Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 936:   hit the board

It is cold and snowy, but it is now the end of winter, and the main road of the academy is cleaned daily by part-time students.

Today there is no snow in the scorching sun, and the sky is crystal clear. Everything is washed away, and the world is only one color. There is no spring for all things to compete for beauty, no summer for the splendor, no autumn for the fruitful fruits, but only the simplicity of winter.

There are not many people on the main road, and the three masters and servants walked along the road. The man who looked like a guard sighed slightly and pointed to a row of saplings with no half-branched leaves beside the road and said: "Edward originally wanted to directly transplant the ten-year-old alpine snow cypress, so that the college can be green even in winter. But the dragon gave him an account. If you use silver laurel seedlings instead of Xuebai, you can save 200,000 gold coins. Now it is the end of winter, even if the sun above your head does not feel hot. Instead, Xuebai tree Big shading will make the main road look gloomy. It's better to plant these saplings, and when winter is over, spring will come with branches and leaves. In summer, even if the shade is full, it can slightly block the hot sun. In the end, Edward adopted Long’s proposal and asked him to check the respective expenses of the academy. After adding up the items, he saved more than two million gold coins."

"The dragon is a budget-conscious person. It's reassuring to have such a person sitting in the back."

The blonde girl smiled and said, "You and Edward can also be called far-sighted, but you both have a problem, that is, you look too high and ignore the things under the tall buildings. There are people like dragons for you to check Compensating for gaps is also considered to complement each other."

"Thank you for your praise." The man bowed solemnly, causing the girl to chuckle.

The girl said: "I did not deliberately compliment you, but it is the case. I have seen too many examples of fighting for hegemony by looting land and grain. Honestly speaking, it is not impossible to use war to support war. Especially in the early stages of the war, this is everything. The strategy of grabbing can keep one's own power from growing to the greatest extent, just like rolling a snowball. But the disadvantages are also obvious, just like a snowball rolling over. The snowball is big, but the snowball is full of Snow? Not necessarily?"

"The looted territory, food, wealth, etc. are okay. After all, it is a dead thing. Even a looted soldier can be simply coerced and lured. Generally speaking, as long as the lord is not a jerk, who is desperate for the soldier? It’s not desperate. As long as you earn military service and reputation, you will fight. But those who can really influence the style_txt; the development of the influence of the territorial power are different. You may be snatched by you for a while and have to serve you. But it’s not a long time. Over time, people’s hearts will change. Whether the lord is exhausting his efforts to win the loyalty of these people, or simply coercive and lure, it’s not necessarily effective."

"The former may be able to win the title of a master, but it is hard to say how many people can be captured. The smarter the person, the harder it is to obtain their loyalty; the latter is more miserable, maybe it can be used for a while, but who can say When you get the right time, don’t people just make the truth with you?” The girl sincerely said: “Talents are the cornerstone, and the cornerstone is naturally formed as soon as possible. The cornerstone that you cultivate is naturally more reliable than the one you rob. You can decide which ones can be reused and which ones are left unused. So you have the Liming Academy, and the Empire has several war academies. After all, they are all doing a good job of talent reserve."

The young man sighed, "I don’t have any foresight, it’s just a way of learning. At the time in Storm City, I was thinking of another way to raise soldiers and conscript, and I started an academy together with Edward. After that, the water test worked well. , That’s why I have the light of honor now. Don’t look at the superficial scenery of this college, but all my belongings have been smashed here. If it’s not possible for a few years, I will close the door for good, and then I will have to hold His Highness’s thigh Don't let go, so I can negotiate with your father for the job of not lacking in fat and water."

The girl gave him a white look and said, "It's better to hug Charlotte than to hug me. She is the royal treasure. Me? I have many brothers and sisters, so don't expect him to treat me as a treasure."

The man laughed and said nothing.

At this time, horses hissed behind the main road, hoofs thunderous. The young man frowned. The woman in the cloak who was walking at the back stretched out her hand and held the long sword behind her back. The man shook his head, and she withdrew her hand.

Four rides swept like the wind.

They were all young men right away. The first rider was about fifteen or sixteen years old, and his pocky face was naturally not good-looking. With yellow hair and blue eyes, the silver-haired man with the look of the guard shook his head slightly. This age is the most precious time in a person's life, the age that should have been vigorous, but because of too much wine, it seems old and first.

This decline is not only in the skin, but also in the bones. It seems that a young man who is not very capable, can gallop in the academy, probably because of the shadow of the family behind him. The silver-haired man gently pulled the blond girl, and the three of them turned sideways to let Guo Shiqi ride. Immediately a few young people blew a few very rude whistles to the blonde girl, and the girl grinned and said, "It seems that the academy's assessment is also very sparse."

The silver-haired man nodded and said, "It's true. Taking advantage of the opportunity to come to the college this time, let's go around again. See what else is wrong, and it's time to find out what's wrong."

The blonde girl just nodded and said a good word, when she heard a horse hiss and exclaimed in front of her. It turned out that a few civilian students who turned into the main road from the fork road did not pay attention, and one was knocked to the ground. Several of his companions hurriedly checked his injuries, but luckily they just scratched their skin. Instead, the withered young man stepped off his horse and was frightened, knocking him to the ground. After being supported by his companion, he walked toward the civilian students aggressively.

The silver-haired man squinted his eyes and said, "Go and see?"

"up to you."

When the three of them approached, the withered young man pointed at the whip and yelled at several civilian students, and the faces of those civilian students were blue and white. The number of people watching the excitement gradually increased, and the blonde girl pulled the silver-haired man and said: "Aren't you going to preside over justice?"

"Look again."

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at how those civilians respond. If they dare to confront, then I will help them. If they dare not, then I shall not have seen it. But afterwards, these ridiculous boys don't think about it. "The silver-haired man has a faint smile on his face.

At this time, the withered boy asked the person who was hit to kneel down and apologize to him, and several civilian students were finally outraged. One person said loudly: "The academy clearly has regulations. Both horses and carts must be parked at the entry racecourse. You galloped in this academy, and it makes sense to hit someone?

The withered young man sneered loudly: "Just because you untouchables are worthy of reasoning with me? The college rules are just for you untouchables. Do you know who I am? Forgive you for not knowing, I don't have to You made it too clear. Anyway, I make sense here."

Suddenly there was applause.

The withered young man looked out, and a silver-haired man came out of the crowd and asked with a smile: "If they are not worthy to reason with you, how can I tell you?"

The young man laughed and pointed at the man with his horse whip and said: "Where are you a bitch, don't be afraid of you if I carry a knife in the future."

The man slowly said, "My name is Ellen, and I am a small viscount in the empire. Do you think I have the right to reason with you?"

The audience choked.

Who didn't know that the Light of Glory Academy was prepared by Baron Edward, and above Edward, there was a Viscount Allen. The Lord Viscount is the co-lord of several territories nearby, and the real master. Now this young silver-haired man claims to be the Lord Allen, and he has a suspicious dream.

The withered young man was stunned for a moment, then grinned: "You are so courageous that you can pretend to be on the head of that adult. Lord Allen has every opportunity to come to the college. You dare to pretend to be an adult and see how I teach you. "

The whip in his hand was pulled out.

The silver-haired man didn't even blink his eyes, and the cloak woman suddenly appeared in front of him. The woman didn't draw her sword, but she caught the whip in her hand as soon as she caught it. Pulling back again, the withered young boy suddenly screamed and flew towards the woman. The woman released the riding whip, pinched his neck with one hand and lifted it up, and asked without looking back, "To die or to live?"

"It's not busy. Throw him on the ground first. I have something to ask him."

The woman suddenly threw it, and the boy fell to the ground. He landed on his left knee first, and there was a clear bone cracking sound, followed by a scream. The boy screamed like a pig, then pointed at the woman and the man and shouted: "Do you know who I am! I am the son of Fenrir city guard Judy, and I will kill you. These two women, I want them...Ah!"

The following words suddenly turned into a scream~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was originally a silver-haired man squatting down. I don't know when there was an extra dagger in his hand, and with a stroke of the dagger, he cut off a finger of the boy. If the silver-haired man rubbed the blood from the dagger on the collar of the boy casually, he said lightly: "But the son of a city guard, dare to dominate the academy? Edward's rules are what I said. Lian. If what I said can't be counted, then this college doesn't do it."

"By the way, who gave you the courage to defy the rules I set? You just said that you are the truth? Wrong, in these territories, I am the only truth."

The young man fainted in pain, when a tender voice rang: "Master Ellen, why are you here!"

The crowd separated, and a young teenager walked in. People don't recognize the silver-haired man, but they know that this boy is Oss, the lord of the light collar. Oss saw Alan, knelt on one knee and bowed his head in salute. Seeing this scene, the withered young man was ashamed of heart.

He bumped into an iron plate, and in these few territories, it was the hardest, too big one!



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