【"Arcuscaelestis!!! Beyond the stars, this flame is my passion!!!"】

【The primordial fire turned into red waves and surrounded the huge demon pillar, and the blazing flames reflected the entire void of the universe so dazzlingly!】

【The Crimson Queen in the blonde girl's hand suddenly swung out, and the violent slash seemed to tear the world apart, and the terrifying aftermath made the earth tremble!!!】

【A symbol like an emperor, the golden red waves exuded a terrifying temperature. Even Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and others on the side couldn't help but take a few steps back. Even if they felt this aura, they were far away. You can feel the terrifying heat in the red waves!】

【"Damn guy ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"Wherever the red waves submerged, the endless scarlet turned into charcoal. The scarlet on the horizon looked so weak under the golden red waves! The terrifying scarlet branches coiling in the universe disappeared under the golden red waves. In an instant, a prairie fire breaks out in the sky! Countless fire dragons will burn wantonly along the branches and vines!】

【The entire universe is illuminated with golden light at this moment!!!】

【In the fierce flames, the body of the huge Demon God Pillar was melting little by little! Even though he is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, the huge pain still cannot be concealed!】

【The scarlet eyes reveal endless killing intent! The blood-red eyeballs are filled with blood. Demon God Floros stares at you Nero in front of you. The smell of barbecue is exuding in the fireworks. Through the light of the sky, Demon God Floros roars angrily!】

【"What is the meaning of your existence?!!"】

【"Why help humans!!!"】

【"Aren't you a tyrant?!!", the roar of anger and pain broke through the fire and echoed throughout the universe! In the red wave, Demon God Floros stared at Nero in front of him in pain, and asked roaringly!】


【""Yu is Yu", listening to the roar of the huge Demonic Pillar in the distance, the girl looked at each other calmly, the blade in her hand was no longer waving, the Crimson Queen was firmly embedded in the ground!】

【The golden red wave that illuminates the entire universe is slightly extinguished. Even the prairie fire will eventually extinguish, but this spiritual fire has never been extinguished!】

【Her green eyes reflected the huge body in front of her, and her bright red dress moved without any wind. The blonde girl spoke softly, and her voice echoed throughout the world, and even echoed in everyone's ears!】

【"The remainder is the remainder!"】

【"It doesn’t matter when he was born as a human being, when he was praised as a hero, or now when he is transformed into a heroic spirit!"】

【"No one can tell about himself! but now...", looking at the confused Mo God Floros in front of her, a look of seriousness appeared on the girl's face,"For the sake of the good enemy in front of you, I will try to explain it.""】

【"I am an evil beast that is arrogant and greedy, pursuing prosperity more than peace, and pursuing prosperity more than sustainability!"】

【The girl spoke softly and told her sins!】

【No scruples or dissatisfaction at all!】

【Her voice was smooth, as if she were telling someone else's deeds, and the girl spoke softly. 】

Forbidden World

The safest place in the world - Academy City! ice cream shop

"The fact is indeed as Miss Nero said~"

At this time, four girls were sitting around. The girl with black hair reaching her waist put down the ice cream spoon in her hand and looked at the people on the side with excitement and explained. At this time, Misaka Mikoto, Kuroko, Uiharu and others are also looking forward to it, their eyes are shining, waiting for Aizi's explanation.

Although they are learning a wide range of knowledge now, most of it is focused on super powers. For this kind of history Of course I don't know

"This is it~" Seeing the expectant looks on everyone's faces, Leizi scratched his head in embarrassment, but he did not disappoint everyone's expectations and told the story about Nero.

——Nero Claudius, also known as Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus, was the emperor of the ancient Roman Empire who reigned from 54 to 68 years.

Looking at Nero in the video, the black-haired girl changed her words in time. he...She was the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty of the Roman Empire.

According to records, Miss Nero was adopted by his great-uncle Claudius and became his heir. In 54 AD, after Claudius died, Miss Nero successfully succeeded as the emperor of the ancient Roman Empire.

The girl looked at the ceiling slightly, then looked at the video again, with a look of admiration in her eyes, and spoke again.

During Lady Nero's reign, most of her attention was focused on diplomacy and trade, as well as improving the cultural quality of the empire, including ordering the construction of theaters and promoting competitive sports.

Moreover, during the reign of Miss Nero, the German army commander Corbulo won the battle of Parthia and reached peace talks with the Parthian Empire.

Paulinus, the commander of the British legions, crushed the rebellion in Britain.

In addition, the Roman Empire also annexed the Kingdom of Bosporus and broke out war with Judea for the first time!

It can be said that under the leadership of Nero, the Roman Empire at that time was extremely prosperous, not to mention unprecedented!

While watching the proud Nero in the video saying that he was a tyrant, Leizi had a slightly embarrassed look on his face, but the people on the side still looked expectant. , the girl did not cover up and spoke again.

Until AD 64, a fire broke out in the city of Rome, causing a large area to be burned down.

In the records of later generations, it was written that Nero sent troops to do this fire, and the purpose of doing everything was just that Nero wanted to use this fire to burn a lot of places to white ground so that she could build magnificent buildings. Golden Palace!

"There were even rumors later that Miss Nero had an affair with her mother...", for a moment, the black-haired girl hesitated and didn't know how to speak,"And since Miss Nero has been confirmed to be a girl, then this information is false!" the girl said with a blushing face.

In the end, under the joint efforts of all countries, even at the cost of dispatching countless assassins, Miss Nero committed suicide on June 9, 68 AD....

Due to Lady Nero's actions during her reign, she is known to have carried out several executions, including the murder of his mother, and the murder of his half-brother Britannicus...

There are quite a lot of historical materials and creations about him in later generations, but her image is generally described poorly. Miss Nero is usually listed as one of the tyrants of ancient Rome!

But among the surviving historical documents, although there are few works that make positive comments about Miss Nero, nevertheless, some documents, including some mentioned above, will still describe Nero as a woman who was widely loved by Rome. People, especially Easterners, welcome the monarch!

Regardless of the reaction of the crowd around her, Leizi spoke loudly to support Nero! after all...

For Saten Ruiko, isn't the Nero in the video the existence she has always longed for?...

Ignoring the opposition of my family, I worked hard to come here just to have some power....

He didn't notice the expression of the girl on the side. After listening to the girl's story, the three Super Cannons on the side looked like they suddenly realized it. No wonder Nero in the video could so naturally describe himself as a tyrant. It turned out that the other party had done all these things. It really fits the behavior of a tyrant!

But no one noticed that the smile on the girl with twin tails beside her was a little stiff at this time.

Looking at the Temple of Time and the terrifying Demonic Pillar in the video, a look of confusion appeared on Heizi's face.

In fact, it's not just her. Shirai Kuroko knows that even his Onii-sama has been in a very low mood recently.

Shirai Kuroko naturally knew the reason for this.

Comparison of strength...

There is no harm without comparison. This sentence perfectly explains my mood at this time.

If the opponent's abilities are classified as superpowers, it can be said that everyone on the stage at this stage has demonstrated abilities that are not inferior to those with 1v5 superpowers!

Even in the eyes of the other party, this is a very ordinary thing, but... in this world!

You know, in my own perception of 1v5, there are only 7 1v5s in Academy City with 2.3 million people!!!

Moreover, these seven 1v5 beings were created by almost hollowing out the entire Academy City!

It is conceivable that everything shown in the video now, whether it is the demon god or the heroic spirit!

What a huge impact it had on them!

But what Kuroko didn't think about was that this being called a heroic spirit was a being that was transformed into a hero who gathered faith after his death, and even if he didn't actually exist, heroes in myths, legends, etc. would be born through gathering faith. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Those were countless eras, and what they created is still there!

The meaning of their existence is just to respond to those who believe in miracles and call for miracles in the dark abyss of confusion.... themAn existence that is separated from the timeline! They will be called upon in all times, past and future...

The same is true for human evil. Because it is a disaster caused by the animal nature of human beings, it is called"Beast".

They have the property of appearing alone and can appear alone in the present world. They also have charm resistance, as well as resistance to attacks from parallel worlds or time retrogrades, also known as fate and death resistance.

There are seven known human evils, including pity, return, joy, and comparison.

Although human evil is evil, it absolutely cannot be eradicated!

Because it will happen as long as humans still exist, but humans must transcend it!

The so-called human evil also means"evil that destroys human beings" rather than"evil that destroys human beings"

"The relationship between"human evil" and"heroic spirit summoning" is equivalent to the self-destruction mechanism of human beings and their safety devices.

Therefore, whether they are heroic spirits or evil, they are incomparable to the so-called 1v5 in the way of creation.

At the same time, the void The video in also started to play slowly

【"The one who expresses his love for the flying and withering flowers, the freehand brushwork and the rushing fire, and the one who is fascinated by the starlight in the night sky after destruction!"】

【"This is Yu, a tyrant who never changes the way he does things even though he is called a tyrant." When he said this, a look of pride appeared on the blonde girl's face! Her chin was raised slightly. For this kind of thing, the king will not escape! The king will not escape! It’s a given!】

【What's more, this is not an honor!】

【"I am Nero Claudius!"】

【"Eternity does not exist in this world, but if you want to talk about eternity, let me cite the trajectory of the soul!"】

【"So that you know that even if the evil Yusei wants to end everything, he can't make Yu change himself!!!"】


【For a moment, no one spoke in the space, and only the gradually extinguished flames remained in the silent and cold universe.】

【"Ah, really, the opening is too long." Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the red-haired girl on the side broke the silence. Looking at the restless huge figure on the side, Boudica said dissatisfied,"As a result, even Lu Bu started to yell. What a fuss!"】

【After saying that, the girl with a heroic face looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and others, and said hello with a smile,"Long time no see, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu.""】

【"Ah, both of you 817...", the woman known as Britain’s"Queen of Victory" blushed slightly at this time, and said sheepishly,"Yeah, her expression has become very good!"】

【"Sister, I’m very happy."]

In Wanjie, everyone looked at Boudica in the video with cute expressions on their faces.


Um...Is it not good to say this at this time?

And it’s of no use, right?

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but begin to speculate on the significance of this heroic spirit's arrival, even though they knew the information about this heroic spirit.

Boudicca - the young fighting queen of ancient Britannia in the first century AD!

The other party's era coincided with the era of Emperor Nero. The other party 's battle was because he could not bear the atrocities committed by the Roman Empire against himself and his daughters during the vicious invasion, so he led the kings to launch a rebellion. In the end, Defeated by Emperor Nero's army and died in battle!

But even though the defeat was glorious, even the defeat still created an immortal legend.

Later generations even called her the"Victorious Queen" of Britain!

But many powerful people in the world sneered at this. After all, there were too few powerful women like Joan of Arc Nero!

Many people even began to speculate that the other party might be just here to make a fuss!

But the next moment, everyone stayed there with blank faces.

Looking at the light in the video, everyone couldn't help but be a little stunned for a moment.

This is...

【"Sister is very happy~"】


【"Just grant you the protection of the goddess Andrast!"】


【The next moment, tear apart the space! A dazzling light beam spanning the universe pierced the sky and covered Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu!】

【Holy——! powerful--! warmth——!】

【The protection of Andraste - protected by Andraste, the British goddess of victory!】

【The two girls in the center of the light beam were dumbly feeling the power of their bodies. Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu looked at each other with a hint of disbelief in their eyes.】

【Their defense enhancement stacks...It seems to be more than 100% pseudo-invincible?!!!】

【"This is a dilemma, this is the embodiment of the so-called dead end!"】


【"bring it on! Fight!"】

【"Bring the light of hope to the other side of the infinite, continuous, and fighting horizon!!!"]

Yan'an ~

5,000 words today! The plot is fully unfolded ~! The devil, Joan of Arc, the doctor - please automatically subscribe o(╥﹏╥)o~

(Illustration in the lower right corner: His Highness Nero~~)

Looking for data! Thank you everyone for your support~!!!

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