【"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!", with the sharp sword shining behind him, Demon God Floros found that he and the other Demon God Pillars could not do anything to them no matter how hard they resisted!】

【The beam of destruction turned into flying ashes or bubbles disappeared under the light of this sword!!!】

【"Damn that guy! How can this be!!!", resisting the bone-chilling pain coming from behind! Countless scarlet cross eyes on the huge body turned back, but Demon God Floros and other Demon God Pillars were observed by these countless eyes. , but couldn’t find that slender figure!!~!】



【Countless rays of cold light roared in the air, and the space seemed to be cut at this moment! Under the cold light, the huge body of the Nine Demon God Pillars turned into blood and flesh floating all over the sky!】

【The roar of pain echoed in every corner of the universe! Under this violent roar, it seemed that even the universe was slightly stagnant!】

【Blood dyed the earth red, and the smell of blood echoed at the tip of everyone's nose. It was pungent and nauseating, but they were all great heroes who had once galloped on the battlefield. Except for the Demon God Pillar who was beginning to recombine, there was no one. Would you care about this kind of thing?】

【At this time, the girl's figure appeared in front of everyone again without anyone noticing. The dagger was gently swung. In the moment of cold light, a white light flashed through the space, and the blood stains disappeared instantly!】

【Looking at the blood mist in front of her and the nine huge demon pillars that quickly recovered, the girl frowned slightly, with a hint of displeasure or dissatisfaction with her performance on her face. The white dress and sleeves Dancing together, the blood mist in front of her disappeared instantly. As if she thought of something, the girl raised a smile on her lips, looked at the nine huge demon pillars in front of her or the heroic spirit behind her, and said softly,"The most important thing is , a cup after the war is more delicious than anything else~!"】

One Piece World,

Shampoo Islands,

Deep in the Alley

"A drink after a battle is more delicious than anything else!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, is it really the same as the heroes?!!"

The old man holding a huge wine bottle, white tattered robes, a pair of flip-flops, white hair, and gold-rimmed glasses was pouring wine into his mouth while laughing! On the side They were the ferocious pirates who were tied up by the Five Flowers, with shabby cloth stuffed in their mouths. They were no longer struggling at this time, and the horror in their eyes was beyond words!

Looking at the old man in front of him in shock, an uncontrollable fear appeared in his mind!

Because A few days ago, this old man's information has been completely exposed!

——""Pluto" Rayleigh!

The former vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, known as the"right arm of the Pirate King"!

At that time, everyone respected and feared him!

It is unceremonious to say that this is the great pirate walking in the world. A living fossil of the times!

But who would have thought that this great pirate would actually stay in the Shampoo Islands as a coating craftsman after the Roger Pirates disbanded!!!

And they, the group of people who were tied up, had more horror in their eyes at this time. The look on his face!

What on earth did this guy kidnap them for?!!

"The fierce sword skills and the weird hidden aura are actually seen from a girl. It's really interesting! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Looking at the domineering and unruly girl Jing Ke in the video, Lei Li's eyes showed recognition and appreciation!

Although he didn't know what the other person had experienced, but seeing the expression on the girl's face, it seemed that the other person was satisfied with his current life. Yes.

Not like him...

Thinking of this, a hint of bitterness appeared on the corner of Rayleigh's mouth, and he poured the wine bottle in his hand into his mouth.

There was also a hint of haziness in the dim eyes.

When I was young, I wandered around because my home was burned down, and made a stolen small fishing boat my home. I thought that this would be my life from now on, and it would never change from beginning to end....

Live a lifetime with this ship and this sea... but... until that day...

After being attacked by a violent storm overnight, I drifted to a port and felt the power of nature. I wanted to live my life peacefully in this peaceful place.

As he thought about it, Rayleigh's face became increasingly bitter, and the wine in the flask could no longer be reached in his withered hands.

Who would have thought that it was fate that I would meet him at that port?...

At first glance, he couldn't even see the man with a straw hat on his head....

——Gol D Roger!

"Do you want to turn this world upside down with me?"

The man who met him for the first time actually said such a thing. Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Rayleigh's face.

That's it, just for this reason, he actually recognized the other person.

He gave up. In this originally peaceful life, he chose to realize this unrealistic plan with the other party.

At the time, Rayleigh only thought this idea was ridiculous, very ridiculous, but...I eventually became that man’s first partner...

Later, as expected, this man really achieved his original ridiculous goal, and he also participated in the Battle of Atwall as the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates!

He followed the other party to Lahudel and learned about the"D family"."、"ancient weapons"、""The Blank Hundred Years" and other truths about the world, etc....

And the other party's final outcome was to die like that...

"madness...madness...Damn that guy!!!"

Although he knew the other party's purpose, Rayleigh couldn't help but cursed!

The pirates who had originally escaped while Rayleigh was in a daze around him couldn't help but froze under the roar.

Although they didn't know the other party. What are you thinking about, but you can tell that the other person is in a bad mood?

"What should I do, boss?", the pirate who was tied to the side was in a daze, but then he immediately reacted and whispered.

"What else can I do? I'll count three seconds. If the other party doesn't respond, I'll take this opportunity to leave immediately!", the leader of the pirate group who was forced to be below and unable to move whispered with a bruised face.

Because it was Rayleigh who tied them all together, and if they wanted to escape, they could only roll. Feeling the gravity coming from above, the boss of the pirate group reluctantly broke the rope. He could have broken the mountain but could not break the rope at this time.

So he could only rely on the combined efforts of everyone to escape!

Feeling the terrifying aura of the old man in front of him , the strong body of the boss of the pirate group couldn't help but shrink. The moment his nose touched the soil, an uncontrollable surge of sadness surged up at the tip of his nose.

He was originally an unknown little pirate, robbing every day You can also collect some benefits from passing ships and small islands with few people. Life is not that rich.

But it is very fulfilling and happy.

The only thing that makes me dissatisfied is that during that time, there was always a red-nosed man named Bucky. He used his Devil Fruit ability to bully their pirate group, but fortunately he was able to live up to his expectations and was able to escape from the other party's hands every time.

However, he fell into the hands of this legendary pirate.... no!

He can't die! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was a hint of ferocity in the man’s eyes!

I still have a bright future, I can’t die!

Thinking of this, the man looked at Rayleigh from the corner of his eye. Fortunately, he didn't notice it. Without hesitation, the man whispered to his little brother and started counting down.






After a long time, the man discovered that the tip of his nose was still a little away from the ground. It moved, but not completely. Now it was really stuck to the ground.

"what happened!!!", for a moment, the man shouted with some collapse.

He didn't even care about Rayleigh, whose face was getting darker and darker.

Everyone looked around, and finally the fat man directly above spoke softly.

His voice even contained a hint of crying.

"Boss, don't you think that old man is thinking of something touching?"

"He must be very pitiful~!"



Why is there a Holy Mother in my pirate group?!!

"Um?", Rayleigh, who was interrupted from his thoughts, glanced gloomily at the wine bottle in his hand, and then glanced at the pirates who were whispering beside him.


"Report! All the Dog Pirates are captured and the reward is one million!"

"Well, give it to the bounty hunter."

"Damn Roger! Dying so early made me live in such a miserable state now!"

"You have to rely on the bounty for catching pirates to drink wine, which is bad luck!"

Holding the wine bottle in his hand, Rayleigh once again sent friendly greetings to the dead captain Roger. He used to hang out in the auction venues of major fans. When he ran out of money, he sent himself to the fan store and was regarded as a An ordinary old man comes to sell goods, and his life is full and happy, but after the Straw Hat Gang caused the Draco incident, he completely lost this way of making money!

"Gudu, Gudu——"

After taking a few sips of strong drink, Rayleigh looked into the distance.

"Roger, if you were still here, you would definitely be sighing too."

"this world now..."

"That's when it was really turned upside down"

【The colorful light shines on the girl's beautiful face, and her long skirt flutters in the wind.】

【The cold and white robe was not stained with a trace of blood. The girl stood quietly in place, with no wave of expression on her face, as if nothing had happened.】

【But the terrifying roar in front of me and the smell of blood in the air were so real.】

【"Hahahaha, Jing Ke seems to be quite happy too! Boudica on the side also had a smile on her face and said,"If you want to hold a banquet, remember to add me, and I will do something too!""】

【"Invite everyone who fought together and hold a once-in-a-lifetime banquet!"】

【Hearing Boudica's reply, the girl also had a smile on her face and couldn't help but praise,"This is a great suggestion!"】


【"It seems we..."】

【"No matter what, I have to go back alive this time——!!!"】

Good night~

5000 words today! The plot is fully unfolding~! Demon God, Jeanne d'Arc, Doctor -

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Gudazi, Ma Xiu (housewife)~~)

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