[The figure flickered, and Matthew's figure soon came to King Solomon's face, waving a huge shield. 】

["Peng ——!", casually knocked Mathew away, and the girl holding the giant shield couldn't hold up the ordinary punch in front of her! 】

["It's really useless, Fujimaru Ritsuka, the last master of mankind~", looking at Fujimaru Rika, who could only show an angry look on the side, the playful and sadistic look on Solomon's face was even worse. 】


["No—— no, no!!", with the support of Fujimaru Rika, Matthew stood up and stared at Solomon with his eyes and retorted, "The predecessor's battle dou is not meaningless!"]

["No matter how sad or difficult it is, I didn't give up what I had to do!

["All these efforts have led us to this temple!"]

["Master, please instruct! Defeat the Magic King Solomon under your will!"]

["Matthew...", looking at the firm girl in front of her, Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but be a little stunned, her heart seemed to be hit hard, her orange eyes were crystal clear, her fists were clenched tightly, and her five fingers were deeply embedded in the flesh]

[Seven peculiarities, humans, heroic spirits, they have witnessed endless existence together, each of them is so real... They all have a purpose for their existence... So... Humanity will never perish!]

[The girl got up with difficulty, she knew that she didn't have half a point of battle at all, so she definitely couldn't interfere with Matthew!]

[Go ahead, battle dou... At least...]

[This is far from the end!!]

["Hmmm, Matthew, let's go!"]

["Well, that's good, this is what you're good at, let's end up together!Then let me have a good experience in the grand seat~"]

["See the futility of you, see the powerlessness of you, see the frustration of you!", looking at the rushing Matthew in front of him, Solomon's eyes became more and more playful. 】

["Boom Boom Boom ——!!!", the fingertips flashed with dazzling light, the scarlet light shone, and the endless power poured out! Just from a distance of hundreds of meters, you can feel the power of the condensed beam of light at the fingertips!]

[In an instant, the light shone, the beam of light swept through the space, and the heat wave swept in, and the girl waved the huge shield in her hand without the slightest hesitation, and suddenly 13 met it at the moment when the beam flashed!]

The powerful shock wave even made Fujimaru Rika, who was holding Fufu on the side, a little unable to open his eyes, looking at the magic in front of him, Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but sink in his heart. 】

[It's so casual... It's like repelling mosquitoes at will, and you've reached this point... Who is the other party...]

["Snort ——!", under the first round of attack towards Fujimaru Rikka, Matthew did not hesitate, his legs suddenly exerted, his figure flickered, and the next moment, the figure of the girl holding the giant shield had reached a high altitude, holding the giant shield in his hands with both hands, and his waist was bent back, accompanied by inertia, the continuous transformation of kinetic potential energy and gravity, the giant shield with a flickering cold light rubbed the air, and the terrifying sonic boom exploded immediately!]

[Looking at the scene in front of her, Fujimaru Rika, who was holding Fufu, stepped back again, not because she was afraid, but because Fujimaru Rika knew her strength, and she must not add any trouble to Matthew at this time, and now she can only stay away from the battlefield and protect herself is the most correct choice!]

["Boom Boom Boom ——!!!", the girl's figure jumped into the air, and her figure suddenly slashed down, as if a passing meteor was about to fall to the earth, and the terrifying giant shield seemed to be twisted with the surrounding space at this moment, and the dazzling firelight burst out!]

[The purple hair is flying in the wind, and there is no timidity in the girl's purple eyes, there is just endless firmness!]

["Come on", Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was in the distance, also looked at the scene in front of her uneasily, even Fufu in her arms, and looked at the horse who was leaping high in the sky with wide eyes

。 】

["Huh?", but suddenly Rika Fujimaru seemed to have discovered something, and her eyebrows furrowed, as if she couldn't believe it. 】

[How can it be !!]

["Not bad!" In the face of this terrifying blow, Solomon on the jade throne stood up, stopped the beam of light from his fingertips, and showed a touch of appreciation in his eyes, the next moment!]

[In the frightened eyes of everyone, Solomon in front of him just looked at the terrifying blow and stretched out his fist!]

["Peng ——!!!", obviously a physical body, but in the face of your heavy blow, the fist collided with the giant shield, the terrifying metal sound flowed, and the deafening sound echoed between heaven and earth!]

After a moment of shock, the girl recovered, her purple eyes unexpectedly revealed a touch of ferocity, and she waved the giant shield violently in one hand!

[The girl is no longer the child who used to feel like he was wandering when he did anything, the first peculiarity, the second peculiarity... The seventh anomaly, until now!]

[The girl knows very well that her life should have ended long ago, but because of a coincidence, she has been attacked now, and she has come to an end...]

[We have come to the moment when the flower of life is about to wither!]

[So, since that's the case, let's let this life bloom to the last afterglow!!]

["Boom Boom Boom ——!!!", without the slightest breath, without caring about the flickering terrifying light in front of her, the girl's figure flickered wildly, and the terrifying attack level was like a raging storm without any stop!]

[The giant shield in his hand has lost its original mission —— guarding at this time!]

[The giant shield that flashes with cold light is like a beast that devours people, and the surging magic power flows through the girl's body!

The huge shield in the girl's hand seemed to turn into a sharp knife, flashing with a cold light like black ink, cutting through the air and cutting the flesh!]

[For a while, Solomon looked at the girl in front of him in some silence, and the scarlet eyes reflected the girl who was constantly wheezing, and the clairvoyance was activated!]

[As if in disbelief, the scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, Solomon looked at Matthew in front of him, his broken body was like rotten wood, and the body of the mimic heroic spirit with spots and cracks seemed to be shattered in the next moment, but it was like this...]

["It's amazing...", looking at the girl in front of him, Solomon fell silent, this girl who was favored by him before, even when she was dying...]

["Since that's the case...", looking at the figure in front of him, Solomon stretched out his finger again, but this time it was different from before, the fingertips seemed to contain the power of the stars of the universe, the terrifying light shone in the fingertips, and the torrent of magic condensed in the fingertips, at this moment, the fingertips seemed to contain not an attack, but a collection of stars, sun and moon!]

[Looking at the flickering light in front of her, the girl's body instinctively warned, and at the same time, the figure retreated sharply!]

["Boom, boom, boom ——!!!", at the same time, the magic torrent at the fingertips also came out clearly at this time!]

[Pitch black and scarlet, as if containing an ominous terrifying pillar of light suddenly flowed, the earth burned, and the sky became extremely dark!]

[This is the crown magician, the existence that has evolved magic to the extreme!] The terrifying roar resounded through the earth, and where the pillar of light passed, an abyss-like ravine emerged, and under the terrifying attack, the burning place exuded a scorching heat!]

[Like a maggot on the tarsal bone, the terrifying torrent of magic bites the girl and doesn't let go!]

[As if knowing that he could not avoid it, the figure of the girl in front of him flickered for a moment, stopped suddenly, held the pitch-black giant shield with slender hands, and slammed down the !!]

["Boom, boom, boom——!!!" The terrifying torrent of magic continued to move forward, and the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth continued to echo, looking at the girl who was desperately resisting in the torrent, Solomon narrowed his eyes slightly, and the scarlet eyes reflected not only the figure that the other party was struggling to resist, but also the further broken body!]

["It doesn't last for a moment", and finally the magic king Solomon made such a decision!]

[And when the words fell, the girl's figure was also smashed like a cannonball, shattering the mountains, and the figure was fiercely buried in the rubble!]

["Hmph~", his gaze retracted, Solomon's eyes showed a sneer, and his scarlet gaze looked at Rika Fujimaru, who was stunned in place, at a loss, and didn't know what to do. 】

["What about you?the last master of mankind, the worst master of mankind?!", the energy in his hand resurfaced, Solomon's eyes reflected the girl's body, as long as the light in this hand shoots out, the other party will definitely die!But the next moment, in Solomon's sight, the girl reflected in the scarlet pupils! actually smiled!]

[How is it possible!Why is the other party laughing!As long as the magic power in her hand shoots out, the other party will have no power to fight back!So why is she laughing!]

[Solomon didn't understand!, but the next moment, a sonic boom sounded in his ears that made Solomon understand!]

["Sneering ——!"]

["Peng ——!!!", the dazzling light in the air burst out, the golden cross light shone in the air, and the terrifying air flow caused the wind to surge, like the echo of a meteor finally falling into the world exploded in the air!]

[Blood gushes out, and bright red continues to flow on the white jade seat!]

[In the distance, the girl's figure was almost unable to stand, barely relying on the giant shield to support her body so that she could not fall. 】

[For a while, there was a strange dead silence in this temple. 】

["...!", but just as the girl seemed to have discovered something, there was a hint of disbelief in her purple eyes!]

[The body healed quickly, and the blood stopped dripping, which was obviously the fatal blow, but it was so small at this moment. 】

["Do you think you've won?", the bright red magic surged behind him, and Solomon sneered, "Unfortunately, the show has just begun, Chaldeans!"]

["But your resistance is still quite tenacious, which is worthy of praise! The blow just now has touched the core of this body~!"

["King Solomon's spiritual base is abnormal....!!", as if he had discovered something, Matthew opened his mouth and said, "Master, be careful ——!"]

["Well, I understand!", looking at King Solomon, who exuded a terrifying aura, but was so disobedient, Fujimaru Rika glanced at it, and finally widened his eyes on his fingers, "Ring! I see, it's a ring!"

["Ring...", hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's shout, Matthew's gaze also moved to Solomon's hand, "Only the ring on the middle of the left hand is different...?

["I am not an incompetent king, no matter how stupid humans are, I will make a correct assessment of the bravery and perseverance of humans", as the words fell, the magic behind Solomon turned bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye!]

["So in order to reward you for your struggle, I will give you the honor of meeting my true body!", the suffocating sense of distortion and disobedience flowed completely at this moment!]

[King Solomon in front of him is like a quagmire in the abyss, depressing! crazy, depressing, at this moment the aura it exudes even makes people stop breathing]

["Boom boom boom ——!!!", with the fall of the voice, the originally clear heaven and earth, the white and holy jade seat, the forgotten bush fluttering in the wind, and the bright and shining stars of the universe, at this moment, everything in front of me is completely reversed and turned upside down!!]

[An apocalyptic scene comes into view!]

[The scarlet sky, sprinkled with calamity and ominous scarlet branches burst out of the ground!]

[Endless scarlet sparkling, only a moment to wrap around the holy jade seat, all over!]

[The raging and oppressive voice also echoed at this moment!]


["Manifest, bless!"]

["This is the beast of calamity, one of the evils of mankind!"] Inside the scarlet demon cluster, like the beating heart of 633, the scarlet mist surrounds, and a suppressed voice comes out of it!]

"O Lord of the Chaldees, you have asked me who I am. "】

["Now, I'll answer your question!"]

["I am the one who exists as Solomon, the King of Magic!, the doppelganger of the King of Magic, the institution created by the King of Magic, the original demon created to lay the foundation for magicians such as you!", the abyssal whispers echoed in the ears of everyone, and the aura of calamity and ominous breath filled every corner of the Temple of Time. 】

["The curse of origin that co-ruled the country with Solomon and was abandoned by Solomon's death. "】

["I'll give up the name of the Magic King, because there's no need anymore, I don't have a name, but if you want to call it, just call it that."] "】

["Reach the truly wise Being!The Existence that is longed for for it!Turn you into food, embark on a journey to the Extreme, and create a new star! The Curse of the Seventy-Two, Burning the Existence of History!", blood splattered, and a terrifying and twisted figure was conceived in that beating heart. 】

[Indescribably strange moment, breathless!] The wings of demons and angels slowly stirred, and their huge bodies stood on the top of the void, looking at everything in this world with scarlet eyes!]

[From this - declared!]

["That is, the human reason burns but the style - the magic king, the !! of Getia"]

[This is the existence formed by the collection of these seventy-two pillar demon gods!]

[After the death of King Solomon, the seventy-two pillar demon gods who were sealed on the inside of the corpse gradually developed their own independent thoughts!]

[In their eyes, after the death of the magic king Solomon, they are king Solomon!]

[As a result, all the Demon God Pillars began to promote the energization of all human beings together!]

[As the ancestors of human magic, they are lamenting, lamenting the relationship between King Solomon and mankind]

[In anger, anger at King Solomon's inaction!]

[An existence woven to reach true wisdom!]

[It is a true magic that wants to use all human history to reach the origin, and has a will!]

[This is the name of the human Riyaki style-Gaetia!]

[When people have a sense of pride in sorrow and disappointment...]

[This is the beastly nature of Gatia!]

[At the same time, one of the evils of mankind has reappeared!]

8000 words today~!

Tomorrow will be the appearance of the doctor~

It's so cold, everyone remember to dress warm~

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Mordred ~ (wife)~)

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