【"Oooh, ooh!!"】

【"Boudica and Jingke, Lu Bu and Sparta!"Nero, the blond-haired and blue-eyed Nero, looked at the discussion of several people with a look of thought on his face. He frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something. Suddenly, the girl seemed to have thought of something, with an excited look on her face. spoke softly】

【"...Ah, I finally remembered it, that’s right! I have fought with you all!"】

【Looking at the glorious heroic spirits in front of him, Nero spoke again, with a hint of admiration on his face,"You are my guest generals fighting alongside me!"】

【"He is a strong man who rides a thousand horses! Everyone gathers here again!"】

【If someone else had commented on the people in front of them so casually on the spot, it might have aroused everyone's dissatisfaction, but the slender girl in front of them is a well-deserved strong person!】

【He was the most powerful, glorious, and most remembered emperor in ancient Rome!!!】

【"...Yes, it was your legion that we fought together for a while. Anyway, come and take a look at that." Listening to the comments of the ancient Roman emperor, Boudica showed an indescribable expression on her face and looked at that with a somewhat complicated look. The legion behind the girl said】

【"There are thousands of troops waiting for your orders, which is nostalgic...Roman soldiers also arrived together!"] The Sixth Singularity of the Moon World - the Holy Knights of the Round Table. Gawain looked at Nero in the video with some dissatisfaction. He naturally knew the battle hero they knew well - Boudica, the Britannia." The deeds of the"Victorious Queen". As knights of Great Britain, they cannot forget that period of history, and they do not allow themselves to forget that profound history! The hero who was originally kind, kind, and deeply loved everything in Britannia! She loves the wind here, the earth here! She loves the flowers, plants and trees here, the springs and streams, the birds, animals, fish and insects, and what she loves even more deeply is the people here.

..."Six Sixty"

However...until that day...

Thinking of this, Gawain clenched his fist tightly!

That evil-doing, tyrannical and indulgent empire!

Launched the most vicious aggression, destroying, occupying, and enslaving this woman's home!

Family, husband, children, home!

Nothing! that moment...At that moment, despair, sadness, pain, all the negative emotions rushed into my heart!

But even so, it's still not over!!!

What awaited her was inhumane and harsh treatment! Ridicule and slander!

Violence and abuse!

Pain and blood!

At this point, the gentle woman who was originally weak and who should have tenderly cooked dinner for her children and husband every dinner and listened to their children's laughter completely raised the flag of resistance!!!

Rebel against Rome! Protect your hometown! I swear to take revenge!

The Battle Queen, the"Victorious Queen" of Great Britain, even if it is short-lived, is enough for them to sing praises for eternity!

Therefore, the achievements of the"Victorious Queen" of Great Britain are not worthy of pride and admiration!

How come the atrocities committed by the ancient Roman Empire are not despised and scolded!

Thinking of this, Gawain, as a Sun Knight, clenched his fist slightly, but after a while, the huge fist slowly loosened.

All actions taken by the country are based on its own interests!

Even they are no exception!

Even their king - the King of Knights!

No exception!

As ministers, all they have to do is try their best to help the king....


【"...Um? There?", hearing Boudica's answer, Nero turned his head and looked behind him. Smoke began to cover the originally empty and empty land, and light blue stars began to gather.】

【Under the gaze of the girl's green eyes, the light spots gradually gathered, and gradually, in everyone's sight, figures appeared in front of everyone!】

【"Long live! --emperor!"】

【"Long live! ——Our Majesty Nero Claudius!!!"】

【"The first to sixth pairs of the elite First Legion, which swore allegiance to His Majesty, have all lined up here!!!", in the void, loud shouts echoed between heaven and earth!】

【The silver shoulder armor was covered with marks from swords, the red flag of victory fluttered slightly, and the countless warriors behind them roared fanatically!】


【No one can see the face clearly. No one can see clearly the face under the helmet. No one can see the other person's eyes. All they can feel is the shock brought by the sound that echoes through the sky....】

【In front of the king, all the Roman soldiers gathered together, and the screams echoed in everyone's ears. The crystal light emanating from the Roman soldiers became more and more powerful!】

【Everyone was shouting the king's name enthusiastically!】

【"His Majesty the Emperor—Nero Claudius!!!"】

【But the puzzling thing is...The blond girl Nero in front of her was full of shock at this time, and she seemed to be looking at the countless Roman soldiers in front of her in disbelief]

Xingyue World

Tohsaka Family



"How is this going?"Looking at the surprised look of the girl, the twin-tailed girl Tohsaka Rin who was lying on the bed also turned over at this time and looked around with wide eyes. When he saw the countless soldiers behind the girl, he was also a little confused. He couldn't help but open the door. Check the books on the soles of your feet carefully.

There is no other reason, but the number of soldiers appearing in the video is too abnormal!

Even the legendary and tyrannical Roman Emperor Nero Claudius would never have had so many Soldiers!

On the other side, Clock Tower was dressed in black, with a red scarf around his neck dancing in the wind, and a framed frame on his face. Weber Velvet, who had a serious face, couldn't help but slow down his fast pace as he walked on the street. When he saw the countless endless armies in the video, his eyes sparkled.

As the monarch of the Clock Tower and one of the most popular lecturers, Webber Velvet naturally knew what was shown in the video..

It can even be said that it is very familiar, so familiar that even in dreams, one will dream of this scene of thousands of troops.

But it seems to be different....

For a moment, the original Weber Velvet couldn't help but show a hint of bitterness on his face.

The existence that he will never forget in his life...

The existence that changed his life...

——A few years after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Iskandar himself, Weber Velvet, inherited the name"El-Melloi" and became the Lord of the Modern Magic Department, one of the twelve departments of the Clock Tower. )...

I am different from before...

But time seemed to still stay at that moment, when the heart-rending cry was replaced by the words"I believe in you"....

Everything is different...

Looking again at the countless troops behind Nero in the video, Weber Velvet walked forward again, still as thunderous and vigorous as ever.

The only thing that's different this time is...

A low voice that seemed to be a sigh, but also seemed to be missing was left on the spot....

"When can I meet you again?..."

The black figure left in a hurry. Weber Velvet had not thought about summoning Iskandar again in the Fifth Holy Grail War, and had even tried it. Although the application report submitted to the association was unsuccessful, Weber Velvet did not give up. , instead chose to participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War privately!

But I never thought that an unknown thief would use the fragment of Iskandar's cloak, a holy relic used to summon Servants in the last Fourth Holy Grail War, to summon an extra-class Servant. ——Faker, the shadow warrior of Iskandar!

Although he successfully got back the holy relic in the end, but...

Thinking of this, he smiled at the corner of the black-haired boy's mouth in the distance.

I won’t fight the fifth Holy Grail War!

Waver Velvet just wants to defeat this shadow warrior who is the substitute of King Iskandar at all costs!

Just for the future...

In order to meet the king again in the future!

She said that she could show off to him with her head held high! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I will take revenge on your beloved general - on the other you~"

The reason why I want to participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War is very simple....Because he wants to prove...

At first!

The failure was not due to the strength of Iskandar, his servant!

The real reason is because of yourself!!!

It's his master!

It’s me—Webber Velvet is too weak!!!

One's own servant...Is the strongest!!!

Xingyue World

Fuyuki City

Mapo Tofu House is clean and tidy, the room is spotless, the classical fragrance overflows, the tables and chairs are arranged in an orderly manner, the sunlight shines through the window, the breeze is gentle, the man's hair is fluttering gently, like a sprinkler Like a golden glow.

Everything is so beautiful...Cozy...

During this period of time, because the video did not show any pleasant scenes, even the extremely evil Father Mapo felt a little calm and comfortable in his heart.

It seems to be a good thing to sit by the window and feel the beauty of nature without the noise and bustle....


The ear-piercing demonic laughter woke up Kotomine Kirei, who was originally a little sleepy. He looked up and saw that his golden hair was shaking in the sun, making him unable to open his eyes. He moved his eyes down a little, Kotomine Kirei. Looking at the owner of the laughter, his empty eyes echoed with a hint of resentment like a harem.

Laugh, laugh to your heart’s content, Wang——

Yes...All happiness is his!

He didn't have anything, and he didn't say anything, just secretly enjoying himself.

This oldest fat tiger!

Feeling the somewhat resentful look from the side, Gilgamesh stopped laughing and frowned, but didn't say anything.

Scarlet eyes looked at the countless Central Roman soldiers in the video.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said

"It looks very familiar!"

There are two things that give Gilgamesh a sense of familiarity. One is that he was a people of Uruk during his own virtuous king period!

How similar they are.

The other is...

The king's eyes slightly looked at the Roman soldiers in the video....... with that guy...Although slightly different, they have the same purpose


As Gilgamesh, who has lived through the black mud for the fourth time, he naturally knows what happened in the last Holy Grail War!

Wanting to fight this, Gilgamesh raised his chin slightly and smacked his lips. Even he couldn't help but comment that the other party was an admirable opponent!

Although he was solved by him in the end, the other party's behavior was enough to make him a little impressed.

The unbearable desire (to regain the body) and the unrealistic fantasy (to conquer the current world) made the king feel disdainful, but in the end Gilgamesh gave him high recognition!

The inherent enchantment even made me unable to prevent some mistakes for a while.

This unique barrier allows the subordinates to be summoned continuously as independent Servants to fight against the enemy!

After the summoning of personnel is completed, a legion of tens of thousands of people will be formed. How spectacular!

Although all the members of the legion are genuine heroic spirits, they are limited to the abilities of the opponent - Iskandar, and none of the members of the legion have any Noble Phantasms.

And because the summoned soldiers were summoned with Rider's ability, they were not assigned to specific classes according to the rules of the Holy Grail War, so all of them did not have classes or class-related skills.

The entire legion has a prominent reputation, which is the crystallization of the bond between Iskandar and his subordinates!

Although ten years have passed, Gilgamesh still has not forgotten the inherent barrier embodied in the other person's mind!

He was even too excited. At that time, Gilgamesh even used the Almighty Star to observe the opponent!

When the opponent's king's army expands, the space where the opponent is located will be affected byThe collective mental world of the group mutates and forms an inherent barrier, and the heroic spirits can walk out of the corresponding inherent barrier!

The scenery in my mind is a plain with no shelter, the sun is scorching, and the hot sand is dancing, because that is the land where the opponent's army galloped together, and the imprint will be engraved deep in the soul!

From this the barrier can be unfolded!

The magic power used to maintain the inherent barrier after deployment is also shared by all members of the army!

I have to say that even Gilgamesh is a little envious of such an ability.

Of course, it's not because of how strong he is. What can compare to his own deviation?

The most important thing is that he is handsome!

Our Uruk people are no different than the other party's!

The middle school king Jin Shining thought so!

【"What..."Looking at so many Roman soldiers behind him, Nero was a little stunned."There are so many soldiers under Yu's command."..."】

【"But are you——?", with doubts and confusion in her heart, the girl asked】

【"Could it be that everyone is a heroic spirit like a certain conquering king?——", and soon the girl seemed to have thought of something and added】

【Although they are not in the same era, Nero still has a general understanding after being summoned many times.】

【The legendary conquering king, Iskandar, once led an army to march from Macedonia and conquered all the countries he passed through!】

【But what is puzzling is that the other party did not miss the conquered territory after conquering it!】

【Just one man led the army to the east! 】

2.3【And the reason is actually just to hope to reach the"end of the world" and see the legendary"Oceanus" with your own eyes"!】

【But it is regrettable that Iskandar failed to see the end of the sea in the end, and his final destination was to die of exhaustion on the way forward....】

【I don’t know what kind of thoughts he was in, but Nero’s expression was a little complicated for a while.】

【As courtiers, they quickly responded】

【Still unable to see his face clearly, from the crowd, a soldier with scars on his body came out, his tone was respectful, but if you listen carefully, it was filled with endless sadness....】

【""Yes, I'm sorry." The soldier leaned down gently and explained,"Your Majesty, we are nameless souls, originally just unformable thoughts."】

【"but!!!"The soldier's tone suddenly stopped, his body straightened up, and his face suddenly looked towards the huge demon pillar in the distance!】

【A sharp look appeared on the corner of his mouth!】

【"but! The Demon God Pillar and his ilk are nothing at all!"】

【"Because we are all sons of the great Rome!!!"】

【For a moment, all the undead were no longer silent! All the undead left here suddenly raised their heads!】

【Under the helmet, the flaming eyes were staring at the huge demon pillar in front of him!】

【"——when!!!", the weapon in his hand slammed against the ground, the earth roared, and the sky roared!】

【"Follow where the Crimson and Gold are heading!"】

【"We will definitely comply with His Majesty's instructions!!!"】

【At this moment, these countless dead souls...Completely wake up!!!】

【Because their king is here!!! 】


5000 words today! The plot is fully unfolding~! Demon God, Jeanne d'Arc, Doctor -

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Gudazi, Ma Xiu (housewife)~~)

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