【Starlight fills the air, and the distant horizon lights up with dazzling brilliance. The scarlet light shines gently, like the stars descending, and like a fairyland emerging. No words can describe the beauty of it at this moment, and the most shining thing is the nervous girl.】

【The stars were falling, and her purple hair was dancing in the wind. The girl's eyes reflected endless tension and anxiety, and she stretched out her hand to grab Fujimaru Ritsuka with all her strength!】

【"It's not over yet, stretch out your hand—~—!"】

【"Senior, senior! Take my hand!"】

【At this moment, whether it was a dream or reality, the falling girl could no longer distinguish, but she instinctively reached out and held the girl's hand tightly.——】


【The moment their hands came into contact, the girl no longer had any anxiety in her heart, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.】


How can this be?!!!

Everyone in Wanjie is confused at this time. It’s not that they don’t expect a good ending, it’s just that...

Didn't the original ending of Matthew Kyrielet, a strong girl, die in that torrent of magic?

Why do you appear in this place again now to save this girl?

Everyone in the world seemed to be in endless doubts at this time.

Could it be the owner of that video?

Everyone couldn't help but suspect that the girl's resurrection was the work of the owner of the video, but then they shook their heads and rejected the answer.

Because from the beginning to the end of this video, everything about the tragedy changes at the end, and this video is not what is happening, it is either what happened before, or what will happen in the future, so it is changing. The original result is fine, but you need to wait for the video to end and torture everyone before changing it!

As for the bad taste of the owner of the video, everyone is still clear about this!

So it's definitely not the change caused by the video owner. In other words, are there other twists?

On the other side,

Chaldea's green eyes reflected the purple-haired girl in the video. Doctor Roman was a little speechless at this time. There could be no mistakes in his examination.

Not to mention that the girl's life would not die because of that devastating attack. Even without that attack, her body would collapse in a few days!

This A-level Master adaptor was originally prepared by Chaldea!

——Mash-Gilead is a designer test-tube baby that was artificially fertilized and raised in Chaldea. Although it is not an artificial human, it is a completely human being.

But this does not affect the change in Mashu's lifespan. Before he came here, the experiments created by Chaldea had always prioritized the Master's suitability and magic circuit, so the corresponding girl's lifespan was short.!

Originally, designer test-tube babies were theoretically expected to stop life activities around the age of thirty, but due to the experiment of fusion with the Servant, the girl's lifespan became even shorter....

After returning from the Absolute Warcraft Front at the Seventh Singularity, he repeatedly confirmed Mashu's life situation. Although he had great hopes, the fact was that the girl's life had come to an end.

The reason why her life did not collapse was just because the girl's body relied on the spiritual energy and power of the borrowed servant to prevent her body from weakening and collapsing in advance, but that was just to bury the discomfort and collapse of the body.

Just like an old man with gray hair and gray hair, when he is dying, even if he blocks all pain and gives the other person temporary vitality, his life has reached the extreme, and no matter how much he blinds himself, he cannot change it!

This is the truth!

But that’s not the case with Matthew in the video at this time!

Roman could see that the other party's body had been completely repaired!

No signs of collapse!

It can be said that he was resurrected from the dead....

Seemingly thinking of something, Roman's eyes widened. In control, Roman suddenly turned his head and looked at the thin figure....Could it be?

At the same time ,

Uruk Temple

's purple eyes glowed with a faint light, Merlin raised a smile on his lips, not the slightest surprised that the dead Mashu was resurrected again.

Just looking at the figure in the video tenderly, it seems...What am I thinking about?

For a long time, the gentle laughter echoed in the cold alley, and the gentle voice slowly emerged.

"Aha~ Have you already made your own choice?~"


"In this case, I will be the only one left, but I will be very lonely...."


【Desolation, ice and silence, the dark depths seem to hide a devouring beast, suffocating and depressing】

【"Where is this?"The girl opened her eyes blankly. The dots of starlight appearing in the starry sky made the girl a little dazed."Is this the paradise that the seniors said? Is this what it was like?"】

【The purple hair swayed slightly with the girl's movements. The girl habitually reached out to grab it to the side, but she grabbed nothing....】

【yes...There was a trace of sadness in the girl's eyes. She was no longer on the battlefield, and she could no longer be a shield for her senior."I don't know how my senior is doing now."..."】

【The girl looked around confusedly, like a child who couldn't find the direction of her home. She was a little at a loss and murmured softly.】

【"No, no, no, senior will definitely win!", the girl shook her head cutely and corrected that she didn't want to write a good thing.】

【At this moment, the light suddenly lit up in front of her eyes. The girl was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes widened.】

【"Could it be an angel or a demon or something?...", Ma Xiu blinked, there was an indescribable look in his purple eyes.】

【In the past, when I first met senior, senior Fujimaru Ritsuka once said that in senior’s hometown, there are two places to go after death, one is heaven and the other is hell.】

【The difference between the two is to see whether the dead person did any bad things while alive. If a person did a lot of bad things, he will go to hell. On the contrary, if a person did a lot of good things during his lifetime, he will go to heaven!】

【so myself...The girl stared at the light in front of her nervously, and a little nervousness could be seen in her purple eyes.】

【"?"But then the girl looked blankly at the light, and saw that the original bright light turned into endless darkness. Different from the surrounding environment, the darkness was a place where stars could not illuminate, so even in the In this darkness, that darkness is also so conspicuous】

【"....."But what made the girl silent even more was that the existence of that silence in the darkness could not be seen clearly, and she had never heard the sound before, but it was so familiar. Memories came to her mind, but before the girl could react, a sound The voice interrupted the girl's thinking】


【"...Great, you're still here, Ma Xiu." The extremely clear, but extremely sober voice came out from the darkness. It was soft and waxy, and the girl could clearly hear the worry and happiness in the voice.】

【"You were completely wiped out and reached the end of your life. Even so, your will still remains in this endless nothingness." The voice coming from the darkness made the girl stunned, and then she looked at her body. Sure enough, The girl stretched out her hand, and crystal light circulated on her body surface. Her body was slightly transparent. It could be vaguely seen that her body was constantly dissipating. It was only a matter of time before she stayed here.】

【"So I won’t say anything to you about hard work, although I will say goodbye to you and say goodbye."] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【".....", for a moment, the girl was speechless, her purple eyes were slightly red, and her heart seemed to be tightly grabbed. She wanted to ask something, but she couldn't say it.】

【"There's no time. Let me cut this short. I'm going to bring you back from the dead."】


Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes!

Sure enough, this is the turning point for Matthew's resurrection!!!

Able to resurrect the dead!

How many strange beings and abilities are there in this world!

Holy Grail! The immortal devil! A heroic spirit that lives on forever in another way!

What now? What does it take to resurrect the dead?

So what exactly is shrouded in darkness?!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and look carefully!

【"...?", after hearing this, Ma Xiu also raised his head in confusion, looking at the existence in the darkness with some confusion.】

【"The beast of disaster - Cathy Palug, in another world, is also known as the primate killer." The voice slowly flowed from the darkness, seeming to be recalling something, and also seeming to be feeling something.】

【"As long as I'm not in human society, I'm a harmless animal. That's why I stay shut up on a deserted island."】

【"However, the magician who took care of me was a very over-the-top guy!", speaking of this, in the darkThe voice suddenly carried a hint of anger and grievance,"He kicked me out of the comfortable confinement tower and threw me into the outside world.""】

【"but...It was also because of this that I was able to come to Chaldea and discover you and Fujimaru Ritsuka there...."】

【"...who are you..", the girl was a little panicked, tears couldn't stop rolling in her eyes, and her purple eyes were red as she looked into the darkness.】

【For a moment, the girl's thoughts were so confused that she could not find out who it was from those words, and who exactly was the being in the darkness....】

【On the horizon, a thin circle of light shines gently. In the darkness, the figure in the mist can be seen clearly.】

【"You probably think I'm nosy." There was a hint of self-deprecation in his voice,"But, that magician said that goodwill is basically like a forced sale, so let me imitate it."】

【"The user has accumulated magic power for hundreds of years, and here he creates something that even magic has never achieved....Miracle", the voice paused, or rather...The transfer of"Happy" is enough to modify what little you have left...Only exists for three days"】

【"The only pity is that because I haven’t grown up yet, I can only extend your lifespan to the length of an ordinary person, and I...For this reason, they will return to ordinary beasts and lose their intelligence and characteristics....My conversations with you so far actually have meaning, but from now on, they will become ordinary wild beasts."】

【"Who are you...", the girl seemed to realize something. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the black shadow in front of her in disbelief. Hot tears rolled in her eyes. She couldn't say a word for a long time.】

【"Don't cry, Matthew." Looking at the surging tears, a hint of sadness came from the darkness,"Actually, you don't need to mind too much, because for you, nothing has changed, but it's true that you will feel a little lonely. , so I finally want to say goodbye to you"】

【The light and shadow become more and more dazzling, and the figure in the darkness becomes brighter and brighter. Starlight accompanies it, and brilliance surrounds it.】

【"Goodbye, Matthew Kyrielite, for me, traveling with you is a very refreshing memory."】

【"I was so happy that I often turned ugly, but I remained like this until the end."】

【Brilliant brilliance, endless brilliance, extremely beautiful existence, the gem-like colors flow with intoxicating beauty, even the shining starry sky in the universe dims at this moment】

【The figure shrouded in fog and darkness finally emerged...】

【"Wait, wait a minute!!! fufu——!"】

【"I beg you! No!", the girl shouted hoarsely. In the light, the girl saw the figure, and the tears could no longer help falling down her cheeks. Even if she stretched out her hand to save it, all she could touch was the warm radiance.】

【"——Yes, I really...I have truly seen the most beautiful things. There are evils that can be defeated without fighting, and there are answers that can be reached without bloodshed."】

【"Congratulations, good people of Chaldea, the fourth, knocked down by you"】

【Rejoice, jump for joy, human evil has been defeated...】

【"Thanks...Thanks...Thank you very much." The girl's sobbing gratitude echoed in the dazzling light. This was the gentlest word she had ever heard.】

【thank you very much】

【——So far】

【This journey of wandering has finally reached its final answer at this moment.】

【Those who have not been returned——】

【One person, one beast]

At the same time, the video that fell into darkness lit up slightly again.

In the dark screen, a line of subtitles appeared

【death scene——】

【JOJO——For a father, 5 seconds is really too short——!】

The beauty month is over, next, I’ll write about JOJO!

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Matthew~ (Eat with peace of mind))

Please give me data! Thank you everyone for your support~!! work!.

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