【The starry sky began to collapse, everything became nothing, the meteor in the distance slipped, and the heroic spirit guarding this last human reason gently dissipated at this moment】

【A bright light burst out from the light belt, and the dazzling light enveloped the universe.】

【"I was almighty, not because Solomon created me like this." In the white light, Goetia's voice slowly emerged, and time seemed to have returned to the starting point. Goetia's voice was so heavy,"We originally It is born from the distortion of human spiritual activities and is a group of demon gods who command names and abilities."】

【The black lines flow slowly, and time is like running water, passing between black and white. This has spanned countless long rivers of history and gone through countless years of baptism. At this moment, Goetia, who has failed, has a lot to say. want to say】

【"I have been a transcendent from the beginning. When I became us, I gained almighty power and perspective."】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!!", there was a loud roar outside the light, and the sky in the distance began to collapse. Everything had returned to nothingness, and the scarlet demon pillar also naturally began to collapse.】

【"Butis, Bachin, Sereos, Pulson, Morax, Impos, Aini, Naberius, contact and combine!", the remaining power in the void began to reverberate, and the seventy-two demon pillars had already seen the situation clearly.】

【"The only thing that is full of them is that the commander of the seventy-two demon pillars wants to regard a human being as the master." In the light and shadow, it seemed that he was trapped in repressed memories, and the lines were slightly stagnant. Goetia did not speak for a long time, until Time passed again, and the voice came slowly,"Solomon——"】

【Goetia commented on her king,"A ruthless king, an incompetent king, a king who knows everything but doesn’t save anyone!"】

【"Compared with us who are trembling with anger, he is a man who is too leisurely and without any pain." Recalling everything that the so-called king did, Solomon said angrily, but his voice stopped suddenly,"But..."】

【The tone gradually became duller. At this last moment, I could see clearly in my heart that I was not angry at the Magic King——Solomon....Rather...】

【"It's just because I don't have the freedom to be angry...."】

【"Eurias, Vabra, Sarkozy, Varyork, Antos, Andreyphis, Simonli, Anducias, the union is dissolved"】

【The seventy-two Demon God Pillars represent corresponding powers. Each Demon God Pillar has its own meaning. Naturally, after the Demon God Pillars escape, Goetia will also be forced to dissolve them accordingly.】

【"...Ah, lost." The strength, power, and spirit in his body all seemed to disappear at this moment. Goetia recalled with some emotion,"I lost the sense of omnipotence that has not lacked any existence since birth. This feeling of loss, How to behave?"】

【"Performance is weakened and reduced at the speed of light, and one's own existence is gradually dwarfed.——"】



【In the Temple of Time, the realm created by himself or the dead king in 393, with the continuous passage of power, Goetia felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness for the first time!!!】

【Time is still passing by, the light begins to weaken, and the golden light particles visible to the naked eye float in the air, dissipate and dissolve】

【With the collapse of the end, the empty space, the seeping black and white, and the disappearing sense of omnipotence, Goetia felt unprecedented fear, and the emotions he had never experienced took away his feet.】

【"Forful, Maxias, Stoltz, Harpas, Mapas, Forcalo, Weipe - give up survival!"】

【Goetia doesn't understand, doesn't understand the fear that wants to cry out for help, doesn't understand the whimpering that wants to plead not to take away everything.】

【It seems to him now that he is so regretful, so anxious, so embarrassed, and he seems to not understand anything from now on....】

【so...So now he is starting to feel scared...】

【This limited life, this body that is burned out, this self that may perish at any time, the end of life is actually right in front of us!!!】

【But...The golden crystal light passing through the white space, Goetia seemed to have thought of something, all of this...What's happening now seems like...It's so familiar...】

【Then from the Holy Grail War, Solomon gave up his identity as a heroic spirit, his power, his spiritual foundation, everything he had as a heroic spirit, and chose to become an ordinary person. Isn’t that Romani?】

【Why is the other party willing to give up this omnipotence and become an ordinary person, living, old, sick and dying, living a mediocre life?】

【"Why was that man able to overcome this fear again despite understanding the premise of giving up everything?...And relying on his own will, he voluntarily gave up his omnipotence and once again chose something more terrifying than death!"】

【The activation of the first Noble Phantasm is no longer as simple as death. In order to give oneself the concept of death, in order to prevent this destruction of human nature, this cruelty! Stupid! ignorance! timid! The cowardly Magic King Solomon! Did you actually do such a thing?!!!】

【"...Who is the Incompetent King?"】

【"...Who is this cold and heartless man?"】

【"Cathsiarapus, Bunne, Lonobi, Pelius, Astalus, Phonius, Phras, Asmodeus——...refuse to combine"】

【In the starry sky, the scarlet watchtower gradually closed, and the limbs collapsed one after another. Thousands of years ago, after the death of King Solomon, they gave birth to their own wisdom and their own consciousness. From this, they began to judge.——】

【The position of the end of the world has quietly changed, and the end of human reason is all empty talk at this moment....Relying on their own judgment, the scarlet tentacles gradually stopped】

【In other words, it is no longer possible to maintain...Not long ago, they were still thinking about why the heroic spirit continued to attack them. This unerasable doubt came to their minds. Now it seems that there is only one reason. Their king has failed.——】

【"They have been adjusting for five minutes. As long as they maintain the light band for five minutes, they will be able to complete the final proof." Goetia raised his eyes and looked at the sky. The brilliance that originally shone in the starry sky dimmed, and the fiery ring also dimmed. Already extinguished in the dead starry sky】

【The light belt cannot be maintained, and the time difference is only five minutes】

【"...Ah ah ah ah ah!!! Why——!!!"】

【No matter what, this final war will not be lost willingly!】

【Goetia couldn't believe that the glory that had been reforged over countless years had collapsed at this moment!】

【And the culprit...And the culprit is right in front of you!!!】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka! Fujimaru Ritsuka! Fujimaru Ritsuka! Fujimaru Ritsuka...!!!】

【The galaxy is trembling, the sky is shattering, and with the disappearance of this power, the glorious Amyrlin with the planets as its points begins to collapse, and the debris falls, but at this moment Goetia, or rather...King of men! Didn't care at all!】

【The smoke and white light dissipated together, and the golden hair waves danced in the wind with the impact of the fallen boulder, and the thin body appeared.Unexpectedly, she was no different from the girl in front of her. With her burned body, red eyes, and long golden hair, the human king's figure was currently blocking the only way to return. He did not make any sound, nor did he make any suggestions. The problem, at this moment, is just to look at the girl in front of me quietly】

【The king who does not have any almighty power is no longer the great being that can reshape the glory of the stars. At this moment, he is just an extremely ordinary person....】

【"You are too much of a hindrance. You are the only one I don’t need... I just need to exclude you. Why?"】

【"Why can't we exclude such a human being?——!!!"】

【This is the final battle between the two!】

【It has nothing to do with human principles, nothing to do with saving the world, and it has nothing to do with those great righteousnesses!】

【This is just a grudge that they don’t understand!】

【Without any hesitation, in this gradually collapsing space, the war between the two completely started!】


"The supreme beast of mercy, Goetia, the evil beatst of mankind, ended up looking like this?"

Looking at the figure in the smoke that gradually dissipated, Goetia in his final form, everyone was a little silent.

This is what the almighty human king looks like....

Everyone couldn't help but be silent for a while.

The all-powerful Goetia disappeared, just like an ordinary person without the power to restrain a chicken. It can be said that any one of them, even an ordinary person, can kill the other now, but that's it.

Where is the enemy on the opposite side - the enemy who belongs to the human king at this moment?

The same girl was seriously injured, staggering forward. At this moment, the heroic spirit dissipated, and how much strength did the seriously injured Fujimaru Ritsuka still have?

How confident are you that you can defeat the opponent and survive? slim...

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little sad. As said in the video, the destruction of humanity has ended, and countless human beings and civilizations have been redeemed at this moment.

It has nothing to do with righteousness, the current war is just a grudge between the King of Humans and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel worried.

The destruction of humanity has ended, and the final result will be born in this battle.

And the final result is obvious.

The girl wins—lives.

Lose - that is death!

But you must know that the human king on the opposite side no longer has any form of existence at this moment. Even if he wins the girl, he will still die, so the opponent is fighting the girl with the determination to die at this moment! so...

This final outcome...This is the ending of this story. What kind of answer will we get?...(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, the video begins to change lenses

【"The attack of the enemy and the servants cannot be stopped. We, the Nine Pillars, do not think there is any point in continuing to fight back." In the void, scarlet flashed across the sky, and the demon god Gu Xin told the reason for his escape.】

【"Barbatos, Paimon, and Buyel have ceased their activities, and Sidi, Byret, and Lelay have reached the point of no return.——"】

【"so...Therefore, O Controller Goetia, we give up our existence as Goetia!"】

"Tsk!", Pirate World, looking at the Demon God Pillar escaping in front of (bdci), Akainu snorted and looked at the huge Demon God Pillar with disdain.

As a minister, he turned his back on the king, garbage!

No matter which side he stood on , in Akainu's view, this behavior of betraying their general and running away is undoubtedly an insult to the ministers and soldiers!

And the general's doing this is also his incompetence!

What a bunch of fw

【"Why! Why! Why! Why do the heroic spirits go to this point to protect humanity!", bright red blood poured out, and the already broken body, the demon god Floros, who fled the battlefield, roared in confusion!】

【"They should understand that humans have no such value!", Demon God Floros, who upholds the same concept as Goetia, roared,"Those are painful memories! With such painful evolution, there is only one like this in the entire universe!"】

【"This planet is crazy! They have all gone crazy! How valuable is this history of human theory?!!"】

【Scarlet flashes, blood splashes everywhere, facing the violent roar, the universe trembles slightly at this moment, but at this moment the ice-silent universe responds!】

【"——idiot! Since you have this question, it means you have found the answer!", that arrogant and disdainful response came from the void!】

【"——...Who are you! You guy! You guy is——!!!", listening to that arrogant voice, countless scarlet cross eyes widened their eyes and looked at the figure slowly emerging in the void!】

【The domineering and unruly figure appeared in front of the demon god Floros, the shining armor illuminated the darkness, and there was a sarcastic expression in the scarlet snake eyes. I saw that Gilgamesh, who was supposed to disappear, was standing tall at this moment. In the void, he looked at the demon in front of him and said slowly,"In the past, I saw the same thing as you, but we came to different conclusions. Although you have the eyes to witness everything, you didn't see everything. you only see sadness"】

【"You are the one who is trapped by individual malicious intentions and does not see the pattern, and does not understand the value of life at all!"】

【"The value will change and you can price it as you like, but its essence cannot be changed!"】

【"And now, you have experienced this firsthand, right?"Looking at the dazed demon god, Gilgamesh raised a smile on his lips,"The man you regard as a worthless person and intend to abandon will be forced into a desperate situation!"】

【"What an irony. Human evil is exactly human love. What resists you is the spirit that hopes for a better future."】

【"Hum hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!", the words fell, and as the gold particles dissipated, the last heroic spirit in the Temple of Time left.】

【collapse...destroy...At this moment, in this frozen universe, there is no life, everything is dying and being destroyed! The temple of time that took 3,000 years to create begins to collapse at this moment!】

【The glimmer of light shining like a beacon is the existence of hope!】

【"how so...",but...At this time, everyone in Chaldea looked at the scene in front of them blankly. It had been confirmed that the life responses of the strongholds in the center of the temple had disappeared, and it had been confirmed that the first beast had been eliminated, but why was there still someone blocking the girl's way at this moment?...】

【"At this moment, nothing can reverse my failure. It has no meaning. In the past, I would never consider such a choice." With his golden hair dancing in the wind, the Human King looked at the girl in front of him and said with a somewhat absent-minded look.】

【"You also have your reasons for fighting, right?"Looking at Goetia, who had half of her body burned off in front of her, no, it was the King of Humans, the girl said in a deep voice.】

【"Yes, I also have my persistence, no, or I have finally developed an attachment." He is also a king, who wants to completely defeat Solomon's existence, and is a human king who is absolutely compassionate, but at this moment..."I now understand your human spirit. I finally understood this after gaining a limited life."】

【With the sound of heavy footsteps, the distance between the two gradually shrank,"...."】

【"Peng——!", at this moment, there is no distinction between you being weak and me being strong, fists and shadows are interacting, blood is splashing everywhere, this battle of life with unknown emotions is being staged in this place of the end.】

【This is a long journey, they have been here for 3000 years】

【Both sides are trying to stop each other for something that cannot be compromised. The designation of the title around the incineration of humanity, spanning seven singular points, the master of the seven worlds.】

【My name is Goetia, the one who destroys humanity and wants to move towards the future.】



【"Peng——!", muffled sounds echoed in this place of destruction, death is so close at this moment】

【The light strips on the horizon turned into pitch-black ash and burned out. The dust particles that flew with the breeze and landed on the high ground somewhere eventually returned to the earth with the wind, taking them to a mysterious and unpredictable place.】

【I...Born at this moment, died at this moment...】

【Even if I can't get any results or any rewards, I will use my last life to defeat you - Fujimaru Ritsuka】

【My enemy, my hatred, my destiny, please bear witness to me. This short period of time is the story I have gained.】

【This short time, but one that I miss so much - is the new life that a person named Goetia got....】

【"laugh.....", the girl stared blankly at the fist in front of her that could not move any further, and the sound of slight cracks rang through the girl's ears....The human king's body has begun to disappear】

【The golden shadow dances with the wind, and the golden glory burns the last life】

【""Human life is really short." This last life lasted only 30 minutes, but it made Goetia feel a completely different life.】

【"Lord, please give this life joy..."】

【The gold particles dispersed with the wind, and finally, at this moment, everything turned into nothingness....】

【"!!!", seeing this, everyone in Chaldea couldn't help but feel joy on their faces! But the next scene was like cold river water pouring through the whole body, a chill rising from the soles of the feet to the sky!】

【because...Just a little bit different...】

【Everything began to collapse and be destroyed. Endless nothingness filled the Temple of Time. The ground beneath her feet began to crack. The abyss under her feet swallowed everything. The girl's body fell into endless nothingness.】

【Just a little bit different...It's just that little girl can go home...】

【The acrid smoke filled the painful lungs, which was depressing and suffocating, but at this time the girl didn't care, or rather...I can't care anymore, my eyes are so heavy】

【I can't move anymore, I don't want to experience anything anymore...In this falling abyss, the girl closed her eyes heavily】

【For the girl, now that everything is over, this journey is enough to say that it is beautiful, right?...】



【"senior...senior!"I don't know when the most dazzling light bloomed before my eyes!】

【The indescribable color enveloped the sky, and the figure accompanying her appeared in front of the girl again, her purple hair dancing in the wind, and her purple eyes shining with soft clear light.】

【"Senior, hold my hand!"】


【In the end, she is still her shield....】

Tomorrow I will wrap up Fufu and it will be over~

The next plot is JOJO!

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