【With a flickering figure, Mashu's figure soon came to King Solomon, waving his giant shield.】

【"Peng——!", knocked Mashu away casually, and the girl holding the giant shield couldn't withstand that ordinary punch in front of him! The figure retreated crazily like a cannonball】

【"It’s really useless, Fujimaru Ritsuka, the last master of mankind~" Looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka who could only show an angry expression, Solomon’s face became even more playful.】


【"No! --No!!!", with the support of Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu stood up, stared at Solomon and retorted,"Senior's battle is not meaningless!"】

【"No matter how sad or difficult it is, never give up on what you want to do! Never gave up and kept moving forward!"】

【"All these efforts have led us to this temple!"】

【"Master! Please advise! Under your will! Defeat the Magic King Solomon!"】

【"Matthew...", looking at the determined girl in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but be a little dazed, as if his heart was being hit hard, his orange eyes were shining brightly, he clenched his fist tightly, and his fingers were deeply embedded in his flesh.】

【The seven singularities, humans, and heroic spirits, they have witnessed endless existences together, and each one is so real....They all have the meaning of their existence...so...Humanity will never perish!】

【The girl stood up with difficulty. She knew that she had no fighting ability at all, so she must not interfere with Matthew!】

【Go ahead and fight...at least...】

【This is far from the end!!!】

【"Um! Matthew, let’s go!"】

【"Um? That's great, this is what you are good at and die together! Then let me see you in the special seats.~"】

【"See your futility, see your powerlessness, see your frustration!"Looking at the rushing Mashu in front of him, Solomon's eyes became more and more playful.】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", the fingertips flashed with dazzling light, scarlet light shone, and endless power poured out! Even from hundreds of meters away, you can feel the power of the light beam condensed on your fingertips!】

【In the blink of an eye, the light shone, the beam crossed the space, and the heat wave swept over. The girl waved the giant shield in her hand without any hesitation. The moment the beam flashed, she suddenly rushed towards it!】

【Energy collision! The powerful shock wave even made it difficult for Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was holding Fufu at the side, to open his eyes. Looking at the magic in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.】

【Too casual...It's as if you are driving away mosquitoes by attacking at will....Who is the other party?...】

【"laugh——!", after blocking the first round of attacks directed at Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu didn't hesitate for a moment, his legs suddenly exerted force, and his figure flashed. The next moment, the figure of the girl holding a giant shield had reached high in the sky. , holding the giant shield in his hand with both hands, bending his waist backwards, with the inertia, the continuous transformation of dynamic potential energy and gravity, the shimmering giant shield rubbed the air, and a terrifying sonic boom exploded!】

【Looking at the scene in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was holding Fu Fu, stepped back again, not because he was afraid, but because Fujimaru Ritsuka knew his own strength. At this time, he must not cause any more trouble to Mashu. The most correct choice is to stay away from the battlefield and protect yourself!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", the girl's figure leaped into the sky, and her body suddenly slid down, like a passing meteor about to fall to the earth. The terrifying giant shield seemed to twist the surrounding space at this moment, and dazzling firelight burst out!】

【Her purple hair was flying in the wind, and there was no timidity in the girl's purple eyes, but only endless determination!】

【"Come on." Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was in the distance, was also looking at the scene in front of him uneasily. Even Fufu in his arms was like this, staring at the horse flying high in the sky with wide eyes.

【"Um?", but suddenly Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to have discovered something, his eyebrows wrinkled, as if he couldn't believe it.】

【How can it be!!!】

【"good!"Facing this terrifying blow, Solomon stood up on the Amyrlin throne, stopped the light beam at his fingertips, and showed a touch of appreciation in his eyes. The next moment!】

【In the horrified eyes of everyone, Solomon just looked at the terrifying blow and stretched out his fist!】

【"Peng——!!!", is obviously a physical body, but when facing your heavy blow, the fist collided with the giant shield, the terrifying metal sound flowed, and the deafening sound echoed between heaven and earth!】

【"!", after a moment of shock, the girl recovered. A hint of ferocity unexpectedly appeared in her purple eyes, and she swung the giant shield with one hand!】

【The girl is no longer the child who always felt hesitant when doing anything. The first singularity, the second singularity...The seventh singularity, until now!】

【The girl knew very well that her life should have ended long ago, but due to a coincidence, she suffered a fate that now has reached the end....】

【We have reached the moment when the flower of life is about to wither!】

【So, in this case, let this life bloom its last afterglow!!!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", without breathing at all, without paying attention to the terrifying light flashing in front of her eyes, the girl's figure flashed crazily, and the terrifying attack level was like a violent storm without any pause!】

【The giant shield in hand has now lost its original mission! --guard!】

【The giant shield shimmering with cold light was like a devouring beast, and surging magic power flowed through the girl's body! Every blow is a blow with all your strength!】

【Every blow is as heavy as a mountain! The giant shield in the girl's hand seemed to turn into a sharp knife, flashing with a cold light like black ink, cutting the air and cutting the flesh!】

【For a moment, Solomon looked at the girl in front of him in silence. His scarlet eyes reflected the girl who was panting violently. His clairvoyance was activated!】

【As if in disbelief, Solomon's scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and Solomon looked at Mash in front of him. His dilapidated body was like rotten wood, and the body of the mimic heroic spirit with spots and cracks seemed to be broken in the next moment, but that was it....】

【"what a surprise...", looking at the girl in front of him, Solomon fell into silence. Is this girl who he had favored before also like this even when she was dying?...】

【"That being the case...", looking at the figure in front of him, Solomon stretched out his finger again, but this time it was different from before. The fingertips seemed to contain the power of the stars in the universe. The terrifying light shone on the fingertips, and the torrent of magic power condensed on the fingertips. At this moment, the fingertips seemed to contain not an attack level, but a collection of stars, sun and moon!】

【Looking at the flashing light in front of her, the girl's body instinctively issued a warning, and at the same time, the figure suddenly retreated back!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", at the same time, the demonic torrent at the fingertips also came out clearly at this time!】

【The dark and scarlet light beam suddenly flowed out as if it contained an ominous and terrifying light. The earth was burning and the sky became extremely dark!】

【This is the crowned magician, the one who has evolved magic to the extreme! Terrifying roars resounded throughout the earth. Wherever the light pillar passed, abyss-like ravines emerged. Under the terrifying attack level, the burning places emitted scorching heat!】

【Like a tarsal maggot, the terrifying torrent of magic power bites the girl tightly and won't let go!】

【As if knowing that she could not escape, the figure of the girl in front of her flickered for a moment, then suddenly stopped, her slender hands grasped the huge black shield, and slammed it down!!!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!"The terrifying torrent of magic power continued to move forward, and the roar that resounded throughout the world continued to echo. Looking at the girl who was resisting in the torrent, Solomon narrowed his eyes slightly, and what was reflected in his scarlet eyes was not only the figure of the other party who was struggling to resist, but And the further broken body!】

【"It can’t last more than a moment." In the end, Magic King Solomon made this judgment!】

【And after the words fell, the girl's figure was smashed away like a cannonball, shattering the mountain, and the figure was buried in the rubble!】

【"Humph~" He looked away, and there was a sneer in Solomon's eyes. His scarlet eyes looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka who was dumbfounded and didn't know what he was doing.】

【"how about you? The last Master of mankind, the worst Master of mankind?!", the energy in his hand reappeared, and the girl's body was reflected in Solomon's eyes. As long as the light in this hand was emitted, the other party would definitely die! But the next moment, in Solomon's sight, the girl whose scarlet pupils were reflected! She actually smiled. Got it!】

【How can it be! Why is the other person laughing! As long as the magic power in your hand is shot out, the opponent will be unable to fight back! So why on earth is she smiling!】

【Solomon didn't understand! But the next moment, a sonic boom sounded in his ears, making Solomon aware of it!】


【"Peng——!!!", a dazzling light burst out in the sky, the golden cross of light shone in the sky, the terrifying air current caused the violent wind to surge, like the echo of a meteor finally falling into the world, exploding in the air!】

【Blood spurted out, and bright red flowed continuously on the white jade throne!】

【In the distance, the girl's figure was almost unable to stand, barely relying on the giant shield to support her body and not falling down.】

【For a moment, the temple fell into a strange silence.】

【"...!", but just when the girl seemed to have discovered something, a hint of disbelief appeared in her purple eyes!】

【The body healed quickly and the blood stopped dripping. It was obviously the fatal blow, but it was so small at this moment.】

【"Do you think you have won?", the bright red magic power surged behind itself, and a sneer appeared on Solomon's face,"Unfortunately, the fun has just begun, Chaldea!"】

【"But your resistance is still quite tenacious and deserves praise! The blow just now has already touched the core of this body.~!"】

【"King Solomon’s spiritual base is abnormal....!!!", seemed to have discovered something, Ma Xiu said,"Master, be careful.——!"】

【"Yes, I know!"Looking at King Solomon who exuded a terrifying aura but was so disobedient, Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at him, and finally his eyes widened at his finger,"Ring! So that’s it, it’s a ring!"】

【"ring...", hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka’s call, Mashu’s eyes also moved to Solomon’s hand,"Only the ring on the middle finger of the left hand is different....? really! Only there is no left-right symmetry...!"】

【"I am not an incompetent king. No matter how stupid human beings are, I will make a correct evaluation of human bravery and perseverance." As the words fell, the magic power behind Solomon became bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye.!】

【"So in order to reward you for your struggle, I will grant you the honor of meeting my true form!", the suffocating sense of distortion and dissonance completely flowed out at this moment!】

【King Solomon in front of us is as depressing as sinking into a quagmire in an abyss! Crazy and depressing, the atmosphere it exudes at this moment can even make people stop breathing.】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", as the words fell, the originally sunny sky and earth, the white and holy Amyrlin, the cluster of oblivion fluttering in the wind, and the bright and shining stars in the universe, at this moment, everything in front of me was completely reversed!!!】

【A scene like the end of the world comes into view!】

【Under the scarlet sky, scarlet branches bursting out of the ground, spreading disaster and ominousness!】

【Endless scarlet gleaming, it only took a moment to wrap around and cover the holy throne!】

【The raging and suppressed voice also echoed at this moment!】

【"Hum - Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"】

【"Manifest! Bless you!"】

【"This is a beast of disaster and one of the evils of mankind!"Within the scarlet magic bush, like the beating heart of 633, scarlet mist surrounded it, and a suppressed voice came from it!】

【"Master of Chaldea, you once asked me, who am I?"】

【"Now, let me answer your question!"】

【"I exist as the Magic King Solomon! It is the clone of the Magic King, the institution created by the Magic King, and the first familiar created to lay the foundation for you magicians!", abyss-like whispers echoed in everyone's ears, and the aura of disaster and ominousness filled every corner of the Temple of Time.】

【"Co-ruling the country with Solomon, curse of origin abandoned due to Solomon's death"】

【"I'll give up the name of the Magic King because it's no longer necessary. I don't have a name, but if you want to call it something, let's call it that."】

【"Reach true wisdom from existence! The existence that is desired for this! Turn you into food, embark on a journey to the extreme, and create the existence of a new star! The existence that governs the seventy-two curses and burns all history!", blood splattered, and the terrifying, twisted and ferocious figure was born from the beating heart.】

【This indescribably weird moment takes your breath away! The wings of demons and angels are slowIncited, the huge body stands on the top of the void, looking at everything in the world with scarlet eyes!】

【From this - declare!】

【"That is, the incineration method of human nature——Magic King, Goetia!!!"】

【This is the existence formed by the collection of these seventy-two demon gods!】

【After the death of King Solomon, the seventy-two demon gods sealed inside the corpse gradually developed their own independent thoughts!】

【In their eyes, after the death of the Magic King Solomon, they became King Solomon!】

【From this, all the Demon God Pillars began to promote the energyization of all human beings together!】

【As the ancestors of human magic, they are lamenting, lamenting the relationship between King Solomon and mankind.】

【In anger, anger at King Solomon's inaction!】

【It is an existence woven in order to gain access to true wisdom!】

【It is a true magic with will that uses all of human history to reach the origin!】

【This is - called the human body burning method - Goetia!】

【When people feel sad, disappointed and proud of others...】

【This is Goetia's bestiality!】

【At the same time, one of the evils of mankind appears again! 】

8000 words today~!

I'll go to the doctor's office tomorrow~

It's so cold, please remember to dress warmly~

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Mordred~ (housewife)~)

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