["The name is the Burner of the Men - Gatia!"]

[The scarlet color spreads all over every corner of the universe, the magnificent sound echoes in every corner of the universe, the twisted and hideous figure is stagnant in the air, the blood-stained wings are slowly stirred, the scarlet vines are entwined on the white jade seat, and the light ribbon contaminated with scarlet demons is swirling in the sky. 】

Spells return to the world


"That's right, that's right!"

The clear sky, the beach, the blue sea, the leaky pot Huayu and others looked at Xia Youjie, and they couldn't help but feel a chill on their scalp at the same time, and a chill appeared in their backs.

What the hell is going on with this guy lately?!!

Seeing the corners of his mouth cracking high, weirdness is no longer enough to describe the other party's expression at this time, it's like...

Looking at Xia Youjie in front of him, the eyes of the leaky pot looked at the video playing in the void in disbelief.

One eye widened and looked at Solomon in the video, no, it was the monster that had broken out of Solomon's body!!

Madness, chaos, calamity, and ominous aura make the leaky pot feel numb in the scalp!

Spell spirits are creatures that are gathered together by the magic power emitted by ordinary people!

Although I don't want to admit it, even those who often claim to be new humans have to admit that their bodies are composed entirely of the magic emitted by humans.

As spell spirits, they are invisible to ordinary people, and physical attacks are not effective against their spell spirits at all.

Only the corresponding mana attack will damage them.

And their formation is the result of the magic power exuded by self-proclaimed ordinary people, but simply put, the negative emotions emitted by human beings!

For example, the outbreak of the financial crisis in the human world, family conflicts, the boss has been oppressing employees for a long time, and the pressure of life is too great, etc., which will lead to the frequent appearance of spells!

To put it simply, a spell is a collection of negative human emotions!

Killing, sadness, pain, all the negative emotions they can feel.

But now, the leaky pot was horrified to find that this cursed master in front of him - Xia Youjie!

The aura emanating from his body is no longer the cooperative appearance when they first met!

But in terms of his identity, the leaky pot also knew about the other party, the leader of the spell high school, and his life took a turn in an accident and changed to a curse master!

That's all!

If there's one difference between a Curser and a Spellcaster, it's that the Curser is a Spellcaster!

Later, he was expelled from the circle of sorcerers because he did something harmful to humanity, or because of his bad qualities!

Coincidentally, he was in the company of the spell spirit, so he changed from the spell master responsible for removing the spell spirit to the evil existence that helped the spell spirit!

But in essence, the other party is a human after all!

And a human transformed from a righteous sorcerer!

But now the aura emanating from the other party's body is becoming more and more uneasy for him!

It's as if there is something in the other party's body that can't be stopped, and it will break out at any time!

This can't be said to have nothing to do with the scene shown by Gaitia in the video just now, it can only be said to be exactly the same!

What the hell is going on with this guy?!!

"Ah Lala~ Leaky pot, what's wrong with you~?"

"It's nothing", looking at the real person who didn't seem to notice that Xia Youjie, who was going crazy on the side, still had a smile on his face, and the leaky pot didn't say anything more, and the other party was also an out-and-out madman.

Looking at the team that was originally composed of spell spirits, there was a kind of fear in the leaky pot now.

"That's really the case~"

"What do you rely on to control such a powerful existence~", not caring about the vigilant leaky pot on the side, the brain flower looked at the scene in the video, and at this time the figure had begun to tremble uncontrollably slightly!

It's not because of how terrible the lake shown in the video is, but because of the real identity of the other party, or the feeling of seeing a different self in a mirror, surprises the brain!

You must know that the reason why you keep changing your physical body is to survive, and the second is to gain the host's ability!

And the reason why he deliberately waited for Xia Youjie's body was precisely because of the other party's innate spell!

- Extreme!

I have to say that this ability can be said to be the only existence in the eyes of the brain flower that is only the existence of Gojo Satoru and six eyes!

This refers to all other techniques except for the realm!

When you use the Extreme Vortex of Manijutsu, you can gather the spells you hold into one and attack them with a super dense amount of mana, and the power of it is obvious!!

That's the ability that Brainflower wants!

But even so, there are still many drawbacks, so even if he gets a new body every time, he still has to keep a part of his original body!

In this way, he can use the birth technique that is engraved on the inside of his original body!

Thus, Brain Flower began her own plan!

But now when you see that video, the broken Gatia!

The aura of strong oppression can even feel the strength of the other party even through the screen!


This is the first impression of Brain Flower!

And although the other party is similar to him, the other party's ability seems to be...

More powerful!

Even more terrifying!

The other party does not rely on the other party's body to survive to this day!

It is a completely immortal existence!

The other party deposited in Solomon's body only to complete the plan!

And not like him, just to live!


"It's so much fun!"


"Let me see what your final outcome is!"

"Destroy humanity? or..."


At the same time, in the Ten Thousand Worlds, everyone looked at the Gaetia that appeared in the video, and they couldn't help but feel a chill all over their bodies!

Although I don't know what the strength of the other party is, with that previous performance, there is also the immortality of the demon god!

Fujimaru Tachika Masho et al... The odds of winning can be said to be slim...

And the most critical identity has been said by the other party!

It is the same powerful presence of Tiamat that appeared in the Absolute Warcraft front shown in the previous video!!

It's not clear how powerful Tiamat is!

But everyone knows that it was a hard response to countless god-level heroic spirit moves, unscathed, and finally on the premise that the crown king Hassan gave up the crown, he gave the other party immortality, and he could defeat it!

And it was only when nearly 99% of the opponent's strength was used to suppress itself that the Chaldean party defeated it!

How can it be weak!!

And this time, there was no crowned heroic spirit corresponding to the human evil!

This time... This last battle... The final end of human history...

Probably going to lose...

For a while, everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds couldn't help but have some mixed tastes in their hearts.

They don't know why it ended this way, and they don't know why...

["Whew... Whew...", the sound of heavy breathing echoed in this silent temple of time, and the strange new scarlet made people shudder!]

[In the void, the slowly rotating band of light is like a black hole devouring the starry sky, and the bottomless darkness makes it difficult to breathe. Shadow, the girl holding the giant cross shield has cold sweat on her cheeks. 】

["And... This Lingji reaction is no longer Caster's, it is not even Solomon's body!", looking at Gaitia in front of her, the girl frowned and said in disbelief. 】

["One of the Seven Human Evils, the Beast of Calamity, Beast 1...!!"]

["Yes, I, no, we are living beings made by human hands! There is no need for a physical body, a higher intellectual body!"]

["It is set to have the ability of a human being, it is set to have the ability to surpass a human being, and it is willing to serve humans", the scarlet eyes looked at Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, the blood-red light shining on his chest, the golden skin was spotted with scarlet, and the hideous horns were glowing with cold light]

["But this is all in the past, and I will no longer be with you humans", recalling the figure of Solomon, Getia spoke, "In the past, there was an all-knowing and all-powerful king, a man who was given power by God"]

["With eyes that can understand the past and the future, and eyes that can know everything in the world, we become the shadow of that man and gain the same perspective as that man. "】

["-no", as if thinking of something, Gatia denied, "It is the man who guards the spirits, and we have to be in tune with him. "】

["We have witnessed many sorrows and betrayals. "】

[Everything is like flowing like a cloud, the development of things is just a matter of course in the eyes of Gatia, and now there is nothing else]

["We no longer have the slightest interest in humanity and its future, and what I seek is a perfect environment in which a sound intellectual body can be cultivated. "】

["This planet is wrong, it's crazy on the premise of a life that will end, so I'll reach the extreme!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

[The huge hideous body gently raised its fingers, golden scratches appeared in the void, and the man pointed to the sky, the slowly rotating band of light!]

["We do not destroy humanity because of hatred, but because we gain the energy to fly to the past, in order to witness the birth of celestial bodies, in order to control everything in an instantaneous and infinite adjustment!"]

["A blessing of this magnitude requires a huge amount of magical power, and it requires all the magical power accumulated by the intellectual body that lasts for 3,000 years. "】

["As long as we convert all the history of mankind from 1000 BC to 2017 AD into magic, we can get the origin magic power that jumps to this planet. "】

["The reason for destroying humanity - burning humanity is only for this reason!", Scarlet gaze looked at the scarlet and shining ribbon of light in the sky, and Getia couldn't help but say, "For us, humans are just jets to reach the sky of origin, look at the jade throne, that is the end of your life"]

["Boom ——!", looking at it, the scarlet-stained jade seat was expanding rapidly at this time, scarlet and white jade were mixed, holiness and evil were intertwined, and scarlet light appeared from above. 】

["My light belt is the infinite accumulation of human history itself, and in front of this, the existence of human beings has no chance of winning!"]

["Re... Creation of planets... The gap in the scale of the target is too big-", listening to Gatia's words, Fujimaru Rika also said with difficulty. 】

["—no one can beat that band of light..."]

【“... I see, I was born for this moment, doctor", as if she finally understood something, the girl holding the giant shield, with a hint of sadness in her purple eyes, muttered softly. 】

["-Alright! I've paid enough respects, and it's finally time for revenge!"]

["Time is up, the redesign of the primordial planet has been completed, and needless to say, the journey to the pole does not need you", the magic of the surging Pengbai began to gather, and Gatia's outstretched finger pointed at Fujimaru Rika Maxiu and the two. 】

["But... Before that, O Lord of Chaldea, make a choice", but at this moment, Gaitia suddenly stopped the attack in his hand, looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and spoke. 】

["Choose...?", Fujimaru Ritsuka looked up and looked at Gatia suspiciously. 】

["Well, you should also know that Fujimaru Rika, Matthew's life has come to an end, and one of us still has a concern for her, so as her master, make the right choice!"

[Even if he is transformed into a demon god pillar, but he still retains human emotions and human memories, that is the demon god Florus in the Chaldean period - Leif!]

["Respect your neighbors, trust your friends, love your fellow man, if this is right for humanity, don't get in my way, one of us has said that we can't sit idly by and don't want the last record of this planet to be a sorrow. "】

["It's the same for you, anyway, no matter what, you can't change people's reasoning, don't you think you have to die anyway, it's better to save Matthew alone?"]

【“... Matthew", the girl's figure froze in place, looking at the scarred girl on the side]

[The eyes reflect this apocalyptic scene and the tragic status quo of the girl, and tears can't help but roll in the eyes... Looking at the scene in front of her, the girl's heart seemed to be grabbed by a giant hand...]

[Yes... Until now...]

[Myself... Already lost... The end of this humanity... I've already lost...]

[She can't see half a point of victory anymore... Humanity will be destroyed, everything will cease to exist, but now... As long as she nods her head and agrees, as long as she uses the spell in her hand, the girl can live...]

【“... Matthew", the girl tried not to let the tears fall, and looked at the girl on the side, she knew that it was not Matthew who was weak at all, but herself as the one who provided the magic power, so this time, she had to follow the other party's opinion!]

["Life is not about finding value when you are alive...", the girl murmured softly, with a touch of sadness in her eyes, the girl is a test-tube baby, she knows the meaning of life very well, so... The girl made her own choice at this moment...]

["There is no world without death, there should be no sorrow in the world without an end", at this moment the girl strengthened her eyes and looked at the Gatia in front of her, "But, this is not right! Even if I can live forever, I don't want anything forever!"

【“... Even my life will end in an instant!"

["Even so, I want to witness this future, even if it's just a second longer!"]

[A bright smile appeared on the girl's face, looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka on the side, looking at the person who had accompanied her hand in hand to the present...]

[Tears can't stop surging in my eyes, but they haven't dripped for a long time...]

["Peng ——!", the giant shield in his hand smashed to the ground with a heavy muffled sound, and every cell in his body was wailing in pain, they were desperately telling the girl that they were about to end... And all this girl knows...]

["That's a pity", no more words, Gatia did not make any further dissuasion, the light and shadow in his hand emitted the light of the bright moon, above the light belt, scarlet light scattered all over the earth, purple thunder pierced through the clouds, fell to the earth, the scarlet light shone, and the surging torrent of magic erupted from it, enough to burn the entire world to the flames. ] Fujimaru Rika. 】

["Senior, can you shake my hand again?"]

["Hmm", with the help of that scarlet light, Fujimaru Rika clearly saw the tears flowing in those purple eyes...]

[The slender white and tender little hands are covered with scars at this time, at this age, the little hands that should be delicate and smooth are covered with heavy calluses at this time, and the girl is not crying... Rika Fujimaru smiled happily and held the girl's hand tightly. 】

[This is the final farewell...]

[The girl withdrew her hand and held the cold giant shield again, her purple eyes reflecting the flickering light of terror!]

[Even if there is only a fleeting last moment of this life, but even if it is only for a second!

["Matthew...", the bright red spell in her hand kept disappearing, and the girl looked at Matthew who was blocking in front of her, and responded coldly, "Live..."]

[This moment... It's no longer human... What to save...]

[Live... Please...]

["Hmm!", the magic poured in again, and the cells that had been dry were rejuvenated again... The scars on the girl's face slowly receded, and the bright smile was left for the girl...]

[It's like a beautiful epiphany...]

["Peng ——!", the icy blue magic light continues to condense, the girl's figure turns, and the girl's final war begins...]

[".....", after all... The rolling tears still didn't stop, dripping to the ground...]

["The end of human history, the moment when the great cause of recasting the stars is completed!"]

["The third treasure, unfold! With the fire of the planet, tell the end of mankind!", the heavenly fire meteor, countless rays of light fell, and this final curtain still fell...]

[This represents the beast of supreme mercy at this moment, there is no longer half a point of mercy, the breath of violent destruction fills every corner of the world, and the scarlet light of destruction shines from the sky, "The time of birth has come, so as to correct all things!"]

["Come on, burn like mustard!"]

["Boom Boom Boom ——!!!", the purple thunder shattered the sky, the earth, shattered together! This roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth completely exploded!]

[And in front of the pillar of destruction light, there is only one person standing here, the midnight is coming, and there are only 10,000 people behind him, but at this time there is only one girl!]

["That is our hometown that can heal all scars and all resentment", the icy white light shone in this scarlet dark place, and this cross round table finally played her role - guarding]

["Manifest it! the ideal city that is already far away!", between heaven and earth, the only white, holy and warm castle of Camelot appeared behind the girl. 】

[Where the light is shining, on the round table, obscure runes appear, and the girl's body begins to be covered with cracks...]

[The pillar of light of destruction collided with it, and the girl's figure did not give in the slightest...]

[Only the body has fallen, and this will... Will stand here!]

[The first sun appears, and the spring snow disappears... White light filled this temple.]

【... (Wang Haozhao) This is like a situation where time stands still]

[There is no matter on Earth that can resist the light band, but this is limited to the laws of physics]

[——If the girl's heart is not filthy or hesitant, it will become an invincible fortress that will not melt or shatter. 】

[As long as it is her wall, it will definitely be able to defend against my third treasure, but this - will be blocked with life]

[The terrifying magic torrent washed the girl, and if you look closely, in the scarlet magic torrent, there are flashing crystal points of light... It was a girl's body gradually collapsing...]

[The time of hell is continuing, and while defending against the heat that can penetrate the stars, the girl imagines...]

[The journey so far, the journey from now on, the past of one's own existence, and one's own non-existent, future dreams...]

【... That's great, it should be okay, Master... Predecessor. 】

[Thank you very much for taking care of me these days, for the things that my predecessors have given me, I always want to repay my predecessors, so I endured my weakness and traveled until now——]

[Until now, I have personally felt that my life is meaningful...]

【... However, I am still a little unwilling]

[Because, I'm always being protected—]

[At least in the end, I hope to help my seniors once...]

[Scattered like snowflakes... The world ushered in an incomparably dazzling light, and the purple crystal light shone in the place where the sun shines...]

Behold, the flesh will not be able to bear the heat of the band of light and evaporate, but the mind will not be disturbed by any presence, and the shield of snowflakes will be unscathed, to its master. 】

[The girl is not a brave warrior at all, nor is it the subject of the story, from beginning to end, she is just an ordinary girl who can imitate...]

【“... Matthew"]


[What will only be protected...]

[It's her! From beginning to end, she is protected by everyone!]

[It's the most useless person who is her Fujimaru Rika!]

[From beginning to end, it's all herself!!]

[The roar of despair and pain echoed in every corner of the Temple of Time, and at this moment, the heavens and the earth were scarlet again...]

[And it was at this time that a figure slowly appeared in the Temple of Time!]

Looking at the figure that appeared, everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds couldn't help but widen their eyes at this time

"How could it be ?!!"

"Why is the doctor there!!

7000 words today~!

Tomorrow, the fate chapter is estimated to be over~

It's so cold, everyone remember to dress warm~

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Matthew ~ (wife) ~ blow)

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