
Cu Chulainn looked at what he said in the video, his expression changed, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

Although what he said in the video was completely correct, it was also what he was thinking.

But you know, Kotomine Kirei is also watching this video.

This also means that Kotomine Kirei also knows about this.

This is not good.

With Kotomine Kirei's character, his future life may be even more painful.

And just as Cu Chulainn expected.

Kotomine Kirei was also watching the video, and when he saw this scene, his face turned dark!

This guy dared to call me a coward and was simply looking for death.

I even dared to stab my own master in the back, how could I be a coward?

Who do you look down on?

No, he will have to clean the toilet at home from now on.

Yes, although he was very angry, Kotomine Kirei did not want to deal with Cu Chulainn.

After all, Cu Chulainn's strength is quite good, and he is also a very good choice as a tool man.

【in video】

【Cu Chulainn was very fast, and Saber had already eaten him if he wanted to catch up.】

【After that, Saber started talking with Shirou Emiya, and Shirou Emiya also roughly understood what a Master and a Servant were.】

【At this moment, Saber suddenly jumped onto the roof. She felt that there were two enemies nearby.】

【When he went out, he saw Saber fighting with a man in red clothes and white hair.】

【It was the guy he saw in school that day, Red A】

【After seeing Red A Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Shirou used the Command Seal to stop Saber.】

【Later, Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou became allies】

【Afterwards, Tohsaka Rin also took Emiya Shirou to the church where the priest Kotomine Kirei was. Through Kotomine Kirei's mouth, Emiya Shirou also learned about the existence of the Holy Grail War. 】

The moment they saw this priest, the audience from all over the world started talking about it.

"Why do I feel like this priest doesn’t look like a good person?"

"That's right, I think so too. This guy is probably the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Yes, it is one of them if not the final boss."

In the church, Kotomine Kirei was very unhappy after seeing all the audience's comments.

But there was nothing he could do about it. He was really the boss behind the scenes, which I really can't explain.

But, do I not look like a good person?

Kotomine Kirei secretly thought to himself

【"Have fun, boy."Kotomine Kirei looked at Emiya Shirou leaving and said calmly.】

"Let me just say it, this guy doesn’t feel like a good person, how could a good person say such a thing."The audience from all over the world said


Kotomine Kirei remained silent.

Is there anything wrong with pleasure?

Are you happy to eat your rice?

What’s wrong with me just liking pleasure?

【After Kotomine Kirei's explanation, Emiya Shirou officially decided to participate in the Holy Grail victory, and finally had the heart to become the Master of Saber.】

【"If the fire ten years ago was due to the Holy Grail War, then I will never allow that to happen again."Shirou Emiya looked at the dark night sky and said firmly】

【Just when Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou were preparing to go home separately,】

【On the street in the distance, two figures, one tall and one short, suddenly appeared.】


【Tohsaka Rin looked at the figure in the distance with a look of surprise on his face】

【Taking advantage of the moonlight, Emiya Shirou could clearly see the appearance of the two people.】

【The taller one is over two meters tall, has a hairstyle like a lion, has a red pupil in his right eye, and is golden on the left and right. He exudes a violent aura.】

【The short one is a silver-white loli girl wearing an original purple hat. She is also wearing a purple dress and looks quite cute.】

【This combination of tall and short is none other than Berserker and his master Illya.】

【Berserker's true identity is the son of Zeus in Greek mythology, the great hero Heracles.】

【Hera Kosler is a half-human and half-god being, very powerful.】

"Turns out to be a demigod! Moreover, he is also the son of Zeus, so this Berserker has quite a lot of background."

Audiences from all over the world are shocked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Many of their worlds have legends about the God King Zeus.

Therefore, it is natural to understand that Hera Kosler is a legendary figure. The Hercules has infinite power.

If he is summoned as a heroic spirit, he must be very powerful, right?

"God? hehe!"

"But this guy seems to be much weaker than bjfi. Also, how can this group of humans really control gods?"

【The video continues】

【Illya took the initiative to step forward, pulled up her skirt, bowed slightly and said,"First meeting, Rin, I am Illya, Illyasviel, Feng, Einzbern, speaking of Einzbern Lun, you must understand"】

【Of course Rin knew about the Einzbern, a magic family as famous as the Tosaka family and the Matou family.】

【"It's really scary. In terms of ability alone, that guy is above Saber."Rin looked at Hercules with a solemn expression.】

【You know, Saber is known as the strongest servant.】

【Red A on the side was extremely surprised,"With the strength of that monster alone, even one against six is ​​no problem."】

【"Of course, victory or defeat cannot be determined by strength alone. Archer, this time you still need to implement your original attack method."Rin said.]

And the audience from all over the world quickly understood what Rin meant.

That is - you should stop using your crappy melee and take out your bow.

An archer actually used melee. Whatever you think is outrageous

【"But what should we do about defense? Rin should be unable to withstand that guy's attack, right?"】

【"There are three of us here, we should be able to hold on."】

【"learn."The red A-headed man then flashed and left here to find a suitable bombing location.】

【As an archer, fighting at a distance from the enemy is the most correct choice.】

【"Are the discussions over? Then, let's start the war."Illya said lightly, her face extremely confident.】

【Even if two versus four, she is confident of winning】

【"Come on, Berserker."】

【As soon as Ilia's voice fell, a violent force surged out of Berserker's body. Bang, Herakosler suddenly stepped on the ground, crushing the hard ground. He jumped up high and held Wu Ming in his hand. The ax sword rushes towards Rin and others】

【"Shirou, back off."Saber said to the besieging Shirou.】

【At this time, countless red rays of light pierced the sky and flew towards Berserker, followed by rumbles and violent explosions.】

【Berserker was shot down but did not suffer any damage】

【"How can it be? Unscathed!"Rin can't believe it.】

【Roar! Berserker roared angrily and rushed towards Shirou Emiya so fast that Shirou Emiya had no time to react.】


【Just as Emiya Shirou was hit by the Berserker, a figure stood in front of Emiya Shirou.】

【It's Saber!】


【Saber shouted softly, swung the invisible weapon in her hand and slashed at Berserker.】

【Although Berserker used the Unmarked Ax Sword to block it in time, his body was still knocked away by the huge force. 】

Seeing this scene, all the audience were shocked.

They didn't expect Saber to be so powerful.

You know, Berserker is the Hercules Hercules.

"In this way, Saber's identity is definitely not simple."

The audience understood that if Saber's identity is simple, it is impossible to be the strongest servant.

But which woman is so powerful?

All the audience are very curious about Saber's identity.............

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