【The video continues】

【Berserker was attacked by the Saber light cannon, and his entire upper body, including his head, was missing. 】

Seeing this scene, the audience from all over the world felt that Berserker had no chance of surviving.

After all, if the brain is gone, how can you still live?

"Such a powerful move, is it a Noble Phantasm?"

On the top of the building, Cu Chulainn was still watching the video. He had long forgotten about spying on Tohsaka Rin.

"From the video, it seems that Saber’s weapon should be a sword. My guess is indeed correct."

"Hey, if we meet again next time, I won't retreat easily."

Cu Chulainn was very dissatisfied that he did not continue fighting in the previous video.

Of course, it was more because of Kotomine Kirei's request.

Otherwise, he would have decided the outcome with Saber no matter what he said.

【After using the light cannon, the golden sword in Saber's hand was shrouded by the Wind King's barrier again and became invisible again.】

【"Phew, is it over?"Rin, who was watching the battle, breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure brought by Berserker was too great.】

【You know, Berserker faced the combination of two servants, one of whom was the strongest servant Saber, and it was still so difficult.】

【Of course, the most important combat power is still Saber.】

【But when she thought about her servant's lack of performance, Rin felt a little depressed. Sure enough, she still really wanted to get Saber.】


【At this time, Rin looked startled, and a message came from the red A in the distance, asking her to stay away.】

【This is how the same thing?】

【Hasn't Berserker been dealt with?】

【The scene changed to the top of the tall building where Red A was.】

【"pretty."Even though they were far apart, Red A could still clearly see Saber's attack.】

【I have to say, as expected of Saber, she is really very powerful.】

【"However, this is not enough?"]

Hearing what Red A said, everyone couldn't believe it, rserker?

No way?

This guy's head is gone!

【Red A said calmly, raised his right hand, and surrounded by red magic, a silver weapon with a wheel pattern appeared.】

【This is a pseudo-spiral sword. Like Gan Jiang Moye, it is a weapon copied by Red A Shadow.】

【The body of the spiral sword is an artifact, so even the projected pseudo-spiral sword has great power.】

"Hey, is this red A an archer? Why did you take out such a weapon?"

The audience from all over the world was puzzled.

Although this pseudo-spiral sword is powerful, it does not look like a bow or an arrow.

Does this guy have a third way of fighting?

And the next scene, all the audience Understand how to use the pseudo-spiral sword.

I saw

【The red A pseudo-spiral sword is placed on the bow, and then the bow string is fully drawn back】

【That's right, the red A pseudo-spiral sword is used as an arrow.】

【As the red A fills the bowstring, powerful magic emerges from his body】


【Red magic covers the pseudo-spiral sword, making it look like a weapon used by a god】

【call out!】

【Let go, and the pseudo-spiral sword shoots out at high speed】

【A stream of light cuts through the night sky, and its target is Berserker】

【on the battlefield】

【At this time, Berserker was indeed not dead, and his injuries were slowly recovering.】

【"Self-regeneration? No, this is almost like going back in time. The curse of resurrection seems to be a Noble Phantasm activated at the moment of death."Seeing Berserker who had gradually recovered, Saber was also shocked.】

【At this time, Saber found Shirou Emiya running over and said quickly,"Shirou, it's dangerous here. Don't come here.""】

【But Emiya Shirou did not stop, because he felt that the red A attack was coming, and Saber must not be allowed to stay near Berserker, otherwise she would be implicated.】

【Thinking in his mind, Emiya Shirou quickly ran over and pulled Saber away.】

【And this time】

【A stream of light has crossed a long distance and countless high-rise buildings, reaching the top of Berserker's head.】

【The dazzling blue light pointed directly at Berserker, like an attack from a god】

【call out!】

【The pseudo-spiral sword is about to hit Berserker】

【Everyone around them stared at the scene in front of them, and were extremely shocked by this powerful and indestructible blow.】

【At the same time, I was secretly thinking, could such a powerful blow kill Berserker?】

【The whole air seems to be silent】


【There was a huge explosion, the whole ground began to tremble, and a huge mushroom cloud rose. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【What followed was a rolling wave of air that knocked down the surrounding trees. ]

Audiences from all over the world stared at the video closely, and they were also very nervous.

"Under such a powerful attack, even if Berserker is Hercules, he can't resist it, right?"

On the roof of the building.

Cu Chulainn was also shocked by Red A's move.

If Red A used this move in the previous video, the result would be hard to say.

Of course, he did not use his special move at that time.

But Red A A actually got his approval

【in video】

【Wherever Berserker is, everything is covered in endless flames】

【Soon, the smoke and dust dispersed】

【Everyone was shocked because Berserker was standing there alive, seemingly unscathed.】

"How can this be? Under such an attack, there was no injury at all."The audience from all over the world were stunned.


Kotomine Kirei looked at Berserker in the video, with a solemn look on his face,"As expected of Berserker, he is really a difficult guy."

【"Being hit by an attack equivalent to an A-level Noble Phantasm, he was still unharmed..........."Rin looked at the scene in front of her in shock, her voice trembling slightly.】

【At this time, Illya's voice appeared,"Rin, are you doing well? Your Archer is quite strong. Okay, come back, Berserker"】

【"I originally planned to solve all this quickly, but apparently the plan has changed slightly."】

【"what the hell? Want to escape?"Rin said】

【"No, I changed my mind. Although I don’t need Saber, I am still quite interested in your Archer, so I will let you live a little longer."】

【In the flames, Berserker followed Illya and left with an expressionless expression.】

【The video also slowly dimmed. 】

Seeing this scene, the audience in all the worlds understood.

The battle between Berserker, Saber and Archer should have come to an end.

However, being able to see such a wonderful battle made audiences from all over the world very excited and talking about it.

"The identity of this Berserker is already known. He is Hercules, but what are the true forms of Saber and Red A?"

"Judging from Saber's outfit, she must be a very well-known general. As for the red A, I can't tell. It looks very ordinary, but she is indeed quite powerful."


I don’t know how long it took before the video came on again

【In the picture, there is a night】

【Emiya Shirou is sleeping soundly】

【At this time, several translucent thin lines poked in from the window】

【These threads seemed to be alive, some wrapped around Shirou Emiya's neck, and some wrapped around Shirou Emiya's feet.】


【The end of the thin thread suddenly plunged into Shirou Emiya's neck.】

【Emiya Shirou felt various unfamiliar scenes constantly reappearing in his mind, and then he suddenly woke up】

【"here it is? Liudong Temple?"Shirou Emiya saw the scene around him clearly and was shocked. He was clearly sleeping at home, how could he appear in this place on 2.7?】

【"yes."A woman's voice sounded】

【Shirou Emiya quickly looked behind him and saw a black shadow slowly appearing, and soon turned into a woman wearing a hooded cloak and purple robes.】

【This person is none other than Caster, the magician among the seven servants.】

【Only heroic spirits whose magic power parameters reach the highest level can obtain this class.】

【"You are Caster!"Obviously, Emiya Shirou also recognized the other party's identity.】

【"Hello, Master of Saber."Caster said calmly.】

【Seeing Emiya Shirou trying to break free from the threads wrapped around his body, Caster said,"It's useless. Once the magic is established, it cannot be washed away with the flow of magic.""】

【"What is your purpose? Do you want to kill me?"】

【"Don't worry, I won't kill you. Caster came to Shirou Emiya's side and whispered,"I accept your command spell.""】...........

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