Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 933:  For the price

"This way, I won't expose my foundation." Allen reminded: "I was on the mountain city, but I slashed Rekerd. Then I killed the commander of the alien army. I always felt too It was too swagger."

Edward shook his head and said, "It's okay. You don't plan to contact that man named Rhine to pave the way for the north. I have already arranged his time. If there is really a big man behind him who can get on the table. Then you have those achievements from your own mouth. It would be more convincing to come out as if it were confirmed by the empire. Since you want to catch up with a big man, then you have to come up with something eye-catching strength, so that it can be sold."

"It sounds like I sold myself." Allen didn't have a good air, but after Edward's analysis, the previous entanglement disappeared: "Then I will tell you about the journey in the mountain city, so that you can Prepare a written report."

"Listen thoroughly."

Allen thought about it for a while, starting from the day he took Ante with him. It is very detailed, interspersed with some of his own thoughts at the time, and various adjustments made according to the situation based on Edward's original plan. These words fell in the ears of others, undoubtedly extremely long and complicated, but the lovely Dehua was not impatient. Two people in the study, one said, the other listened, unknowingly two hours passed.

Allen ended the long talk with the punishment of the mercenary named Darang. After hearing this, Edward was silent for a moment. Allen didn't pay any attention, and stood straight in front of the southern border map. On the map, Edward used a red pen to circle large and small circles, no fewer than a hundred. These circles are spread over several territories, a dozen large cities with a population of tens of thousands, and dozens of villages and towns with a population of hundreds of thousands. If you connect these circles with threads, it is the net that Edward himself said. Under this net, all were in Allen's sight.

Edward said behind him: "According to the information I have collected, lords all over the country have established their own intelligence systems. However, the intelligence systems of most lords are not controlled by themselves, but rely on some local news dealers. After all, It takes a lot of time and money to build an intelligence network under your own control and cultivate outstanding and loyal spies, especially the latter. That is not something that the lords below the earl can support, even if we are now, Supporting such an intelligence network is already the limit. If this network is to be expanded, ∈style_txt; will exceed what we can bear."

"My resource tilt in Dark Blade in the past six months is much greater than that of the Shanwang and Cunhuo teams. But even so, the current Dark Blade that can be used is no more than 300. To facilitate management, I put The ranks inside the Dark Blade have been adjusted accordingly. The ranks are divided into five levels: Dark Gold, Gold, Silver Blade, Bronze Blade and Iron Blade from top to bottom. At present, the lowest level of Iron Blade has at most two hundred people. There are 20 bronze blades and five silver blades. The golden blade is probably only competent by Belmode, and the position of dark gold is currently vacant. It only depends on whether Belmode will be promoted in the future, or other brilliant assassins will be introduced. "

"This is what I want to talk to you. Belmode, I hope he can fully intervene in the operation of the Dark Blade, and I will give him the responsibility of this spying system. As for the assassins needed by your side in the north, I will never Two silver blades were transferred from the blade. Naturally, the combat power cannot be compared with Belmode, but the spying on the news is enough. How?"

Allen nodded and said, "Your arrangement is very suitable. I can't always keep Belmode by my side. It's time to let him be alone."

Edward said, "Yeah", "Now the mountain king has Broy, Willick is in the Crusade, Udy is in the fire, the Dark Blade is in charge of Belmode, and the regular army is given to Roy. This is our structure. The armed system that has been set up, you only need to continue to grow in the future, and there is no need to add other new troops. After the two tank lines you bring are put into use, you can select suitable candidates from these troops to form one. That's it for an armored division."

Allen said sincerely: "It was really good luck for me to be able to get you to come to Paradise Star. Otherwise, I really don't know where to find someone like you who can manage the overall situation for me."

"Stop talking about these nasty things, don't think that you lie to me, you can make me work in vain without pay." Edward hummed.

Allen laughed. When joining the hunting group that year, every member of the group had signed a contract with Allen in accordance with federal regulations, which involved service time and salary. In particular, mercenaries like Belmode and Roy, but with Allen’s expansion in the Star of Heaven, let alone an important second-in-command like Edward, Roy’s rewards have been much higher than those in the contract. Salaries involved.

When Allen returned to the floating island this time, he went to the mercenary market and paid Belmode and their boss enough liquidated damages so that the two men could develop freely. Belmode is already Allen's follower, so naturally he stays in the heaven star unconditionally. And Roy, the man, has no plans to return to Earth. In his words, he has a very fulfilling life on Heaven, so he will continue to manage the regular army for Allen.

Allen's return to them is also rich enough. Take Edward, for example, the property that the Maritans can now control is not much different from that of an imperial baron. And as long as Allen continues to expand, their wealth will rise with the tide.

Edward paused and said, "After listening to you just now, I was actually thinking about one thing."

"what's up?"

"The Shadow Principality and the Bairegon Empire have been at war for a long time. As you know, the two countries are at war. The first battle is not the regular army, but the espionage system of the two sides. Infiltration and reverse osmosis, assassination and anti-assasination, the kind of war without gunpowder. Sometimes it's more cruel and cold-blooded. But because of the different races, it is obvious that neither of these two countries can export spies to the enemy country. They can only rely on buying people like Rekerd to play the role of spying. Even if you use this method, The gains are also extremely limited. After all, the core figures of the imperial political circle are not so easy to be bought, and secondly they should be under the supervision of the imperial intelligence network." Edward smiled and said: "The shadow of the Principality is not easy to In this way, it is a hundred times more difficult for the latter to infiltrate the alien race. Now that the Shadow Principality is quietly gathering its troops through the mountain city, it is obviously an empire's calculation. I think it will not be long before the war between the two sides has to start again. And from the action of the alien race this time Look, they abandoned the previous tactics of pressing into the empire from the north, and instead detoured to the south of the empire, hoping to use this area of ​​not too strong military force as an insertion point to attack the empire."

"If this is the case, then we..." Allen frowned.

"Yes, if the Shadow Principality really has such a plan, then we will be the first to be affected. Therefore, it is very important to have the intelligence of the Shadow Principality. When it comes to infiltration, due to ethnic issues, it is difficult for Dark Blade to do it. But we have advantages that no empire has..." Edward said to the end.

Alan is not stupid either, and smiled: "You have a crush on Hubble."

"In fact, I was also very surprised. What method did you use to abduct a Catu, and even if the big man was thrown into the Federation, he would still be a major general. Putting it in our small place, the superficial level would be stable. I'm overwhelming you."

"Hubble is indeed a suitable candidate, but I don't think he can be a good spy. It is almost the same to let him be a fierce general. Most of the intelligence activities he can't do."

"Of course, but I don't need him to be competent for how complicated espionage work. I only need him to infiltrate the Principality of Shadows and report back truthfully what he sees and hears every once in a while." Edward said lightly: "The most brilliant espionage. You don’t need to hear the news about the military aircraft with your own ears. Instead, you can deduce the general outline of the incident from some changes in the market. Besides, I didn’t want to know how much confidential information of the alien race was, just before they acted. Find out in advance and let us have enough time to respond."

"In a word, when war is inevitable. Rushing to fight and preparing for war are totally different."

"Okay, then I'll talk to Hubble in front of the bright leader. If possible, you can prepare a lot of wine for me first," Allen emphasized.

Edward readily responded.

After a long conversation with Edward, Allen returned to his room. He freshened up, changed into a set of comfortable clothes, and then sat quietly in order to exercise his energy. On the day of Idahua star ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he was influenced by the heart of the stars and drew the source of the void when he advanced, and he was the most violent and domineering void skyfire. Even the sky fire entered the body, purged its own source and circuit, and walked out of an unprecedented path like a reborn.

Originally, according to the growth path of the source power system, there is no way to sense the void source power below the dominator, and all of them focus on developing their own source power before the dominator. Once it is expected to cross the 30th level, when the dominator advances, it will be sensitive to the Void Source Force. Only then can the source of the void be extracted and gradually assimilated, or replace the source of its own.

Even the Emperor Void Skyfire, who left a splendid history on Idahua, couldn't skip this rule. It was only after the advanced dominators that they sensed the existence of Void Source Power and ignited the skyfire. With the sky fire down the waterfall, the supreme power of ten thousand waterfalls into the sea makes the sky fire of the void, which has been famous throughout the entire era.

The sky fire was also triggered, but Allen skipped this rule, and the awakened one would make the sky fire fall down by chance. Even if there are no tens of thousands of waterfalls into the sea, after all, a pure line of sky fire is swept from the void. Looking at the entire universe, at the level of the awakened, the source power is much stronger than that of a river catfish. But if you talk about the quality of the source power alone, no one can do it.



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