Seeing Hong Aran take action against Emiya Shirou, the audience from all over the world were stunned.

They didn't understand why Red A wanted to kill Emiya Shirou. There didn't seem to be any contradiction or conflict between the two.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Before, I felt that Red A was Emiya Shirou, but now I feel that I was wrong. After all, how could my own kill me?"

【in video】

【Emiya Shirou was slashed behind by the red A sword, and blood flowed】

【"Fighting not for yourself, but for others, is just hypocrisy. What you expect is not victory, but peace, but that thing does not exist in this world."Shirou Emiya, who was limping in red and trying to escape, said calmly.】

【In fact, Red A is indeed Emiya Shirou】

【It's just that it's Emiya Shirou on another line. 】

Seeing this scene, the audience in the world was not surprised at all.

From the previous videos, they had already guessed that Red A Emiya Shirou was definitely related.

As for Emiya Shirou on the other line of red A, everyone's performance was also very calm.

In the previous Another World from Zero, Natsuki Subaru also appeared in several lines.

Every line has a different ending.

But now that I think about it, the ending of Red A may not be very good, otherwise he wouldn't want to kill Emiya Shirou.

This is actually the case

【The red A on that line perfectly fulfilled Emiya Kiritsugu's beliefs, and because of this he lived the same miserable life as Emiya Kiritsugu.】

【As Emiya Kiritsugu said, if you want to save the many, you can only sacrifice the few.】

【Red A spent his whole life saving and killing, and he continued to do so until he died and became a heroic spirit.】

【However, the endless killing made him tired, and he regretted getting the faith from Emiya Kiritsugu.】

【So, he wants to kill himself】

【In Red A's thoughts, he felt that as long as he killed Emiya Shirou, he would disappear as well.】

【Maybe, I shouldn't exist in this world. 】

Seeing this, all the audience also understood. turn out to be.

Red A clearly understood that, in fact, Emiya Shirou's ideals were borrowed and he was just imitating Emiya Kiritsugu.

Red A hopes that Shirou Emiya will follow his own path, but he also hates himself for having already embarked on this path.

So if he wanted to kill Emiya Shirou, it would be equivalent to killing himself.

"However, nothing has happened yet. There is still a chance for everything to turn around, right?"The audience looked at the miserable Emiya Shirou in the video and secretly prayed in their hearts.


"Sure enough, my guess was correct."Actually, Kotomine Kirei noticed something was wrong with Red A from the very beginning.

But he didn't expect that Red A would hate his former self so much.

"What about Emiya Kiritsugu?"Thinking of this name, Kotomine Kirei shook his head.

The King of the Throne.

Jin Shining looked at Red A's appearance, with a look of disgust on his face unconsciously.

"This guy is really annoying!"

【"Farewell, just drown yourself with your ideals."Red A stepped forward and slashed at Shirou Emiya with a short sword.】

【Emiya Shirou stumbled and fell down the stone stairs of Ryudou Temple, but he just escaped Red A's fatal blow.】

"From this point of view, Emiya Shirou is not dead."Everyone in the audience understands

【The screen turned and came to the battle between Saber and Sasaki Kojiro.】

【"Didn't you hear what I said? Please get out of the way, I'm not here to find you."Saber said】

【Sasaki Kojiro was unmoved,"If you want to pass through the mountain gate, you must win first. If you don't hurry up, your master will be dead.""】

【"In that case, let's fight. After Saber finished speaking, she waved the invisible sword in her hand and rushed towards Sasaki Kojiro.】

【Dang Dang Dang!】

【The two kept colliding with each other】

【Since Kojiro Sasaki is at the top of the stone staircase, he has the advantage of being in a high position, so Saber is at a disadvantage.】


【The next moment, Saber had to retreat under Sasaki Kojiro's offensive.】

【"what happened?"Saber stared at Sasaki Kojiro with some doubts in her heart,"Whether it's weight, power, or speed, I have the upper hand, but I can't break the opponent."】

【Saber didn't believe it and rushed towards Sasaki Kojiro again】

【But this time, Saber's arms were cut.】

"This guy doesn't look like much, but he's so strong in battle."Audiences from all over the world are astonished. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In the pirate world, a pirate ship is drifting on the sea.

Eagle Eye is sitting under the sun lounger and watching At one scene in the video, he exclaimed,"This guy’s swordsmanship is really amazing."

Eagle Eye can see it at a glance.

The opponent's swordsmanship skills have reached a very terrifying level.

This is why Saber has been unable to defeat the opponent.

In other words, Sasaki Kojiro's swordsmanship is far superior to Saber's

【"It sounds like I'm almost used to your invisible sword, and I'm almost ready to use it for real, Saber."After Sasaki Kojiro finished speaking, his expression condensed and he became serious.】

【Afterwards, Sasaki Kojiro walked down the stone stairs and slowly reached the same height as Saber.】

【Obviously, he doesn't want to take advantage of Saber】

【"You actually gave up the advantage of being in a high position. What are your plans?"Saber took a few steps back and stared at Sasaki Kojiro cautiously.】

【"Although I am nameless, my whole life has been sacrificed to the sword. If you do not intend to fight with all your strength, then surrender your faith completely to my sword."】

【Saying that, Sasaki Kojiro held the sword with both hands.】

【"secret sword—"】

【Sasaki Kojiro spat out two words, but before any movement was seen, blood suddenly burst out from Saber's neck.】

【An invisible figure fell to the side from Saber's body, covered in blood.】

【In fact, Sasaki Kojiro's attack has not yet begun】

【But Saber's unique skill of sensing danger has been activated, and she sensed her own death.】

【Even the invisible sword in Saber's hand showed its original appearance】

【All this is because the pressure from Sasaki Kojiro is too great】

【".Secret Sword—The Return of Yan"】

【Sasaki Kojiro said calmly】

【next moment】

【Countless sword energy rushed towards Saber】

【"Oops, it's already late"】

【Sabe was shocked and immediately】

【"He actually dodged my attack."Sasaki Kojiro was a little surprised, but then he smiled calmly, as if he didn't care at all.】

【Although Saber's actions are very awkward, they are indeed effective.】

【In fact, Saber barely escaped by relying on her sixth sense.】

【"This guy!"Saber's face was solemn.】

【In fact, Sasaki Kojiro is also the only servant without a Noble Phantasm.】

"It looks like this guy is really strong!"Audiences from all over the world are amazed.

【And at the same time】

【a voice sounded】

((Zhao?) [Saber was shocked when she saw Emiya Shirou rolling down the stone stairs covered in blood.】

【Seeing this, Saber immediately ran over】

【"Did that female fox retreat? Sasaki Kojiro muttered in a low voice, and then put away his katana】

【There is no need to continue fighting now】

【Saber's mind was now focused on the injured Shirou Emiya, so she couldn't go all out and fighting was meaningless. pong】

【Saber helped Emiya Shirou up, looked at Sasaki Kojiro, and said seriously,"I swear, no matter what happens in the aftermath of the Holy Grail War, I will fight you with all my strength."】

【And at this moment】

【A figure appeared, it was Red A and his target was Emiya Shirou】

【However, he was blocked by Sasaki Kojiro.】

【"Do you want to get in the way?"Red A stared at Sasaki Kojiro coldly.】

【"That's my line. Do you want to hinder me who just said that I wanted to let him go?"】

【Afterwards, Sasaki Kojiro and Red A started fighting, while Saber helped the injured Emiya Shirou leave here.】.............

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