Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 955:  Should come and should not come

c_t;[Thanks to Daddy Meng, Su in the War, Brother Xiang, Brother Hein, and several brothers from the whole regiment of Niu Yikoudi for their rewards and monthly tickets. (')thanks for your support! ]

"The lord of the black evening collar is the Earl of Kent. This man has been eyeing the mountain city Rekerd before. The black evening collar's military is incomparable to the mountain city, but the territory of Kent and the mountain city just sandwich the Ark Harbor. If the two join forces, The Ark Harbor is very unfavorable. Earlier, Earl Auban also asked us to assist Ark Harbor in solving this horn situation. At that time, he was still facing the threat of Daniel. It can be described as enemies, and the situation is very bad."

Alan and Orlando each rode a war horse in the Blood Peak Mountains, walking side by side between the mountain roads. The trees on both sides are towering, and the dark red bushes on the side of the road will always pull the passing horses, so the horses are tightly wrapped in protective gear on their four hooves, otherwise these tall horses will have four hooves bloody. Yesterday, a group of migrant bandits who ran from the black twilight collar to the Xuejing Mountains attacked the camp, and naturally they got ashamed. Today, Allen asked about Blackpool, and Orlando told the truth.

"That said, I came at the right time." Allen laughed.

Orlando nodded and said, "That's true. At that time, Auban's problem was that he did not lack financial resources, the army did not lack, and he lacked the fierce men who could charge and fight. Your arrival immediately made up for this shortcoming. Especially you beheaded. Your importance became more obvious after you got the most powerful player under Daniel's. As for Daniel's defeat, the mountain city has also been cleaned up by you recently. The horns of Ark Harbor are early. It won't be broken."

Since the Marquis of Iron Spear had a personal relationship with Julian, he naturally knew that Allen's actions in the mountain city were explained by Orlando, and Allen did not find it strange. Moreover, Huo Yi himself was the number one powerhouse in the South, if he didn't even know his activities in the mountain city, it would be too unreasonable.

Allen thought for a while and said, "Then it's the Earl of Kent's turn to have a headache. Now that Iron Gun Ridge and Ark Harbor are married, the life of the Black Twilight Collar between you is not easy."

"It should be. Before, we had a series of plans to deal with the black twilight collar, and then we ran out of use. Then I heard that the Earl of Kent seemed to be a little self-defeating. Without the ally of Rekerd, the Earl of Kent did not want to make progress. Suddenly in the past six months Raising taxes on the territory forced the people to live more than ever, and a large number of businessmen rushed out of the territory, the largest group was taken by our iron guns, and the others scattered into Ark Harbor and your territory." Orlando laughed: "It's black now. Mu Ling can be described as a smog. The local imperial supervisory office can't stand it. It has already reported to the northern capital. (Marshmallow doesn't look like it will take long. Hei Mu understands that the Empire will interfere, and it is not surprising that he changes to a lord."

The empire rarely interferes with the affairs of lords everywhere, let alone change lords. The empire is martial arts, and it can turn a blind eye to the lords from all over the country fighting for territories, but does not allow the lords to raise taxes on their territories at will. In the words of the first emperor of the empire, it was: "The essentials are going to make a fortune? Okay, fight it yourself. As for those soft guys who only exploit their own people, get out of here!"

Therefore, if the situation of the black twilight collar occurs, and the lord ignores the warnings and suggestions of the local supervisory office, the empire will interfere.

If the Earl of Kent were reduced to the point where the empire intervened, it would undoubtedly become the biggest joke in the South in a century. Orlando was laughing at first, but he couldn't laugh out loud when he smiled. There was a noise from the front of the team, and a few more roars. Orlando frowned and looked forward with the horse's belly. Allen made a gesture to Regis and told him to stay and watch the carriage, while he rode his horse behind Orlando.

Suddenly a violent energy surged in front of the team, this momentum was mighty and violent, and there was a bit of burnt smell in the air, it was obvious that the opponent's source power was biased towards the fire. When Orlando and Allen arrived, they saw seven or eight soldiers lying on the ground, all black and smoking, like scorched corpses scorched by flames. Orlando snorted, then looking ahead, the two iron gun guards were shooting each other.

The opponent's whole body was glowing like a mist, and his face was invisible for a while. I saw my hands sticking out of the flames and grabbing two shots respectively. A rush of heat went up the gun, and the gun was red from inch to inch, and the two iron gun guards let go with a snorted snoring, and their palms were hot. The man in the fire laughed, his voice old. The two guns glowing in red in his hands turned the gun heads upside down and threw them towards the iron gun guard.

Orlando's eyes drenched, and his hand touched the Bi Lei war spear beside the horse. The spear turned into a green rainbow and shot away, centered on the left spear. As soon as he pressed the horse's head, the people jumped out, hitting the spear on the right with a fist, and shook it away. After landing, he stretched out his hand, and the invisible force field wrapped Bi Lei and bounced back into his hand. Orlando has a shot in hand, and the gas machine keeps rising and saving. As Bi Lei pointed at the fire, bursts of momentum continued to rush towards the person.

There was a sudden thunder on the side of the road, crackling and crackling, and many blood red bushes exploded frequently, and wood powder flew around.

Allen didn't jump out with the limelight like Orlando did, he turned over and got off the horse honestly. Looking at the red king hanging on the side of the horse, he took it down and carried it in his hand after thinking about it. Carrying the red king and walking to Orlando, Allen squinted his eyes, and said in a low voice, "What a big weather."

There was an old man in that group of flames, and he was more than sixty years old. A bald head, but with a long red beard. Not only was his beard red, but his eyebrows were also red and purple. This old man is tall, and although he is old, he doesn't feel old at all. In particular, he was carrying a long-touching long knife behind his back, and two long and short fire guns were randomly inserted in his waist. It looked like a robber who specialized in robbery in the mountains.

It's just that Allen believes that there is absolutely no fierce man with tough hands like an old man among the bandits of the Blood Peak Mountain Range. This person's scent of flames is vast and tyrannical, and to say nothing, there is also a level of twenty-five and six. This level will not be a nameless person no matter where it is lost, not to mention that he dare to intercept this team, showing the reputation of not being afraid of the iron gun Hoy.

Allen looked at Orlando next to him. The latter had a rather helpless smile, and said at the beginning: "I know the old acquaintance. This old guy is called Gable. He was once the largest band of thieves in Iron Gun Ridge. Demon’s leader, he himself was nicknamed Fire Demon because his source power was biased towards the fire element. This old guy once provoke openly when my father succeeded to the lord of the Iron Spear, and was later by my **** and sturdy man. Father led the army to encircle and suppress, this fire demon was also seriously injured during that encirclement. However, the old guy ran away. There was no news in this run for ten years. He thought he changed his face and hid to avoid disaster. At the time of birth, this old thing ran back to seek revenge."

The fire-lit old man over there saw Orlando and squinted his eyes and exclaimed: "Hoy's bastard, this time without your old man's spear, I see where you can hide. Don't think I don't. I know, when you set off, Hoy was hanging far behind, trying to lead me to show up. I was not that stupid, so I simply hid away from your father and son. Now Hoy is probably waiting for you to go back in Tieqiangling, I'm here I think if he waits to get your body back, what a delightful scene."

Orlando didn’t get angry and laughed: “The old guy can still laugh at you. You **** has wanted my life every other day since I was born, but I’m still alive and well in these twenty years. It’s you, it’s you. I was still tied with my father back then, and now I still haven’t grown a little bit. I think you have lived on a dog, right?"

Allen was amused. The son of the Iron Spear didn't know how much weight he had under his hands, but his mouth was poisonous enough. No, some fire demon over there was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, and he just yelled to kill him.

After Orlando finished speaking, he whispered to Allen again: "This must be the most dishonest powerhouse I have ever seen. He didn't dare to challenge his father. He only dared to attack me and threatened me to die before my father. My father tasted the pain of losing his son. We were helpless to get such a mad dog, but this guy went crazy, but he was also very cunning. He was right just now. I expected the Gable Expo when I came to Ark Harbor this time. Coming for trouble, when he set off from the iron spear collar, his father hung in the back and waited for Gable to hook. I didn't expect that he was still not fooled, so it's not surprising that he will show up on the return trip.

Allen said casually: "In this case, the Marquis of Hoy hasn't sent you a few expert guards, or do you say that the Grand Prince of Orlando is capable of taking down this fire demon?"

Orlando said with a smile: "The old man wanted to do this, but I said no. I don't need to say the reason. Knowing that there is an **** by Mr. Allen, there is no need for some master guard to follow him. "

Allen rolled his eyes directly, thinking that the rascal around him has reached a certain level.

Orlando seemed to have the amulet of Alan in his body, and shouted confidently: "Gable, just because you want to stop? You don't have the qualifications yet. Don't think that if my father is not there, no one can stop you. How about you make a bet with me and see who will die here today?"

The old man finally answered, but another sweet voice rang: "Of course a Gable does not have this qualification, but I am afraid it is barely enough if I add it? The Orlando son wants to bet? Yes, I'm afraid of you. Can't pay that gambling money."

The old man known as the Fire Demon snorted and turned sideways. I saw a figure walking slowly behind him, a man in a black fur coat. Not to mention his handsome appearance, as soon as he appeared, a **** smell floated on the mountain road, and murderous intent was permeated.

Orlando squinted his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said with a wry smile: "The ones that should come, and the ones that shouldn't, are also coming. I won't believe that these two people happened to hit each other to death."

Allen looked at the man who appeared behind, and said solemnly, "Who is this again, your enemy?"

Orlando looked at Allen with a look of surprise, and lost his voice: "You don't know who he is? Lord Allen, you killed the son of someone else. Originally I thought his father had sent him back. I didn't expect him. It will actually appear here reads;."

Speaking of this, Allen knew who the other party was.

Eric the Bloody Earl!

A man who shouldn't have been here.

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