Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 945:  Change the sky

"Xue Bi'an! Why are you here!" Weft yelled out of silence.

It was not someone else who got in from the door of the hall, it was Xue Bi'an, Wift's butler. The butler bowed his head and did not dare to look at Wift. He came to Oss and knelt down. With trembling hands, he took out something from his arms and presented it to Oss: "My lord, this is Wift's notebook. It records him. Everything that he did in the past six months, who was bought by him, who was going to be assassinated, and who owed him favor, are clearly recorded in this."

Oss took the notepad and flipped through it casually, and sure enough, it was densely recorded with the small and large matters that Wift had handled. The baron shook his notepad and asked coldly, "I have the personal evidence, and now I have the physical evidence. Wift, what else do you have to say?"

Wift pointed to the butler and said, "You, you, you..."

Allen walked up to the butler, patted him on the shoulder and smiled at Wift: "You can buy people, but Edward is not allowed to buy you the butler? Wift, if your brain is not good, don't play these tricks. People are old. It’s normal if you can’t remember things well, but it’s a bit self-defeating to record your activities. Of course you can also say that this book is not yours, then I’ll find an expert to identify the handwriting. What do you think? ?"

Wift seemed to be ten years old all of a sudden, and said dejectedly: "No need to trouble, my lord." He said unwillingly, "Yes, I admit that I did all this. But the lord doesn't want to think about it, Oss. Is this kid suitable to be the lord? If you let me do it, I will do better than him. What's more, you have also seen that if it weren't for you, this kid has been defeated now, how can such a person be a good lord!"

Allen looked at him with a smile, and answered the wrong question: "I don’t know if the Lord Banjin mentioned the barracks to you? If not, then I don’t mind telling you about it. Just before the banquet started, you were here. The so-called commander in the barracks, as well as a few **** captains, gave me a beating, and even the camp flag was cut off by my men."

Wift's eyes twitched.

"Know why I did this? I want to tell you, and the active senior officials' hats here. Laura is one of my powerful fighters, and she is definitely not the only one I can handle. Now I can take out one person at random to kill the so-called ∮style_txt; in your eyes, so your self-righteous dependence is actually nothing. As long as I want, I can ask any person in this hall to roll the bedding. This is like a one No matter how strong an ant is, it can’t beat an elephant. It’s a truth that it’s like a little baron, but it’s not a huge imperial room.” Allen’s eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the hall: “I don’t mind if you have ambitions, too. I don’t mind if you take advantage of your authority in private. But if anyone forgets his duty and dares to stretch his hand too long, I also don’t mind cutting off your hands. Even, cutting off your heads! "

"Yes, Oss is indeed inadequate, and he is not quite satisfactory in many ways. But he is better than you, do you know what it is, Master Wift?" Allen's gaze returned to the old man.

The old man gritted his teeth and said: "I don't know!"

"First of all, he is younger than you, and his youth is destined to have greater potential than you, and greater plasticity than you. Second, he does not have your copper odor and your desires. What I need is someone who can govern the territory well. A vassal, not a guy who only knows how to squeeze the territory to fill his coffin with gold and silver jewelry!"

Wift finally sat down, and Alan looked at Oss, who knew, and said solemnly: "Now the evidence is solid. As the lord, I announce that Wift is guilty of murdering officials of Fenrir City. Take it for me immediately! "

The two Mosasaurus knights behind immediately stepped forward, holding the Wift on the left and the right. Wift's female companion quietly backed away, hiding in the crowd. With Wift detained, this dust-washing feast was not over. Although Bankin and Udy were not captured by Oss, they saw that Wift was subdued, and they felt quite uncomfortable. What's more, when the big tree of Wift fell, the power of the two in Fenrir was gone.

The banquet had not yet been declared over, and Ban Jin gritted his teeth and knelt down to Oss first. He berated himself for being an accomplice to Wift for half a year and asked Oss to forgive him. Judy saw that Banjin was already like this, so he went all out and confessed that he used Wifter's power to lower the purchase price of grain, repel his peers, deceive rice farmers, and other crimes. Oss listened coldly, and said: "You are still smart, if you don't take the initiative to stand up tonight. Then tomorrow morning, Banjin will be thrown into jail, and Udie will confiscated your property. Now it's another time. As for Udi, I will not move your property or business group. But from tomorrow, Fenrir City will also cancel this ridiculous office. You will still be your sheriff. From now on, the purchase price must be fair, not to exclude peers, otherwise you will leave Guangmingling for me!"

Such a small punishment and big punishment is really beyond the two people's expectations. Especially Ban Jin, although he can no longer be the governor of the peace, he can finally keep the position of a sheriff. Development is not enough, but old-age care is more than enough. With the example of Banjin Youdi before, all the dignitaries who were connected with Wifft stood up and confessed themselves, so a banquet became a confession meeting, which made Oss heart angry and funny.

But everything went according to the direction Allen expected, originally according to Edward's arrangement. Wift should be killed, and Benjin Yudi don't even want to escape. Even those dignitaries who were close to Wift were taken down when Edward closed the net. Wift wanted to change the sky, why not Edward's arrangement. But Allen modified this plan. He originally took the butcher knife, but he threw the knife to Oss. Many heads would have been chopped off, but these heads are still making their homes on top of them.

Edward's arrangement was that after the sky changed, the Guangming Ridge was completely filthy, and Alan could insert his own people in, thus indirectly taking charge of this territory. As for Allen's approach, it is to support Oss and let him erect an image of grace and strength in front of others. The former is done once and for all, but it is unavoidable to Guangmingling. The latter is relatively mild, but if it weren't for Oss to make up his mind, Allen would still use Edward's strategy. At that time, Oss really became his string puppet.

The big boy, who had a stern face according to Allen's instructions, didn't know that he was almost embarking on another bleak path. Fortunately, he made the right choice.

When there was a lot of people in the hall, the female companion that Wift had brought quietly left the hall. She quickly walked out of the city lord's mansion and came to the shadow of the corner. First, he tore off the skirt that was in the way, revealing a pair of smooth white thighs. Two daggers were tied tightly on both sides of those alluring thighs. The woman simply kicked off her high heels and flew along the lane with her bare feet.

She is very familiar with the streets and alleys of Fenrir City and keeps walking through the streets. If someone is stalking, she will leave her alone in almost nine cases. The woman's goal is clear, she wants to leave the city before dawn. Otherwise, at dawn tomorrow, she won't have to go anywhere. Since the other party had bought Wift's butler, I also knew that the chief of the city defense team and several captains had been inserted in by the people that Waft had found.

So as long as you are not a fool, you can touch your identity. Besides, that Sir Allen didn't look like a fool at all, on the contrary, he was terribly shrewd. Wift painstakingly arranged, and the three or two were demolished to pieces, and finally ended in a bleak detention to death.

The woman has been both a killer and a bed warmer for the old thing for the past six months, but she didn't really want to die with the old man. She was definitely not like the old man knew. She was a down-and-out assassin whose team was framed so that only she survived. What grateful for the old man's life-saving kindness, that is just an excuse to get close to Wift. As for whether Wift really hadn't thought about the excuses for this flaw everywhere, or just didn't want to pierce it, women didn't know or didn't want to know.

She took a deep breath, and the speed increased again, as fast as a red cloud drifting away in the dark night.

The city gate is in sight.

There was a loud wind behind her, and the woman looked back, her scalp exploded.

A silver gray hair swayed in the wind, and the woman in the pair of red pupils saw her panicked face, then who else was the young viscount chasing from behind? In a blink of an eye, Allen rushed to the street buildings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ instantly ahead. Rolling in the air, hit the woman with a long blow when he hits his head and feet.

The temperature around the woman rose sharply, and she hurriedly stopped. There was a huge fire in front of her, and a curtain of fire rushed out of thin air, blocking her path. The curtain of fire rose and fell, and Allen had fallen to the ground, just in front of her. The woman had seen the gate in the distance, but there was an Ellen between her and the gate.

Although just a person, it seems that there is a peak that cannot be crossed!

The woman just thought about jumping back when she heard a dull noise. She looked back, and the female swordsman who had cut down the camp flag was standing in the road. The heavy sword was leaning against the ground, and the body of the sword reflected the cold moonlight, which made the woman's face paler.

Allen laughed and said: "I'm just wondering, how could an old man who is about to die with such a skill, almost turned the city of Fenrir into the sky. If he really had this skill, he wouldn't be able to repair it that day. It’s so miserable. Then I looked through the information I got, and Wift seemed to have known you before he began to dominate. Then please tell me, Miss Yazni. Who are you? Or who? Instructed you to approach Wift?"



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