The Dark Bullet World

Tendo Company Yanzhu, who had orange ponytails, knelt on the ground and looked at the screen in front of her with dull eyes. The Cursed Child, they were right, right?

"Rentaro...concubine...Will everyone die?..."

"Don't think too much, it must be fake!"

Rentaro Satomi's heart twitched uncontrollably as he looked at the words on the screen.

After getting along for a period of time, he has greatly changed his view of these"monsters".

When this happened, Rentaro Satomi comforted him said........

But the street downstairs exploded!

"seriously! Did you see it?"

"Cursed child! Does that mean those monsters will all die?"

"It must be like this! Then wouldn’t we be able to avoid being in crisis for the rest of our lives?"

"Haha, what great news!"...............................

"die...Will we all die? In fact, it’s not bad to be able to see yourself die."

In the dark sewer, the girls in ragged clothes and dirty bodies did not show sadness, but instead showed a look of relief on their faces..................................

Naruto world

"Why are those children so dirty? And what does Cursed Child mean? Will those cute children die?", Naruto stared closely at the girl in the picture, her tired and dirty face reminded him unconsciously of his own experience as a child. He kept calming down

, trying to tell himself that it was definitely not the case.

"Idiot, look carefully!" Sasuke on the side showed disdain in his eyes. If it was just the death of these children, what does it have to do with him?

Who would be worse than him?

The only thing that can attract him is becoming stronger and taking revenge!......................................

Pirate World

Sengoku frowned,"The dark bullet world? Is it really another world?"

"Can I find information about this country?", his eyes turned to the crane aside.

"No!", Crane shook his head.

The place in the picture is unheard of. Although it is close to the sea, it can be seen from some details that it does not match their world at all..........................

【Screen starts】

【The helicopter flew over the forest in the dark night. Rentaro Satomi was sitting in the co-pilot position of the helicopter. A huge spider-like creature with a length of tens of meters appeared below everyone. Its huge scarlet eyes made people shudder.】

【What's even more surprising is that the being actually woven the spider silk into the shape of a parachute and used it to move in the sky】

【The next moment, Lan Yuan Yanzhu stepped out of the plane door and severely trampled down the huge source creature. The source creature let out a tragic cry, and the figures, large and small, all fell towards the forest below.】

"What an amazing ability. His strength may have reached the elite chuunin level!", Sandai looked at the screen and narrowed his eyes.

"If we can find and beat these children, Konoha's strength will definitely rise to the next level." Danzo on the side also had a look of shock on his face..........

"He's smaller than us, but he's so strong!", Naruto widened his eyes in disbelief.

"hateful!", Sasuke clenched his fists tightly, why, why can these children be so strong!............

One Piece World

Sengoku said in a deep voice

"source gut organisms...In other words, do these girls represent justice?"

"...Being able to have such incredible strength even when I was a child..."They may reach the level of Yonko in the future."

It can be seen from the picture alone that these girls are only 10 years old.

So how strong is the world's highest combat power?

Garp did not speak, but there was something in his eyes. Very serious

【When his partner Rentaro arrived along the rope, what he saw was Aihara Enju's confrontation.】

【The spider silk shot out like a machine gun. Lan Yuan Yanzhu dodged and avoided all of it. His feet made a violent sound of breaking through the air. Blow after blow hit the stomach of the source of intestinal creatures, leaving a huge dent. The monster was in agony. Under the final blow, the creature's body was shattered into pieces, its flesh and blood splattered, and a white box fell out. Lan Yuanyanzhu was safe and sound, and there was not even a trace of dirt on her body.】

"What a wonderful fight!" Orochimaru's eyes widened, and his tongue unconsciously licked the corners of his mouth. Looking at the blood-red Zhu Tong on the screen, they were like Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan. He had such amazing strength at just this age. , it would be great if it could be used as a container for reincarnation

"Unimaginable fighting ability, even I can't be much better than this little girl in terms of physical fitness at this time." In the dark space, Uchiha Madara had an old face, but there was a terrifying light in his eyes.

【After the battle, there was no joy on Aihara Enju's face. She lowered her head and her expression was invisible,"Rentaro, I defeated it, I defeated it, I protected the classmates in the school, wow....", without the joy of victory after the war, Lan Yuan Yanzhu burst into tears with grievance.】..........

"How is this going?"Everyone in the world is a little confused, why are they crying after winning?........

The dark world of bullets


"It turns out that everyone knows that this is the case...", others may not know, but how could Lan Yuan Yanzhu not know what happened.

Her identity exposed...Those she considered her friends immediately became afraid of her and hated her...

But...She obviously protected everyone...............................................

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