Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 954: Out of town

Orlando was not surprised at Allen's unintentional words. He laughed twice, lowered the volume and said, "I heard from my father before coming. His Royal Highness, the second prince Julian, seems to have the intention to get to know Lord Ellen?"

"That's true. The trustee of His Royal Highness talked to me. I have decided to go to Tieqiangling to observe the ceremony, and then I will be the capital of God." Allen said calmly: "His Royal Highness Julian has promised that the day I arrive in Olisga will be When I was promoted to earl."

Orlando stuck out his tongue and said, "With the wrist of Lord Allen, after being promoted to earl, as long as the combat power level keeps up, I want to be a marquis just around the corner? Then I will have another marquis in the south, and it is the one with strong combat power. One kind?"

"You can't call the Marquis Huo Yi exclusively beautiful, so you can share and share the sight of that one's {Pig+Pig+Island} novel www.hzua. Just to reassure that person, you have to invite Huo to watch this ceremony. Master Yi, don't show me a good face?"

Orlando laughed: "If the emperor was so foolish, then we won't have to be so miserable all these years. It's like having Jinshan Yinshan at home, but afraid of thieves stealing it, so we can only hide it. It’s really uncomfortable. Besides, the emperor is afraid of our family’s domination, but he is even more afraid of heavy ministers. So Master Allen doesn’t have to do that self-defeating gesture. My father can’t do this kind of thing either. He’s the most straight-hearted, and he’s going straight and straight like that Bi Lei. Although he hasn’t seen you before, he pays much attention to you and appreciates you after defeating Daniel. All sorts of aftermath."

"If this is not the case, even if your Royal Highness Julian writes his own handwriting, you may not have to ask him to block Eric for you."

Allen nodded: "Since you said that, then I know what to do."

Orlando slapped Allen on the thigh and said, "With the relationship of His Royal Highness Julian, we will be our own people in the future. When I get to Iron Gun Ridge, I will show you around. Don’t look at you here, Jinwu Cangjiao, The collections are all stunning. But women like things are not necessarily the best if they are beautiful. I just know some women with a variety of styles, so you can't imagine how flattering is like that song. Hey, don't Look at me this way. I told you this when you were a brother. Although I look better than the people in Beidu these years, I am not just talking about it..."

In the end, Alan couldn't laugh or cry to send the son of the iron spear out of the house. If he didn't send him away, Lola over there was about to cut people. After returning from Orlando, and seeing Laura looking thoughtful, Allen shook his head and said: "Orlando just said casually, don't listen to his nonsense, when he is married, there is no time to take me blindly. visit."

Laura approached, her eyes shining brightly, she bit her lip and said, "You men, do you all like men who will welcome you?"

Allen screamed for help. Once Laura, a wild woman, showed a soft side, the contrast between the front and back was so big that it would make any man lose his mind. Besides, knowing that her femininity is only shown to you, the sense of accomplishment is even more satisfying. Allen reached out his hand and cupped her face and said, "Just be yourself, because you are Laura, so you don't have to do anything deliberately."

Laura smiled and said in Ellen's ear: "But if it's you, I'd be happy, I can do anything for you."

This sentence made Allen more difficult to fight than what a big move. Allen hugged her tightly and felt the sudden changes in their bodies. But Laura pushed him away firmly, and snorted, "But not now." She laughed again: "There are a bunch of women in this house, I don't want to tell them to read a joke."

She can do anything for Allen, but Lola has her own pride.

Allen smiled and let go of her: "Go to bed early."

Laura said "um", leaving him with an extremely moving back and disappearing in the corner of the living room. Allen exhaled, shook his head and coughed softly: "Eavesdrop again, be careful I eat you."

Two exclaims suddenly sounded outside the living room, and the twin sisters of Mirumila walked out blushing. They were on duty tonight. Seeing their decisive expressions, Allen couldn't help but laughed and said: "It's all right, you guys go and rest too, I scared you just now."

The two young knights exhaled and left with a grin.

Allen glanced out the window intentionally or unintentionally, waved out the candle in the living room. Outside the corridor, in the shadow of a corner, Ruola gently walked out. Looking at the dim window and the door, she never buttoned it, but turned and left.

The next day, the Ark Harbor was full of music and drums, and people rushed to Baibao. But when the crowd came to a block away from Baibao, they stopped. The soldiers of Deep Sea Linji were fully armed and set up roadblocks to ensure that the crowd could not enter the next block. People can only stop far, but no one complains.

The door of the White Fort is open, and the guards of honor on both sides are playing music. When Ruola came out wearing a white and flawless dress, Orlando smiled and took her palm and walked to Att. Yate was both excited and nervous today. With the help of Metz, the boy held a shot of rice and sprinkled it on the two of them. At this time, the local marriage custom means that the newlyweds have no worries about food and clothing after marriage. Originally, Oban had to sprinkle the valley for the two of them, but Oban had passed away and only Yate did the work.

After sagging the valley three times, Yate was led by Metz back aside and greeted Ruola leaving the fort. At this moment, Yate finally couldn't help but flushed, and the boy shook his shoulders, but bit his lips tightly and didn't let himself cry.

In the end, Jola was picked up by Orlando and got into a gorgeous carriage. Orlando also turned on his horse. At this time, the servants of the White Castle on both sides of the street forcefully released the white dove in their hands, and a white dove soared into the sky. Like a white cloud floating towards the sky. As early as the servants on the building rooftops on both sides also sprinkled the prepared flowers on the street, the flowers were raining immediately, which was so beautiful.

In this beautiful scene like a picture scroll, the horse team set off. Allen pulled Lucy and walked back to his carriage. Passing by Yate's side, Allen stopped, patted the boy on the shoulder, blinked and said, "Wait for me to come back."

The young man remembered what Allen had promised him yesterday, and at the moment he faded away a bit of Ruola's sorrow, crying and laughing and nodding.

On this day, Ruola finally left the city where he had lived for many years. Although she would come back after the wedding, she was no longer Jola at that time, but Mrs. Orlando.

The team departed from Ark Harbor, traveled by land, passed through many villages and towns, and passed through the Blood Jing Mountain Range to reach the Iron Spear Collar. The journey is said to be long or short, and it is said that it is not short. Because it is not an army march, the team does not go fast. Otherwise, it will take four days to arrive, but now it will take six full days. In addition to a hundred soldiers in this team, there are also twelve elite iron gun guards, plus Hoy's battle flag, there will be no trouble on the way.

Even though the area around Xuejing Mountain is not peaceful, who would dare to trouble this team without having eyesight. But on the other hand, if you dare to make trouble like this, the background is usually not small.

All the way, Allen's carriage hung at the back of the team, only when it stopped to rest, would it appear in Orlando's sight. As for Ruola, according to etiquette, she, the bride, will not be able to show her face again until the day of her wedding, so she lives in the carriage during the journey. Don't look at Ruola's seeing off, the Ark Harbor was like a festive holiday, but after leaving the city, the journey was very boring.

Even though the empire is inferior to the north, martial arts still prevail in the south, but not as good as the north. So during the rest of the journey, the soldiers first asked the Mossaurus Knights to learn from each other, so Allen threw the youngest Mi Lu out. As a result, they beat a dozen men to the floor with one hand. Then the Iron Gunguard couldn't lose this face, and after the other day, he ended up calling for battle while resting. This time the Mossaurus Knight did not play, but came out to Lola. Unexpectedly, before the fight, the iron gun guard shouted not to fight with the woman, Lola's face at the time became quite difficult to look.

Allen quickly called her down and kicked Regis out. There is no suspense. Naturally, Regis stood at the end, and none of those who dare to threaten to challenge lie down.

In the end, the soldiers and the iron gun guard urged Orlando to challenge Allen, but the son of the iron gun said shamelessly: "I don't go, you feel itchy."

Of course no one dared to challenge Alan. After all, even the vibes slayed the sword. They still knew how much iron gun guards had.

On the fourth day ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the team entered the Blood Jing Mountain Range, where the mountains were dense and dense, the mountain roads were narrow, and the team was inconvenient to pass, and the speed immediately slowed down. During the period, there were traces of thieves and spies, which made people both funny and helpless. When an iron gun guard reported the situation, Orlando shook his head and said: "These guys had better have eyes longer. I think it's a waste of time to come and ask for trouble."

It's a pity that this is indeed for the guys who don't have long eyes. After the team passed a rugged mountain road and found a relatively open woodland to stop and rest, a team of thieves appeared. They hadn't gotten home stupid yet, they even rushed up knowing that this team was crowded. They are stalking far away from the camp, possibly with the idea of ​​Ye Xiao coming to the camp again. It's a pity that he was discovered by the Iron Gunguard and killed Orlando, who was unwilling to challenge Alan. This time he picked up Bi Lei enthusiastically, and killed him with half of his guards.

It's just that Orlando has risen and returned. There was no other reason. The thieves were so weak that they surrendered with their heads in several rushes. Upon questioning, these guys were originally the leaders of the Dark Evening Collar, and the reason why they would have fallen to the Blood Jingshan Ridge as thieves was also very uninspiring. That's because the lord's exorbitant taxes and taxes made these leaders nowhere to survive and had to leave their hometown.

Orlando also brought a boss back, and Allen chatted with him for a while, and the boss went down happily. Allen led them to Guangmingling, and as long as he reported his name, they would be taken in. Now Guangming has cultivated land but is short of manpower, and is not afraid to take in some foreigners.

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