Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 944:  Official Banquet

In order to squeeze out a few particularly important people, Wift even used assassination methods. One~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Judy knows a little, and also knows that this young woman who accompanies Wift is actually a killer. The target of those assassinations was that she came forward to be responsible. Seeing her docile face, she thought it was a harmless sheep, but who knows what kind of ferocious thing is under the sheep's skin.

Judy didn't want to uncover this sheepskin, he humbled his head, and even though he was answering Wift, he didn't dare to look at the woman. Even the woman deliberately rubbed his thigh with her thigh through the concealment of the angle, and it was even more terrifying to tease Udie so obviously. The woman finally chuckled, letting go of the boring businessman. At this time, Wift saw Ban Jin again, and beckoned to the governor-general, and the woman took the opportunity to whisper "trash" in Udy's ear.

Judy dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, and in the end he could only smile.

Ban Jin walked over with an annoyed expression.

Wift squinted his eyes and smiled: "What's the matter, old friend, you have to be happy tonight, why bother with a face?"

Ban Jin stopped a waiter who was passing by, drank three glasses of wine, and spit out the wine: "The majesty of that adult has cut off the flag of the city guard barracks. Our chief is even better. It was vomiting blood from the beating, I'm afraid it won't get better without ten and a half months."

These are naturally the news he got afterwards.

A look of surprise flashed across Wift's face, and he was thinking deeply, and finally said in relief: "The lord is warning us."

Ban Jin looked at the old man in confusion.

"Judging from the current behavior of this adult, he should sell our account. Otherwise, what we are waiting for tonight is not the dinner, but the private soldier of the adult. But obviously, he wants to stand up for us. That’s why people smashed the barracks. This adult is young, but the methods are old and spicy. First give you a stick, and then give you a candy, which is interesting and interesting."

Ban Jin didn't find it interesting anymore. After such a disturbance, the city defense team would definitely need him to spend a lot of effort to comfort him. ?? One Reading ww?w·1?k?anshu·

At this time, there was a soft cry from the meeting place, and Ban Jin looked up, but it was the adult who arrived.

Wift picked up a glass of wine and smiled at Banjin and Udy: "Let's go, it's time to cheat that adult."

It was Ellen who walked into the venue first, on his right was Baron Oss, and on his left was Lola, who had just returned from the barracks and was murderous. It's just that Lola didn't have a sword, but she was glared by her wild eyes, and the men who had been staring at her face suddenly retracted like a mouse and a cat. Behind these two people were five Mosasaurus knights, but they wore cloaks and masks, and walking at the end would not attract too much attention. People would only regard them as Ellen's guards, and they would not want the royal guards of the Naga clan to act as Ellen's guards.

At this time, Allen was surrounded by the rich and powerful in the city, even if it was Wift, it took a lot of effort to crowd out the crowd. This is also thanks to the docile, real killer female companion around her. From time to time, he "squeezed" the crowd with clever vigor, otherwise Waver would not be allowed to squeeze behind and not enter.

"Master Allen!" Wift filled his face with a smile, and the haze on his usual face disappeared under the lights of the room. Some of them were only excited, and they were almost crying. Wift said loudly: "It's a great honor for the adults to visit Fenrir for the second time. If there were no adults, there would be no Bright Ridge today, let alone our good days. So I suggest that everyone together To Mr. Allen!"

Wift's flattery was so blatant, many people underneath cursed shamelessly, but they could only show up with a toast. Unexpectedly, Alan shook his hands lightly to signal the crowd to be quiet, and then looked up and down Wift, smiling with so many different intentions: "This gentleman is?"

The crowd was silent.

Wift was even more embarrassed. He acted on his own for a long time. When someone said "I don't know you", isn't he going to put someone's cold **** on his face? Wift thought about a thousand and ten thousand, and never thought that this would be the case. When he read the book?·1?·He was irritated, and he would not stop this adult coming to Fenrir for a whole day, and he would not know the existence of his own character.

The rich and powerful underneath were also stunned, and some even almost laughed out loud. Finally cover his mouth in time, otherwise Wift will be **** alive.

Oss, standing on Allen's right, said coldly: "My lord, this is Mr. Wift. By all accounts, it's still my elder."

"Oh?" Allen squinted his eyes and asked with a smile on his face: "This gentleman said just now that I'm here for the second time. In other words, when I forced Fenrir city half a year ago, Mr. Wift should be in the city. . It’s Oss’ elder again, that’s weird. Why didn’t I see Mr. Wift in this hall back then?"

Wift was dumb for a while, he couldn't say that I was terribly scared at that time, and if I could escape from the city, I would have escaped prematurely, and I would never see you again.

Allen asked again: "Could it be that Mr. Wift was sick?"

Seeing Alan throw this step, Wifft nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, I was really ill at the time, otherwise I would have to climb to see an adult even if I climbed."

To such an old man who slapped flattering to the realm of needles, Allen hahad and said, "Mr. Wift's flattering skills are really superb. Oh, I remember. When I came here, it seemed that someone had said to me. , A guy named Wift has been busy taking advantage of our Sir Oss power for the past six months. Is that Wift you?"

The corners of Wift's mouth twitched, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. Even if he is an idiot, he can hear Alan's tone differently, and Wift said coldly: "What do you mean, my lord?"

"Hey, they also said that Wift was the smartest man in Fenrir. When Duluf was alive, this gentleman chose to retire. Later, as a great nobleman of Fenrir, Mr. I am willing to be a mole and bury myself, so as not to confront the swordsmen. When Baron Oss took office, the mole crawled out. Then it's a big deal, what to buy people's hearts, eliminate aliens, and take over the power of jazz , Just a little bit, Fenrir City is about to change hands." Allen said exaggeratedly, and then asked Wift with a smile: "Since you are so smart, why don't you guess what I mean?"

The music in the hall disappeared at some point, and the band quietly left the hall, without knowing who closed the door unnecessarily, so everyone in the hall didn't want to leave unless they jumped out of the window. At this time, no matter how stupid people feel, there is no half of the banquet atmosphere tonight. It is clear that the adult is insulting the teacher.

Wift's eyes turned wildly, and the situation at the moment was completely beyond his expectation. He could not figure out what Alan was going to do. I want to say a few more words to support the scene, Allen waved his hand directly, stepped back and smiled: "Don't worry, Baron Oss has something to say to you. Just listen to what our Baron has to say."

Allen stepped back, Oss moved forward, and became the focus of the room. Wift looked at the boy coldly, at a lamb born by a wolf, he didn't believe what the gentle lamb dared to say to him. Wift still casts a cold look at Oss as usual. Usually the boy will look down and avoid him when he touches his eyes. But tonight, he resolutely looked at each other, and then said in a slightly slow tone: "I thought you were afraid to come tonight, but you are here. Very good, Wift. I don't know, you are a commoner, Why are you attending this official banquet?"

Wift was taken aback.

Others showed thoughtful expressions, some suddenly realized, some frowned.

Oss revealed the cards for everyone: "You probably didn't take a good look at the invitation letter, otherwise you will see it. The letter of the invitation letter looks like "Invite officials at all levels". That is the last one I will give you. Opportunity, if you understand what it means and choose to leave, then I will pretend that you are not incumbent and leave. Then, tonight will be a real banquet. But if you come, it means nothing It's the same."

"Wifter, you resigned from office when my father was in power. But when you received that invitation letter, nothing appeared. For about half a year, you have considered yourself the city of Fenrir. Isn’t he the real master?"

"In the past six months, you have manipulated the officialdom, bought off, and even assassinated the officials of our city, so as to achieve your purpose of stealing the sky and changing the day." Osgar said in a heavy tone: "In this, I will not talk about the others. Just assassinate the officials. One, according to the constitution of the Empire, is both a capital crime!"

Wift said coldly: "Sir Oss, this dirty water can't be sloppy, do you have evidence?"

"I have!" Oss raised his hand and patted, the hall door opened behind him, and several people filed in. Jeff was walking in the forefront, seeing Wift's eyes flushed, he rushed forward and raised his fist to punch someone, but reached out to a Mossaurus knight to stop him.

Allen said lightly: "Don't rush to do it, Captain Jeff."

Jeff panted hard, gave the old man a fierce look, and knelt down at Oss. "Master Oss, Wift had asked me to betray him. I don’t agree, this old thing. Someone was ordered to assassinate me the next night. If it hadn't been for Lord Edward's arrangement, Jeff couldn't stand here now!"

Wift couldn't hide his shock on his face. He glared at his companions around him and said anxiously with the voice they could only hear: "You didn't mean that they were all dead at the time, why are they all standing here alive now? "

The woman also looked at a loss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then several others knelt down one by one to testify against Wift's crime. The officials, large and small in the hall, and the nobles in the city all began to move back, so as not to stand too close to Wift.

Wift didn't know whether he was angry or scared. He trembled all over and shouted: "One-sided words, these are one-sided words!"

Allen picked a piece of cake and threw it into his mouth. He ate it and said, "I said that this old fox is not so easy to give up. Oss, you don't hide it and call that person in."

Oss nodded and made a gesture. The door of the hall opened again, and a person walked in from outside.

Someone who should never be here!

[Recently we opened WeChat, and there are brothers who play WeChat Gagawoza. WeChat ID: 1982]



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