Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 927:  A chaotic night (4)

In the mountain city late at night, the lights were on in every household. The roar of gunshots from the direction of the barracks made people sleepless, and even more daringly, they dragged their neighbors to the streets near the barracks to watch. On a long street far away from the barracks, the rooftops of high and low buildings were gradually crowded with people. People looked in the direction of the barracks, where the fire was bright. It can be seen that the mountain city army is forming a battle, and I don't know who to kill with.

It didn't take long for a torrent to pour out from the barracks. Those inhuman figures constantly remind people of the identity of each other.

"Is it an alien?"

"Gosh, that's a demon, right?"

"Look at those big guys, that's a berserker."

"Why are these things in the mountain city?"

"Don't you know? I heard that there is weirdness in the camp a long time ago, and it's true."

"what do you mean……"

"Just know it, don't say it."

There was a lot of discussion.

After the alien army, the soldiers and horses of the mountain city also chased out of the barracks. On the battlefield of the barracks, the remaining soldiers and horses surrounded and killed dozens of berserkers who were responsible for the break. In the history of the Balkan Empire, wars with the Duchy of Shadows inevitably broke out almost every few decades. Especially with the expansion of the empire, such wars have become more frequent. Almost all the alien races in the Shadow Principality are bloodthirsty and easy to kill, and those villages and small towns invaded by the Shadow Legion rarely survive. Food will be burned, regardless of whether men, women, children, or children can not escape the butcher knife in the hands of aliens. What's more, some of these ferocious aliens feed on women and children. Therefore, human beings’ hatred of foreign races is imprinted in their bones. Although the reason is unknown, the onlookers who saw the foreign troops flee like a bereaved dog, the onlookers did not hesitate to report to the mountain city army.

Gonzal gave a bitter look at the people cheering on the roof of the building, his eyes full of resentment, but helpless.

The changes tonight are unexpected.

The Principality of Shadows had an agreement with Daniel. The Principality of Shadows funded this man, making him a viscount from an unknown commoner. In contrast, Daniel had to do enough to cover the invasion of the Shadow Principality army. Among them are some important materials and powerful weapons that will flow into the empire through Daniel God unknowingly, so that some powerful foreigners can use them immediately after entering secretly without causing the empire's attention in advance.

But the Principality of Shadow did not expect that Daniel would die in battle. And some of the important things, such as the blood hidden knife and the heart of the fire god, were taken away by outsiders, which was undoubtedly a blow to the plan of the Shadow Principality. The Shadow Principality retreated to second place, approached Rekerd, and re-signed the contract.

Gonzal and his army will be the forwards in the invasion of the southern border of the empire, and everything is going according to plan. Seeing that the winter snow melted, it was the day the mountain city sent troops. At that time, the alien army will use the mountain warriors as cover to invade the imperial territory quietly. When the empire reacted, it would have to conquer three or five important territories. At that time, using this as a foothold, the Shadow Legion continued to advance. Imagine that apart from an iron spear, Hoy, in the southern border of the empire, which of the other lords can be eye-catching?

As for an iron gun Hoy, no matter how capable he is, he can't stop the army of the principality. When the time comes, the lightning will occupy the south with the momentum of thunder, and you can sit south and look north. If you continue to operate step by step, it is not difficult to threaten the northern capital of the empire.

But just tonight, this plan was about to fall apart. First, Reckard and Yopney were killed, and then Remington fought back, and then did not know where to jump out of a mysterious master, who was powerless to kill Gonzal, and could only flee the city with the army. The thought of this made Gonzal feel painful both physically and mentally.

The heartache is naturally that the plan to be completed is bankrupt for no reason. As for the body pain, it is thanks to the mysterious master. The two short blades that Gonzal used to fight the enemy at last looked inconspicuous, but in essence they were the essence of his body. The special physique of the blade demon makes their own bone blades sharper than ordinary swords. Gonzal is a strong man who has transformed once, and the two short blades are the products of the transformation.

Even the metal barrel of the artillery can be easily cut off that pair of short blades, but the blade of the opponent's war sword kept cutting off, and the mysterious master even cut off his double blade in turn. The double-edged blade is like an extension of his body, and it is a more important part. The double-edged blade was broken. Although Gonzal was still alive, he was also greatly injured. That's why he didn't dare to take that man's last knife. Even the two blades were broken. What else would he take to pick up the knife?

Resentment belongs to resentment, and Gonzal is more helpless. They can only leave the city with the army, and report the matter to General Andhera who is in charge of the southern invasion plan. As for the humans and the mountain city who betrayed the contract, just wait for Andhera's revenge. There was a grin at the corner of Gonzal's mouth, and the general was always a must. Having suffered such a big loss this time, there is absolutely no reason to let this mountain city go. Gonzal had even begun to imagine that when the army took down the mountain city, he would cut off the heads of the humans who had cheered the army one by one, and then hang them together to hang the city head, so that they could personally watch their city fall.

The city gate is in sight.

The soldiers who defended the city fired a few symbolic shots, and then quickly retreated, exposing the open gate to Gonzal. The alien army kept pouring from the gate, and Gonzal was among them. As he passed the gate passage, a few black silk threads hung from the upper vault and went toward Gonzal's neck.

Gonzal suddenly had a strong crisis, and he looked at the vault of his head. I saw a person attached to the vault like a gecko, and several black lines accelerated towards him. Gonzal screamed, his arms cut out. This pair of bone blades is not as short as a fist blade, but it is also extremely sharp. Not to mention the silk thread, even the armor can easily tear a hole. But when he was on the black line, he felt a little light and weak. At this time, the black line suddenly contracted, pressing the bone blade to close Gonzal's neck.

Gonzal sneered, and his power exploded. Double-edged one point left and right, and eventually broke these black lines. After it broke, the black thread broke and disappeared, and the black qi entangled with each other, and returned to normal in an instant. At this time, no matter how fast Gonzal was, he could not catch up with such a change, and he was finally wrapped around his neck by those black threads. The black line was suddenly tightened, and a piece of sparks appeared on Gonzal's skin.

The body of this alien power spins wildly, using his body's many armor thorns as weapons to cut off the roots of the black thread hanging down from the vault. He was so angry that he was still in danger now. As soon as his toes pressed against the ground, a pit was formed on the ground, and the people blasted toward the vault of the city gate like a cannonball. With both arms and bones cutting, he was about to hit the person, and the figure suddenly exploded in black mist. Gonzal cut into the black mist, feeling nothing but nothing. Feeling a little in his heart, he twisted his head and looked outside the city gate. A cloud of black mist exploded outside the gate, and the man got out of the fog. Gonzal let out an unpleasant laughter, and when he pressed his hands and feet on the vault, he used his force to pop out of the city gate and culled the humans who dared to intercept him.

Belmode smiled slightly, the flames between his arms were raging, and the fire became silky again. The fogged silk thread gathered, and in a flash, a hundred black silk threads were wrapped around his arms. The black thread is like a snake moving and twisting. After Belmod's promotion, the new ability "Black Snake" can be soft and strong as he wants. It is this method that killed those dozens of riders on the Juying Heights. Now playing against Gonzal with the Black Snake, Belmode quickly draws up an action plan. Seeing Gonzal rushing towards him, he didn't meet him either, and instead crashed into the alien army.

Regardless of hitting the sword demon soldier or other alien beings, Belmode waved his arms, and the black snakes on his arms swam and entangled. Once they were entangled with their prey, the black thread was violently strangled, and the alien soldiers were instantly divided. . Belmode passed by, raising a large wave of blood, and seeing Gonzal angry. Gonzal shouted to keep the soldiers away from the human being, and he also ran into it.

For a moment, the figure shook in his sight, and Gonzal could not see Belmode, but from a distance he could only see the waves of blood exploding in the crowd from time to time, or the stumps of limbs thrown up. He kept cursing the human in his heart, and at the same time tried to go in the direction of Belmode.

But he didn't know that Belmode was a killer, not a fighter. The killer never faced the enemy head-on. Belmode attacked and killed the ordinary soldiers to attract the attention of Gonzal, but on the other side they secretly separated a few black snakes and slaughtered them. The black snake moved around the body of the alien soldier, and when he swam to Gonzal's side, it suddenly wrapped his legs. When Gonzal noticed, the black snake caught him and knocked him to the ground. Belmode immediately rushed forward, got into a cloud of exploded black mist, and came to the top of Gonzal.

The black snakes with both arms shoot, and the black lines are twisted together in the air, like a short cone. Two black short cones pierced Gonzal's chest, Gonzal yelled, waving his arms left and right, and opened the short cones~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The man bounced up and twisted, tearing off the black thread around the feet, and then facing Bell Mode caught it. Belmode smiled and slipped back, and the short cones scattered into hundreds of black snakes, and the black snakes wrapped Gonzal's arms. The latter only felt that his hands were wrapped in countless fine blades, and every second he was torn out a hundred wounds.

The black snake shrank and entangled Gonzal tightly. Belmode shook his hands and lifted Gonzal up from the crowd. Gonzal looked down at Belmode and was about to fight back. Suddenly a red light lit up in the corner of his eyes, and his soul was frightened. Only saw the red light coming from above the city gate, and then everything was over.

When Remington rode his horse out of the city gate, he happened to see that under the boundless night, a scarlet sword light rose from the city gate and was thrown into the foreign soldiers, like a bright red rainbow hanging in the air. Following the ground cracked a ravine, rumbling away, delineating the trajectory cut by the knife, and seeing Remington's heart beating sharply.

The sword gas swelled for thousands of kilometers, and played with continuous thunder. When Chi Hong was passing by, the soldiers of the alien race leaned back and turned, not knowing how many people fell into the ravine that was cut out by a burst of lightning. At the end of the ravine, Allen raised his knife and landed. There was blood on the red king instantly evaporating, a head fell from the air and rolled under the knife.

Gonzal's eyes are open, and his expression is always fixed at the moment before his death.


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