Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 947:  Idol


As always, the floating island of Babylon swept across the ground slowly according to the set trajectory. The floating island cast a heavy shadow on the ground, like a plume cloud, passing by a small mountainside town. The people in the small town stopped their work, and a few and a half older children climbed to the top of the only bell tower in the town. The hem of a girl's skirt was caught by the tiles on the top of the tower and almost slipped off, but it was fortunate to be pulled by a boy with flaxen hair.

The flaxen-haired boy smiled, "Trisi, girls don't climb too high."

The malnourished girl who looked yellow and thin said angrily: "Bob, you look down on me!"

The boy named Bob shrugged (pig) (pig) (island) (novel) www.zhu shoulders, and forcefully took the girl up and said, "It's not that I look down on it, or..." The girl next to Cui Si ignored him. , And other children looked at the floating island slowly passing by in the sky. Looking from below, you can see the huge pedestal below the floating island. The girl stretched out her hand to catch something, but her fingers caught only air.

Bob looked at her meaningfully and said, "Just climb too high, and the wind will be strong. If the wind is too high and your skirt is too short, it is inevitable that people will accidentally see something that shouldn't be seen."

Trish was still immersed in the magnificence of the floating island, and did not react for a while. It took a few seconds to hear the meaning of Bob's words, and immediately lifted his foot to kick the boy hard. Bob yelled and avoided, and the girl reluctantly chased after him. In this scene, the other children had already seen no surprises, one by one watching them playfully.

Bob had better squeeze the **** the top of the tower, half he didn't want the girl to lose face in front of his companions, and half he liked it. Although Triss hasn't fully developed yet, her chest is already a little swollen. It's a pleasure to be pressed on her face with her green breast as she is now. The girl noticed that this guy had been smiling wickedly, she blushed suddenly, and realized that she had taken advantage of the bastard, and hummed away.

Bob got up, looking drunk, and saw that Trish wanted to punch him with something. Bob waved his hand, looked at the floating island and said: "I heard that it is very beautiful, there are so many delicious things, and there are many beautiful clothes to wear. It's like a fairy tale."

Trish sighed: "So what, anyway, we can't get up."

"Who said that!" Bob jumped up, waving his fist and said: "I want to participate in the next death ring. If I win, I will take you up."

He ran his fingers across a group of companions, and finally stopped on Triss, and said with a smile: "When the time comes, Triss, will you marry me?"

Trish stuck her tongue out and poked, then sneered and said, "Don't be daydreaming."

"No." Bob said with a look of yearning: "Have you never heard of it? This time our federation went to the Starfield Battlefield. Who won the first military service? It's Allen. He is from the surface like us. . It is through the death ring to obtain the right to reside in Babylon!"

"He is my idol." The boy added.

Trish and several of her companions shrugged, everyone knew that this guy used that legendary man as an idol. The champion of the death ring will be produced every time, but after becoming the champion, there has been an amazing move over the years, but there is definitely only one Allen. First, the death ring won, coupled with the veteran family of the floating island Bethkode, and then became a student of the Wolf Marshal. Then it came out that there was an ambiguous relationship with the Empress of Idahua, and it was even more in the limelight recently. In the list of military achievements announced by the Federal Army, this Allen came out on top and was listed as the number one in military achievements.

What a brilliant experience this is.

Especially when he was born on the surface, he has become the idol that many teenagers like Bob have longed for, inspiring them to become the next Allen.

Trish sighed suddenly.

Bob's children looked at her incomprehensibly. The girl showed her precocious side and sat down with a worried expression: "I'm afraid Bob, you won't be able to wait for the next death ring. Don't forget, Star Fields. The war on the battlefield is over. God knows when the Federation and Freedom Gate will fight again. I heard that if it weren’t for the Star Wars, Freedom Gate would have occupied our town. My father said that the Federation and Freedom Gate would have taken over our town. The army of Japan confronted us behind the mountain and almost fought."

War, this is an extremely heavy topic for children. Perhaps for the nobles of the floating island, the war is far away, and their lives are more cumbersome than before, and on the whole there is not much change. But for people on the surface, war may break out at home in the next moment. Together with the smoke, people are bound to be displaced, and that is only the beginning of suffering.

Civilians are always the biggest victims of wars, and the irony is that it is not them who decides whether or not a war, but someone who is far away from the war.

Just like now, far above the floating island in the White House, a fierce debate is unfolding, and the subject of the debate is the next attitude towards Freedom Gate. Federal members are still divided into two factions as usual, one for fighting and the other for peace. Then they quarreled endlessly. When it came to excitement, some congressmen even rushed to beat people. This is also a common occurrence in the Council of Parliament. Anyway, the floating island media is manipulated by the Federation, so there is no need to worry about the ugliness in the Parliament being made public. As soon as the members closed the door, they tore their faces. Often when walking in a conference, everyone in suits and shoes, they may have blue eyes and swollen lips when they come out.

This meeting lasted for four hours, and finally, under the approval of President Mobit, a decision was made to give consideration to the two factions, first and then the soldiers.

Two days later.

Horn was at the home of Chancellor of the Exchequer Alstai, watching the White House spokesperson, and a small official announced his next actions on Freedom Gate in a media interview program. After reading it, Horne laughed: "Using Freedom Gate to conduct open negotiations on the occupation of the surface administrative area, it is not clear that there is a war."

Alstai smiled and said: "If there is war, wouldn't it be a good thing for you old guy? The equipment of your family factory can sell well again."

"You come to laugh at me too? It's not thanks to our Excellency the President, who gave us all good things to Beth Kod. Now I don't know how many people are so jealous that they want to bite us off." Horn sneered : "The three giants have expressed their views at the end, and the others can't help but bark."

"It must be Alexander who barked loudest in there."

"This old boy Maine, I haven't found him to settle the account of Eden's attack on Allen. If it weren't for the President's trick of messing up the water, I would have settled the account with Alexander now, so he can bark."

Alstai nodded and said, "That's right, you can move your whole body with a move. Now you Beskod has become a big fat, the fat one. Although you are willing to divide this fat. Go out a little bit. I didn't let the water in the pool mix too quickly, but it was still in a sensitive period. At this time, if you take a shot at Maine, it is inevitable that the water in this pool will mix up with a little manipulation.

Horne smiled and looked at him and said: "Your Excellency Chancellor, you are not afraid that our president will take your official hat when you say this?"

"Don't be afraid or not." Alstai waved his hand and said, "Without me, how many people do you think can help your Excellency the President count those bad debts? And I have a clear distinction between public and private, and we don’t have to hide it when we are in a personal relationship. Outsiders like to chew their tongues and just let them chew them. I'm not afraid that someone will say something behind them. But if one day the president clearly says that he wants to take you at the surgery, then you old Horn should stay away and don't want to get any information from me. "

"You dumb thing." Horn cursed.

Then both of them laughed.

With a smile, Alstai was silent, sighed and said, "I don't know if I will have the chance to sit and chat with you like this in the future."

"Who knows." Horn said, looking out the window.

Alstai said in a deep voice: "Have you not considered retreat? I dare say that once the water in this pool gets mixed up, the president will not first kill the three giants, but you, Beth Kod. I heard him inadvertently talking about the rapid development of Beskard, probably he thinks that you are more threatening than the three giants. Moreover, between the old and new parties, although the president holds a neutral attitude, don’t forget that he is the military department. From his background, Capulo, who tends to be more or less inclined to the old party. As for you, it is obvious that you are in the same position as the new party. Relatively speaking, the three giants are on the outside in the two-party dispute."

"Let me explain more for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the wealthy background. The president has to weigh even if he wants to use them. As for Bethcod, I am afraid he hasn't put it in his eyes. Isn't it? such?"

Alster snorted: "Since you have already thought of it, there is no need for me to say anything. In short, while there is still time, old fellow, it is time to plan a retreat. You are not afraid of your big tree falling, Bei Skod will have to dissipate. I think that little fellow Alan, hasn't grown up enough to carry the family?"

Horn thought of the grandson who had gone to the heavenly star, but he didn't say something in his heart: He was already carrying it!

On this day, Horn did not leave until sunset. Alstai personally escorted him out of the house, and watched him get on the speeding car and went away, still not returning to the house for a long time. Because he knows that there won't be too many opportunities to meet this old friend in the future. Whether it is Alstai, the Minister of Finance, or another identity. And Alstai hopes that he can never meet with Horn in another identity.

Otherwise, the next meeting will not be chatting and drinking, but fighting each other.

The minister was full of melancholy, and finally turned into a long sigh. He turned and went back to the room, and his figure disappeared into the shadow in the room.

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