"Traveled through..."

In the world of nothingness and desert, calm voices echoed across the sky.

There was no doubt in Su Mo's eyes. Instead, he looked at the surrounding environment with interest.

"Is this where I want to live?"

The surroundings are desolate, and all that can be seen is the desert dust in the darkness, without even a trace of life.

Looking up, you can see the bright stars, the flowing nebulae, and the magnificent galaxies in the universe.

But Su Mo knew that even this The dazzling stars in the sky are just a gorgeous appearance. His essence is still that dark and mysterious civilization.

And his mission is to expose the cruelty in the darkness and then save it.

At this time A cold voice without any emotion sounded in Su Mo's mind.

【Check that the host has almost reached the other side!】

【The editing systems of the heavens begin to merge】


【The integration of Zhutian editing system is completed!】

"Boom boom boom!"

"the other side..."

"It really fits." After the voice fell, Su Mo turned his eyes to where he was.

Golden flowers appeared out of thin air, followed by huge abnormal noises from everywhere, and the earth began to split. Green grass, flowers, giant trees, and rivers ,animal...

Everything goes from existence to nothing, the stars shine, the sun sets, turning into a long lamp, illuminating the dark night.

The sky is no longer as dark as before, and the earth is full of life. Giant green trees rise straight into the sky, and golden vines slowly hang down.

Golden dust falls everywhere on the earth

【This system connects thousands of worlds. The host can cut any video at will to gain emotional value points such as shock, sadness, anger, etc. to reach reality and thus change reality.】

【The land on the other side, where the host is a god, saving everything】


It didn't go against Qian Yemo's expectations. He had already understood all about this system and his mission before traveling through time. To be precise, it was to edit videos and then get points to save the injustices in other worlds.

And he started from The initial idea was to edit those unfair and sadistic events so that they could be redeemed.

Recalling the information in his mind, Su Mo's calm face showed a trace of ripples.

The most important reason for collecting emotional values ​​was to communicate with other worlds. Interference occurs and has the ability to change the reality of another world, so let’s start with this one.

【Check out famous death scenes!】

【Deaths are ranked in no particular order or hierarchy]

The voices and subtitles are as if they are alive, resounding throughout the world.

Su Mo moved his fingers slightly, and a small restaurant that was not considered gorgeous but made people feel calm suddenly rose up. It stood in the middle of the sea of ​​​​flowers, next to the giant tree. Countless gorgeous cobblestones paved the path and the sea of ​​flowers paved the small restaurant. Below the bridge is the dazzling river. Follow the path along the flower bridge and slowly walk in

"death scene...There is so much sorrow in this world..."

"If it can really be changed...Please allow me, the hypocrite...Change all sorrow...".......

At the same time, all the worlds in the world of Naruto

"Did you hear that? Death scene? Does it refer to the scene where the strong man dies?"Naruto, who was being trained by Kakashi, was stunned, stopped what he was doing, and looked at the others in confusion.

"The famous death scene must be very exciting."

"Idiot, maybe the enemy is attacking." Sasuke immediately put on a defensive posture and stared around.

"Well, is it some kind of illusion?"Kakashi, who was lying on the tree, stood up immediately. The three magatama in his eyes slowly turned, and he stared around nervously.

"Who could do this?", in the Hokage Building, the third generation squinted and kept observing the surrounding movements through the crystal, trying to find the source of the sound.

Just as the third generation was looking around, the sound reappeared, and at the same time a transparent screen appeared in front of him

【Check out famous death scenes! 】

The text is extremely unfamiliar. Sandai is sure that he has never seen such text, but he can understand the meaning just by looking at it.

"death scene...Are you talking about the dead people in Konoha?...Scenes that predict death..."............

One Piece World

"Garp, did you see that?"Looking at the screen in front of him in the office, Warring States frowned and asked Garp who was eating donuts aside.

"Well, is it some new fruit ability? The famous death scene looks very interesting." Looking at each other with Sengoku, Garp swallowed the donut in his mouth and pointed at the screen in the void. Like water waves, he touched lightly and the ripples spread out, but at the next moment The rippled screen returned to calm.

Looking out the window, everyone had confused expressions on their faces. Sengoku picked up the phone and said,"Convene an emergency meeting!"........

The Straw Hat Pirates are traveling on the sea

"Have you seen it, the famous death scene, hahaha, will I be on the list?" Luffy shouted excitedly on the boat

"...Fool! If you get on this list, you will die!"........... world of spells

"Is it the fault of those cursed spirits?", Gojo Satoru was lying on the sofa, with Japanese knotweed sitting next to him, Fushiguro and others

"In the famous death scene, was this uncle considered dead at the beginning? Hahaha"

"Who asked you to come out!", the knotweed pressed down the mouth on his arm and roared dissatisfied.............

The rebellious world of Lelouch

"Hope it won’t affect the following plans..."..........

Game of Life

"die...Will Hubie die?...".................

Pokémon world

"Pikachu, where do you think this sound came from?"


At the same time, the sounds and screens of countless worlds such as Dragon Clan, Crimson Eyes, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Black Bullet, Death, One Punch, Shape Moon, Magic Forbidden, etc., sounded at the same time...........

【Death scene, countdown to 3】




The picture on the screen flashed, and the calm picture began to become colorful.

Under the sea-blue sky, a group of young children stood quietly on the opposite side of the sea, surrounded by dilapidated buildings. Their red eyes looked expressionless, but there seemed to be a trace of yearning in their eyes.

【Famous death scenes, the dark world of bullets, the death of"The Cursed Child"】..............................................

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