Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 932:  The worst

Unicorn castle.

When Unter sat in the carriage and returned to the castle, the butler and head Baron, with the servants of the guards in the fort, were waiting in front of the gate. The butler and Baron breathed a sigh of relief at the same time seeing Ante stepping out of the carriage unharmed. Seeing the relief on their faces, Ante shook his head, but there was some warmth in his heart.

He has lost his father, fortunately, there are these loyal people to accompany him.

Everyone greeted.

Unte didn't take the car and walked directly into the castle. Go through the arch, through the square, and up the stone steps. Suddenly standing still, he looked back in the direction of Shuguang Castle, and the sky over there was infinitely beautiful.

Then turned back into the fort.

On the corridor to the study, only Baron and the housekeeper were accompanied. The butler couldn't help asking: "Master, did the adult on the road embarrass you?"

Ante shook his head: "Is it embarrassing, but there are a lot of pranks. But now think about it, there is a deep meaning behind the man's words and deeds."

"Shen Yi?" The butler and Baron glanced at each other.

"No, it's not what you think. How to say it, Lord Ellen should be out of good intentions. In short, I have gained a lot from this trip to the mountain city."

Baron murmured: "That adult showed good intentions to reconcile with you?"

"This can't be talked about, he has also expressed that meaning from the end. And I know that even if I am still hostile to him, he will not take it seriously." Unter stopped and said: "When we leave the mountain city At that time, a guy who had been favored by him stabbed him in front of him. He didn't kill that guy either, he just broke his arm as a lesson. Because that person is not even qualified to be killed by him. He also told me about ants, so I think in his heart. Whether it is the white-eyed wolf or me, the status is actually the same."

"We are all dispensable ants in his world. The only difference is that my ant is bigger."

Ante walked into the study.

The steward sighed, "I've come back this time, the young master has indeed matured a lot."

Baron nodded vigorously.

The two followed Ante, and the butler asked softly: "Master, what's our future direction?"

"Don't worry about anything, just manage your own territory." Angte sat down, and his childish face was a little more stable than usual: "Just our current strength, even if there is something. The mind is also in vain. The adult allowed me to accompany me on this trip. In addition to increasing my knowledge, it also allowed me to see the gap with him. So I know very well what I should do next."

Hearing this, the butler was really relieved. Although Ante had said that he no longer wanted revenge, the butler knew that the young master was incomprehensible. This time I went to the mountain city with that adult. Although it didn't look like completely abandoning his father's feud, it finally completely suppressed this thought. For Ante, revenge may be the top priority. But for people in the territory, eating and dressing is the most important thing.


It is a game for the lords, winning the expansion of the territory and making money. Losing the land and compensation, at most life is not as luxurious as before. But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and it hurts the lords at most, and it won't kill him. Unless you want to beat the opponent to death from the beginning, it's hard to say. But no matter what, war is for the people

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) A disaster.

No matter if you are the winner or the loser.

It's okay for the lord to win, and tightening the belt for some days can be relieved. To be defeated, Lingmin will only be more miserable by taxes.

The unicorn collar has already been defeated once. Not to mention Daniel's death, the unicorn legion is almost attrition. The most elite cavalry regiment is no longer organized, and the current army can barely maintain law and order in the territory. For Ante to start a war desperately, he must have conscription and food. The war has not yet started, and it is already a disaster for the leaders.

Now Ante puts down his thoughts, even if it is only temporarily, it is still a respite for this territory. Thinking of this, the housekeeper thanked the adult from his heart for taking Ante out for this trip.

In the city lord's mansion of Dawn Castle, Allen met Edward. When he came in, he was talking with the oriental man named Long, and the two pointed at a map of the southern border. Hearing the opening of the door and looking back, Allen shrugged: "Or I will come again later?"

Edward looked at Long and smiled: "The Viscount Lord loves to make fun of us."

The dragon's face was expressionless, and he said, "I'll leave first."

When the dragon left, Edward said, "I probably told him about your going north, so that he has a bottom line. Don’t take this guy suddenly when the time comes. Everyone should be overwhelmed. By the way, I will be in the south. I told him some of his layout. According to my previous layout and Long’s own knowledge, it’s not difficult to manage this territory for you."

"What are your plans in the South?" Allen asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Not many, one is to have business dealings with Tieqiangling, and to maintain the friendship between the two territories. The other is for the **** earl and even the sword lord. I have gradually thrown out a net in the past six months. It is naturally impossible to cover the entire southern border, but if there is the support of Iron Gun Ridge, then we and Iron Gun Leader, and then to the territories of Ark Harbor and Unicorn Leader, we will establish a complete intelligence network. In this one Inside the net, I am confident that even a mosquito will not slip past."

Allen nodded and said, "I guess, the power of the church is indispensable in this net?"

"Churches everywhere will be the best support node." Edward admitted generously: "I will draw up a list of people about your trip north. Among them is Father Miró. As for Vera, I intend to let her stay. After all, the focus of our church is still in the south, and Vera needs to sit in. And this time going north, Father Miró is more suitable for missionary evangelism. Furthermore, we can’t play all our cards to the north. By the way, here is this one. In the intelligence network, Tieqiangling will be an important part of ours. The key lies in Hoy's opinion of you. So when you **** Miss Ruola to the people's Lingdi, it is best not to fight if you don't fight."

"It sounds like I like to provoke troubles." Allen rolled his eyes.

"I call it just in case." Edward said, "Oh", and said, "Tomorrow you pack up and have to go to the Hungry Wolf Collar. By the way, because the Glory Light Academy is built on that territory. So after discussing with our little lord, Hungry Langling has officially changed its name to Guangmingling. This is also good for us to recruit students in the future, so that people will not come to Hungry Langling when they hear about it."

"The college has been completed?"

"Completion is not enough, but one-third of the buildings in the plan have been completed

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Layout. As for whether to expand in the future, it depends on the development of the college. There is another important reason for letting you go to the bright collar, besides you, Lord Lord, have to show up. "Edward said with a faint smile: "The Lord is down. "


"Well, our Royal Highness Lily also said to open a naval battle class in the academy, and she was very interested in it."

Allen shook his head and said with a laugh: "Naga clan battles must be powerful, but their tactics cannot be applied to humans."

"It doesn't matter at all. A naval battle squad can get the kindness of His Highness Lily. This deal is worth doing. It's not a loss anyway." Edward squinted his eyes and said: "I also heard that this time I went to the mountain city, you abducted Sir Unter. Got it? Why, want to reconcile?"

"I can't talk about it, I just hope that he can see something clearly, don't make a decision that I will regret in the future." Allen paused, and said with a serious face: "But this trip to the mountain city, the foreign race that Rekerd harbored The amount really shocked me. And guess what else I saw, Blade Demon! And the barbaric warriors of the Catu clan! The Shadow Principality actually has alien life in the Jordon star field. It's a **** of this planet. ."

"After seeing the Naga tribe, I was mentally prepared." Edward said in a deep voice, "This planet is foggy, just like we had previously imagined. It's just like a universe-class ark, containing many kinds of things. Star Territory Life. We are only in a human empire called Bairegang, and we only know that there is a shadow duchy to the north of this empire. In addition, the other is the elves mentioned by the dragon. Fola. However, these three kingdoms are only on one continent, and the heavenly star is more than one continent. The dragon is a living proof that he comes from another continent, and that continent is not inferior to Balegang, and even stronger. Super kingdom."

"Don't talk about our family-style hunting group. If we want to violently invade such super planets, I am afraid that we will try our best to use the federal military. There will be several years of war to fight." Edward shook his head and said, "So this time we will go north. , You have to make the worst idea. The north of the empire is different from the south, not to mention that we have to enter the political core of the empire. I am very worried that the identities that have been painstakingly arranged will be broken by a poke. Don’t underestimate it. The power of the planet’s natives."

"I know." Allen nodded, then groaned: "But now, I have another thing that is difficult to decide~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Edward asked with a smile: "An alien in the mountain city? "

"You must be the bug in my stomach, otherwise I haven't said how you would know."

"What's hard to guess? You are only entangled in whether to report the mountain city's foreign activities to the Supervision Court. Reporting it, afraid that the Supervisory Court will follow the vines and find traces of your activities in the mountain city. If you do not report, you are afraid that the foreign race will invade the mountain city again. It means there is a fire in our backyard." Edward smiled and said, "Let me say, you can report it. I will draw up a report for you, and I will send it to the Ark Harbor Supervisory Office after you sign it. Let the empire take care of it. And even if you don’t report it, do you think the empire will not know?"

"Believe me, the Balekan Empire is able to lay such a territory in the hands of the aliens of the Principality of Shadow, and it has only expanded without shrinking in the past few hundred years. This empire is definitely not simple. Maybe your activities in the mountain city have already fallen into the empire. In the eyes of a spy. If you don’t report it, maybe you will come back to settle the account."

(End of this chapter)



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