Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 920:  The big change is coming

A carriage that has no logo and can't be called luxurious came to the gate of the Diamond Queen Theater by night. Behind the window of this ordinary carriage, the curtains were lifted, revealing a plain but slightly pale face. Seeing this face, the doorman trot over and said softly: "Master Parson, you are here."

It was the earl's third son, the most inexistent nobleman in the mountain city. It is only in the Diamond Queen that a regular visitor of the theater recognizes this noble son who frequents the place. Parson gave a calm smile: "Has Miss Ollie performed yet?"

"Not yet, there must be two plays before Miss Ollie's solo."

"It's just time." Parson jumped from the carriage, swayed and stood firmly, and then took out a cluster of warm roses from the carriage. Only against the festive color of the red rose, Parson's face looked more sick. He coughed slightly and handed the rose to the doorman: "Give it to Ollie for me."

Don't forget to throw a gold coin to the doorman, and walk towards the door.

The doorman nodded and bowed, squeezed the gold coin and snorted, "Stingy."

If this were changed to the past, a gold coin reward would be enough for him to enjoy a few nights. But not long ago, another generous young master rewarded him with a bag of gold coins, which was enough for him to eat and drink for three years. In contrast, I feel that Parson's reward is too petty.

People's hearts are insufficient.

Of course Parson didn't know the caress of a little doorman, let alone one of the three boxes he had booked over the years, one of which had been privately opened by the doorman to other guests. Parson came to the box used for experience in light car. This box is in the middle and left and right are left empty. In addition to deceiving others, the important thing is that you are not afraid of being known when you meet with Aoli.

The box was facing the lower theater stage, and Parson sat down. Soon after the two plays were cut off, the woman he was enamored with appeared on the stage. Ollie was born from a humble background, with a beautiful appearance and a beautiful curve, which can be regarded as a small pillar in the theater. There are a lot of people who chase her, and she can still be alone and sing in the theater instead of being taken care of by a noble master. Parson's great contribution behind the scenes, if it weren't for his aristocratic young master to hold up a protective umbrella to shield this little woman from the ups and downs, Aoli would have become a plaything.

On the stage, Ollie began to sing. Her singing is clear and graceful, like a bird breaking through the rain curtain when it is high, and a ghost like a cry in the low and graceful, exciting. Parson closed his eyes, only to feel that he and Ollie were the only ones left in the world. Although the woman sang to everyone on the stage, she heard it as if she was singing to herself.

He liked this woman very much, but his father had always opposed it. Fortunately, the earl hadn't interfered in his private life, otherwise Parson would only feel unlovable.

Sing a song.

It didn't take long for Parson to hear a knock on the door outside.

"Come in," he said.

Then a fiery body plunged into his arms, and Parson opened his eyes and squeezed his head desperately into Ollie's soft and soft peaks. Ollie held his head and groaned, "My lord..."

Parson panted heavily and pulled the curtain rope next to him, so he lowered the two heavy curtains facing the stage, and the box suddenly became a small world. Parson threw Ollie on the chair, he tore off his jacket, roughly stretched the woman's legs apart, and buried his head deeply between Ollie's legs. The woman suddenly bowed into a shrimp

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) like, eyes blurred. Her nose buzzed, her small mouth opened slightly, and a string of wonderful sounds that could not be lost to her singing came out from the throat.

Ollie can not be reduced to other people's plaything, but she is destined to become Parson's forbidden. She herself does not reject this. In general, the Parsons are good and have a high status. The important thing is that as long as Parson still likes her, then she is only Parson's plaything. But if you get started by other big people, you don't know how many men you have to serve. It is not uncommon for nobles to give playthings to each other.

It's just that the young master Parson is often incapable, which makes Ollie quite regretful.

Just like now, Master Parson entered her body, extremely brave at the beginning. But after two or three blows, they surrendered. Ollie didn't feel anything, everything was over. The woman glanced at this useless man without a trace, her eyes contained contempt and disdain, but she was still full of smiles and said: "Every time Master Parson has to make me unable to walk, you will see me. How do I go back."

Parson smiled weakly: "You don't need to go back, just stay with me here tonight."

Ollie bit her lip pretending to be shy, and Parson couldn't put it down even more. He propped up his body, slid his palm across Ollie's face, fell into the nephrite jade, and whispered in the woman's ear: "I will eat you again later."

Auri looked surprised, three points were pretended, and seven points came from the heart. She chuckled and said: "Young Master is really brave, but Ollie is yours anyway, you just eat slowly, don't worry for a while."

She knew Parson's body very well, and the young master wanted to fight again, but she didn't mind. But if something happens, she, a little singer, can't afford to take this responsibility. Although she spoke tactfully, Parson was still unhappy. Just about to reprimand, I suddenly heard someone coughing.

This dry cough fell in the ears of the two of them.

Ollie gave a shock and got dressed quickly. Parson shouted angrily: "Who is it!"

"I'm sorry to bother you. I wanted to wait patiently for the two to complete a good thing, and then talk to Master Parson. Unexpectedly, Master Parson is so brave that he can't interrupt them." The person in the next box slowly said: "I took the liberty to disturb Master Parson, just to remind you of the imminent disaster. Only I can save you. Believe it or not, there will be big changes in three days, and you will know then."

Then there was no sound in the box.

Parson's face changed, and he ran to the next room to see that he was already empty. He walked back gloomily and said to Ollie, "You must never reveal every word you heard just now, you know?"

Ollie nodded desperately.

When Allen returned to the hotel, Spurreddon sent someone to inform him that Remington was on his side. Allen smiled slightly and let Unter stay in the hotel, while he and Belmode rode to his residence in the carriage prepared by Spreeden.

At the merchant's house, Allen met Remington. The note he left in Remington's pocket last night tells him to come to Spurreddon if he wants to cooperate. Sure enough, Remington came, still alone, full of sincerity.

Seeing Alan, Remington sneered: "You have a lot of courage. You can easily expose the hiding place, so you are not afraid that I will kill the mountain guards?"

Allen smiled faintly: "If that's the case, it's only your loss. I saw your third brother Parson just now. If you refuse to be my watchdog, I will ask Parson.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The same is true. Although he is just a sick dog, it is not a problem to be two or three years. "

"Are you Alan?" Remington squinted his eyes and said, "It's the same Saga?"

"It seems that you also know something." Allen took a seat generously: "During the time I left the territory, Earl Laked took care of me quite a bit. I plan to return this time. How about Master Remington. Both Rekerd and Yopney must die, but I don’t have the energy to take care of a huge mountain city. You can take over the earl’s territory and just become my vassal."

"How do I know if you have the ability to kill that old man, and that fellow Yopney?"

"It seems that you are not as brainless as the outside said." Allen said calmly: "It's very simple, tomorrow night I will go to the city lord mansion to cut off those two heads. You can just watch it in the city lord mansion. ."

"Oh?" Remington interlaced his fingers: "So what about that guy Parson?"

"If you are willing to keep someone who is vying with you for the property, then let him live. Otherwise, please do it yourself. Master Remington can never think about doing a profitable business, or even a sick person. Can't deal with it?" Allen said softly.

Remington frowned, Alan's meaning was obvious. If Remington wants to get the mountain city, he needs to kill Parson himself, in exchange for Allen's trust in him. He nodded and said, "Well, if you kill the old man and Yopney, I will take off the head of this kid Parson myself."

"Well, there are some other arrangements after the matter is done, to help you quickly take over the mountain city, and wait for my notice at that time."

After Remington left, Allen looked at Belmode and said: "Tomorrow night, wait for that man to attack Parson, and you will save our third son. Remember, let him know that Remington is going to kill himself. You can make a move. If you leave Parson's chess piece, the mountain city will be messed up in the future."

"Master, don't forget that there is still an alien army in the barracks." Belmode reminded.

Allen nodded: "I know, this is what Spreeden and I are going to talk about next."

After staying at Sberleden's house for nearly an hour, the two of Allen bid farewell and left ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The night was as dark as black, and the two did not ride in a carriage, but walked on the streets of the mountain city on foot. In the middle of the night, the mountain city was quite empty, and the two of them each carried a wine bottle. Belmode sighed: "Don't look at the calm now, who knows that the big changes will be there. But for these ordinary citizens, the impact of this turmoil on them is not great."

"But if Rekerd is allowed to plan to send troops, then the leaders of the mountain city will not be so comfortable in the future." Alan shook the wine bottle and said: "Once the empire knows that the alien army departs from here, even if Rekerd It can be pushed clean after the fact, but the people living here are inevitably affected. I can almost imagine that Rekerd will eventually abandon the mountain city, because the city has been almost dug by him. That old guy The most fancy should be Ark Port. Ark Port does not have the rich mineral deposits of a mountain city, but its commercial potential is not comparable to a mountain city."

"The mountain city will eventually be abandoned by Rekerd, and the turmoil he caused will be greater and deeper. And the changes I bring are limited to the noble class. And in order to manage the image of my lord, no matter who will be the lord at that time , The first thing must be to secure the hearts of the people. So you see, I am the savior of the mountain city."

(End of this chapter)



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