[Now that I think about it, this is a battle that was doomed to defeat from the beginning...]

["Boom Boom Boom ——!!!"]

[The scene in heaven and earth was once again unbalanced, endless purple thunder spread, roaring throughout the universe, scarlet eyes looked at the scattered crystal light points and the giant shield standing in the distance, the terrifying and hideous body stood quietly above the void, and for a time the field was silent, looking at the confused and sad Fujimaru Rika, Gaitia did not speak softly. 】

["-It's over!", looking at the shattered ground and the torrent of magic scattered in the sky, Gatia said with some emotion, "It's really the expected ending. "】


[Only when you lose will you know how to cherish... Everything is like this, knowing that the girl will die, and it is only a matter of time before the body collapses, but when... After all that went hand in hand so many companions disappeared... The heart can't help but hurt... Severe pain fills every corner of the heart!]

["Gatia...!!", the girl clenched her fists tightly, stood up and ran towards the figure in the void, her eyes looked madly at the Gatia standing still in the void and roared!]

["Boom, boom, boom ——!!!", a flash of magic flashed in the girl's hand, and the golden dagger slashed across the hideous and terrifying body!]


["It's meaningless, it's so meaningless", the huge figure didn't even dodge the girl's attack, blood splashed, but in the next moment, the huge wound was immediately healed, looking at the crazy girl, Getia's hideous face didn't make waves, and her scarlet eyes stared at the crazy girl, revealing a touch of boredness. 】

["We are immortal, as long as we are still in the Temple of Time Solomon, our seventy-two pillar demon gods will not be extinct!


["Peng ——!", with a slight wave of his fingers, Rika Fujimaru and Fufu's figures were instantly knocked away, "Third Treasure, reload,—— you better die together." "】

[The pitch-black mixed with scarlet flames ignited again, the powerful magic surging was suffocating, the sky was reflected so blood-red, blood was spilled, the girl's eyes stared at the Gatia in front of her, and she rushed up again regardless of the wound!]

["Ahh "】

["Count it as a tribute to Matthew Gileadlet, touch my body with your weak human fist, and die."] "】

["Very good... I can't ask for !!", the girl holding the sharp blade rushed desperately towards the huge body, the golden dagger in her hand rubbed against the space and drew several wave marks, but... It's too weak... Even if you attack with all your might, you're so powerless in front of you...]

[The gap between the gods and humans is so great... Like a moat... The huge ravines are desperate...]

["Peng ——!", it was still such a casual attack, the girl's body was knocked away again, the figure slammed down to the earth, the smoke and dust were confused, the girl stood up from the pit in confusion, the armor on her body continued to shatter, blood flowed, and there was a suffocating pain everywhere in the body...]


["Enough, what a pointless counterattack!", the scarlet eyes reflected the stumbling figure of the girl, Solomon was already bored!

["Snort ——!", the torrent of magic power turned into a huge ball of light, and the blazing heat and space burned with a terrifying scream! The golden finger pointed to the sky, as long as Getia thought, the next moment, this earth-destroying fire will not hesitate to burn everything on this planet!]

[But... That's when ...]

[As if sensing something, Gatia's body froze, and the movements in his hands gradually stopped, looking at the fluctuation in the distance suspiciously. 】

——!!!At the same time, on the other side of Chaldea, the bright red surging of the symbol of emergency, the alarm sounded! The whole Chaldea trembled violently

["Ethical defense wall, the final wall is destroyed!, the Demon God Pillar has invaded the interior of Chaldea!", sweat dripping from his forehead, a huge roar came, and the Chaldean staff said eagerly at this time. 】

["Block the whole partition wall!Inject too fast into the passage!This should be able to support it for a while!", looking at the panicked scene in front of him, Leonardo da Vinci commanded in an orderly manner, and after completing everything, he said, "To be specific, it will be about five minutes! During this time, you should take refuge in my magic workshop!"

["There should still be a little bit of support (BDDF!")

["This can't work! Once you give up the control room, it will lead to the cessation of the frame!", looking at the Chaldea in front of him, who was still in chaos, at this time, all the staff showed a determined look on their faces, "Matthew she- Matthew Gileadret, she knows that she is guarding Fujimaru Rika at the last moment!"

["We can't give up the return of the Master, Rika Fujimaru! We can't give up our Reiko transfer...!"]

["-Ah, that's true", looking at the determined people in front of him, Leonardo da Vinci showed a helpless look on his face, turned his eyes to Rome on the side, and said, "The matter has come to this, I can only struggle for a while-Romani?"]

【“... The value of the future." Thinking back to the last words of the girl holding the giant shield, there was no concern on Romani's face, and a faint smile appeared on his face, "Since you said so, then I have to be conscious." "】

["-What, does it really have to be like this?", looking at Romeni in front of him, who had already made up his mind, Da Vinci, who seemed to know something, lowered his head and said softly. 】

["Well, judging from the situation, now is the most opportune time, and I have already seen the limits of Gaitia just now. "】

["In the past, I was a man who could only participate in wars that could be won"]

[Green eyes take a deep look at everything familiar around here, and Romani looks at Leonardo da Vinci with a smile, his face showing a look of relief, "To sum up, the defense of the control room is your task, Leonardo.] "】

["Before Fujimaru Rika comes back, you must desperately defend this place, you can do it, after all, you are a genius~", not caring about the staff who were puzzled on the side, Romani said to himself. 】

【“... Of course, then go to you", I don't know what to think, at this time, Da Vinci, who has always been kind, has a touch of reluctance on his face at this time, looking at the figure in front of him, his blue eyes are reflected a lot, but he doesn't know what to say for a while, "... I won't be expecting your souvenirs... Remember to come back!"]

【“... Well, it will!", the next moment, under the gaze of everyone, the figure of Romani disappeared in place. 】

[The scarlet demonic light reflected every corner of the earth, and there was a strange atmosphere in the air, and the attack that was enough to destroy everything had disappeared at this time, and the scarlet eyes were full of doubts, and Gatia looked around suspiciously. 】

At that moment just now, he clearly felt what existence had entered this temple of time, which belonged to his realm, and he could feel it for the first time once an outsider visited him. 】

[But at this moment... Gatia was surprised to find that she didn't find any aura of existence, but she could feel it!]

[This can't be a delusion!]

【... Heroic Spirit?]

[When the evil beast of mankind comes, it will inevitably descend on the corresponding crown!Gaetia knows that this is undeniable!but...]

[Getia found that although she sensed the entry of that existence, she couldn't find out the other party's location at the moment anyway!]

[Could it be the existence of a crown of hidden breath?]

[Thinking of this, Gatia's imperceptible brows furrowed, although he extremely denied it, but this is the case, the heroic spirit at the apex of the Seven Horsemen would feel troublesome even if he was a beast!]

[And now that it's the final moment, there's no need for me to entangle with the other party!]

[I can't solve the other party directly, but the existence of the human lord is close at hand!]

[Thinking of this, looking at Rika Fujimaru who stumbled forward again, Gaitia's eyes were full of murderous intent, her fingertips condensed a terrifying light, and a terrifying sonic boom echoed in her fingertips, no one would doubt its power!]

[But the girl's didn't care, she just dragged her heavy body forward, and her blood-red eyes were also full of irresolvable killing intent and hatred!]

[She wants to fight for her last life!]

[But the next moment, a slightly relaxed voice interrupted the girl's action.] 】

["No, no, no, let's calm down a little at this time, Rika Fujimaru"]

["It's not your style to end up together, you should accumulate some more strength", a figure slowly emerged from the darkness in the place where the scarlet shrouded place. 】

【“... Doctor..."]

["Hmm", the turquoise reflection of the flames of war, ruins, blood, desperate people... Romani nodded slightly, "Your fight is already very good, Rika Fujimaru"]

[From the beginning to the present... Every step of the girl, he looked at it, he had seen the girl's efforts, and this progress also supported the girl to come here... Enough was enough, looking at the stunned girl, a knowing smile rose on Romani's face, and he said softly. 】

["Although it's a pity that I'm going to steal the limelight in the end, it's really my turn to appear in the next period of time"] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["Romani Aqiman....?", whispering the name, his scarlet eyes were full of deep incomprehension, Getia naturally knew the human in front of him!]


["How did a mere human being appear on this jade throne...?!!", for a moment, Gatia's voice of disbelief echoed in the Temple of Time!]

At the same time, everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms was also stunned at the scene in front of them at this time.

After the explanation of the video, they have also roughly understood the identity of the man in the video.

- Romani Aqiman!

The head of the medical department of the Chaldean Continuing Guarantee Agency, who is mainly responsible for managing the health of the 48 candidates for the Imperial Lord.

After the death of the director of the director, Olga Marias Smiret Animsfia was thrown into the Chaldeans, he took command of the destruction of the Chaldea and became the acting director.

Began the adventurous guidance of Rika Fujimaru and Matthew Gilerlet...

Suddenly, everyone seemed to think of something, and there was some disbelief in their eyes, under the revelation of the video, they already knew that the doctor in front of them was Solomon who existed as a human after making a wish!

So, the other party still has the ability?

Everyone's eyes looked at the man in the video, and a trace of doubt appeared in their eyes, but then they shook their heads unconsciously.

The other party may have been strong before, but now the other party is an ordinary person!

Being able to become the acting director is only because of the lack of manpower and the hard work of the other party!

If the other party still has strong strength, why should the other party let Fujimaru Rika Mashu and others repair one peculiar point after another?!

So, what is the significance of the other party appearing here now?!

The world of the moon

Absolute Warcraft Front


"Mei Linqing, did you see it?"

"The scene in front of me, the scene in front of me is really pleasing to this king!"

"Fate is intertwined again, remember the first time this king saw the other party was to call the doctor... Now he's a magician again..."

The scarlet snake eyes were neither sad nor joyful, just reflecting the figure in the video.

"This is the end, the end of human reason, whatever it is... This king will approve of it."


Merlin's gaze was also looking at the figure at the same time, and there was no smile on his face.

He knew that this time... He's probably going to lose a loyal fan forever...

[Looking at Doctor Roman in front of him, a deep doubt rose in Gaitia's heart, how did this cowardly and cowardly, useless human beings get here, scarlet eyes kept scanning the opposite Doctor Roman, suddenly!]

[It seems that something has been discovered, and Gaitia's expression is full of disbelief! Even that tone has become so frightened!]

["No—wait a minute!, you, your spiritual base is ——?!!"]

"Well, I have abandoned the wish I made to the Holy Grail, and from now on I will be who I am. "】

["But before that, you have to take off your gloves, so it's easier to solve all kinds of problems, right?"]

【“... Doctor, the ring on your left hand... Won't it", the orange eyes reflected the bright ring reflected in the scarlet light, and the girl's expression was also incredulous at this time. 】

["It's—I lost, no! it's King Solomon's tenth ring—", looking at the shining ring in front of him, Getia was still incredulous, "——!!! you"]

[The director of the Chaldees, Marisbia, prepared the supreme relic 11 years ago, during the Holy Grail War, which was this ring, which King Solomon left a gift to the distant future when he died. 】

[In order to win, King Solomon was summoned, and finally won the victory as he wished, and after winning the victory, he made his own wish. 】

【“... You guy- you guy——!!!!" Getia screamed in disbelief as she accepted what was in front of her. 】

["It's ridiculous, it's impossible!Floros, are you blind?!!!]

["No, no, everything is wrong! everything! You can't be the man!"]

["And—what kind of sight wishes?!!How could that man have a wish?!!!]

["Heretical!Ruthless!Cruel!Ruthless!How can a man who is my prototype have the same desires as ordinary people?!!!"]

At this time, Dr. Roman in front of him was no longer willing to answer, and his body began to dissipate, but then it began to condense, and the light dissipated... That figure is the Magic King... Solomon]

"My name is Solomon, King of Magic. "】

["Gaithia is the being who announces your end. "】

5000 words today~!

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Matthew ~ (wife of the house)~)

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