Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 948:  Outside the board

In the darkness, a light fell vertically.

Mobit, no, it should be said that Alan appeared in the beam of light. He stood upright with a solemn expression, even the slight curvature of the corner of his mouth was exactly the same as Mobit. He is not only similar in appearance, but also in spirit. If you don’t know the basics, it’s hard to imagine that standing in the beam of light turns out to be the president’s substitute.

And the president, after a certain night, has completely disappeared and is missing.

After holding both hands, Alan stood tough and domineering. He seems to be patient, even if he stands like this for a year or a half, there will be no looseness. Of course he couldn't stand for this long, or even if he was willing to stand for this long, those who were observing him would not have such patience.

So around Alan, every light beam lit up one after another.

There are six ways in total.

There were only five people in the six lights, and the black and white clowns in the six-member council had already fought their lives in order to send Mobit on the road. As for his position, no one can substitute for him for the time being, so he simply vacated it. The remaining five people are definitely big shots in the Guangyin Society. Even though Alan has served this mysterious organization for many years, he doesn't know who is behind that mask.

Alan stood.

The other five are sitting.

The first speaker was the makeup clown. His voice was still so tepid: "Tell us, Alan. Why did you do this? Didn’t you receive the secret order? I think we did point out in the secret order that it’s time to make the federal The gesture of shaking hands with Freedom Gate. Instead of your current pure courtesy and then the soldiers, you are clearly forcing Freedom Gate to go to war with the Federation. What do you want to say about this?"

Alan nodded and said solemnly: "I have read the contents of the secret order without missing a word. Indeed, in accordance with the instructions of the secret order. The policy issued by the White House should be relatively mild, but don’t forget, sit down and discuss. In the pavilion is Mobit rather than Alan. Alan can do what the adults want, but Mobit can't. Therefore, Alan feels that this matter should not be rushed and needs some preparation. If a settlement is raised suddenly, I am afraid that Mobit will not be right. The iron-blooded political road will show flaws to some interested people. The decision made by the subordinates is the most suitable for Mobit."

Yao Li's q laughed: "If we have to do everything according to Mobit's temperament, why should we implement any solar eclipse plan and even catch up with the priest?"

Alan turned his head to look directly at her and said: "The significance of the eclipse plan is to quietly replace everyone in the organization into the federal government. To achieve this goal, then Alan's current identity must not be exposed. In this case, then only Can continue to maintain the image of Mobit. I believe you all know that this plan will not happen overnight. It takes time to pave the way."

"His persistence is not entirely unreasonable." K, who has been silent for a long time, said lightly: "It's just Alan, before you have any thoughts next time, you'd better inform us. Otherwise, it would be a bit self-assertive."

a said in a deep voice: "Yes, you can sit in this position because the priest got his life in exchange. Don't think that you really become the President of the Federation. You have to remember that you are a pawn, and we are Chess player! If the chess pieces do not follow instructions, be careful to become abandoned pieces!"

"Enough, a." The makeup clown waved his hand: "This time

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) So, please remember Alan, we are all comrades, we are all working hard to achieve a common ideal. There should not be any secrets between us. If you think you have any thoughts, you may as well tell us directly. "

"I see." Alan nodded.

"Then this meeting is over," the clown announced.

The light above Alan disappeared, and the image of Mobit disappeared into the darkness. However, the six-member council has not been disbanded. J, who talks the most on weekdays, has been silent just now. Until now, he said: "Too much, I have been observing him just now. Not only did that guy speak with an air, he even gave a casual look. That's enough for Mobit. If Mobit hadn't confirmed his fall, I almost thought Mobit had pretended to be Alan."

a took the words and said: "I don't trust him, that man has less fear when he faces us. Guys, I don't know if the dog on the other side is a loyal dog or a wolf who will bite his master at any time? "

"Of course we don’t believe him 100%, but it doesn’t matter to us whether he is a dog or a wolf. What’s important is that we have no one to replace him now, so we can only let him Keep doing it. Of course, if he wants to be a white-eyed wolf, I will kill him myself." said the makeup clown.

"I'm leaving." K left such a sentence, and before anyone could respond, the beam of light on his head suddenly disappeared.

Then the beam of light disappeared one after another.

In the end, only the makeup clown was left, and he was facing the unmanned beam of light alone. It's like saying to myself, but also like saying to the human who is no longer here: "We will always succeed, it's just a matter of time."

Alan stood in a narrow room, which was a secret room in Mobit's study. Alan stood with his hands in his hands, and looked like a Mobit in no matter what his posture, impeccable. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered the word "chess piece" back and forth. After so many times, he hummed, humming like a muffled thunder, surging the room.

"You reminded me that no matter how I do it, it's just a pawn. The life of a **** cannot escape the mercy of the player who plays the chess. That's right. But if I want to see this **** How about looking at the scenery outside the chessboard?" Alan asked and replied: "Then you need to find another opponent for the player to play chess alone. How boring..."

A name came to his mind.


This may be an ordinary name, but if the prefix Mojun is added to the front, it is worthy of anyone's careful scrutiny.

Demon Lord Kagaso, the emperor of the Nirm, the culprit in the Battle of Dawn!

"Or, fight it for the second daybreaking battle?" Alan smiled lightly.

Three days later, a carriage drove into Dawn Castle. Five war horses followed behind the carriage, each of which was a knight. The knight wore a cap and a mask. It is not difficult to see that they are all women from the hands holding the reins and the legs holding the horse legs. Although you can't see the head and face, the lines of the hands and feet that can be exposed are all very beautiful. You don't need to remove the mask, and you all know how beautiful a face is under the mask.

There are only one such person, but there are as many as five. Everyone has excellent riding skills, with a deep breath, and no combat power.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Where will it be weak? Such five knights followed the unmarked carriage in front of them all the way into the city and crossed the street, winding around and finally to the city lord's mansion.

The carriage stopped and Alan, who was acting as a groom, jumped down. He knocked on the door of the car, and the door opened, and Lola got out of the car first, and finally Lucy. Hearing the news, naturally someone came to take the carriage and the war horse. Allen let Lucy and the others go to rest on their own. Only the Mossaurus knight Neri, who was on duty today, went to the study with Edward, who was out to welcome him back.

On the way to the study, Edward made no secret of his gaze and looked at Nelly with a thorn. He looked very seriously, almost seeing the feet from the head, and seeing Neri's heart secretly angry, the water vapor in the corridor was dark, and the water mist climbed up on the window glass. Alan coughed slightly, and Nelly snorted, suppressing the source force that began to surge like a blue tide.

Edward said calmly: "This is the Mossaurus Knight that His Highness gave you, yes. I originally thought she would perfuse you with ordinary goods, and even shoddy ordinary guards. I did not expect that she gave you such an elite combat power. If the other four have the same strength as this one, then you are making a lot of money."

Allen waved his hand and said, "Even though your Royal Highness Lily is acting a little wayward, she still has credit. I never worry that she will make a fuss about this."

He said this to Edward and also to Nellie. After hearing this, the dragon knight was not as anxious as he was just now, and Allen continued: "But I have promised your Highness that these knights will only serve me for three years."

Edward stopped and looked at Allen with a smile but a smile, and said: "You are so generous. Don't say they are Mossaurus Knights, even if they are ordinary Naga women, there is no reason to take over and send back. Just now I thought Say that you have made a lot of money, but now, I can only say that you are not at a loss."

Allen shrugged.

Then the two concealed some Fenrir City fishing and netting, and now Fenrir City can be considered stable. Wift had been sent to the gallows in accordance with the laws of the Empire. As for the killer who fell into Allen's hands, he was found to have killed himself the day after he was thrown into prison. As for the commander and several captains of Nawiftan who inserted into the city's defense team, they controlled them, but they did not commit suicide.

After a simple review, it was found that these people were not like Nayazni, they were just adventurers who lived in Fenrir City ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and became the old man's running dogs after being bought by WFT with money.

"So, I can't find out who wanted to reach out and come in?" Edward glanced at Alan and said, "You are too careless. After catching the killer, you need to check her whole body. Anything like this People always have one or two things that kill themselves when necessary, or call Ba Jin away. With our medicine master, she can't die even if she wants to die."

"It's a foregone conclusion. It's useless to talk about this. If you die, you will die. If you don't find it, he will go. If he is smarter, he should know to stop there. If he is too stupid to reach out again, then Next time I will chop him off and chop off his head altogether. But that's what happened after I returned from Beidu."

"Speaking of this..." Edward squinted his eyes and said, "The Mr. Ryan has arrived, and I have already arranged for you to meet him tonight."

Allen nodded and said, "It's indeed time to come. I'm going to Tieqiangling later."

(End of this chapter)



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