【The video continues】

【Seeing Gilgamesh turn his head, Matou Shinji felt panicked. He didn't know why, but when he saw the other person, he felt a little scared.】

【"Ah no, I'm not here to complain."】

【"It doesn't matter to me what you are doing there. By the way, that guy Kotomine said, turn a blind eye to our actions."】

【Matou Shinji said minding his own business】

【"It seems that Kotomine appreciates you quite a lot."Gilgamesh said calmly.】

【"Alas, it’s just about looking at people accurately. Matou Shinji said without blushing,"If he gets the Holy Grail, what should I reward him with?""]

Seeing Matou Shinji's confident look, the audience from all over the world didn't know what to say.

Does this guy really have no self-awareness at all?

【"By the way, what if we don't give Emiya and the others some color?"Matou Shinji turned around happily and put a hand on Gilgamesh's shoulder.】

【Gilgamesh was stunned for a moment, and the air seemed to freeze.】

"Why do I feel like Gilgamesh is going to beat this guy?"

"Hahaha, you are not as wrong as I am, I think so too."

However, Gilgamesh finally endured it.

【Gilgamesh just looked back at Matou Shinji】

【"Shinji, you don't understand the Holy Grail"】


【"If you want the Holy Grail, leave the other Masters alone. Those guys are just victims, but there is one thing you must grab first."】


【Gilgamesh did not answer, but said,"It's not that I don't understand your mood. The feeling of revenge is very satisfying. It is because of the desire for pleasure that we are called human beings.""】

【As he said that, Gilgamesh looked at Matou Shinji with a strange expression on his face,"After the business is done, it doesn't hurt if I play with you for a while."】

Seeing Gilgamesh's expression, all the audience were stunned, feeling that Matou Shinji would definitely have a difficult life in the future. but...Shinji-kun’s words...

Isn’t that damn normal?

【The video continues】

【After a few days of training and the help of Red A, Emiya Shirou's injuries improved a lot.】

【On this day, Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin, and Saber were riding the bus, but they suddenly realized something was wrong.】

【It turned out that the bus driver disappeared without knowing when.】

【At this moment, the entire bus suddenly shook and then began to reverse continuously.】

【It turned out that at some point, a huge flood appeared and overturned the bus.】

【The three of them were lucky and did not suffer any injuries.】

【However, the three of them found themselves on a bridge with broken concrete floors everywhere.】

【Tohsaka Rin tried to contact Red A but couldn’t.】

【The roads all around are completely blocked.】

【At this time】

【Suddenly, a skeleton arm stretched out from the puddle on the ground.】

【Instantly grabbing Saber's feet】

【Saber reacted quickly and cut off the skeleton hand with her sword.】

【Soon, many skeletons appeared in the surrounding puddles】

【The bodies of these skeletons are translucent, as if they were made of water】

【No nonsense, these water skeletons saw the three Emiya Shirou and rushed over.】


【Tohsaka Rin used Yinqi bombs to beat these water skeletons into a puddle of water, but soon, the water condensed into a water skull again】

【It looks like these water skeletons have immortality】

【Even Saber's attack is like this】

【"That's right, fighting in my barrier will only waste your magic power~"】

【A voice rang out】

【The three of them looked over and saw a figure slowly appearing, it was Caster】

【"Humph, it seems you have wasted your bad efforts in dealing with us. As long as you have water, you can have unlimited troops."Tohsaka Rin snorted coldly. She thought from the beginning that Caster was responsible.】

【"Just cut off its foundation."Saber said, her meaning is very simple. As long as Caster is defeated, these water skeletons will disappear on their own.】

【"Your courage is commendable, but don’t you want Guo Kan to fight me again after this?"】

【As he spoke, a person appeared in Caster's hand】

【It is Taiga Fujimura, Emiya Shirou's sister, who has been taking care of Emiya Shirou.】

【Unexpectedly, Caster actually wanted to use Fujimura Taiga to threaten Emiya Shirou】

【Caster waved his hand, and a thin thread was wrapped around the neck of the unconscious Taiga Fujimura. The meaning was very clear, as long as Shirou Emiya and the other three dared to move, Taiga Fujimura would be killed directly. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This guy completely failed to abide by the agreement and used such despicable methods."

On the top of the building, Cu Chulainn looked disdainful and looked down on Caster at all.

He has his own pride and will not use such despicable methods even if he is defeated.

【"Taking hostages, what do you want to do?"Tohsaka Rin said coldly.】

【The rules of the Holy Grail War are that innocent people will not be harmed. Unexpectedly, Caster broke the rules again and again.】

【"I'm not looking for you, I'm more interested in the little boy over there"】

【"Your magic circuit is very interesting. If possible, I would like to keep you alive."Caster said】

【Caster's true identity is the famous Medea in history, and she is also an extremely powerful magician of the Gods.】

【"If you are willing to be my puppet, I will stop this farce"】

【"Boy, what's your answer?"Caster looked at Emiya Shirou】

【Emiya Shirou remained silent. On one side was Taiga Fujimura, who treated him like a sister, and on the other was his own life.】

【Moreover, he is still bound to Saber】

【In this case, he doesn't know what to choose.】

【"Haven't thought about it yet? My magic comes from everyone in this town, even Saber is no match for me"】

【"Could it be that?"Saber said angrily】

【"That's right, even ordinary people without magic power still have value in their souls"】

【The meaning of Caster is very simple, to obtain magic power by sacrificing everyone's soul, that is, life force.】

【And the Master that Caster once killed did the same thing.】

【"Give up, boy, you have no chance of winning. Just obey me with Saber."】

【In fact, Caster's original purpose was Saber. Only by obtaining Saber, and then using the powerful magic output in Saber's body, can he directly summon the Holy Grail.】

【".I will not assist a witch who preys on humans."】

【"Witch, you actually called me witch."Caster's face darkened, and the word"witch" seemed to touch her skin.】

【"In this case, I don’t need you anymore, just disappear here"】

【Caster said, countless magic circles appeared in front of him】

【Saber wanted to rush forward, Wei】

【Looking at Shirou Emiya walking up, Caster finally revealed his purpose, which was to take away Shirou Emiya's Command Seal and become the master of Saber.】

"This, can the Command Seal still be taken away?"Audiences from all over the world were extremely surprised.

【in video】

【Caster took out his own precious phantom, the talisman that breaks the commandments of all things.】

【It was through this Noble Phantasm that she was able to summon Sasaki Kojiro and become her Master】

【Moreover, by stabbing the heroic spirit, it can turn the heroic spirit into a familiar.】

【To put it simply, as long as she stabs Saber, she can become Saber's master.】

【But generally speaking, heroic spirits are very strong. She has no chance at all, let alone the strongest Sabe (Li Mo's)r.】

【That's why she thought of threatening Shirou Emiya by taking him hostage.】

【In the end, Emiya Shirou chose to hand over Saber in order to save Fujimura Taiga.】

【This cannot be said to be a good approach, but the current situation is】

【Fujimura Taiga is the sister who has taken care of him for so many years. It is impossible for him to die without saving him.】

【"Hahahaha—" Caster laughed wildly, not expecting it to be so simple.]

Seeing Saber reluctantly leaving with Caster in the video, the audience from all over the world fell silent.

After a moment, they slowly Open your mouth and speak from the pulpit

"Alas, I can only say that although I am very unhappy with what Emiya Shirou did, there is nothing I can do about it."

"Yes, after all, Fujimura Taiga is his biological sister who has taken care of him for so long, and there is nothing wrong with that."

"But I still feel very unhappy after giving away Saber like this."

"I should be able to get it back later."

"I hope so, but why do I hope that Saber can become a master? Rin is a good choice."

I'm going to write about the world of Hakoniwa next time~

Can you support me~ Please~.

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