
【"Just grant you the protection of the goddess Andrast.~!"】

【As the heroic girl in front of him finished speaking, endless holy light pierced the universe, tearing open the scarlet that enveloped the sky!!!】

【Upon entering the eyes, endless radiance shrouded the earth, and the air was filled with a faint radiance. The heroic spirits felt the changes in their bodies, and smiled unconsciously on their faces.】

【On the other side, the two girls Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu couldn't help feeling the changes in their bodies in a daze for a while. Especially for Mashu, as a Mimic Servant, Mashu was even more aware of his own changes!】

【A surprised smile appeared on the face of the purple-haired girl. Under the golden light, the girl's eyes burst with endless brilliance!】

【My current defense attribute has exceeded 100% pseudo-invincibility?!!!】

【This is the protection of the goddess Andrast!!!】

【This is the love from this big sister of Great Britain~】

【Matthew, who is also a British Heroic Spirit, thanked him with a bright smile. 】

Sixth Singularity—Holy Knights of the Round Table,

Camelot City

"Who is this..."

Looking at Boudica, a woman with a heroic face in front of them, for a moment, all the knights, even Artoria, couldn't help but feel a fondness for her in their hearts.

But when they saw the other party's name, everyone remembered that Lanlost, who was wearing purple heavy armor, had a look of understanding on his face.

It is recorded in the epic that this man was the first to lead the British tribes in the uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire!!!

Although they failed in the end, in a sense it can be said that the other party started the first battle of the uprising!

Even if the other party is a woman, Lanlost knows that there is no one present, not even them knights!

As long as they recognize each other, no one will be full of respect!

Sure enough, Lanlost's eyes looked around, and the knights around him also reacted. They were all tensed up. Even their knight king could not help but sit upright at this time, looking at the cloth in the video with admiration. Dika.

If it were the previous king, he would not be like this, Lanlost thought silently in his heart.

If it were the previous king, he would have no chivalry at all, and would even do anything to get the holy spear!

Even if it means killing innocent civilians wantonly! but now...

Everything is getting better...

Thinking of this, Lanlost looked at Boudica in the video.

She is fair-skinned and beautiful, with red hair flowing gently, making her look like a heroic girl.

Lanlost naturally does not care about the identity of the other woman, but in the other party's narration of the history of the uprising. This person's narration is——"He is tall, terrifying in appearance, and has a rough, harsh voice. She has thick bright red hair that reaches to her knees. She is wearing a thick braided gold necklace and a tunic of many colors. The tunic is covered with a thick cloak, fastened with a lapel pin!"

"A woman but not a woman!"

Such contradictory words are used to describe the biggest feature of the opponent's appearance.

But now it seems that it is completely nonsense!

But what everyone in the Knights of the Round Table doesn't know is that in other world lines, Boudica's relationship with Artoria and The Knights of the Round Table have such a good attitude that they treat their younger brothers and sisters like lovely people.

After all, in Boudica's heart...

He failed to defend Great Britain, he is a loser...

But Artoria and the other Knights of the Round Table are the queen and her knights who have protected Britannia to the end, the"sisters" and"brothers" who have accomplished what they failed to do....

Naturally, Boudica has reached the point of doting on her.

Every time we meet, we take care of them in one place or another. Rather than being sisters from relatives, we are more like sisters among cousins. Every time we meet, they will even ask kindly,"Do you want to eat pancakes?"

She would treat any future heroic spirits related to Britain, Sakura Country, etc. as if they were her own children.

Especially for the Knight King Artoria, who brought even a short-term"victory" to her hometown, Boudica was completely like the elder sister among her relatives who had to ask about everything....

【"..."It seems." The golden light dissipated, and in the surprised eyes of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu, a gentle but venomous female voice appeared from the side.】

【When everyone looked at her, she was dressed in ancient gorgeous clothes, with blue hair on her eyebrows, and a long white dress dancing in the wind, like a fairy walking out of a painting.】

【"...It seems that he is in a better mood than ever before. Did you hear that? He also said something about the end of the future." Jing Ke spoke softly, and the ribbon behind him danced in the wind, hovering around the girl's body, exuding a faint brilliance.】

【"Although I have also experienced some so-called dead ends, I have experienced them before, but this time it is indeed quite extraordinary." A smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, the clogs under her feet were slightly forward, and the scarlet under the clogs showed a trace of fear.】

【"Those demonic pillars and the like are all here so neatly, although it’s a bit boring if you can’t kill them all with one hit, huh?——"】

【"really not bad..."】

【"Is this worth killing?~"】

【The next moment, the girl ordered an ancient scroll to suddenly appear in her hand! Under the horrified gazes of countless scarlet cross eyes!】

【The cold light flashed, and the dagger of no return was suddenly unsheathed in the girl's hand!】

【"Don't even think about it!!!", the next moment, the instinctive fear in the hearts of the demon god Floros and the other eight-pillar demon gods exploded, and countless terrifying scarlet cross pupils gathered terrifying energy to stare at Jing Ke in front of them!】

【Demon God Floros knew that he could not stop the opponent, all he wanted to do was interrupt the opponent's offensive!】

【Because his instinct told him that once this blow hurts them, they would not die, but they would be severely injured!】

【Countless scarlet eyeballs stared at each other, and terrifying energy exploded in the void!】

【There was no heroic spirit around who wanted to take action. This scene also made the demon gods breathe a sigh of relief, but...】

【Everyone knows that this is the moment a strong man should have! This moment is his unique glory!!!】

【The next moment, in everyone's horrified eyes, everyone realized that they could never find each other again no matter what!】

【For a moment, the terrifying energy gathered in the void was unable to lock onto its target. Countless scarlet eyes of the cross stared at the girl's original position!】

【but none! No matter how hard you search, you can't find each other!!!】

【I saw that the other party's figure had appeared behind him at some point. In an instant, countless cold lights spread across the entire universe, and the bright cold lights were like fleeting meteors! Brilliant!】

【But the moment it falls to the earth...】

【"laugh——!!!", the sonic boom that cut through the space echoed in everyone's ears, even the Demon God Pillar!】

【"After all, he is a servant of the king who burned this world down." The girl's frivolous voice sounded softly through the flickering cold light. Looking at the panicked demon pillar, Jing Ke couldn't help but smile again,"She should be capable of ruling the great emperor. Bar~"】

【"Don't be afraid of your own death. Don't ask for the rest of your life. Don't return the dagger....Kill you and wait!!!"】

【The next moment, cold light poured down from the sky!!!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!"】

【The light of destruction in the void was shattered in an instant. The huge Demon God Pillar listened blankly to the frivolous words behind him. The next moment, the pain of death was transmitted to the body, and the scarlet cross eyes showed uncontrollable anger.!】

【"Damn guy ahhhhhhhhh!!!"]

The sixth singularity - the Holy Knights of the Round Table! The bronze complexion of the Glory Composite Temple shone slightly in the sun, the sun-like golden eyes exuded the radiance of the sun, and the black hair fluttered in the wind, like a peerless sight. A prince-like man sits on the gorgeous throne in the temple!

Ramses II, one of the strongest members of the Golden Trio, and Gilgamesh exchange the nickname"Golden King""、"He is known as the"King of the Sun" and is one of the few kings who can communicate with the King of Heroes on an equal footing. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His spiritual power is so powerful that he can directly ignore the rules of the Holy Grail and reject the Master. The summons! La

Er, who was originally supporting his chin with one hand and with a contented face, stiffened slightly at this time, and the golden pupils reflected the flashing cold light.

Involuntarily, La Er reached out and touched his neck.

Hmm...Still there!

Looking at the flashing cold light in the video, La Er couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart!

This incident will become a stain on my life!!!

He - Ramses II!!!

His real name is Ozymandias, also known as Ramses II, the pharaoh of ancient Egypt and the 19th Dynasty!!!

Is it possible to plant"fantasy""、"plural treasures"、"map weapon"、"fortress"、"inherent enchantment"、"An exceptional hero who possesses all the luxurious elements such as the"Universal Emperor's Privilege"!!! He even has the extraordinary power to join forces with the three knights at the same time and win!

He is the most accomplished King Pharah in ancient Egypt, and there is no one else!

In his After taking power, he commanded large armies to conquer Palestine, Nubia and other places, leading ancient Egypt to an unprecedented level of prosperity.

All pharaohs of ancient Egypt were recognized as the spokespersons of the gods, and only he——O Zymandias is considered by the people to be the equivalent of the sun god Ra!

He is the strongest pharaoh in thousands of years!!!


That's it...

I was actually beheaded at home....

And La Er knew very well that if it weren't for the fact that he was in this composite temple body that combined everything together, he would have been completely cold....

It is precisely because when he is in this temple that he can freely give blessings or curses to himself or others, this time he can be resurrected even after his head is cut off.

Looking at Jing Ke in the video, La Er's eyes flashed with anger!

Looking around, La Er breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no figure of the old man around, but as if he was unwilling to do so, he stood up suddenly and looked outside the temple at the vast desert.

Roared in a low voice,

"The hider hiding in the shadows!"

"My name is Ozymandias! King of Kings! Almighty gods, behold my great deeds - and then...Surrender in despair!!!!"

"Pharaoh is omnipotent on the earth, and all living beings are in his hands!!!"

After saying that, he retreated into the temple and watched the video again.

But to truly understand the other party's existence, you will know how terrifying La Er is!

For example, in this composite temple, you must know that there are not only curses and blessings. Function, in addition to this, this composite temple also has a"main cannon"!

When the main cannon is turned on, the power released - the"Dandra Great Electric Ball" that is as powerful as the ancient divine power!

If the magic power is injected into If it is among them, the temple will release light and thunder at the level of the city or even above. To put it bluntly, even the country can raze it to the ground!!!

In addition to the glorious composite temple, the opponent also has hot sand Powerful Noble Phantasms such as the Sphinx and the Dark Night Sunship!

A Hot Sand Sphinx can not only be dispatched for individual actions, but also has extremely high intelligence enough to formulate tactics. It is beyond the magical beasts and fantasy beasts, and is on par with dragons. The divine beast!

Its ultimate strength can even compete with the ancient King of Heroes!!!

The weakness shown at this time is only for one person!

The crowned king Hassan! The antique in the Lost Belt on the other side (of Wang Zhao)

Light smoke filled the room.

White marble pillars stood at the four corners of the room. The surrounding walls were all carved with white stone bricks. Flowers carved from gold bloomed coquettishly among the white stones. Cyan gauze curtains blew with the wind. Ripple.

The faint fragrance of sandalwood fills the surroundings. Dots of sunlight shine into the hollow carved windows. A figure like a fairy walks gently, and endless brilliance appears on its body. The radiance spreads, and the figure gradually becomes clear.

Height Nearly eight feet tall, on the thin side, wearing a purple robe embroidered with green patterns, and a milky white double-breasted coat with bright silk cover. The feet of the robe are turned up and tucked into the white jade belt around the waist, and the black hair is combed on the top of the head. Wearing a neat bun, she put it in an exquisite white jade crown, with light green silk crowns hanging from both sides of the jade crown, and a flowing flower knot tied on her lower forehead. The imperial aura is unmistakable!

In her jewel-like eyes Reflecting Jing Ke's body in the video, the corners of the man's mouth raised, and his voice revealed a hint of pleasure.

The man whispered,"Jing Ke...."

"This time, I will definitely keep this name in my heart"

"She is the woman who can scare me not only once, but even twice~"

At the same time, the video seemed to have fallen into stillness.

【The cold light stagnated, and the sword light flashed in the air】

【For a time, space, and the entire universe fell into deathly silence.】

【next moment...】

【"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"】

【Heart-rending roars resounded throughout the sky!!! 】


5000 words today! The plot is fully unfolding~! Demon God, Jeanne d'Arc, Doctor -

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: The First Emperor—Jing Ke~~)

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