When audiences from all over the world are talking about it.

The video lights up again.

Everyone looked at it expectantly.

First, they hope to see who Matou Shinji's new followers are and what their strength is.

Secondly, they are very interested in the follow-up of the Holy Grail War.

Video officially starts

【After a period of investigation, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin guessed that the school’s teacher Kuzuki was probably Caster’s master.】

"Kuzuki-sensei? Is it the one from Soichiro Kusanagi from before?"

"Well, that's right, it's the man who controlled Caster to kill Rider."

The audience from all over the world quickly remembered.

From the looks of the video, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin should have to deal with Kuzuki Soichiro and Caster next.


【Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin are discussing this matter】

【Shirou Emiya is still not sure about this, because just because Soichiro Kuzuzuki lives in Ryudōji Temple, it cannot prove that Soichiro Kuzuzuki is the master at all.】

【But Tohsaka Rin was absolutely certain. After all, Kuzuki Soichiro not only lives in Ryudouji Temple, but he may also be getting married to Caster. 】

Seeing this, all the audience were stunned.

Can a Master still marry a Servant?

So to say?

All the audience looked at Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin with strange eyes.

【In the end, Tohsaka Rin decided to attack Kuzuki Soichiro tonight.】

【Of course, it's just a test. After all, it's not yet confirmed whether Kuzuki Soichiro is the Master.】

【The method of testing is also very simple. If you use the Yin Qi bomb, if Soichiro Kuzuki is an ordinary person, he will only fall asleep and will not cause other harm.】

【The screen changes】

【Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin, and Saber were all there. As for Red A, Tohsaka Rin didn't let him come.】

【At this time, a figure slowly walked from the distance】

【It's Kuzuki Soichiro】

【Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin hide in a dilapidated gas station】

【Seeing Kuzuki Soichiro, Tohsaka Rin stretched out his finger and fired a sinister bullet towards Kuzuki Soichiro.】


【There was a muffled sound, and Kuzuki Soichiro fell to the ground.】

【"I said, Mr. Kuzuki is just an ordinary person. Emiya Shirou said, wanting to go out and apologize.】

【"Wait a moment."Tohsaka Rin stopped Emiya Shirou.】

【"What's wrong?"Emiya Shirou was a little confused, and then continued to look at Kuzuki Soichiro who fell to the ground over there.】

【I saw Soichiro Kuzuki slowly standing up.】

【And at this moment】

【A voice rang out】

【"I should have given you advice, Soichiro. Just because this kind of thing will happen, you should stay at Ryudouji Temple."】

【As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared next to Soichiro】

【Wearing a purple hoodie, isn’t it Caster or someone else?】

【"Not really." Soichiro took off his eyes and said in a low tone,"Actually, the prey took the bait."】

【"hehe."A smile appeared on Caster's face, and he slowly came to the gas station where Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin were.】

【"Okay, come out quickly, stupid magician, I'll give you three seconds, and then I'll give you back exactly what you just did."Caster said, raising his right hand, the magic power in his body surged】

【In a gas station】

【"Emiya-san, are you ready? I'll attack at the signal."Tohsaka Rin said】

【"Sorry, please let's talk about that later."Emiya Shirou had no intention of a sneak attack, but walked out openly.】

【He had a grudge against Caster before, and Caster had harmed many townspeople in order to absorb magic power.】

【"Oh, what a surprise. You seem to have become a little more sensible, boy."Caster saw Emiya Shirou coming out and said with a smile.】

【"Emiya and Tohsaka, not only Matou, but you too have become Masters. Soichiro was slightly surprised,"Although he is a magician, his life is really unfortunate."】

【"Kuzuki, are you controlled by Caster?" Emiya Shirou asked】

【"You're so noisy, kid, or I'll kill you first."Caster looked ugly.】

【She killed the original Master she hated, and when she was about to disappear, she was rescued by Soichiro】

【Although Caster's character is a little twisted, as long as she makes a decision, she will give everything she has.】

【And this person now is Kuzuki Soichiro, so she will never allow anyone to provoke her and Soichiro's concern. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"etc. Soichiro said,"Emiya, there should be a reason for you to say such things. Tell me, why do you feel so?""】

【"You are a very serious person. It should be impossible for you to let Caster do what you do."】

【"What does it mean?" Soichiro asked】

【"It is Caster who collects magic power from the people in the town. For her, humans are living sacrifices. If Caster continues like this, someone will probably die because of it.】

【"That's it. This is the first time I've heard of this."】

【Hearing Soichiro say this, Emiya Shirou had a smile on his face】

【If Soichiro didn't know about this, then he wouldn't have to deal with Soichiro】

【However, Soichiro's words are not over yet.】

【"But, Emiya, is what Caster did really so sinful?"]

Hearing Soichiro's words, not only Shirou Emiya, but also the audience from all over the world were a little confused.

If this is not a heinous crime, then what is a heinous crime?

You know, Caster absorbed ordinary people. Human vitality

【"What did you say?"Emiya Shirou couldn't believe it.】

【Soichiro spoke again,"No matter how many people who have nothing to do with me die, they have nothing to do with me. I hope they don't regard me as a threat if I am still alive.""】

【"Kuzuki, you—" Shirou Emiya didn't expect Soichiro to say such words, and said angrily,"As a magician, do you want to bring in unrelated people?"】

【"Sorry, I am not a magician, I am just an unknown murderer. I have nothing to do with the Holy Grail War. If Caster wants to kill people and you want to kill each other, I will just stand aside and watch. So, what do you want? Just do it, Caster"】

【Soichiro is indeed not a magician, and even being a teacher is not his original profession.】

【In fact, Soichiro used to be a killer of an assassination organization, but he later became a teacher after breaking away from the organization.】

"He is actually a killer, no wonder he is so ruthless."The audience from all over the world suddenly realized.

As a killer, Soichiro has seen a lot of life and death, and even killed many people himself. Naturally, he has no feelings about what Caster did.

【And at this moment】

【Tohsaka Rin, who had been hiding all this time, sneaked around to the side of Caster, seized the opportunity to rush out, threw a gem at Caster, and at the same time shouted,"Saber!"】

【Her purpose is simple】

【He uses the gems to hold Caster back, while Saber takes care of Soichiro.】

【Soichiro is not a magician. With Saber's strength, he should be able to solve it quickly. In this way, he can be easily dealt with.】

【After hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Saber quickly rushed out from the side, targeting Soichiro.】

"Well, the plan is very good. As long as Caster can be held back for a while, Saber can take care of Soichiro."

The audience from all over the world nodded.

With Saber's fighting power, it should be very simple to kill an ordinary person who is not even a magician.

Although Soichiro was a killer before.

But compared to these servants, Still too far behind

【Seeing Saber wielding the invisible sword and about to look at Soichiro, Caster quickly used magic bullets to blast Saber, but it had no effect.】

【"Too bad, Soichiro-sama."Caster looked nervous.】

【Even she may not be Saber's opponent, let alone Soichiro.】

【"very good."Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but get excited when he saw the scene in front of him.】

【Obviously, she is very satisfied with her battle plan.】...........inch..

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