Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 937:  Goodbye Lily

Oss kneeled, can be regarded as the identity of Alan to kneel out. = Maybe people in the academy can't recognize a big person like Alan. But everyone knows the little baron of Fenrir. As soon as Oss knelt down, everyone around him bowed and bowed. The three teenagers who were on the horse with the city guard's son were even more pale, almost throwing their bodies on the ground, their bodies clinging to the cold ground, but the big beads of sweat continued to flow.

Allen smiled and looked at the city guard's son, the face of the dagger in his hand glowing red. Putting a stick on the boy's severed finger, a sizzling barbecue sounded immediately. The young man was in pain, but the blood stopped. Alan asked in a leisurely time: "What's your name?"

"My name is Lord Lawn, you listen to me..." The young man just wanted to plead his own words, one foot fell and he stepped on the ground and screamed.

Allen retracted the dagger, clapped his palms and said: "You just have to answer my question, and I will cut off your tongue if you say a word of nonsense." Then coldly said to several of Raun's companions: "Go and inform him. Father, tell him to come to the college to meet me."

Several teenagers hurriedly ran, jumped on horses and fled like wind.

Allen made a gesture to Laura, who knew. Walked over and picked up Lauen like a chicken, and threw it aside coldly: "Follow behind, dare to run, you can estimate the consequences yourself." She tapped the big sword behind her back, her eyes cold.

Raun dared not run, I was afraid that he was shaking.

Allen waved his hand, let the crowd disperse, and walked alone with Oss. He patted Oss on the head and smiled: "I haven't seen you in half a year, you have grown taller."

The son of Baron Duluf was unexpectedly shy and smiled. Allen glanced at the young man with severed fingers and said, "Originally, a little **** wouldn't need to make such a fuss. But it seems that some people in the college don't take Edward's rules into consideration. I have to beat and beat. He, he can only say that he is unlucky, who let him hit my hand. But Oss, tell me honestly, is anyone in Fenrir not taking you seriously?"

Oss bowed his head and said nothing.

Allen did not force him to answer, and continued: "A small town defender would dare to indulge his son to despise the academy regulations. It can be seen that the father and son in Fenrir City are not arrogant? Such a powerful figure, A little bit domineering, I have no time to care about him, but no one tells me otherwise. I know your situation will not be too good, after all, you are still young. Some people will not put you in their eyes, and even think of ways to take you up. It’s okay. After visiting the college today, I will meet someone. Later, I will go to Fenrir with you. It seems that I was too gentle with those people before, so gentle that they seem to have forgotten who gave them their current life."

He didn't deliberately lower his voice, which made Lawn behind him listened to his ears. Lawn shuddered, no matter how stupid he was, he could foresee a storm in Fenrir.

He just wants his father to be smarter.

"Right, my lord. Why did you come to the academy?" Oss asked suddenly.

Allen shrugged and said, "Come and see a majesty."

"His Royal Highness?" Oss's inspiration flashed: "Is it your Royal Highness Lily?"

"Isn't it her, Oss, do you know where that majesty is?"

Oss laughed: "I know, she can only be in that place."

After college

There is an artificial lake in Fang, originally a place to increase the scenery of the college, but now it has become a training ground for someone. When Oss brought Ellen and the others to the artificial lake, he could see many students swimming in the lake from a distance. It is the end of winter. Although the artificial lake is completely frozen at the end, large patches of thin ice can be seen on the lake. The ice surface didn't know who opened a channel for, and those students were swimming back and forth in this channel.

On the other side of the lake bank, you can see a young girl yelling at the students in the lake with her arms akimbo: "Swim faster, you fools. Is it your limit to swim three laps? That would really shame you men. You know. Our Naga women, no one will be tired even if they swim for one day!"

Allen shook his head at hearing, who is that girl who is not Lily? This majesty is quite arrogant. The Naga tribe is an alien race in the sea. They are basically life in the sea. Swimming is as natural to them as breathing. Humans can't keep up with this. Oss, who was next to him, also had a wry smile, and the little baron said: "When His Royal Highness Lily and Sir Edward came, everyone was very curious. After all, Princess Naga is not common. Especially for a cute girl like her, but soon everyone Knowing that she was wrong, His Royal Highness Lily's paranoia and strictness in certain aspects are even more terrifying than those old gentlemen in the college."

For this, Allen deeply agrees.

"His Royal Highness Lily is also very interested in the academy, and with the consent of Sir Edward, he opened a naval warfare class in the academy. I forcibly caught many students to study, and my daily homework is inseparable from the winter swimming..." Face headache: "Let her continue to toss like this, I'm afraid the students will be scared away."

"She will leave soon, don't worry." Allen comforted the little baron, took another deep breath, and said loudly to the other side: "Your Highness Lily, I'm back."

The girl who was yelling vigorously at the students in the lake was startled when she heard these words. Then he squinted and raised his head. As expected, a silver-haired man was smiling and waving. The girl sneered and didn't answer, but let out her breath, raising her hands.

"Not good." Allen smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness is going to settle the account with me, and Oss will come behind me."

Oss quickly ran behind Alan, while Lola walked silently in front of Lucy. Then there was a roar of the artificial lake, the ripples in the middle of the lake waved open, and the floating ice on the lake was torn apart. The students who were in the water screamed and swam desperately to the lake shore. But they didn't have time to swim to the shore, and a column of water suddenly rushed up in the lake. The water column twisted and rushed towards Alan with teeth and claws like a dragon in the water.

Allen smiled helplessly, suddenly his arrogance rose. He took a step forward, inhaled and raised his hand, followed by a fist and knocked it out.

The punch came on.

People on the shore of the lake saw a sudden red glow on the shore of the lake where Allen was, and a flame burst into the air, blocking the water column on the lake. The fire and water rushed into each other, urging out the misty air, after the two forces canceled each other out. The water vapor rises, and a rainbow of seven colors hangs obliquely under the refraction of the sun, making the people on the shore startled. But the students in the lake didn't have time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mist rising on the lake and the rainbow hanging in the sky. When they climbed ashore, they felt like two lives.

The fog dispersed and the rainbow disappeared.

Lily had bypassed the shore of the lake and came to Ellen's side. The girl sneered: "I haven't seen him in half a year, and Sir Allen has grown up again?"

Allen piled up a smile: "This is no longer powerful, and it is not as powerful as Your Highness Lily."

Lily was a half-year-old child. Allen's flattery slapped her very much, and her grievance was reduced by three points. No more sneers at him, just snorted: "I'm still thinking, if you don't come back, I will treat you as a breach of contract. After all, you haven't forgotten what you promised me."

Allen said sternly: "If it wasn't for love and frustration, I would have rushed back. I will rush to see your Highness when I come back. I will never regret what I promised. It shouldn't be too late, Your Highness Lily needs me. Where is the one saved?"

"It's here, but there are so many people here, I'll go back to Dawning Castle to talk about it."

"It will take a lot of effort today to come and go. It's better to go to Fenrir. It only takes an hour to get there, and Baron Oss will provide us with a shelter."

The little baron didn't know what agreement Alan and Lily had, but he also knew that it was no small matter to make them so cautious. The little face said solemnly: "This is just a small matter, it's all about me."

Lily said "Um" and said, "Then I will prepare first. You can wait for me at the gate of the college."

Allen agreed.

The group walked back again, learning that Alan appeared quietly in the college more and more people. As they walked back, the dean of the academy Hu Ligao brought a group of lecturers to meet. Dean Hu Ligao has gray hair, but he is in good spirits and his face is ruddy. This man used to fight for teaching in a war college in the empire, but he was too upright, offended the powerful and was kicked out of the college.

He lived in Ark Harbor and met Roger. Roger's experience was quite the same as him, and the two felt sympathetic to each other. Although Hu Ligao did the same thing again, but with Luo Jie's funding, he got to know a lot of local wealthy people, so he became a private lecturer for some wealthy businessmen. This time the Glory Light Academy was completed, Roger recommended him to Edward, and Edward personally checked him, before he was placed as the dean.

When the old man saw Ellen, he didn't kneel down like others, but asked, "Something has been held in my heart for a long time. When I see an adult this time, I always take the liberty to ask the last sentence."

Allen waved his hands and asked the lecturers to get up, smiling at the dean and saying, "I'm listening ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The blessing of Mr. Toroger that day, I was fortunate to be taken by Sir Edward and let me Serving as the dean. At that time I asked him why he wanted to organize such a thankless thing to organize the college. Lord Edward said, when Viscount Allen comes back, you can ask him yourself.” Hu Ligao pounded his lips and said: "To run a college, first of all, you must have financial support. I have seen many big people over the years. They have financial resources, but no one has such a mind. After all, for them, running a college will only earn some money at most. Fame, but the actual benefits are pitiful. But for them, the way to earn fame is that there is no need to touch the school."

Allen shook his head and said, "I don't know the big truth. The original intention of setting up the college was to cultivate usable talents for myself. This is my own personal interest, but in the process, I can benefit the people by the way. , It will be done. This crude answer may disappoint the dean."

Hu Ligao was really taken aback, but said: "Although the answer is different from what I thought, it is better than those who desperately put gold on his face."

(End of this chapter)



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