Tohsaka family.

Tohsaka Rin stayed in the room and was watching the video.

She was also a little surprised when she saw Emiya Shirou's performance.

She could tell at a glance that Shirou Emiya was using projection magic.

But generally speaking, the efficiency of projection magic is very poor, that is, the gain outweighs the loss, so most magicians will not use this magic.

Because what is projected is just a superficial thing that can exist for a few minutes.

Once the magic power is used up, the projected object disappears.

Moreover, the cost of using projection magic is also very high, and the projected things are far worse than the prototype.

Give a simple example.

A sword cast with ten magic powers is not as effective as a sword strengthened with one magic power.

So Tohsaka Rin's father also told her not to do this kind of loss-making thing.

But Emiya Shirou's projection magic seemed a little different from what she knew.

"It's really strange. Did my father make a mistake too? It shouldn’t be."Tohsaka Rin was puzzled.

"Forget it, just give it a try when the time comes. As a very difficult magic, projection magic might really have something special about it."

Of course.

What Tohsaka Rin hopes most now is to be able to summon Saber.

However, it may be difficult for Tohsaka Rin's wish to be realized.

In fact, even if the clock at home has not been set forward by one hour, Tohsaka Rin chose to summon at the right time, and the one he summoned in the end could only be Red A because Red A was wearing the red gemstone necklace that Rin Tosaka saved when he was there.

If Rin had not used other media, such as Emiya With the Avalon Scabbard that Shirou possesses, it will never be possible to summon Saber, only Red A.

There is another more important reason.

In this world, Tohsaka Rin is the Holy Widow. To put it simply, Tohsaka Rin used himself to summon Red A.

Of course, even if Tohsaka Rin summoned Saber, there is a high probability that it would not be the current Saber.

【The video continues】

【At this time, Rin woke up from the coma and was extremely surprised to see Shirou Emiya with strong magic power surging all over his body and Moxie in his hand.】

【She knew before that Emiya Shirou was very interested in Red A's weapon, but she didn't expect that he would actually project it.】

【Moreover, what is Shirou Emiya's current situation?】

【On the other side, after Emiya Shirou defeated Soichiro, he felt that his physical condition was very bad, and there were bursts of severe pain from the magic circuits in his body.】

【Staggering, Emiya Shirou felt his feet go weak and almost fell to the ground.】

【"That is?"Caster was also extremely surprised when he saw the weapon in Shirou Emiya's hand. Shirou Emiya actually copied the red A weapon.] On the roof of the building.

Cu Chulainn, who was paddling, was holding a spear in his hand and was still watching the video.

"This guy will be Archer in the future, but it's really strange that a human can become a heroic spirit. What did he do after that?"

Cu Chulainn was confused.

Generally speaking, only those who have left legends in history can become Heroic Spirits.

As a modern person, Emiya Shirou's possibility of becoming a Heroic Spirit is even lower.

If he is not famous With the bonus, even if you become a Heroic Spirit, your strength will be reduced a lot.

But looking at Red A, his strength is not weak.

"Could this guy, as an ordinary person, be able to defeat the heroic spirit? This is impossible."

Cu Chulainn thought of this possibility, but quickly shook his head.

You know, people like Kotomine Kirei and Kuzuki Soichiro in the video just barely fought against the heroic spirits. They wanted to defeat the heroic spirits. almost impossible

【in video】

【Caster's expression suddenly changed and he quickly shouted,"Master!"】


【Soichiro looked over with some confusion.】

【At this moment, Saber woke up without knowing it and rushed towards Soichiro at high speed.】

【However, Caster reacted very quickly and immediately carried Soichiro and flew high into the sky.】

【High in the air, Caster stretched out his right hand and wanted to use magic to attack Saber, but Soichiro stopped him.】

【"Wait, that's it."Souichiro said, with a solemn look on his face.】

【He had a vague feeling that if he didn't leave quickly, something bad might happen.】

【In fact, just as Soichiro thought, Saber has already planned to use Excalibur】

【After hearing Soichiro's words, Caster did not take action again, but left here with Soichiro.】

"Is this the end? I feel like this Caster and Soichiro are both so strong." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, I thought Kotomine Kirei was the biggest boss before, but now it seems that Soichiro is not bad either."

"No, this Soichiro is too obvious. You must know that Kotomine Kirei is the supervisor of the Holy Grail War. Generally speaking, this kind of identity is the most careful."

"Well, that makes sense."

Seeing the discussion among the viewers of All Worlds.

Is it so difficult for him to get pleasure?

But then again, since the All Worlds video, he didn't even pay much attention to the Holy Grail War.

There is no way, It's so pretty

【The video continues】

【On the rooftop, there was a young man with blond hair standing, but because his back was turned, he could not see clearly.】

【"what the hell? So you are here?"An annoying voice sounded, it wasn't Matou Shinji or someone else.】

【Hearing Matou Shinji's voice, the blond boy turned his head and revealed his true face】

【He was a handsome young man with red pupils, who looked quite monstrous.】

"Could this guy be Matou Shinji's new follower?"

"It should be, but I don’t know how strong it is?"

"Didn’t Kotomine Kirei say that? This servant is very strong, but I don’t know what class it is."

"By the way, didn’t the seven servants appear before? Why are there still new servants appearing? There must be something wrong with this, right?"

"I don’t know, there should be something to say later in the video."

The audience in all the worlds are talking about it.

The King of the Throne.

Seeing that the audience in all the world are talking about him, Jin Shining has an excited smile on his face.

If his dream before was to collect all the 003s in the world treasure, so now, his dream is to let all the audiences in the world take a look at his king's treasure house—no, to let everyone know the power of his hero king.

【This blond young man's name is Gilgamesh, the legendary King of Heroes and the biggest beneficiary of the last Holy Grail War.】

【Because he obtained a human body, he was able to survive the last Holy Grail War. 】

Seeing this scene, the audience from all over the world were stunned.

Unexpectedly, this blond young man turned out to be a heroic spirit from the last Holy Grail War.

And his identity is not simple either. He is the legendary King of Heroes. You will know that he is very powerful when you hear it.

"This guy gives me a very bad feeling. I feel like Saber is not necessarily his opponent."

"Yes, what's even more frightening is that this guy got a physical body because of the wish made by the Holy Grail?"

On the top of the building.

The moment Cu Chulainn saw Gilgamesh, his expression was solemn. It has to be said that even if he is very proud, it is impossible to defeat this guy.

"Hahaha, is this my servant? Kotomine Kirei really didn't lie to me, he is indeed a powerful servant."Matou Shinji was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Soon, Matou Shinji made up his mind.

When the Holy Grail War began, he went to ask Kotomine Kirei for this Servant.

"Caster, Kuzuki, just wait."

"Also, Emiya, Tohsaka, you won’t look down on me anymore now, will you?"


I'm going to write about the world of Hakoniwa next time~

Can you support me~ Please~.

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