【The battle continues】

【Saber violently attacked Berserker. Dang, dang, dang, the weapons kept colliding together, making a loud sound, and even sparks were shining.】

【But Saber is a woman after all, and her strength is still not as good as Berserker's, so she was knocked away several times~】

【This is not the most important thing. Saber felt vaguely in her heart that the other party seemed to be able to see the invisible sword.】

【"So strong."After being knocked away again, Saber couldn't help but sigh, this Berserker's strength is really ridiculously strong.】

【But now is not the time to praise the other person. Thinking in his mind, Saber rushed towards Berserker again.】

【This time, Saber took advantage of the opponent's weapon to hit the ground and stepped on it, leaving Berserker temporarily unable to use the weapon.】

【And she took advantage of this opportunity, wielding the invisible sword, and chopped at Berserker's head.】

【"Got it!"Rin watched the battle from a distance and was very excited.】

【As long as Berserker can be hit, his head will fall to the ground.】

【However, Berserker is veryDecisively, he immediately released his weapon, then leaned back, barely dodging the invisible sword.】

【Not only that, Berserker even quickly launched an attack on Saber. He was so nimble that he didn't look like a giant with a height of more than two meters.】

"This guy, so tall, is actually so flexible?"All the viewers were impressed by Berserker

【Rin stood aside and watched the battle, also shocked,"How can he look like a berserker if he is so flexible?"】

【In the distance, the battle between Saber and Berserker temporarily stopped.】

【Looking at Berserker who calmly picked up the weapon, Saber said solemnly,"You must also be a very famous heroic spirit. Although you are eroded by the violence, your sword skills are still intact. I can't help but admire you.""】

【Obviously, even the strongest servant Saber is full of praise for Berserker】

【The scene changed and we came to a tall building.】

【This is where Red A chooses to attack.】

【At this time, it is very far away from Berserker.】

"Can this guy really hit the target after running so far?"The audience from all over the world asked in confusion.

【Red A stared at Berserker in the distance, who had turned into a small dot, and murmured to himself,"It's more like a barbarian than a berserker. Although he has turned violent, he is still very familiar with the sword skills, and he still knows how to use the sword." What an amazing guy"】

【As he said this, Hong A picked up the bow and arrow in his hand and drew it full】

【call out!】

【The arrow shot out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived not far from Berserker.】

【Before anyone could react, they heard a roar and the arrow hit Berserker, causing a violent explosion.】

【But it's still useless】

【The smoke dispersed, and Berserker stood there like a terrifying demon king.】

【Seeing this scene, Rin and Emiya Shirou were both surprised. How strong is this Berserker's defense?】

【Illya, who was watching the battle from a distance, breathed a sigh of relief.】

【She trusts Berserker very much and regards Berserker as her family member, but because of this she does not want Berserker to get hurt.】

【Boom, boom, boom—】

【Berserker started running quickly on the ground, running faster and faster, and even turned into an afterimage in the end.】


【The Unmarked Ax Sword and the Invisible Sword collided, and in just a moment, Saber was knocked away.】

【But it wasn't over yet. Berserker quickly caught up with Saber, who was flying backwards, and hit her hard again. Although Saber blocked it, she was hit directly to the ground by the powerful force.】


【There was another loud noise, Saber gritted her teeth and barely blocked Berserker's attack.】

【But it looks like it won't last long at all.】

"What a strong guy."

On the top of the building, Cu Chulainn had been immersed in the battle in the video, completely forgetting the mission given to him by Kotomine Kirei.

The battle between Saber and Berserker made his blood boil, and he wished he could fight in person.

But Cu Chulainn He also knew in his heart that he might not be a match for these two monster-like beings.

But if he could fight to his heart's content, even if he died, there would be no regrets.

At this moment,

Kotomine Kirei's voice came,"Lancher, complete the task I gave you, otherwise I won't make it easy for you."

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's words, Cu Chulainn's face darkened.

This guy is not only a coward, but also a petty person!

He complained in his heart. Cu Chulainn took a look at Tohsaka Rin's house and found nothing unusual. , and then focused on the video again

【"One final blow, kill them all, Berserker.】

【Illya commanded from a distance】

【"I won't let you succeed"】

【Rin said, rushing towards Berserker, then took out several gems from his arms and threw them at Berserker】

【These are gravity gems, capable of generating huge gravity. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Even Berserker's body suddenly fell to his knees under this huge gravity.】

【Not only that, the red A attack is also here at this time】


【Several attacks containing powerful magic pierced Berserker's back.】

【Boom boom boom!】

【A more powerful explosion occurred than before, causing invisible air waves. Shirou Emiya was almost blown away.】

"This should be able to be solved, right?"Audiences from all over the world looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the video.

【However, when the smoke dissipated, what still appeared was the man who stood upright and looked like a god of war.】

【"Is this immortality?"Emiya Shirou said in disbelief.】

【Illya said calmly,"Just ignore the tickling attack."

Seeing the audience from all over the world, this mushroom cloud has risen, is it still a tickling attack?

But think about it, if you vigorously God does not have such strength, that would be abnormal

【In order to prevent being discovered, Saber attracted Berserker to a cemetery to fight. By the way, she was able to use the terrain here to restrict Berserker.】

【The battle between the two sides continues】

【On the other side, Rin found Illya's location. As long as Illya is defeated, Berserker will disappear on his own.】

【But what Rin didn't expect was that Illya was actually very strong.】

【If it weren't for the help of Red A, she would have been almost defeated.】

【In the end, Rin and Emiya Shirou could only come to the sidelines to watch the battle between Saber and Berserker.】

【At this time, Rin finally understood that the reason why Saber was hit by Berserker before was to attract him to this place.】

【"The opponent is someone who can ignore Archer's bow and arrow, so he doesn't need his protection from the beginning."】

【"Archer's bow?"After hearing this, Emiya Shirou thought that he seemed to also use a bow and arrow.】

【I feel like Archer is just like me and can't help at all.】


【The screen turned and came to the battlefield between Saber and Berserker.】

【Saber held an invisible sword, faced Berserker, and said solemnly,"There is no willingness to communicate with each other, and there is no freedom to tell the real name. There are only swords between you and me, fighting for our lives. Because of this, I will Answer with a full blow"】

【"Come, this is your burial place."Saber clenched the invisible sword with both hands, and the magic power in her body began to surge.】


【The next moment, Saber's figure moved and rushed towards Berserker at high speed.】

【Berserker roared angrily, and the unmarked ax sword in his hand slammed into the ground. The whole ground rolled up and hit Saber.】

【But Saber passed through these obstacles and appeared in front of Berserker in an instant, stabbing out the invisible sword in her hand.】

【However, a shocking scene occurred. Berserker had been holding the invisible sword in one hand, and wielded the unmarked ax sword with the other hand to attack Saber.】

【If Saber is hit, she will die.】

【And at this moment】


【Saber roared angrily, and the magic power in her body continued to pour into the invisible sword.】

【Saber thrust forward with all her strength, and the invisible sword in her hand slowly revealed its original appearance.】

【It was a golden long sword with a dazzling light】


【When the golden sword fully revealed its prototype, a huge wave of energy suddenly surged out from the tip of the sword and hit Berserker!】

【Under this huge force, Berserker's upper body was directly shattered.】

"finished?"Audiences from all over the world were dumbfounded and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Such an attack is too powerful!

If he is not dead, is he really immortal?...............knife..

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