On the top of the building, Cu Chulainn, who was monitoring Tohsaka Rin, showed excitement on his face.

He did not expect that so many strong men would appear in this Holy Grail War.

In this way, he can have a good fight.

Thinking in his mind, Cu Chulainn decided to find another world to meet Sasaki Kojiro for a while.

【The video continues】

【After a period of world training, Emiya Shirou's injuries improved a lot.】

【That day, he and Rin were discussing something on the roof of the teaching building.】

【After talking, both of them learned that Matou Shinji became the Master.】

【Matou Shinji belongs to the Matou family, one of the three imperial families. However, due to some reasons, there is no magician in the Matou family now.】

【Therefore, neither of them expected that Matou Shinji could become the Master.】

【However, neither of them had any intention of attacking Matou Shinji.】

【Firstly, it's not necessary. Secondly, Matou Shinji's strength is too weak. Even if he becomes a Master, his followers are not strong enough. 】

Seeing this scene, the audience from all over the world also understood.

To put it simply, Matou Shinji was too weak, and neither Emiya Shirou nor Tohsaka Rin took Matou Shinji seriously.

In a room.

Shinji Matou looked at the scene in the video and felt very unhappy.

"Bastards, you actually look down on me. I will definitely make you regret it. When the time comes, even if you beg to cooperate with me, I will not agree."

As he said that, Matou Shinji smashed the furniture around him.

【at the same time】

【in a classroom】

【Matou Shinji looked at the magic circle in front of him with a sinister expression, and next to him was a beautiful pink-haired woman, none other than Servant Rid807er】

【At this moment】

【The magic circle emits a dazzling light, and then countless magic powers begin to emit, finally surrounding the entire school】

【"what is that?"Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou also noticed that something was wrong.】

【They looked over in surprise】

【I saw a huge red eyeball appearing in the sky above the school】

【And the entire school is also surrounded by a magic barrier】

【Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin quickly realized that it was Shinji Matou who was responsible, so they quickly ran towards the classroom.】

【In the classroom, many students fell into a coma.】

【Fortunately, I'm still breathing. As long as I deal with Matou Shinji, I should be able to lift the barrier.】

【And this time】

【A cloud of black mist appeared on the ground】

【Soon, a skeleton creature emerged from inside】

【This is a kind of familiar】

【With the cooperation of Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin, they quickly eliminated a drum tower familiar, but there were too many familiars.】

【In the end, Emiya Shirou had to summon Saber and was out of danger.】

"Hahaha, have you seen my strength?"

In the room, Matou Shinji shouted excitedly

【The screen comes to the classroom where Shinji Matou is.】

【At this time, the classrooms were opened】

【Matou Shinji saw the person coming in and said in surprise,"Hello? Why can you still move?"】

【"Don't come over (bjdh)."Matou Shinji had a look of panic on his face, as if he had seen some incredible video.】

"How is this going? Aren't they Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin?"

Because the picture does not give the perspective of the person Matou Shinji is afraid of. So they don't know who the other party is.

But looking at Matou Shinji's appearance, it is obviously not Emiya Shirou drinking Tohsaka Rin.

After all, Matou Shinji doesn't know how to Give the two of you a good look

【"Do you hear me telling you to stop?"】

【"do not come"】


【Matou Shinji roared angrily and quickly hid behind Rider】

【Rider hurried over to protect Matou Shinji, and at this time, the mysterious man appeared.】

【That's an ordinary-looking man】

【His name is Soichiro Kuzuki, and he is the world history and social studies classroom in the school.】

"what happened? Why is Matou Shinji afraid of this man?"Audiences from all over the world are very strange.

This Kuzuki Soichiro doesn't seem to be a Servant. Why is Matou Shinji so scared?

【the other side】

【Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin discovered that the skeleton familiars around them suddenly disappeared.】

【at this time】

【A black mist appeared in front of Saber and soon transformed into Rider's appearance. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Rider rushed towards Saber, but was stabbed through the abdomen by Saber's sword.】

【But Rider didn't die, but turned into Caster again.】

【"How is this going?"Saber was confused.】

【But Caster soon disappeared】

【Soon after, Emiya Shirou and the original came and found Matou Shinji】

【At this time, Matou Shinji looked terrified, as if he had been frightened by something terrifying.】

【"Release the barrier quickly."Tohsaka Rin said to Matou Shinji.】

【"It wasn’t me who killed it, it wasn’t me who killed it."Matou Shinji said fearfully.】

【Rin Tosaka didn't believe what Shinji Matou said, and was about to question Shinji Matou, but was stopped by Shirou Emiya.】

【Emiya Shirou looked at the classroom with the door open not far away, his expression solemn.】

【Then, the two of them walked in】

【Suddenly stunned】

【I saw a figure embedded on the wall of the classroom, looking like he was about to die.】

【And this person is Rider!】

【Rider was covered in blood, and soon his entire body slowly disappeared.】

【This means that Rider is dead】

"Was Rider killed by that man?"All the viewers couldn't believe it.

That man actually killed a servant.

This is really amazing.

"Not necessarily. Didn’t Caster appear just now? I think that man should be Caster's master, and it should be Caster's hand."

Some spectators said.

Even a magician cannot deal with a servant.

You know, Tohsaka Rin is already considered the best among magicians, and with so many gems, he is still no match for a servant.

Not to mention Talk about other magicians

【With Rider's death, the barrier also disappeared】

【The students in the school were also rescued】

【The video continues】

【The scene came to the church】

【At this time, Matou Shinji was constantly complaining to Kotomine Kirei, saying that he had obtained a useless servant.】

【"Do you give up? juvenile!"Kotomine Kirei asked calmly.】

【"Of course, without my followers, do you want me to die? I'm an ordinary person"】

【Seeing Matou Shinji who kept complaining, Kotomine Kirei showed a smile on his face. He liked to see other people's pain.】

【"What does your expression mean?"Matou Shinji looked at Kotomine Kirei unhappily.】

【Kotomine Kirei did not answer, but walked to Matou Shinji, patted his shoulder, and said lightly,"So, you still have the will to continue fighting, is that right?"】

【"Um?"Matou Shinji didn't understand what the other party meant.】

【"Huh, you're lucky, there's just one follower available right now"】

【"real or fake?"Matou Shinji's face showed excitement. With the Servant, he can continue to participate in the Holy Grail War, and he can also make everyone who looks down on him regret.】

【However, Matou Shinji suddenly thought of a question,"Are the servants you mentioned strong or not? I don't want another waste to appear.""】

【"Don't worry, you will definitely be satisfied."Kotomine Kirei said with a smile.]

Seeing this scene, audiences from all over the world were talking about it.

"Haven't there been seven followers already? Why are there still followers?"

The number of servants who have appeared now has reached seven, namely Red A Hercules, Caster, Sasaki Kojiro, Saber, Rider, and Cu Chulainn.

Logically speaking, there should be no more servants.

But the video Since it is said that there is, then there must be.

But who is this servant, no one in the audience knows

"From what Nakotomine Kirei said, this servant must feel very strong"

"Yes, and my guess was indeed correct, this Kotomine Kirei is the boss behind the scenes."

In the church.

Kotomine Kirei couldn't help laughing when he saw what he did in the video.

I have to say that this is indeed a pleasant decision...............

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