Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 921:  1 road peak fire

This is the third day Alan arrived in the mountain city.

It was night, the city lord mansion was brightly lit. In the study, warmth radiated from the floor and walls, and even in the end of winter, there was no coldness. There is a temperature-controlled room in this castle mansion. In winter, the generated steam flows through pipes laid to the main rooms of the mansion. In the winter, walking around in the city lord’s mansion, even wearing thin clothes, it doesn’t feel cold. This is even more so in Rekerd's study, where the old earl was only dressed in light clothes and sat at the table looking at the secret reports sent by Jatin.

This is a spy sent by the people who monitor Allen. As the army expands, Rekerd also tries to build his own intelligence system. This spy team has only been established for more than half a year. It is not in scale and has limited capabilities, but it can still report by monitoring one or two people on its own territory. After being screened by Jatin, the report before the Rekerd case was simple and clear.

Using time as the axis, where Allen has been in the past three days and who he has contacted with are all detailed in the report. Reckerd read several of them several times. After reading these reports, Rekerd hummed heavily.

It happened that the eldest son Yopny pushed in and heard this heavy hum, knowing that his father was in a bad mood. Joppney made a gesture to Giardin, who quickly stepped back. He walked to the earl's case and asked, "What happened?"

Rekerd pushed the spy in front of Yopney and pointed his finger at the places that should be noted. Yopney glanced across and frowned: "This Sir Allen had contact with Remington, and went to the Diamond Queen Theatre last night. Is it to see Parson?"

"I told Parson not to entangle with that showgirl, what kind of woman does he want?" Reckard shook his head: "Look, if it wasn't for that Ollie, it would be so easy for outsiders to grasp his whereabouts. Can let What I mind is that these two boys keep silent about their contact with Allen!"

Yoppney thought for a while, and said, "Parson, I think it’s because of Ollie’s relationship, so I dare not mention it to your father. As for Remington, that would be fun. He acted like that the night before. The teacher asked the guilt, and learned about the army that you sent to the outside of the city. Could it be Sir Allen's ghost?"

"Furthermore, although this **** didn't do anything in the mountain city, he made it clear that he wanted to provoke the relationship between our father and son. I hate those two boys, one has little roots, the other is timid, and can't help it. Mud on the wall! I had some contact with my enemy, and I didn't even tell me the father. This is going to make me alive."

A smile flashed in Yopney's eyes, but he said, "They are just ignorant."

"Never mind Parson, this kid Remington is not too young, and he still doesn't understand the importance? I think he is determined to fight me, or he is not allowed to go out in recent days. Send someone to me. He stared tightly and told him to stay at home honestly. If this kid wants to be verbose, he will break his leg for me. Why do you want to lock him to the Lord Viscount and leave." Rekerd knocked. At the table, he said: "Also, go and inform Gonzal, and let his people stay in the barracks for me. They are not allowed to step out of the mountain city. If they let that guy find out, the imperial cavalry will probably open tomorrow. Go to the foot of our mountain city."

Yoppny nodded: "I have already told Gonzal, and he knows the importance if I want to come."

Reckard sighed and said: "If only Remington is half as sensible as you, I can breathe a sigh of relief as a father."

"It's getting late, go back and rest."

"Don't work too hard either." Yopni smiled slightly and walked out of the study. When the door closed, he glanced at the old man in the crack of the door and walked to his bedroom happily. He did inform the alien general, but he also reached an agreement with Gonzal. Of course, these agreements are unknown to Rekerd.

"This old thing keeps saying that he wants to entrust me with a heavy responsibility. Even now even a legion commander has suppressed me from going on. Father, father, you are too much to calculate, can you still hold these powers? Not in the coffin?" Closing the bedroom, Yopni murmured: "It doesn't matter if you don't give it to me, I just take it myself."

The mountain road is vast.

The Pan Snake Mountain Road has almost become the private road of the Earl Reckard’s family, down to the people, and up to the wealthy merchants in the city. If it is not necessary, no one will take the snake road. Besides, it's lifeless here, and it's covered by cold mist at night, and whoever is full will come to Pansheshan Road. Rekerd simply set up a gatehouse at the entrance of the mountain road and sent guards to guard it. Unless it is from Rekerd's own family, outsiders need to pass in and out.

It is now the end of winter, but the weather has not shown the slightest sign of warming up. Especially the mountain city is built on the hillside, and it is even colder at night. The cold fog on the Pansheshan Road is deeply locked, and the sight distance does not exceed five meters. Even though there is a street lamp every three meters on the mountain road, in the fog of night, this street lamp is faint like a ghost fire, and can barely illuminate the square inch of the ground.

In the guard post at the entrance of the mountain pass, two soldiers were smoking their cotton-padded jackets. In this terrible weather, watching the night is hard work. The guards of the Pansheshan Road are all drawn in turns from the barracks. Such jobs that have no oil and water to fish and suffer from the cold are all placed on the heads of the hapless people who are crowded out in the barracks. It is said to be on duty in turn, but every time the duty table sent by the chief officer comes and goes, they are all familiar names.

There were a few brains in between, who knew how to stuff gold coins into the pockets of the rank-and-file officers, and they were drawn from the duty list. More people can only complain verbally, but nothing can be changed, and they have to suffer the living sin by Pan Snake Mountain Road.

Tonight is no different from the past, but the first two soldiers in the post feel the atmosphere is depressed and don't know what is going on. Then I heard footsteps, coming from outside again and again. The older one stabbed the younger colleague next to him: "Go and see."

"Why didn't you go?"

Then he kicked, the young man cursed and lost his cigarette. He grabbed a war knife, but he was so cold. So he picked up a gun, tightened his coat and walked over. Outside the post, a horse bolt was erected at the entrance of the mountain road. The soldier held the wooden bolt in his hand and looked forward, and a figure gradually appeared in the thick fog.

It was an equally young man, holding a long knife in his hand, and walked down like this.

"Stop!" The soldier shouted, "Are you blind? I can't tell that this is the winding snake mountain road, with the city lord mansion above it. This is not a place for you to wander around. Get out of here, and I don't bother to care about you. You can’t get beaten up with someone else."

The man grinned, "Just say this to you, you don't have to die tonight."

"What are you talking about?" The soldier pursed his ears, a little bit unable to hear the man's words. He waved the fire impatiently. The gun said: "Get out of here, or I will shoot."

As if he didn't understand, the man walked forward with the knife in his arms. The soldier scolded, but he didn't really shoot. The surroundings were deadly quiet now, and even the City Lord's Mansion was listening as soon as the shot was fired. To let the old count know that he was shooting just to drive a madman, he must not shed his skin. At the moment, bypassing the horse stop, using the spear as a stick, stabbed the man in the lower abdomen with a shot, trying to knock him out and pull him away.

Unexpectedly, the **** of the rifle came to the body, as if it was pierced into a piece of cooked skin, but there was still a lot of distance between the rifle and the person, and the soldier looked panicked. The light in his eyes gradually lit up, and he looked up in amazement, only to see that the light was shining from between the underclothes of the person in front of him.

The man smiled slightly, and suddenly the light was brilliant!

A majestic heat burst out, and the soldiers flew out screaming. Gao Gao flew over the horse bolt and fell under a street lamp a few meters away. The veteran in the sentry heard shouts from outside, and ran out with a gun curse, just in time to see a group of flames slowly shrinking, and finally condensed into a complex light pattern on the uninvited guest.

The man let out a sigh of heat from his mouth, suddenly the lights in the sentry were lit up, and the remaining salary that had been almost extinguished in the stove suddenly burst into flames. More than that, the street lights on Pan Snake Mountain Road are also lit up again and again. Then there was a roar, the lampshade of the street lamp burst, and the flames burst into the sky, and the Pan Snake Mountain Road suddenly brightened, and the flames dispersed the cold fog. The smoke from the veteran's mouth fell to the ground, and he looked at the strange scenery from ear to ear. At this moment, every street lamp is like a torch, winding up the mountain road like a flame corridor.

Peak fire all the way!

Allen smiled and said, "It's fair and honest to hit the field like this?" Then he moved forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~The sky fire gas machine naturally rushed forward, and the horse bolt was spontaneously ignited without fire. The wooden cork, which had been wet by the cold water vapor, was difficult to ignite, but this time it slapped like dry firewood, and broke in the middle when Allen approached. Alan stepped across the broken wood and passed the soldier. After he took ten steps, the soldier knew how to jump up and pointed his gun at Allen's back and said, "Stop."

The voice ended, and there was a loud noise in the rear. The soldier was knocked to the ground by the shock wave, and the mountain was shaken. When everything subsided, looking back, the sentry post had been blown flat, and flames were blowing desperately from the cracks in the rock pile. The soldier's face was pale, looking at a hand under the stone, Alan's words suddenly sounded.

You can not die tonight!

In other words, besides him, probably many people will die? The soldier finally collapsed, crying and screaming, dropping the gun, and staggering in the opposite direction.

Allen took the knife and walked up the road. As he moved forward, the street lights were blasted by the sky's fire, burning brighter and more prosperous. When he passed by, the kerosene in the lamp burned out, and the street lamps went out one by one. So on the mountain road, with Allen as the dividing line. There is light in front of him, and darkness behind him!



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