Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 928:  White-eyed wolf

Fei Lin looked at the hideous head hanging on the top of the city, and subconsciously shrank her body. ═.<. It was the head of a demon, and I heard it was not an ordinary demon. The strength of that demon was thrown into the empire, and it was the strength of the count. But no matter how powerful the situation was during his lifetime, now it is no more than a dead thing. That demon class is refined by secret methods, which can be guaranteed for ten days. Ten days later, it was heard that it would be wrapped in gold and iron to make it into a sculpture.

The girl could not forget what happened the night before, how long that long night was for her. There was a constant roar and shouts from the city. For the first time, her father was so solemn that she was not allowed to leave the door. It was not until dawn that her father told her that the last night had changed.

Fei Lin witnessed the change of ownership of the mountain city overnight.

On the second day, a grand celebration was held up and down the mountain city. First, to celebrate the success of Remington, the second son of Earl Reckold, as the lord of the mountain city, and second, to celebrate that an alien army hidden in the mountain city was driven out of the city by the wise and mighty new owner of the mountain city, and even the opponent’s The commander was left in the mountain city forever.

With the exaggeration of those who are interested, the people of the mountain city have changed their previous impressions of Remington, at least they will not think that the two young masters will only be evil mountain city. Look, at least one demon's head was chopped off. Of course, no one knows who chopped off this head, but no one is too muddled to care about these things with the new master of the mountain city.

After staying in the mountain city for nearly a week, the caravan had to return, and the **** was naturally still performed by Chidori. During this trip to the mountain city, Wozzi used the strategy of his daughter Fei Lin to finally save the mercenary group, and because Jueying Heights kept the caravan intact, the commission of Chidori was increased under the negotiation of several caravan leaders. 20%. This was good news for Chidori, and Wooche was in a good mood and rode ahead.

Suddenly heard someone yelling behind him, and looking back, an inconspicuous carriage approached. A young face came out from the window of the car, and the blatant red dazzling, it was the young noble Saga who came with him.

Seeing Alan’s pseudonym Saga, Dalang's brows frowned, and he whispered to Woqi, “Head, it’s better not to let them go with you. ┞┡╪w{ww.. This time we are in the mountain city. Nothing, but who knows if the mountain city will settle accounts after autumn. These three people have destroyed the entire fifty knights in the mountain city. If the mountain city wants to hunt them down, it will hurt us."

Woqi frowned, and Dalang's worries were not without a target, hesitated very much at the moment.

The carriage approached, Allen smiled and said, "Captain Wooqi, it's a coincidence. We have to go back too, together?"

Woqi didn’t know how to refuse, and Dalang said coldly for him: “Mr. Saga’s **** is strong, and no one dares to attack you if you want to go back and forth. Our caravan is all ordinary civilians, and everyone is down to earth. Living, it can’t stand the toss. In case Mr. Saga rises up and slaughters some unknown characters on the way back, everyone will have to worry about it again?”

Allen hadn't answered yet, and Ante next to him couldn't listen, and pushed Alan away angrily: "If it weren't for us, you would have told the cavalry on Jueying Heights to eat all the bones. Now it's these yin and yang weirdness. Who would listen to the words? If you really have the ability, why did you have to ask us to borrow someone to save your life. After all, it's not that you are incompetent. If you know today, let Belmode not take action that night, I think you can still do well now Don't stand here!"

Dalang squinted his eyes and blurted out: "You are also called skill? But you are born in a good family and have a master as a guard. I really think that those cavalrymen were killed by you, young master?"

"Enough, Dalang!" Woqi pulled the young man back angrily, after all, he did save the caravan once. Taking 10,000 steps back, having the kind of family with master guards is far from being able to afford to offend Chidori. Darang's mouth is open and will only cause trouble to Chidori. It’s just that he wonders that this young man is not so impulsive on weekdays. What happened today?

How did he know that after that night, Dalang felt terribly jealous of these two noble young masters.

Allen also pulled back to Unte, shook his head, and smiled at Warch: "It seems that Captain Warch has scruples, and it should be.{. Then we will go our own way."

Woch wanted to say something to make up for Dalang's fault, so he heard the thunder of hooves from behind. Woch looked back, his face pale. It turned out that the cavalry of the mountain city came hurriedly to help one man with his sword. It was Remington, the new master of the mountain city. Seeing the raging knights behind Remington and their arrogance, Woqi couldn't help but glanced at Dalang, and both saw the worry in the eyes of each other.

The horse team chased.

Dalang gritted his teeth, suddenly turned over and got off his horse, rushed to Remington's horse and knelt down and said loudly: "My lord, Mingjian, Jeoling Heights was not done by our Chidori, but by the three masters and servants in the car! Master Remington, please let us off our Chidori and Caravan!"

Wauch was stunned, and Alan laughed out of the carriage, while Unter shot him angrily and said, "The white-eyed wolf turned around and bit you, and you can still laugh."

Allen shrugged and listened to Remington shouting "what's the matter" outside the car. He poked his head out and saw Remington roll over and dismount, kick Darang to the ground with one kick, and then trot to near the carriage. Belmode slowed down so that the new owner of the mountain city could keep up. Remington smiled and said, "Ai...no, Mr. Saga left as long as he said. You haven't told me how to get to the mountain city next."

Allen shook his head and said: "Remington, you are also the master of the mountain city anyway. Do you want me to teach you how to go? In short, it is enough to take care of your mountain city and be my vassal. As for what you want If I do, I won’t interfere, and I don’t have time to interfere. Just tell you, I’m going north soon, and I’ll go to the Imperial Capital to see it. Of course, you can try to betray me, I think it will be interesting too. ."

Remington had a bitter cold, turned his head and glanced at the demon class on the city gate, made a slashing gesture on his neck and smiled: "Mr. Saga, don't be joking, I won't be full. Support it, and I won’t give you a chance to take my head to the city gate to show it."

He rubbed his hands and said: "Finally, I would like to ask you one thing, how do you think it is appropriate to handle Parson?"

Allen patted him on the shoulder and said, "You can handle it whatever you want. That's your housework, and I won't interfere."

Remington's eyes lit up and he nodded and said: "If you know, I won't bother you anymore. It's a smooth journey."

He stopped.

Watch was stunned on the spot. No matter how rich his imagination was, he couldn't imagine that Remington would come to this scene. Seeing that the new master of the mountain city is dressed like a dog in front of the Saga, there is no half of the appearance of a mad dog. What's more terrible is that Na Saga patted Remington on the shoulder, and the relationship between up and down was almost clear at a glance. Dalang also saw in his eyes, his whole heart was ashamed. No matter how stupid he was, he finally knew that Saga was not someone he could afford.

Wauchi didn't leave at this time, nor did he leave, froze on the spot. After a while, Remington put away the brilliant smile on his face, turned around and looked at Darren gloomily, then sneered: "I'm very curious, how dare you dare to trap that lord? From Jue Ying Highland. I have also heard about one or two things, why do you think your Chidori and this caravan can stay well until now, and you really think Shancheng dare not move you? Naive, that’s because Mr. Sagar said that the incident of Jueyeong Highland Health and You have nothing to do, I just closed my eyes. Although it was an old guy’s soldier, it was fifty cavalry at any rate, and there were twenty heavy cavalry. The old man spent more gold coins on them than yours. There are more caravans."

"Originally, this thing ended here, but you, a white-eyed wolf, gave me a bite like a **** bite. Lao Tzu is a mad dog and is still a watchdog now, but I will never be a white-eyed wolf!" Lei Mington stepped Dalang on the ground and said with a grin: "It seems that you have to remember a little bit, or else, your caravan and I go back to the city and talk about it?"

Watch shivered, and several caravan leaders almost cried. At this time, the carriage in front stopped, and Allen stretched out his head and said with a smile: "I'm not deaf, you don't have to say so loud on purpose."

Remington smirked.

Allen looked at Dalang and said, "He said that also to justify the caravan and the mercenary group. There is excuse. You should not embarrass the caravan and the chidori."

Remington frowned, but Darren, Wach and others were relieved. Suddenly, Allen said again: "But this person wanted to betray me once when he was in Jueying Heights, but was rejected by Captain Wooche. Now it is the second time, this kind of ungrateful person, leave him with an arm. "

"I think about it, let's abandon his left hand."

Dalang was shocked, and Remington murmured: "Why does this kind of villain keep him? You can't kill him with a single knife. You don't care about him, but he may not remember your goodness, he will only change it later. Resent you."

Allen smiled and said: "One thing is still another thing. If he dares to avenge him, I will kill with a knife. As for resentment, how can I not worry about it in this life. He hates Utah and hates him, what is it to do with me? "

After speaking, he retracted the carriage, and Belmode slammed the horse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the carriage moved away.

Remington shook his head: "I am the most vengeful person. I really can't match the grandeur of an adult." Looking at Darren again, Remington was rather dull and said to him: "It's cheaper for you. "

Then he called a knight and said indifferently: "Chopped off his left hand."

In the carriage, I suddenly heard a scream from behind. Unter frowned and looked at Alan. Seeing his indifferent appearance, the boy gave birth to a sense of anger from nowhere. Allen smiled and asked, "Why? He was beheaded just now, but now he feels softened?"

Unte didn't answer him like angrily.

Allen said softly: "For someone like Dalang, I want to kill him. To be honest, he doesn't have the qualifications yet. The first time I don't care about him, but the second time, I have to give him. A lesson. My kindness has a limit."

I don't know why, when I heard this, Ante felt cold behind his back.



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