The Sixth Singularity of the Moon-shaped World

—The Holy Knights of the Round Table!

"Is this finally coming to an end?..."

The blonde girl looked excitedly at Goetia, who was given the concept of death in the video. She couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, revealing her cute tiger teeth, symbolizing the girl's good mood.

For Mordred, death is not terrible for them. What is terrible is witnessing his own death but being unable to do anything about it!

So after seeing that the doctor gave Goetia the concept of death at the cost of death, although Mordred was a little sad, he recovered quickly!

After all, it’s super cool to have all these heroic spirits gathered here! only...

The girl's eyes looked at the father in the video who had been playing soy sauce - the Lion King holding the Holy Spear - Artoria.

Because of the video, they were at the singularity and received information about the Heroic Spirit.

The complete opposite of The Lion King!

And now Mordred has gradually understood why the two fathers are completely opposite!

And the reason for all this is- the Holy Spear of Rhongomyniad is by no means a simple treasure!

Its own nature is already too close to the legendary Star Origin Stream!

In Mordred's memory, the seal on Rhongomyniad was originally meaningful. You must know that when Rhongomyniad is used continuously, the spirit will be subtly affected. If it is not sealed, it will even cause the user's The spiritual structure moves toward the divine!

And his father also said in the video that after he came here from the other side of possibility, he raised the holy spear and began to gradually transform into a goddess, based on one ten thousandth or one billionth The possibility of one happening by chance!

In his eyes, everything he saw was just the moving flesh pillars of the opposite sex, and the reason for appearing here was to crush them!

And the current king of the country is no different from that video...

Human values ​​no longer apply to The Lion King!

It may not be as intense as in the video, but in the eyes of the other party, humans are indeed like animals!

Before the video was played, Artoria once summoned the Knights of the Round Table to discuss something....

Recalling what the other party said, the girl couldn't help but feel a little silent. beginning of noon

——"I summoned you all because this plan requires your strength. Even if I can annihilate the enemy by myself, I cannot carry out the holy battle, so I need knights as hands and feet. However, I understand that this behavior runs counter to your creed!"

"So you choose to obey me, deny me, or work together to beat me here."

"Give me the answer before the sun goes down. That's all the hesitation I'm waiting for——"

That day, the entire Knights of the Round Table fell into an unprecedented silence. Thinking of this girl, she couldn't help but smile.

That day, Kai rarely said a word or acted aggressively, and disappeared before sunset. That was Wang's brother....

No matter how detailed the conversations with one knight after another, Percivali seemed to not get the answer in his heart, and finally shed tears....

Gawain understood the reason why King Arthur called himself"The Lion King", and Tristan cut his own eyes because of this too sad scene.

Although Lancelot is ashamed of his choice, he admits that the Lion King's choice is"the best of the worst."

Gahres decided to say goodbye to his brother and sister...

As for her choice..

"call——!", the girl raised her head and exhaled forcefully, exhaling the worries in her heart!

The girl seems to have forgotten, but she still seems to remember...

It should also support it....

Not necessarily support! but...

After all...The girl’s purpose is actually to cure her father’s loneliness...

My ridiculous idea of ​​wanting to inherit the throne is just to pick up all the things that my father gave up in order to become the king....That's all.

In Mordred's memory, whether they are the Knight King or the Lion King, they are all lonely....

Whether it's the father who pulls out the Holy Spear or the Holy Sword, they are all so aloof....In the girl's eyes, it was clearly her father, but it felt like the crescent moon shining quietly in the cloudy sky.... cold, lonely...

Thick clouds covered the full moon. Whenever it appeared, the clouds dispersed, leaving only the endless coldness....

Always alone, miserable and lonely...

Everyone is looking up to him, so even crying and shouting can't be done - like a machine-like work, ordinary life... so... so!

The girl clenched her fists tightly, with a touch of sadness and determination in her eyes!

If anyone becomes a king, there is no need for his father to be like this!

That way...Then he can relax and show a stable smile - a peaceful life...

"How can we make a complete change? Wang..."

The Other Side of the Moon World,

Fuyuki City, Mapo Restaurant

"Um...Um? ? ?", a piece of silver hair fluttered with the girl's movements, and the golden eyes reflected the fierce fighting scene in the video!

But at this time, the girl's expression was slowly becoming confused!

The girl looked at Gilga who was standing aside in confusion. Mish, the oldest hero king!

Very good, closing her eyes!

As if she didn’t believe it, the girl looked at the scene in the video again.

Doubts came to her heart!

So far, there are two titles that have appeared in the video!

The first Seven Singularity Points - King Hassan in the Absolute Warcraft Front!

The other one is Solomon who died in the Temple of Time of the Crown!

Kallen, who has experienced some things, naturally knows that two conditions need to be met to become a Heroic Spirit of the Crown.!

1. The Servant itself is qualified for the title. The title Caster requires a clairvoyant who holds EX to be qualified for the title. It is the foundation of the title.

In this world, the title has two different interpretations. One is Clock Tower's evaluation of the magician's level.

The second one is the seven-horse heroic spirit summoned by the suppression power mentioned above. As a crowned heroic spirit, it has the spiritual base provided by the suppression force. Compared with the common servant's spirit The base capacity is larger and the Heroic Spirit's own strength can be better utilized!

The title already represents the most powerful Heroic Spirit in a certain class, so...

The girl stretched out her fingers and carefully counted the crowns in the video, okay...

Dr. Caster, who is not a sacrificial doctor, huh?...

A spear-level crown, a bow-level crown, and another...The street lamp king standing on the top of the mountain?

Why does it feel like someone is fishing?

The girl nodded her chin in confusion.

Although I know that Goetia has anti-heroic spirits and various reasons, this is too careless!

One second you were still sad because the doctor disappeared, and then the next second you saw a certain net and started fishing?

Especially the Street Lamp King!

Do you really just provide magic power?

Fujimaru Ritsuka was beating him to death, and blood was flowing out!

".....", is it too sloppy?...

Well, by the way, if Goetia saw it, would he say,"A good job should be rewarded~

Hmm"...A certain king is fishing, but she won't say who it is!

The golden eyes reflected the figure of Gilgamesh in the video, with his arms folded across his chest, and his whole body was glowing! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Could it be that...A bold idea suddenly came to the girl's mind!

Is Wang going to sell his lust~!

Thinking of this, the girl opened her eyes with some energy and looked at the scene in the video!

The golden armor is shining brightly, the vermilion eyes seem to contain stars, and the robes are fluttering in the wind. It is like a god's mansion. Even in the cold girl, she can't help but look at him one more time!

And the tentacles that cover the sky and the sun don't attack the king no matter what!...Okay, the case is solved!

The king is not going to paddle! An agreement was reached with Goetia at some point!

Thinking of this, a mist appeared in the girl's eyes.

It's so pitiful. He obviously sacrificed his appearance to help Chaldea, but he was given so few scenes.

Thinking of this, the girl looked pitifully at Gilgamesh, who was sleeping next to him.

"snort! Stupid woman! What rude things are you thinking!", thick malice enveloped the whole body!

Gilgamesh glared hard and closed his eyes again.



He really has no role at all....

At this moment, as a bystander, what he feels when he sees his other self is...

What do you have to do with me?

Pull them down, my Uruk is dead, what's the use of saying this?



Although they are all fishing, he is obviously wearing brighter clothes, so he is more eye-catching.

"call...", pinched the sore forehead, Gilgamesh opened his eyes, his scarlet snake pupils reflected Goetia in the video.

Goetia, this is the same future you saw. What answer would you give to this future?

This king is still looking forward to it.

At this time, everyone in the world also reacted and looked at the heroic spirit in He's video with confused expressions. etc!

Is something wrong?

What about the big guys?

It was agreed that everyone is here, and we will work together to deal with the evil of mankind - where is the beast?

Not to mention others, they didn’t know anyone else, just King Gilgamesh!...Well, dear, what are you doing?

Where is your king's treasure house?

Where is your kaitiandiguili sword?

Just go and use it as a power bank?...Let's break up, let's break up. This guy is really unmanageable. He won't do anything.

There were so many flaws that for a while everyone didn't know where to start, and finally silently closed their mouths.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, stay away from that Jin Shining from now on.

On the other side

, at the same time and space, a girl with a similar look stared excitedly at Ritsuka Fujimaru in the video

"Coming? I just said how could I be so weak~" The girl waved her hands helplessly and breathed a deep sigh of relief. There seemed to be tears in her orange eyes.


"Uh-huh! Matthew, hehe~ Don’t worry, I won’t let you sacrifice like in the video, I will definitely protect you~!", looking at the purple-haired girl on the side, tears appeared in the corners of the orange-haired girl's eyes again.

He hugged the girl, clenched his fists, and shouted loudly!

"Fujimaru Ritsuka! Tear human evil apart with your hands!"

Chaos evil, Gudazi said with such passion!

【"...Crazy 393! crazy! This planet is crazy! You are all crazy!!!!"】

【"How much value can this kind of history have!!!", the fist shadow waved, and the tentacles that covered the sky emerged! Scarlet shining, Goetia roared incomprehensibly!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", the dazzling scarlet light flashed for a moment, the surging and boiling magic power flashed in front of the girl, and the terrifying sonic boom sounded throughout the sky!】

【"...Peng——!", without any obstruction, the girl holding the giant shield was instantly knocked away!!!】

【But how could this heroic spirit that descended here ignore the safety of its Master!】

【"laugh——!", the cold light of the scabbard flashed for a moment, the scarlet color shattered, and the slender and handsome figure took the help of the girl and suddenly flashed into the distance!】

【"Just one person! Just kill one person! All problems will be solved by this——!"】

【"You stupid guys——!!!"】

【"Why don't you understand us! Why should we help this Chaldea! Why! Why!", the crazy roar echoed at the top of the universe!】

【The frozen universe shines with hot scarlet, and the magic power turns into a torrent and covers everything that enters the eye! The earth is collapsing! The sky is breaking!】

【Goetia doesn't understand what this heroic spirit is! What is this human principle? What exactly does this do?!!】

【The scene in front of me is so ridiculous! What a shame! How sad!!!】

【"even so...Why!", killing like crazy! When facing the shining heroic spirit, the huge tentacles burned with fierce flames! Countless scarlet lights shined! The huge tentacles rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky! The blazing flames burned out the sky.!The rich blood light illuminates everything!】

【"laugh——!!!", there was no response, or perhaps, the only response was the brilliance shining in the sky!】

【Cold light flashes, blood splashes everywhere, and minced meat fills the sky. The gods and heroic spirits rush to the era....Now that it is here, it already represents that firm intention!】

【How could he be easily shaken!】

【All things are impermanent - what prospers must decline!】

【The brilliant stars in the sky! The shining light of death! An agent walking in the world!】

【The golden iris blooms quietly and the stars shine!】

【Life will eventually burn out, but this ending will never be handed over to anyone else!】

【The song of human reason played! People who shine in the times!】



【The glory of human nature will never fall!!!】


Next plot JOJO!

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Karen Ordesia-chan~ (The plot has been changed, please feel free to eat)~)

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