearance of this man is somewhat similar to Remington, and he should be clearer. Without Remington's fierce rage, the eyebrows were a little more gloomy. Reckard looked at his eldest son and said solemnly: "I suspect that Viscount Allen is in the mountain city now."

Yopney squinted his eyes and said, "The Viscount Lord is too courageous. I want to see what he has, and he can kill the unicorn collar."

"Before our fifty knights were damaged outside the city. Jia Ting sent someone to investigate and found a mercenary group called Chidori. They were also clever. First they let out the sound of the wind, so that I didn't dare to use them. .But it’s not difficult to know some things. For example, there is a guy in their caravan who looks like Ellen, but I heard that the guy is red-haired, which is a bit different. But our fifty rides are broken. It is an indisputable fact under the guard of the young master Saga. I'm surprised, I haven't heard of any noble family with such a powerful expert."

"Furthermore, their letter of recommendation was given by Roger. When these doubts are added together, this Saga is almost impossible. Nine should be Alan's correctness. As for the red hair, dyeing the hair shouldn't be difficult."

Yoppney rubbed his hands habitually: "Then do we have to surprise this Viscount lord."

"No." Rekerd shook his head: "We have to pretend that we don't know anything, but we must strengthen the guards here. Back then, the ancestors of the family built the City Lord Mansion on the winding snake road in order to separate it from the city high. Come, if you want to get into the city to assassinate the city lord, it will only be a joke. I don't think that viscount will be wise enough to do such a self-destructive thing."

"It would be better if he was willing to come. A 19th-level guy should have killed Daniel by chance. I heard that Oban had a kick at the time. Without Oban's trash, how could Daniel be killed in an unexplained manner? "Yopney glanced at the shadow by the study window, lowered his voice and said, "Otherwise, borrow some people from those guys?"

"Then if something really happens, the paper won't be able to keep the fire. It's not the time yet, Yopny. If you expose the people of the Principality of Shadow prematurely, not to mention that Ellen and the others are on guard. We." Reckard shook his head and said: "Now we only wait for the end of winter, and first attack the Unicorn collar with the momentum of thunder. Then take the opportunity to go all the way and destroy Allen and Ark Harbor. After that, Ark Harbor returns. We, the other monsters, do whatever they want. They will definitely attract the attention of the Empire. Even if the Empire eventually expels them, how can there be evidence that we brought in the Shadow Principality under such turmoil?"

At this time, Jia Ting's light sounded outside the study, and then the door was knocked open. Jia Ting stumbled back into the study and fell to the ground. Behind him was Remington. He was full of alcohol and blood, his eyes were red, and he strode in with a bottle of wine in his hand. Rekerd frowned and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Good question, old man." Remington cried, "Tell me, I'm still not your son. Why are you hiding so much from me? Is it only Yoppney that can help, I just Isn't his mother anything?"

"What are you drunk crazy!" Lei

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Ked slapped his hand on the desk and said angrily: "Look at what you are, the son of the dignified count, who got the nickname of a mad dog outside, and I am embarrassed to run in front of me and go crazy. I Tell you, if you hadn't been my son, you would have killed someone alive!"

Remington laughed, and suddenly raised his hand and slammed the bottle behind Rekerd. The glass shards splashed under Rekerd's feet, making the old earl tremble with anger. Remington yelled, "Yes, everyone calls me a mad dog. But what can I do if I'm not crazy? You don't want me to be involved in politics or the army. Do you want me and Parson to be like nothing all day long? Stay here, and occasionally run into the city to meet a bitch?"

Parson, who happened to pass the study, rushed in, pushed Remington and said angrily: "Oli is not a mean woman."

Although Remington had pain in his chest, he still had some brute force. He immediately overthrew Parson to the ground with his color, and said with disdain: "Fuck away, waste. If you are not my brother, you will be the first one I'm disabled."

"Enough!" Reckard said angrily: "If you don't get out, the first thing I break is your leg!"

Remington hummed, laughed wildly, and stumbled out of the study with his chest.

Rekerd sighed, while Yopney helped Parson and sent the sickly brother back. Jia Ting didn't dare to stay for a long time, anyway, this kind of farce is not once or twice. When Remington drank too much and didn't come back to toss it, it was just that this time it was too much. And he was injured, so I don't know who is so courageous to beat all the mad dogs?

The next night, the Diamond Queen Theater in Shancheng was full of people. Although this opera house has a rich and magnificent name, it is actually a third-rate small theater. Not to mention the imperial Royal Opera House, even the iron-collared Night Rose Theatre can't compare. However, there is only such a theater in the mountain city, and in the past two years, the song and dance drama in the imperial capital has been sought after, such a trend of fashion has rolled into the mountain city.

The noble lords in the mountain city, if they have not heard one or two operas, they are embarrassed to say that they are nobles. Nobles, you always have to live beautifully, to be like ordinary people, so what fun is there? The Diamond Queen Theater does not open every day, only two or three musicals a month. But every time there is a full seat at the opening, tonight is no exception.

When Alan stood in front of the theater gate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she could already faintly hear the gentle singing of a woman inside. He closed his sleeves, and, no surprise, he stopped by the snob doorman as soon as he reached the gate. As soon as the boy shook his voice to speak, a golden coin was stuffed into his pocket. A smile hung on the doorman's face: "Although there is no space left, it is okay to erect chairs for guests."

Allen said nothing, stuffed two gold coins into his pocket, and whispered: "I don't want a chair. I want a box."

The doorman frowned: "There are also boxes, but they have all been booked, but the gentlemen have not yet arrived."

There were ten more gold coins in his pocket, and the doorman's voice was trembling: "There is one, so I don’t know if you have the courage to go. Mr. Parson has booked it. He usually reserves three boxes. In fact, he only uses it. One room, the remaining two compartments are nothing more than concealment."

Allen patted him on the shoulder, put a small bag of gold coins in his pocket, and said cheerfully, "Lead the way."

(End of this chapter)



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