Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 922:  Inquiry

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the War, Book Friends 14528758, Baidu, 3 Swords 1, Jiu Ye Zhi Zui, Yi Huo Hua and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards! thank you all. . Here, by the way, ask for a red envelope, so that our New Year will be prosperous. In addition, you are welcome to join the book friends group, there will be a red envelope grabbing activity in the group on New Year’s Eve (evening on the 7th), and Lao Chen will accompany you to spend a great red year! ]

Reckard opened his eyes sharply, still catching the sound of the mountain road explosion in his ears. He was lifted up, and a young woman with a whole body opened her half-awake and half-sleeping eyes to look at the old man. Regardless of his favorite stunner, Rekerd threw himself in front of the window wrapped in a thin nightgown. The thick curtain was lifted, the fire outside the window was overwhelming, and the peaks of fire along the winding snake mountain road made Reckard's heart sink suddenly.

"What's the matter?" he yelled.

Jia Ting's anxious voice sounded outside the door: "It's the Viscount Ellen, my lord. He destroyed the guard post, crossed the entrance guard, and has already gone to the city lord's mansion to kill. Kant commander has taken the troops to the mountain road to intercept."

"Kant will not be his opponent..." Reckard paused, gritted his teeth and said: "Give me armor and notify Gonzal. If he still wants our agreement to take effect, come over!"

Jia Ting went to do it immediately, and several other guards quarried into the bedroom, brought the armor that Reckard had used for a long time, and began to help him put on one by one.

The abnormal movement on the mountain road caused everyone's attention in the city lord's mansion.

Parson was standing at the window wrapped in a blanket, his face pale.

The eldest son Yopny looked solemn.

Remington laughed and hit the windowside and said, "What a lunatic, and the means are overbearing. If this can be done, then I will really convince Remington and I will be a watchdog for you. Yes. Such a master is also good to be a dog."

The guards gathered on the mountain road, like an enemy. .(?.C〔o

The guard leader Kant was in his prime and spent most of his life in the army, but his level could not exceed the twentieth level. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain the position of the regimental leader in the legion, but it is a more nourishing job to be transferred to the city lord's mansion to be the guard leader. After all, he is close to the earl, and sometimes what he says is more useful than the commander of the legion, and he is also indispensable in daily life.

After a few years, Kant fell to the eighteenth level without advancing. The figure is no longer as strong as before, and the belly is more fat. This comfortable life has passed for a long time, suddenly encountering a strong enemy, Kant's palm holding the hilt of the sword is full of sweat.

He has been working as a guardian for Rekerd for so many years. No one has ever seen him before, but he has never seen such a person alone. Just now he had transferred a small team to intercept, but in the end he hadn't even moved one step away. The man didn't even get the long knife in his hand, and walked up like a stroll. The guard that intercepted him was like a wave crashing into the reef, instantly breaking into countless waves.

At the end of the knife, more than a dozen guards who were still capable of lying on the mountain road forever, how can Kant not be nervous?

At this moment, someone behind him coughed.

Kant looked back, relieved.

Reckard is here.

The earl waved his hand, the crowd broke apart, and Rekerd moved to the front. His whole body is armored, his stomach looks like it has been around for years, and he doesn't fit that well. But when he put on this armor, Rekerd also has some authority. With a huge sword in his hand, he looked at Ellen on the mountain road coldly. There was no expression on his face, but his heart was shocked. Allen was about to walk the entire mountain road, although his momentum was weakened, the inflammation pattern all over his body was clearly visible.

The huge engravings distributed throughout the body are clearly not what they heard before. Moreover, the engraving changes indicate that the Viscount has passed the 20th level, which is another item that contradicts intelligence. Reckard originally thought he knew enough about Alan, but when he really stood in front of him, the old count felt that he could not see through the young man at all.

"Viscount Ellen!" Reckard sternly said: "What do you mean. ╪┠┢┠.<. Blast my post and break into my door. You are provoking an imperial earl! Even if I punish you tonight Killing on the spot, the empire didn't dare to intervene, you know!"

Allen smiled, and lifted his hand to wipe off his stained red head. The palm is red and silver. When Allen put down his hand, his silver blue head dazzled like a star in the fire. Allen hugged the knife and smiled: "Your Excellency also knew that he was the Earl of the Empire..."

He paused, and his tone suddenly became stern: "Then I will ask Earl Reckard, as the Imperial Sir, why dare to hide foreign troops in his own territory! Fornicating foreigners is not only a death penalty, but also a sentence of punishment. Heavy punishment. You can quibble, but the evidence I have sent to the Ark Harbor Supervisory Office. According to the Imperial Constitution, those who are now illicit to foreigners can cut first and then play. All the city lord guards listen, this is none of your business. Give me a break If you intervene, you will be convicted as an accomplice, you have to think clearly."

It is not a day or two that there are traces of alien activities in the mountain city, especially these guards from the army are more aware of what is in the camp. It's just that the forbidden word is given, and the soldiers are not for their lives or for the future. No one dares to say anything. Besides, this mountain city is not under the control of Earl Reckard alone. What are the big people doing? How can they dare to criticize these little people? What is it?

But now he was kicked and exploded, and the identity of the opponent was even Reckard himself. He turned out to be a Viscount. This person is not from the mountain city, if according to what he said, the evidence of the crime of fornication of Earl Laked has been sent to the Supervisory Court, then the mountain city will be over.

Under the covering of the nest, are there any eggs?

What's more, if you still intervene at this time, you will die too much. So the guards of the mountain road look at me, and I look at you, the army is in a mess. Reckard saw it in his eyes, and wondered how many times he had cursed Alan. This guy's words of fictitiousness and realness shook the minds of the army and made it really tricky. Rekerd didn't see a trace of panic on the surface, and shouted: "All this is just your own words, but you, a viscount who visited for no reason and broke the door in the middle of the night to kill, is the empire felony!"

"Listen to me, Sir Alan has a bad intention. According to the Imperial Constitution, as an earl, I have the right to detain troublemakers. Now take him down for me. If he dares to resist, kill!" Ground.

Under the earl’s power, a group of soldiers rushed towards Allen.

Allen shook his head, thinking that Reckold was really old and ginger. A few fluttering words resolved his tactics, but it had no effect on him. That rhetoric was just to find a righteous excuse for his actions tonight.

Thinking about returning, Alan was not idle.

In a blink of an eye, two war knives slashed face to face.

Ellen couldn't avoid it, seeing the sword as nothing, and stepping forward.

Seeing that Allen was about to be killed, the two soldiers had not had time to be happy. Suddenly, I felt a burst of invisible air, and the sword could no longer be cut, and even the sword was thrown into an invisible force field. After hitting the two of them, Allen grabbed the first three steps, and the King Chi bounced in his arms. It was also unsheathed, only the scabbard pulled out a crescent trajectory and swept over the three guards. The three men's swords, armor, and the human body were silently misplaced, turning into three pools of blood that filled the mountain road.

Several swords were cut at the same time, and the remaining five soldiers gritted their teeth and attacked. Two knives were cut at Alan's head, and three knives were cut at his legs, so that Alan would lose sight of one another.

Allen smiled indifferently.

The Red King rushed to the ground, and a strong force was suddenly suppressed. With him as the center of the circle, the mountain road collapsed within five meters, and a round pit nearly a meter deep appeared out of thin air. The five long knives that had been cut to his head and legs were all pressed on the ground, and Allen lifted his legs and stepped on them, making the corners of the earl's mouth twitch if he stepped on Reckard's face.

In a blink of an eye, Alan jumped out of the pit and took three more steps. A pillar of fire in the pit behind him soared into the sky, and the black and red flames burned the soldiers in the pit on the spot.

Seeing that a small team was so easily ruined in Allen's hands, the other party still hadn't even been scabbed out, and the remaining soldiers trembled. Allen walked again. He took the first three steps, and the soldiers must take a step back. Seeing Rekerd was annoyed. The earl gritted his teeth and shouted: "Don't retreat, kill me. Cut him with a knife or a shot, and I will give a hundred gold coins! Whoever removes his hands and feet will be the leader of a hundred tomorrow! Whoever kills him, my daughter is his !"

After speaking, the earl replied: "And if anyone dares to take a step back, it will be a death penalty!"

A soldier trembled in his heart when he heard it, and stepped back unconsciously. Immediately a blade stabbed out of his chest, and his eyes widened. Kant pushed the soldier away and pointed his **** sword at Alan: "Kill!"

Under the coercion and lure, the soldiers finally rushed towards Allen without hesitation. A dozen or so fire gunners first gathered and fired and approached to cover the infantry fighters. They adopted the tactics of the army to rush into the battlefield. Fire. The gun fired one round, but Alan was not damaged. When the bullets in the gun escaped, it was hard to see with the naked eye, but when they approached Allen, they showed up.

As if diving into a curtain of heavy water, many warheads moved forward with difficulty, leaving light-colored flame tails in the air. There was a flash of flame around Allen, and the warhead bounced off. Countless fine metal fragments dragged the stream of fire and spread, sifting the several infantry soldiers who rushed to the front. No matter the sword or the armor, they were shot through ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soldiers at the back were frightened, but helplessly continued to approach the silver death god.

Allen raised the King Chi and held the hilt in his hand. With a faint smile, the long knife was pulled out.

The red king finally came out.

Rekerd only heard the sharp sound of a knife, which was inaudible at first, but in a moment it had already reverberated throughout the mountain road. The row of street lights on the mountain road suddenly lit up. In this bright flame, Rekerd clearly saw the light of a semicircular knife light up, and the corner of his eye jumped.

Just as I opened my mouth to say something, the light of the knife had already turned into a cloud of red fire. The fire cloud spread and rushed, sweeping the charging soldiers, and rushing up against the mountain road, rolling straight across the ground tens of meters away before extinguishing in front of Rekerd.

The soldiers who were swept by Huo Yun looked dangling, and the part of them in contact with Huo Yun had become nothingness. The wound was as smooth as a mirror, and even as dark as an abyss crystal, it was actually directly carbonized by the high temperature of Huoyun. After a short while, the soldiers' bodies were scattered into pieces, and Alan suddenly fell in front of him. He looked up, and there was nothing else between him and Reckard except for the tens of meters of focal length!



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